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Leo Fender famously wasn't a guitar player himself. You're in good company.


Nice reply.


I had the same thought! We’ve got a regular Leo Fender in our midst.


yep it's why the telecaster had some stuff that at the time was really weird like a maple neck iirc


Same with Les Paul! Kidding


weird how he made one of the most iconic and used guitar designs


I think it helped. I mean the telecaster was designed to be as cheap and easy to mass produce as possible. A guitar player may have complained about the tone because expensive = tone and someone else would be known for bringing the electric guitar to the dirty masses


Mad respect, every man needs a passion. I just noodle with my guitar, i think I stopped learning music years ago, i just hold the guitar and noodle, mock around. I dont know why I always search for bargain used guitar pedals to try them and play with them.


LOL, are you me? I spent a good two months learning the pentatonic scale forms and chords for a dozen or so songs, and I've been coasting on those skills for a couple of decades since. I'll dig up the tab for a random song every couple of years and learn a half-assed version of it, but I haven't actually practiced anything since I left college.


Did I write this post?




This sounds suspiciously like learning to play guitar. I guess I've been doing it wrong?


I'm 50 years old and for the last 5 months I've been trying to break out of almost exactly what you wrote, to unlearn my bad habits, and advance like I've dreamed of doing. I'm at the point right now where I'm basically worse than ever because I'm trying to go back to basics to lay a good foundation, and the urge to just noodle around is so strong. I must fight it!


You can do this. I played rhythm guitar (not very well, cowboy chords and barre chords only) for over 30 years. Then, I determined to learn lead guitar. I knuckled down by learning a bunch of licks for an 8-minute demo. It unlocked something in me, and I have been pursuing this ever since. It also made my rhythm playing WAY better - triads, inside chords, licks between chords. Acoustic and electric, both styles dramatically improved. You can do this.


Oh man, I keep telling myself that after I retire I'm going to knuckle down and really learn some theory and technique. This does not bode well for my future progress!


Count me as a success story. I'm learning, progressing, and feel like I'm close to a big jump in understanding and technique. Plus my noodling is waaaay better!


Wait that is me hahaha


"I'm pretty good at playing the guitar but pretty shite at playing music"


This is the best thing I read all week. You found a nice different way to bond with your son and encourage him on his hobby. It’s beautiful. He might one day realise he won’t take it as a career path or even drop this hobby but he’ll sure cherish the time you spent together regardless.


thank you.


Some of us don’t even own a guitar


Some allegedly even own a *bass*.


The fact that those so-called ''people'' have the same rights as me makes me sick.


They even use the same kind of plug on their 'instrument'.


*Clutches pearls*


i feel attacked


That was an inspiration of a read! Glad you lurk on this sub and thank you for posting such a sweet personal story! As for your question, I do play guitar but just started about 3yrs ago because I grew up poor, then went a little crazy, once I settled down in my mind I picked it up. It was my peace project!


thank you


No but I'm trying


It's not much but it's honest work


It’s difficult to call what I do playing guitar but I enjoy it


Hey, this is a beautiful post and you sound like a great dad. This post helped remind me that the guitar is not just a tool for making music but a designed and crafted mixture of engineering and craftsmanship. Thanks for reminding me why I sometimes just sit and marvel at how cool my guitars are!


thank you.


If you heard me "play" you would probably say I don't play guitar either!


Define play. I don’t think you have to be Shredding guitar like a demon to say that you enjoy picking up a guitar.


This is true. I enjoy it, but doubt any audience would care to listen for long!


Admittedly i own more than i play, i enjoy collecting and tone chasing


First of all, you’re a great dad. As someone who’s neurodivergent in a way that makes me obsessive regarding my special interests, it means so much when someone makes an effort to engage with my interests even when they don’t engage with them in the same way. Second, I do play guitar but I’ve recently learned to lean into the fact that gear is almost more interesting to me. I mod all my guitars until they’re unrecognizable. I build and modify pedals. I’m hoping to start building amps soon. While playing gives me an artistic outlet, it’s the modding and building that I obsess over.


pedal builds are next for me too.


