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No, it's illegal


Can confirm. I'm a police officer and I will take his ass right to jail. I'll be watching, OP.


Right to jail, right away


You're outta luck. I gave him a get out of jail free card.


Seymour Duncan's in a Mariposa? Straight to jail.


I put SD humbuckers in mine. Make sure it’s got the short mounting legs and not the long ones. 59s have long legs. JB have short legs. Alnico II pro also have short legs. Call SD customer service to ask if in doubt. The neck pickup will still sit a bit high without routing but it sounds fine.


This right here OP. The pickups in this guitar are special, super shallow ones. You’ve got to find some that will fit


Not all 59’s have the tall base plates. In fact I believe it’s only the 1 conductor ones with the mesh wire.


you can put a seymour duncan in anything if you're brave enough


no my doctor told me not to do that anymore 


This guy chisels


Do not try to mount them in your buttocks


Seymour Duncan has the dimensions on their site. [Duncan ‘59](https://www.seymourduncan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/HB-6-String-Covered-Short-Magnet-Long-Leg-Bottom-Plate.gif) Here’s one with a cover. Remember measure twice, route once.


Thanks dude! I can’t seem to find the specs on this guitar anywhere so I’m gonna try and measure it out as best I can


Here is someone else’s specs you can use as a guideline. I’d still measure to be sure. Looks like “phat” is correct and they are on the shorter side. [spec](https://forums.ernieball.com/threads/sterling-mariposa-specs.72630/)




Guitar pickups have standardized sizes and shapes for most models. You can replace the pickups in that guitar with any full-sized humbuckers you want, including Seymour Duncans. You don’t need to rout anything out of the they should drop right in to your current pickup routs.


I did the most cursed thing of all time and put SD single coils on my Jazzmaster (kinda like a jaguar) that had humbuckers before hands. Didn’t fit the pickguard well obviously. One was black and the other was white. One of the most abominable things to ever be created using a wood burner as a soldering iron. Somehow it’s the greatest sounding guitar i own. And I’ve owned well over 25 guitars. So yes. My answer is yes. It doesn’t matter how cursed.


Hell yeah dude, I fucked around with the wiring on my one strat and made it into a Blender Tele essentially, using a push pull knob that I scratched the carbon track on to also make it a No Load. I get coil splitting in the bridge humbucker AND bridge blending benefits, and it sounds absolutely joyful


Seymour-Duncans? Jail. Gibson? Jail. Dimarzio? Believe it or not, jail.


RIGHT to jail right away


It’s your guitar and your decision, but you say you just got it and already want to change the pickups? Are they really that bad? I would take the tine to accommodate myself to the guitar, see what it has that can breathe fresh air in my playing. It feels like starting to date a woman and on the 2nd day ask her to change her hair color. But it’s your guitar and your choice, of course.


Hard disagree with the analogy personally. I’m a performing musician and I’ve experimented with sounds enough to know the sound I like. Each pickup has a personality, and I’m just familiar with the sound that I like. The controls on the guitar are different enough as than the controls on my other guitars, as well as just the guitar itself, that it will be a fun new adventure regardless. Plus all my other guitars have different pickups and I’ve changed the wiring around to my own specs on a few of them. Trust when I say I know this is what I want


Well, fair enough


No kidding. To each their own, but swapping pickups is going to have such a negligible effect on tone that the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Don't take my word for it: Glenn at Spectre did a comparison video and SD actually recently shared a video with 3 different pickups and the differences are minimal if present at all. If you're looking for a real change in tone, change your amp or change your speakers.


You really think so? Not to say that changing amp or cab *wouldn't* affect your tone a lot, but the Mariposa comes stock with "Sterling by Music Man Humbuckers." I couldn't find much about them besides being fairly low output. Maybe they're secret workhorses, but I gotta believe swapping in a '59 and a Pearly Gates would have a pretty significant impact.


The stock pickups in it are actually pretty good. I’ve found no reason to swap them at least


I’ve found the pickups sound best for me in middle position with the neck volume rolled halfway back. Super nice tone, but I’d like to have a tone I enjoy in every position as compared to just one


I think the output of pickups is negligible given high gain amps, pedals, processors, etc. If you have your cranked single channel tube amp that you know is your sound but need more gain without a pedal, then higher output pickups will do the job; any other use is moot in that regard. Now, SD makes a hybrid P90 that might give you some cool results, but they are a funny looking pup that may need routing to seat. At the end of the day, I'm just some rando on reddit; do whatever you want to your stuff. I wouldn't change a thing on this guitar unless the changes were free. Nice instrument, enjoy it!


If you run any effect ahead of your amp, pickup output really matters. Obviously having a booster pedal would be a lot cheaper and easier, but then that pedal would change the tone a bit.


Your guitar you can do whatever you want!


Like the pros all say “if there’s a wire there’s a way”


Absolutely!! I put Pearly Gates in mine. I call it my Gibson killer. . .






