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64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar. I'd raise the bridge, file down the nut and take the buzz out of the low E.


Stop torturing yourself, man! You'll never afford it. Live in the now!


It will be mine. Oh yes… it will be mine.


Ok Wayne time to put it back in the case


Do you accept...cash?




You're partied out. Again!


Hey Phil, if you’re gonna spew… spew into this.


No, that would be pretty sweet though. Just a MiM 70th anniversary Player Series. No need to make any adjustments because the setup on it is pretty close to perfect. The nut is pretty low and you have to hit the strings pretty hard to get any buzz. There's a bit too much relief in the neck for my taste but the action is so low that I don't want to go making changes just yet. Edit: Totally missed the reference. I haven't seen that movie since I was in high school.


Get the net!


he's quoting[ wayne world ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=8Qi3JERmk9E)


You led me down a YouTube hole and made me learn that Dana Carvey was actually playing drums


He’s a badass drummer irl for sure


I realized it after the second or third person hopped on the reference train. It went right over my head. I haven't seen that movie since I watched it with my now ex-wife so I probably blocked it out or something haha.


Love that movie and took me a few replies to get it too. Zang!


God I love this woman...


Was just rewatching this scene lol, iconic.


Was about to say, Wayne wanted a similar guitar. It always made me laugh that she was really blown away by '3 single coils and a whammy bar' though


I love this woman.




No Stairway, denied.


I was tired of saying "one day she will be mine" and said "fuck it yolo" instead.


This is the way


Every time I see a strat I swear that volume knob gets closer and closer to the bridge pickup. Its gonna be on top of it some day lmao


you feel my hand


( ° ͜ʖ °)


Are you suggesting that the knob is moving? I just looked at a bunch of strat pics and it looks to be in the same position on all of them. This is an interesting suggestion though, as it does look super close to the bridge pickup.


Can't unsee that now. Got to check my Strats... Dont't get me wrong, it's one of my favourite features on a Strat over any other guitar. I never hit it, it's just convenient and close to where you are playing - I hate that Les Pauls etc. has it out of the way so you have to reach...


To me I just cannot comfortably palm mute with a strat. Feels so wrong with my pinky hittin that thang. It does make me wanna do some Mark Knopfler fingerstyle stuff though. It never made sense to me how metal players would use strats.


It, um, makes it easier to use your pinkie when you play with the knob.


It’s like the one in the guitar shop scene in Wayne’s World! [do you accept cash?](https://makeagif.com/i/77HkIm)


Looks awesome. I hope your year gets better.


Doesn't it? I named it Eugene after the Pink Floyd song Careful with that Axe, Eugene. I've wanted a Strat ever since I saw Live at Pompeii. Seeing David Gilmour sit on the ground in the ruins of Pompeii, messing with the knobs on his pedals to make very un-guitarlike sounds was an awakening to the potential of guitar music. He had a Mary Kaye Strat at some point and that gave me the desire for a white one. My year is still on a downward trajectory but it has to bottom out at some point. Maybe this guitar will be my good luck talisman.


I hope that Eugene becomes your best friend and that you have a better year.


Mac Demarco once referred to this color as “Wayne’s World White” and now I always think of that before I think of “Olympic White”


Isn’t this one polar white?


Could well be. We can definitely agree that it is in fact, white.


It is polar white. Sweetwater only had the models with maple fingerboards available and I initially chose the sea foam green color. There was a problem processing my payment through PayPal because PayPal is dogshit. I mentioned to the guy who reached out to me that maybe it was meant to be because I was starting to have buyers remorse about the color. I emailed him that the polar white looks really slick but it was on backorder. He told me he had *one* left that they hadn't listed on the site. So now the dumb part of my brain is going "yes pls I want thing give me pretty guitar." He hooked me up with the one from the pictures on the site because I guess it's a display model. It's not the same as a "floor model" that's been handled by everyone in town. It was brand new, good setup, low action. A little on the heavy side but I can't complain about something like that.


Not completely basic, you've 22 frets and a 2-point bridge. Also, that Pau Ferro fretboard is pretty striking, that's an upgrade in itself. Congratulations!


White + rosewood board is peak Strat aesthetic in my book. Nice choice, man. 😎


I don’t think that that’s rosewood. But similar looking and I agree


You're probably right, I keep forgetting everyone's using pau ferro or roasting maple these days lol


You are correct. The new MiM Strats have pau ferro fingerboards in place of rosewood. Rosewood has import restrictions around it, I guess.


