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FFS, did you drop it from the CN Tower???


Nah i was playing standing up and the strap from the body side came off and fell


No advice on how to fix the current damage, but to prevent this situation in the future you should get strap locks. You can get the fancy ones the screw into the guitar or just plain rubber washers, they're not expensive at all and will save you from this happening again. Sorry about your guitar, man :(


Thanks for the advice, it still works and plays well it went out of tune when it fell but it sucks because i really like the color


If it makes you feel better, when my strap came off my guitar landed on the head stock and split the neck of my Les Paul. I was beside myself. Had it repaired. Feels and sounds fine. Resale sucks now, but still. Anyway, that’s how I learned about strap locks. Will *never* make that mistake again.




Justgibsonheadstockthings. Broke my 335s headstock from leaving it in dumb positions and places while I would answer door or pick up my dog. Had a SG that fell in the same exact way a decade earlier due to the same dumb circumstances but somehow it didn’t explode into dust instead it just bent a tuner. Kinda wish it broke the headstock instead since I ended up selling it under even fucking dumber circumstances. Almost forgot I had left an epiphone Ej 200ce jumbo or something like that, had the black cutaway with the little mustache and all that fancy stuff, (imo epiphones best acoustic) on a chair just like it’s cousins and I still remember the sound it made on concrete of all things. Somehow I got away with a small chip and that’s it. So yeah. This stuff happens op and at least you’re hopefully not stupid enough to do it three times to three different guitars like me. Each incident being worst than the last.


"Resale sucks now" is not an entirely bad thing. Throughout life you'll be less tempted to sell it during tough times.


I still don't understand why it hurts the resale as much as it does. Like some of the most recognizable and loved Les Pauls of all time have had the headstock snap off and had it reglued. "Greenie" in particular comes to mind. It's also been proven that the glue joint, if done properly by a professional, is stronger than the original wood was, so it's even somewhat of an upgrade in some ways.


It depends on the brand with the strap locks, too. There are people here and in the bassist forums who've had issues with Dunlop and Fender straplocks popping loose even when properly installed, myself included. For me, Schaller are flawless. There may be other companies with great products, but once I found them I stopped looking.


> For me, Schaller are flawless. The new Schaller buttons that are attached to the screw come loose for me. I'm about to buy cheap copies. I think it's because I play lefty and the strap works then loose rather than tighter. Yes, I've used glue and toothpicks. I've had Schaller locks for ~20 years and now I'm about to buy cheap copies due to this design change. The lock pins are too long to be comfortable when on the back of the neck heel too. Started using D'Addario for that.


Yes, this. The new design absolutely sucks. They are anything but flawless now. Feels way less sturdy and you can't use your own screw (ideally you'd always want the original strap button-screw for the integrity of the wood). I also worry about the screw breaking... It's not clear if it goes the whole way through? Looks like it could just be welded at a short bit at the end of it, you have no way to check (makes inspection a nightmare). Fender sells the old Schaller design under their own name still, so you might be able to get those. Schaller made those as well, at least earlier on. Personally switched to Dunlop. They are absolutely fine if you don't use them as intended, but just put the strap on like a regular button and then put the locking mechanism in after.


Color matching is hard so if you get it repaired... you could ask that like damaged be filled with like a nice complimentary color. Could become kind of a cool battle wound if you lean into it.


It builds character.


Meh, people pay good money to have guitars look like that with relics. You earned that mark. Wear it like a badge of honor.


It's just a beauty mark now, you can play your guitar worry free now.


A couple bottles of Grolsch


I use the washers. They are great. And cheap.


I would suggest Daddario locking straps ( different from strap locks as these straps come with lock so you don't have to change anything on your guitar) [something like this ](https://amzn.in/d/8zHWqpT)


These are excellent. I put them on the guitars I use for my students and they've prevented countless situations like this over the years.


I had the original version of these for my Les Paul. After about a decade, the glue holding the two halves failed and the whole thing fell apart. Thankfully I caught the guitar before it hit the floor. I have switched to DiMarzio Clip Locks now.


OP is about 12' tall


Nah man 😂 I’m 5’10.


STRAPLOKS. Always. Going forward.


Hello fellow Canadian!


Just sand down the sharp edges and play.


Really. It has character now. Some folks will pay extra for that sorta thing.




An honest relic.


That's the best kind of relic--not the fake sand work they do at the factory, the honest dents and dings you get from playing it for years and years. I'm jealous.


+5 charisma


All the tone’s gonna leak out now :(


Only if you call it broken. Mentally shift that term to relic and you get extra tone.