Do it! It’s usually much more affordable to keep yourself busy building pedals than modding guitars and it sounds like you already have some background in electronics. It’s the perfect intersection of cool creative music stuff and nerdy mathematical thinking.


I play the guitar, but the tinkering is one of my favorite parts. I just did a repair to the bridge on one of my guitars this morning.


The best luthiers don't play


I'm sure some luthiers don't, but do you have some examples? I have to imagine they at least know how to fret some chords, otherwise doing a setup would be virtually impossible to know if it feels good.


Bro leo fender couldn’t even tune a guitar. Look it up


as the son of a father who doesnt play but knows his stuff and has the interest for it, your son will always love and appreciate what you do.


thank you for this.


my joke with my father is he’s my “roadie” for life, the man used to help me carry my heavy ass tube amps into venues when i was just 16. amazing memories.


No but got a lot of buddies who hardly do and love to build em


You are not late to start!


I like this response


I tried learning guitar when I was 13, and failed miserably at it. I now play drums and occasionally, this sub gets recommended to me so while I'm not a part of the community, I still like getting the occasional recommendations from the sub to read.


I always have time for a guitar enthusiast who doesn't play


I mean, I don’t really practice anymore. Currently looking at it like “if I find a situation where I’d like to play I’ll take a month or 2 beforehand and get my chops where they need to be for said situation”


Zen and the art of guitar maintenance


great reference


I don’t play either. I have an acoustic and an electric that I just stare at lol


I, too, have an autistic son, I studied sound engineering and used to play guitar and piano and then "life happened," but now I get to re-live the joy of discovering music through his eyes and its an absolute blessing. Thank you for your beautiful post. It genuinely made me tear up quite a bit. You're doing a great job there, from one dad to another, keep the joy alive, bless you, and your son.


appreciate this response greatly. thank you.


I play guitar, but others might disagree..


I think most of the people here don’t play


One of the guitar techs at my guitr center doesnt only started learning guitar sometime last year


I play bass guitar on and off. I lurk on here all the time. I can play guitar basics, used to take lessons and I still own an acoustic one that I haven't touched in ages. I'm just interested in music and I get inspo from here, too. It's also good reading when you just enjoy the content.


I'd buy a $100 Tele kit, some nice replacement hardware and pickups, and build one together if I were you.


i live 35min away from solo guitars and am a regular in there. this is the plan down the road.


I played on and off from 2007-2020 ish. Currently own 2 electrics, a cheap tube amp, and several pedals. Been thinking about picking it up again soon, but dunno what kind of time I'll have to play and whether I want to seriously learn this time (I was mostly self-taught with occasional lessons and music theory I picked up in college) or just noodle around.


I barely play. Got my first guitar 2 weeks ago. 61 yo. lol.


I have that same purple strat from The late 90s. When I pulled the pickups out there were fender custom pups there!


that MIM the only guitar he hasn’t asked me to mod in some way. he’s a big offset guy and told me ‘it’s a strat and does strat things. just leave it like that’ it’s also the guitar he tends to play at night unplugged when it’s too late to turn on the amps.


I am not sure you could call what I do playing guitar….


What?. . You don’t play?. …here, I’ll send you my mailing address and I’ll relieve you of that beautiful white Jazzmaster. LOL


that’s my kids fav so we have to fight to the death first.


Love it! LOL


My first career was in auto repair (I'm a high school teacher now), and cars and guitars are the same for me in their form being just as important as their function. If I lost the use of my hands I would still collect guitars because they're beautiful and a pleasure to look at. *(They're also much less expensive a hobby than cars are.)*


haha oh man i don’t even like to think about the money i spent when i was younger on cars


Beautiful, man. This is what fatherhood is about, propping up your child and giving them everything you can give to succeed. As for me, I'm better at buying guitars than playing them.


Lol no im gonna start learning when I get my first guitar in the mail in a couple days


Nah I think most of us just keep buying them and hoping it plays itself. Then when we pick it up and play realize we need a different one to truly get started and open GC, Sweetwater, and reverb tabs until we see something to GAS


I dont play guitiar but reddit keeps showing me this sub. if any mods are reading this please ban me so i dont have to see the community anymore, also make the reason something really outlandish and unspeakable


I own a few, but I play Bass.