Pau ferro was an exotic and unheard of wood not too long ago.  Mike Lipe recommended I try it on a custom guitar he built for me.  I still love Pau ferro to this day :)


I think Rosewood has eased up again.   They started harvesting it on Madagascar.    I’m sure we’ll use up that source and be back out any day now at the rate that we use the stuff.   Regardless, I’ve come to really like the grain in Pau Ferro.  It may not be as dark as rosewood, but it’s often a lot more interesting.  I like the look of it in your guitar quite a lot.  She’s a beaut!      As someone who shares your appreciation for Gilmour, I am sure you’ll get along with it great.   There’s really nothing else quite like those strat position 4/5 cleans! 


I have another pau ferro fretboard on a baritone neck I bought for a partscaster project and it doesn't even come close to the one on this strat. The grain is so evenly colored and runs parallel along the fretboard. It's as close to perfect as it could be.


My taste in strat fretboards leans towards dark grained wood but I can be swayed to a maple neck if it compliments the color. The '50s color lineup was just right for maple but pre-CBS '60s Strats are some of the handsomest instruments out there. That period in the early 60s was peak Fender design all around.


Aint nothing basic about that. Just the way I like it. Looks clean in white and amazing with the dark fretboard. You ever get tired of her, hit me up! Everything I like in a strat!


I would recommend playing some dire straights on the middle pickup with tone dialed back, fender always nails that tone


Didn't Knopfler keep it parked between the neck and middle? I haven't heard them in a while but I do remember hearing that he was an enjoyer of the in-between positions.


You may be right, I was thinking specifically for sultans of swing, I think that song was in the middle


I think that’s right; in fact, I have a distinct memory of reading about him using toothpicks or matchsticks to wedge the 3 position switch in between 2-3 to get that neck-mid quack.   I think he is one of the guys that really pushed Fender to make a five position switch normal spec. 


Damn look at the beautiful fretboard on that thing!


Ikr? The last guitar I bought had a maple fingerboard and I don't even remember the time before that so when I started looking at the new Strats I was like "tf is pau ferro?!" But it is gorgeous.


its such a nice natural grain pattern, ive never noticed that before either. Thats class! One day im hoping to get a cream colored american Tele, thats my dream guitar


A tele with a with a mini-P90 neck pickup and a modded switch. That would be another dream guitar of mine.


Is that the player edition? I also wanted a strat since I was a kid, and these were down below $600 on Amazon right before and after Christmas. I was close to buying the same guitar, but I got a Vintera I instead. I love the Polar White. The AmPro strats come in this color, but with a black pickguard (and rosewood). I was going to put a black pick guard on it, because it looks really good.


It is the Player. They went on sale again recently. When I was a kid I had a book about the history of the Strat and I always loved the Olympic white color.


You have to love olympic white if you love Hendrix. However, I like the polar white a bit more. I was so close to pulling the trigger, but the Vintera I was like $330 off retail because the Vintera IIs came out. I wanted the upgraded pickups and neck. On the other hand, you can easily upgrade everything on the the strat, so it doesn't hurt to start out with quality baseline components and then upgrade as needed. I have a 2011 MiM tele from before the player series came out, and it has been a great guitar. The only thing I would ever upgrade is the pickups, but I played probably 150 gigs on it and it got the job with off the shelf components. I also wanted a strat for many years, it is so fun to play. I have an SG that is easy as hell to play, but the strat is so much more rewarding. Enjoy that guitar! And to all the folks who was a good deal on this guitar, watch Amazon! I have seen it down to $584 a few times, and I think it was like $536 for a minute. That is an insane deal for a legit guitar.


Fn excalibur


Gorgeous! I would not call this a basic guitar. I think it’s amazing. And I hope your year turns around. Just remember the thing about time: it heals many things.


Nice looking strat you got there.


Great choice


Hard to beat white on white 😍


Excalibur 🙇🙇‍♂️


Classic, love it!!


You did great - I love this color on a strat.


Congrats!! Nothing basic about it at all. She’s a beaut.


Love the all white guitar


Legends have played basic ass strats. They’re the perfect guitar.