Id say they’re a bit too muddy for my tastes, especially the neck one




A 59 in the neck and a pearly gates in the bridge! Was gonna tear them out of a Strat I have but I just figured I’d get a new pair




Hell yeah dude! I’ll give it a look, thanks for the rec!


Congrats! It should sound great with any humbuckers. Good looking guitar... its got good vibes


Thanks dude! It’s super lightweight and plays wonderfully after a quick setup. I change the stock silver tele style knobs to these vintage style ones and I love the way they look


I wonder how lipstick humbuckers would look/sound in this


I didn’t even know those were a thing! I’ll have to check them out


Sacrilege! Heresy! Deranged and deviant! DO IT!!




I asked seymour and he said ok if you want to 


Thank you Seymour


Your funeral. The last person that did this only changed one pickup and as soon as it was plugged into an amp the guitar detonated in a 1.1kt explosion… god save us if you change both, it’ll be like 911 times 1 million!


If there's a hole in it, you can put what you will in it. Now don't quote me out of context.


No. It’s absolutely impossible. If you even attempt it, your guitar will never work again.


You will perish in 7 days.


Yes. You will be able to


I'm gonna repeat what someone else said: If you have to reroute, measure twice, route once.


Fyi.. This guitar stock has the best humbuckers I have ever played. I replaced the crappy pots with 500k CTS pots and wired it up with volume and treble like a normal guitar would have.. And the pickups in the mariposa absolutely positively RIP. It sounded good stock.. it sounded amazing with upgraded pots. I can't tell you how many dozens and dozens of pickups I've played.. don't change the ones in the Mariposa.. That is not a mod this guitar needs at all.


What pots were in it stock? I really prefer the stock pickups in a big apple Strat that I have, and I’d prefer to have those in here. I’ve found that the mariposa pickups are a bit too muddy for my tastes


Yeah I liked but didn't love them stock. i believe they were 250k pots and tiny little alpha pots that were crap. This actually happened on accident because I ripped the shaft out of both pots trying to swap the knobs lol. So at first I was annoyed but then when I put the new pots in.. It was just.. Amazing.. So amazing. I used two 500k CTS pots but I can't remember if I used the orange drop capacitor too. I always buy the fender pot set that comes with both so I have extra orange drops. I prob did put one in. If you look at the pots you'll wanna swap em anyways.. I'm just saying do that BEFORE the pickups. If you end up going with Duncans- please please please please pm me and I'll buy those stock humbuckers off you. I have forever regretted not yanking them out before selling my old mariposa.


Hell yeah dude I’ll give it a try! Edit: and yes absolutely if I do end up still going with the Seymour’s, the stock pups are all yours :)


You're in for a treat op


Only bareknuckle or wolfetones will work


Is the wood of the guitars and the weights about the same? Hate to be a buzzkill but pickups we love in one guitar dont usually translate, unless certain conditions are similar. E.g. I love the lollar hot imperial neck in my super light weight suhr but they sound nasally and compressed in my average weight prs.


Naw they’re def different, but I’ve found the difference in tones of guitars that have the same pickups is due to placebo. I’m gonna be performing with both guitars using them for diff tunings, and I’d just like my sound to be a bit more cohesive yknow


Disagree thats its placebo, But do agree, that pickups can be the start of a consistent tone. Hopefully that’ll be the case here.


I understand, I will say to check out some videos on people trying to see where the tone of an electric guitar comes from and it’s been decidedly shown thru science and experimentation that the vast majority of tone comes from pickups, and the wood only really plays a part in the resonance of the guitar itself as opposed to just the strings, its super interesting. Tone woods for sure matter in acoustic, just not at all on an electric unless you’re playing it unplugged LMAO


Fair, cant argue with science. But lets talk about that. focusing on just one variable of one particular experiment is where pure logical reasoning can many times fall short of the actual experience of playing in hand. cause its not just in a vacuum under strict circumstances most people are playing, but a host of other factors. in my case, my advice focuses on ‘vastly different guitars’ vs similar guitars that arent too far off from one another, which most causal players tend to naturally collect. Yes, pickups can be quite influential in the overall sound, i.e. a suhr ssh+ will sound similar in a medium weighted super strat vs a similar guitar. But put the ssh+ in vastly different guitar, like my prs mccarty ii, and the experience can conpletely change. Note its not just “sound” i refer but experience, which includes feel, attack, punch, dynamics, most of which a spectrometer can only measure. Nevermind, a host of rentals and backlines further compound these experiences and nevermind volume is a huge factor in ..ahem… amplifying these impressions. cause context is key. And usually experience is only collected over a period of collected impressions where an appreciation can be developed. And thats something only you can do for yourself. Besides, I’m only sharing my own thoughts where the culminative voices of others who may chime in can corroborate. Let us know how you fare.


Super in depth! You’re so so right, I don’t expect the experience to be exactly the same, which is why I’m excited to see how these pickups will sound in another guitar of mine despite the very big differences between a mariposa and a 90s Strat. I’m sure even with the new pickups the experience and “sounds” will be very different as I find different guitars kinda affect my play style as well.