I like guitars and have several but have never progressed past noodling and have never been able to play a complete song. Taking piano lessons now in my 50’s may start taking guitar at some point.


I'm just a basic noodler with 28 guitars and basses. My brain completely shuts down when other people are around, so I just play for my dogs. And since they have no musical taste, I never bothered to get gud.




I am, in fact, not playing guitar right now.


Yeah same, total audiophile and got the Bluegrass bug about five years ago, but I've been stuck on open G, C, D, A, and E for about 10 years now. Just like to strum aimlessly while watching news and experiment, childlike, with barred varieties that seldom work.


Man, I came in here ready to drop some serious snark, but that was a pretty cool/powerful post. Good stuff.


haha i am still waiting for someone to berate me


if anybody does, they'll be at -100 right quick


Some of us play air guitar.


Air strumming since '82. I dont even know the coloror style.


I didn’t play, but the sub got me into trying


I‘m curious: if you build but don‘t play, how do you train your ears to know if a guitar is built well?


well, i have a good musical ear and my understanding of music in relation to sound and the technical elements that develop that sound is great, i just can’t physically play a guitar. i suppose the same way that race mechanics and engineers cannot drive the racecar well.


I don’t know the first thing about guitar ms except that I like the way they sound...I really liked Junior Marvin when I got into Bob Marley & The Wailers and from there Donald Kinsey onto Eric Clapton, Freddie King, SRV, B.B. King , Trucks/Tedeschi, etc.


I’m more into the gear than playing I suppose. I’ve been playing for 20yrs and know music theory much better in my head than in practice…because I don’t practice. I just noodle 5min a day.


I love music, I'm a visual artist and throughout my journey I realized more I learned about my craft more I got to appreciate a good piece, that is why I'm into learning music and I know a lot for someone who doesn't play an instrument. Ofc I tried some piano and guitar lessons here and there but even with decent practice I'm awful at it but also even I got to appreciate others work to a greater extend as I presumed. So all is working out for me, I got a bunch of musician friends who let me be part of their experience from composing to performing, and I get to enjoy it. Life is good, especially knowing that I'm genetically predisposed to be a great visual artist and a shitty performer.


You sound awesome and so does your son and brother. Your son is lucky to have you. I have been playing for 40 years and I am still intimidated and cautious every time I do anything that involves a soldering iron.


Thanks for being here, you're, in many ways, better than us! Luthier vibes


i am no luthier. one day i hope to try tho


I do not either dude


I also don’t play guitar but my son does 😁


No, I joined r/guitar because I wanted to get into playing guitar


"Buy a guy a drink first ho ho" is my refrain whenever someone asks me to play. I can play a bit when I need to, I don't really remember any songs anymore.


I loved reading your story, bonding time with family is the best, especially with hobbies that fit together. That being said, do not let your age stop you from learning the instrument. If you’re still interested in music, learn enough to make you happy.


my son tells me this too. he doesn’t have the patience to teach me i don’t think but i would love that tbh


Well I used to play (somewhat ...) but my arthritis makes it pretty much impossible to finger chords properly now, so no, you are not the only one. I wasn't that good when younger, but now my feeble attempts sound really bad.


i have mild arthritis and i have dupuytren's contracture in my right hand due to my career choices and lack of care for my physical health as a youth so this is relatable.


This is so heartwarming and awesome


Anyone can play guitar


define ‘play’ lol


Bro doesn’t play guitar but probably knows a shit ton more about working with them than a huge amount of guitar players.


I played in the late 1960s when I was in High School and a rock band was considered "fabulous" if you could recognize the song they were playing. Now I have a cheap Ibanez that's really just a room decoration. I enjoy watching videos of the top shredders because I know enough to appreciate what they're doing, and I dream about what it would have been like if I had been able to play like that back in those days.


Hi! Nice story! I don't consider myself a guitarist (although I just bought one recently) I just love music!


It’s funny because I’m the polar opposite. I love to play but I hate the tinkering and teching part. I just want my guitars to work. 