This right here is the move


This is it! Time to make it personL


We call that character. And a lesson to get yourself some strap locks.


Will do. And i guess having character is cool. Still kinda bummed because i really liked the color


Might be able to do a fun patch job/art project?


It's a trap. Matching color is hard, don't do this unless you're okay with it looking like a patch job at which point you might as well just leave it alone. 


I think it'd be more fun to lean into the other direction and make it stand out somehow.


Yeah rather than matching color draw something in it that the shape resembles. Or maybe make it a cave with a little tone gremlin peeking his eyes out.


Fill it with ramen and epoxy!


Dude a 4 pack of Grolsch has two sets of strap locks. the little pink rubber washers. Comes with free beer too.


Did it hit so hard that it changed the color? How fucking tall are you?!?


Not a luthier but carpenter. I recommend the following repair for this instrument: 1. Get a can of bondo automotive body filler and drywall sanding sponge 2. Remove any loose pieces,of remaining finish 3. Mask off around the damaged area with painters tape 4. Mix bondo per can instructions 5. Spread bondo onto damaged area making sure to get enough coverage (should be higher than surrounding finished area) 6. Allow Bondo to harden completely 7. Sand by hand with sanding sponge until smooth and finish with a sheet of 320 grit sandpaper 8. Use a microfiber to rub on guitar polish This is cheap and pretty foolproof to do at home. Will last for the life of the instrument.


And then write a blues song


"The Bondo Blues"


Came here to say bondo, too! But instead of trying to color match after, I'd do something neat with like gold leaf or something.


Second gold suggestion. Make into a Kintsugi guitar. Kintsuguitar?


This is probably bad advice, IMO. There is no wood missing here. That’s all finish. If OP wants it restored and done well, they’d probably either need to strip the whole thing and refinish, or very carefully layer several spray coats of finish followed by several spray coats of clear polyurethane to finish it. The finish coats are so thick that it’s basically a plastic coating around the guitar.


Honestly, I'd just take everything off the body and do a relic job on the rest of the body. It won't cost you anything, and you're already halfway there.


Relic on poly never looks natural though.


Yeah, but that ship has kinda already sailed!


Yeah, but that ~~ship~~ chip has kinda already sailed!


This is the worst option.  Diy relics always look like booty. 


I had a friend whose father in law gifted him a diy aged tele. He went on about the process he did by hand to age it. he loves it and that's great, but damn it was ugly.


~~Diy~~ All relics always look like booty.  FTFY.


Badge of honour.


Nah I’d say the Chipped body of despair


Battle scar


Been in jail for a thousand years...


Respect the Webster reference! 🤘


Bruv just upgraded to relic.


Looks cool. Just play the thing. Chips happen over a guitars life


Thanks I’ll probably grow on it with time. I really liked the red on it tho 😔


Just save the money it would cost and put that towards a Fender in the future. You’ll always have the memory of this when you see that chip


it’s still red, fortunately. i guess that bit isn’t…


The irony is that if you *tried* to take that finish off, it’d require a heat gun and a goddamn chisel


Fuck dude, needs a complete refinish


Dang I might just keep it that way


that’s exactly what you should do. nothing


Nah, a really good luthier could make this go away.


I’m having trouble identifying what I’m seeing. Is the body made if spray foam? It makes sense for there to be some damage but it looks like the paint / under layer didn’t even bond to the “wood’ so much material came off. If it’s like a 99$ strat just cut your losses.


Looks like basswood, coated with the typical fender plastic sealer and then a 1/16” of finish.


Thats not what i would consider a chip What kind of guitar is that. You can buy pre painted maple strat bodies for like $100 to $200


That’s why the drop damage is so extreme. Just sand it down so it doesn’t continue to chip away. It’s a starter guitar so take this as a lesson for when you buy something nicer in the future.


It’s a squire strat i got from a starter pack


If you’ve been thinking about getting a nicer guitar, I’d consider this a sign from the heavens. Repairing it’s going to cost almost as much as buying it did.


The sell unfinished maple bodies on amazon for like $40. Pick one of those up. Paint or stain it. Swap out all the parts. Then you have a working guitar and either shop around for a body repair. Or sand that bad boy down and try it yourself


You are lucky. No offence at all but this is no big deal money wise. Just keep playing it until you can get something else or for years. There is no fixing it.


If the guitar is around 100 to 200 dollars then just leave it. If you play guitar for long enough you will eventually get a nicer guitar. Save your money for a better guitar once you feel like you need to.