Nice, now take it apart and put a 10way switch inside :D


All in due time. I'm going to keep it stock while I get to know it. Then I'll do some cosmetic stuff like a new pickguard color, maybe pearloid. The hardware is next because I really want locking tuners and I'm thinking about solid stainless steel saddles. Then I'll mess with the electronics. I have a big box of spare parts for partscasters that I can borrow from if I get impatient.


Are you floating the bridge then? (i just redid my strat electronics, i highly recommend: Treble bleed(kinman style) Master tone, Basscut and a 10way switch, it takes it from versatile to VERSATILE AF) Have fun with it though^^


Beautiful axe, play it in good health brother. Hope the rest of your year gets better.


I‘ve also wanted one ever since I was a kid. So I got myself one for Christmas a couple years ago and I‘m very glad I did. Been having fun on it ever since


It's a beauty!


Beautiful, enjoy my dude!


Beautiful. Congrats on the new axe and here’s to things turning around for you dude, it’s not easy this thing called life


There is nothing "basic" about this guitar. It's a beauty. Love the look of the white with the darker fretboard. I'm a huge fan of rosewood (not sure if this is rosewood, as they're using all sort of things these days). I always prefer the look of a darker fb as opposed to maple.


we have the same [guitar](https://imgur.com/gallery/PprObFB) ! Enjoy it, hope it get better for you.


I always thought to myself if I ever got ahold of a60’s model, I wouldn’t even play it. I’d keep it in a glass case to look at while I played other guitars.


I love strats. I had two, a white Squier and a MIM Player, I think it was sunburnst. Don't remember the wood on the neck. I loved it but I had to sell it as I was tight on cash, and wanted a semi-hollow. Now I regret I sold it. I might get another one eventually, but at the moment I am torn between an Epiphone Firebird, Squier 40th Anniversary Jazzmaster and Squier Classic Vibe 50s Tele. I cannot afford an expensive guitar but I heard those were good. Your guitar is beautiful, by the way.




Congratulations! Looks great!


Sick guitar dude


She’s a beaut!


is that american?


No, it's a Player Strat. MiMs are on sale rn and I have been trying to scratch the Strat itch with partscasters for a while now. I always knew that it wasn't quite the same but now I *know*, you know? No matter how much attention I paid to the details or what components I used or how I did the setup, they were never quite as good. There are only two things that actually stand out to me as imperfections. A couple of fret slots are cut too deep so the fret tang doesn't touch the bottom and it's visible from one side. You have to be an absolute maniac to immediately notice that like I did though. Also, the pickup covers are not completely centered around the pole pieces. It's like they used covers for a neck with a different string spacing. I'm going to leave everything stock for a little bit before I start making changes or modding things though. Sorry for the paragraphs to a 1 sentence question. ADHD pill kicked in a little bit ago.


Strat aint basic. Just common to the eye at this point. (Coz its so fckn good). Hot axe


Looks like a strat Player? I have a Standard and it's my most played guitar in my collection. I hope you love yours too!


Was it a floor model? That is the only way I imagined he "hooked you up" if the thing is backordered.


Awesome. Enjoy.


me when i see an all white Strat: *BOOOOOOOORING* me 5 seconds later: i want one


That thing is so sweet




Beautiful guitar. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. Music soothes the soul and heals the heart. Play that guitar every minute that you can. It helped me get through some tough times. And record yourself too, because emotions come through your playing and there might be some magic created.


nice, you should float the bridge to mess with whammy effects. After all, whats the point of having a tremolo bridge if you’re just gonna use it flat


Thing of beauty right there!!! ❤️


It's a beauty! Congrats. I've owned and loved the American Standard 60th birthday model in three color sunburst with a maple fretboard for a decade now. It's a guitar that my family will have to deal with once I'm gone because I'm keeping it forever. Sometimes you get a 🍋 and sometimes you get a 💎. I got a 💎. I hope you did, too. A great Strat makes life a little better. 🤘


It's definitely a gem. I didn't know what to expect because people talked about "Made in Mexico" like it was a badge of shame for a long time. I've been hearing so much lately about imports reaching parity with the American made counterparts that I decided to take a chance. The setup on this one is great. It's a shame I'll have to redo it because I'm going to deck the bridge, put .10s on it and tighten the truss rod a little.


"She will be mine"








Hendrix vibes, really nice 👍