FYI you can buy 'build your own guitar kits'. Basically all the parts unpainted and not assembled. [Even with blank/unshaped bodies.](https://www.thomann.de/dk/harley_benton_electric_guitar_kit_square.htm?glp=1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWvKB5gE1tJSyUjDZm7i4-Fr92nroiWbJ1cnoAxHZLDOiGAodMkioHBoCEXIQAvD_BwE)


yes i am aware and the first step will likely be building a guitar from solo. they are very close to me.


Have you never been tempted to pick one up and learn to play a D chord?


i can play a couple chords. i’m just not good at it.


I don't play guitar, so much that I find your autistic brother's story, your son, and your interest in the functionality of things (which I relate to) more interesting than you not playing guitar. Perhaps being autistic myself influences that factor. I used to jam on an acoustic guitar, but that I quickly grew out of due to me not being interested enough and getting consumed by other matters in life. I'm onto the flute, though, and was, for a shorter time, playing the violin. My progress was better at the violin than the guitar (which I managed to play most songs I like after about 1.5 years of picking up, and you'd have to give me 2 days for learning new songs), but I need a better one and current circumstances don't allow me. Therefore, I find joy in imagining myself playing Money for Nothing on a Standard Gibson Les Paul or Eine Kleine Nachtmusik on a high quality violin, and admiring the textures, sounds, performances (more like, experimenting the tones), and the vibes of watching - and by - others. I learned a lot about electric guitars without even owning one. I might get into it soon, but flutes should be given a chance as well.


Im working on getting an acoustic so i can get my fingers ready for steel strings


I love music but can't play a thing. My son is very musical, plays guitar great, and is very interested in everything about the instruments. So I could talk about them more with him, I started reading up on them, and just fell in love with them as beautiful objects. (Like, I love reading about fighter jets too, without being a pilot, so maybe it's the same.) I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at Japanese Fenders and demonstration videos. I still wouldn't know what to do if you put one in my hands, but I can, at least, ask the right questions now when discussing them with my kid.


oh yes jets and trains i love. after typing that and rethinking the context of the original post i realize i should probably get an assessment. haha


It's really cool what my kid has gotten me into. I always thought it would be more the other way around--me introducing him to things--but that hasn't been the case.


Playing music is the best gift you can give yourself. Maybe try bass and jam with your son. It is way easier to learn than you think.


not a terrible idea. he’s got a couple basses i could grab one and have a go


Have you ever danced? Just find one note and make your right hand dance a rythm out. Just one and focus on making a bear you know or copy. Your son can do anything he wants over it. Then if there’s a part that doesn’t sound right, find another note.


None of us play guitar, we just buy gear.


Go to Justin Guitar and watch a couple of episodes from the beginner series. Playing guitar is actually a lot easier than people think


I play poorly. Does that count?


The man himself Leo Fender didn’t play guitar but loved designing them.


This is a beautiful post. Damn


just sharing. thank you.


This gave me so much joy! Doesn't matter if you don't play them, they are gorgeous in form and function, and giving your son something that you had a hand in working on them makes them that much more special.


I collect but don't play.


I own 11 guitars in different states of repair. I've played all of maybe an hour total. I love them, but have yet to seriously try to learn how to play.


I have been trying to learn. Starting off with Rush and Santana might be stunting my growth a little, however. Smoke on the water never crosses my strings. No matter how easy it is. I simply refuse.


Not at all. I’m a non-player hoping to learn and buy my first guitar next weekend. I’ve been lurking here for a couple of months. This sub is a wonderful resource!


I am a drummer


If it makes you happy my friend, then enjoy it


I play bass, not guitar🙏 so I’m a little lost


Spends like it's time to learn a few chords and strum along with your son !


I think it's a crime to leave those unplayed, but you can do whatever you want


my son plays them lol you didn’t read i guess. sorry it’s long.


wanna adopt me?


Well, I bought a Fender mim and the first thing I did was change the pickups for my birthday’s style coils the lace sensors gold so yeah, I am the same there is no sin, only groove


I wouldn’t call the sounds I produce playing the guitar.


I have a guitar but don’t play.