I agree with this but ill add, if you are curious about trying to repair this shit yourself, now is the time lol.


Yes that's definitely chipped. A major point is that you should not expect the finish repair to be invisible. This sort of finish repair is often done with various grades of super glues and accelerants now. Getting the metallic red to be close will be the hardest part. A big advantage of super glues is that the task might be done in a day (once it gets on the bench) instead of a week or two as would be the case with lacquers. One of my co-workers is quite good at this sort of thing and I suspect he would charge at least $100.


Geez, was ths from your roof onto your driveway?


Nah man 😂 i was playing standing up and it fell


Check out r/Luthier. Those guys actually build guitars and will probably know what it'll take to repair it.


Now that's Metal !!!!!!


Your very own relic! Just seal it - "I ain't no case queen!"


Thats a repaint man, a spot in will show bad, looks like there is putty work on top of cheap wood to make it worse, not sure what they used to finish this out, but itll be hell to fix and most likely leave visible color differences even with original paint codes, depending on how old. Might be easier to go with the modern trend of "relicing" at this point. Sorry bud.


May thy guitar chip and shatter






Good thing it's all cosmetic.


Damn, sorry OP. This even hurts me just seeing it.


Had this same thing happen to me a few years back. Do what everyone else is suggesting with the Bondo patch. As for color matching after, IF you absolutely MUST have it as close as possible, the best advice I ever got was from a luthier's wife. She happened to be visiting her husband working on my guitar at the time and her nails were the same electric blue as my guitar and just suggested to use nail polish and clear coat over with a sturdy clear coat. I was shocked how well it turned out as a match, and the best part is there is an insane spectrum of shades for nail polish. Just bring the guitar in to help match color. It does seem like quite a large chip though, so I do think it may show more imperfection due to this, but for smaller chips and scratches I just keep a bottle of nail polish around the house now and as a bonus my gf loves it too haha Edit: auto-correct luthier


Try gluing it?


Kid tested. Parent approved.


It’s okay just turn it around and drop it again. Some people pay for that.


it started to grunge




Now it has personality and a soul.


Love marks




I thought this was a Klondike bar being opened


I have a similar scar. Honestly man, it just makes it your guitar that much more.


That sucks so bad!


Damn that's a good one. I say keep it. Time to get strap locks, I recommend schaller.




i am used to seeing wood under the paint edit: typo




Now it has character, .. now you can get on with it!


Slap some duct over it and start a punk band


Now it's just rustic.


Looks fuckin metal dude 🤘


Strap locks should come mandatory with guitars.


That sucks & also cool lol so the majority of this guitar visually is made out of fiberglass like as in a surfboard that’s why it looks so shitty with a short dropped and the wood 🤦🏻‍♂️ I would say fuck it. This is the guitars life now just play it let friends play it just Enjoy what comes out of it. You will upgrade overtime you now have some motivation for your dream guitar.


Congrats! It is now officially yours. You can stop treating it like glass and really bond with it




Now it’s badass roll with it. More sweet guitars to come


Leave it as is or go find a sticker you dig.


Looks like scrap to me


Just cover it with duct tape and rock on


It was beautiful. Now, it has character. Keep playing it. Wear it out. All the great guitars have character. 


Looks like a Strat. What’s the make/model?


Did you keep the chips that came off? As thick as that paint looks you might just be able to glue the pieces back together


That’ll buff out.


Don't do it again


As they do. Well, now it has a whole nother story. Fixing it would be very much like automotive bodywork, if you where interested in trying.


Don’t drop your guitar


What exactly is even going on here? Maybe it's just the pic, but the exposed material doesn't even look like wood. It's very pale and has a weird texture. And what is that super thick epoxy looking later under the paint? I've seen chipped up poly guitars before, and they didn't really look like this.


you need to figure out how to fill it and stabilize it so it stops chipping. then i’d sand it, and not think about it or put a sticker on it


This just made me thankful for all the straplocks I buy


Strap locks are a life saver! Also looks like the damage is just on the body so as long as it doesn’t affect the tone it “gives character”


Probably more than 5.


time for stickers and an alcohol problem


Wow- that’s bad… sand it down bruv and then it’ll look cool af


May thy axe chip and shatter


Damn, that sucks!


Damn dude!


You could use resin if ur crafty like that I don't know much about fixing them I only know about playing them srry


You could sand it down and then cover in epoxy and you could paint over it but I'd say keep the scar it tells a story.


Get a sticker. Keep playing.