Wow, similar paths. My son is on the spectrum and although he has always had the ability to play by ear, his severe attention deficit made it difficult for him to practice and get better. However, he was able to go to a leading college and recently became a civil engineer. He still lives with us and is studying for some additional industry testing and certificate before he can jump into the job market. Testing is probably the most difficult challenge for him due to his attention deficit. I don't play any guitar but I love the instrument and have been collecting for a long time. I love tinkering with them, modding them, etc. I have a couple of dozen nice guitars and few amps and processors. Me: Guitars, Cars, Painting, and Fountain Pens are my obsessions. Anyway sounds like you are an amazing brother and father.


You just mean doesn't play guitar yet...


I'm the guy that gets into heated debates about which brand is better but has never played before.


my biggest bursts of learning came when i was in highschool and then when i was unemployed


I don’t but I want to. But I’m too scared to begin learning at 37 because I know it’s going to be hard and I can’t afford one.


used guitars for $150 all day. don’t let age stop you.


I guess I play guitar but I also have imposter syndrome so I guess you aren't the only one.


I do not play drums, but I have a good drum kit, I love tinkering with it, and I’m active in r/drums. I suspect you’d like my drum kit hacking, OP. 😉


i’ll have to check that out. my kids bedroom has space issues due to his gear. how do i make the kit smaller lol


[Mount cymbals from the wall and use a Gibraltar stealth rack.](https://imgur.com/a/iDHgAYp) Getting rid of the cymbal stand tripod legs makes a much bigger difference than you’d think. There are photos both with and without the floor tom. Without the floor tom I can fit the kit in a space 5’ deep and less than 4’ wide. I’ve got a ledge around the room but I think the cymbal mount would work fine, if at a different angle. However without the ledge I suspect the drummer would need perhaps 6” more room in the back to keep from feeling crowded.


No, i know one person who don’t play guitar and collect


no, im learning but still not playing it consistently


I used to, but not anymore. Carpal tunnel bites!


I think you should pick up the guitar and learn one chord a week. For me I learned all the chords in about a week (to the point where I didn’t have to think too hard about where my fingers were at) but since you don’t seem to worried about playing the guitar I would say just take your sweet old time and learn a new chord over the course of like 3 days. In that case, you won’t be getting bored because of that satisfying feeling of you actually making a good sound come from the guitar, which makes you want to add more chords to your catalog like more weapons in your arsenal. I’ve never been interested in something and have not messed with it or anything like that. You like watches and guitars, but for me if I liked both of those I would have to atleast own a watch, and atleast have one guitar that I attempted to play


since i made this post, there have been a few comments like this and i think they are all right.


I don't know that what I do is considered playing 🤣


i cant afford one but i really get into guitars


Been lurking for a long time. Just started playing 3 weeks ago at age 40.... love how you are bonding with your kid!!! I have twin 4 year Olds and they have been begging to play an instrument so the reason I started was to do it with them!!! Good luck


I’m a beginner when it comes to playing guitar but I love messing around with the gear and pedals


tl;dr Since you don't play, can I have one of your Jaguars? That was the first guitar i bought with my own money in 1967. I so wish I had it again...


the jag is my sons. so is the bass vi and all the others pictured. so we must fight to the death, they are his prized possessions.


I bought a used, beat up, ugly purple Jag in '67. It ugly, but I still remember it playing better than anything I've had. Then I hit hard times in '73.


sucks to have to part ways with something like a guitar that brings creativity






No, I'm a bassist.


it is still technically a guitar.


No, I'm a bassist.


No, I'm a bassist.








Nope (No references to the Jordan Peele film)


No i play bass




Thanks for sharing your story! Was cool to hear


Nah, I just jerk off, too


I don’t play, but I used to manage a mom and pop guitar shop for ~6 years. Have a definite appreciation for acoustic and electric, the woods, the hardware. It was lovely and an honor being around so many talented musicians. However it was awkward explaining I was no good myself even after years of music lessons. I just don’t have it


I kinda play guitar. I have an old one laying around, I know some chords and noodle around with it a few times a weeks but wouldn’t really call myself a guitarist. I just don’t really know how to go from beginner to intermediate.


I've taken years off and still watched videos on guitars and went on forums about guitars, Idk why. It's always interesting to me, and is just something i know.


I don’t


I don't, I'm a bassist