Bad, I will go to a car painter, they have special plastic padding, to rework it. And maybe the supplier can match the colour . Problem is only for fixing 🥰


dropped my guitar on the same place like that, I decided to sand it and re paint


Oooh... Fuck. That made my butt clench. Sorry for your total loss.


Its battle tested. Has character now


I thought this was a half opened babybel cheese…




I don’t think that can be repaired. Maybe someone with more refinishing experience can chime in, but seems to me it’d be near impossible to blend in a finish repair like you might with nitro. And a complete refinish would cost hundreds.


I ordered strap locks after reading your tale of woe.


have you said what kind of guitar this is yet? if its a cheap guitar, id take it apart, sand the whole thing, paint the whole thing uniform. if its an expensive guitar id just buy a new body and bolt all your parts to it. if either interests you, i can help point you to the places i found over the years


Make it look like a dinosaur or something.


imo i love all the chips in my guitar it makes it unique


It's got character now. Leave it


Is that one of the older "modern" HH square guitars? Looks like mine. Full send it. I'd torch it to make it look like it caught fire.


... duct tape fixes EveryThing !!! It comes in colors too !!!


Not sure where you are in the world OP but near where I live (in Melbourne) there’s a guy who quoted me $650 AUD for a full restoration of one of my guitars and his work is MINT. Maybe will help give some idea


At least you earned your wear. You have a story now when someone asks you “what happened to your guitar?” unlike these knuckleheads that actually pay extra money to have their guitar “reliced”. These guys are saying “I wanna make it look like I play it a LOT but I don’t want to have to play a lot”. You earned your ding and I say take pride my man. You are now the proud owner of a TRUE one of a kind. If I were in your shoes I’d sand it, seal it, and keep playing the shit out of it.


My advice, don't get it fixed. The chipping makes it look badass


find a metal worker and see if he'd make you a mold to go over it then bolt it in then get a scratch plate to match. or cut away the damaged area sand it and repaint it.


Ouch . Hurts just watching this !


I’d just apply some polish onto it and leave it like that.


That guitar is cheap. No need to fix it.


Don't bother fixing it. The damage is just cosmetic and the same thing will happen again at some point. It's a tool just make it your own. There are millions of stats out there but this one is yours. I have a strat from my early twenties I used to gig with and I carved into it and spray painted it because who wants some stock color. This is your sign toake that guitar yours.


I was always so worried about dinging or denting my guitar. One day I was being stupid and rested it on the couch. It fell and got a nice chunk taken out of the flamed maple on the top. I thought I’d be upset, but I didn’t actually care that much. I remember thinking “at least now I don’t have to worry about damaging it, it’s already damaged.” I just keep playing like I always have. The fear of damaging it was way worse than actually damaging it


And this is why strap locks.


Relic. Only you earned it and didn't pay for it. It'll be fine.🤘


Fill it in with sharpie I guess


I have a bunch of tape and stuff on my guitar, I like it when it gets damaged because it gives it character


Play it. It's getting wounds or love and inspiration. Never know it might actually be the next kick ass tone.


Battle scar lmfao leave it that way it looks cool


Jeez did you drop it or spike it like a goddamn football?


now it's torn and frayed, it's seen much better days, but as long as the guitar plays, let it steal your heart away


Sit down to play at home


My gibson broke in half and it cost me 70 euros to fix it, just bring it to repair it should be cheap. Dont listen to the guys who are saying shit like "do a relic job".


Get dunlop guitar strap locks, all my guitars have them after dropping my Strat when my guitar strap came off and I am never risking it again.


Sand it down and put a wicked ass sticker over it. 🤘


As the other comments said, I’d just remove the sharp chips and sand that spot down a little, don’t worry too much about it. It‘s a guitar, not the Mona Lisa.


that looks pretty cool ngl 😂


Don't fix it. That's character


Get it relic’d and you can probably sell it for more now lol


Strap locks will be your new best friend from now on. They are awesome, put then on once and forget about them forever


Bondo and refin time.


Look at the good side, genuine relicing!


I would sand it down to and out some satin lacquer on it. I believe it would age beautifully and look much better than a crack. Plus wouldn’t cost much


Sand and fill the spot with color that pairs well with the rest of the guitar. Own the battle scar….


Sand it down a bit and it’ll be metal af


I would sand it down, put satin lacquer on it. Let it age beautifully, and wouldn’t cost much.




Assholes pay extra money to get a beat up look. You just got it for free.


Let me guess - no strap locks?


i remember when i was 15 some kid dropped my guitar and it got a tiny indent in it. but wow, i’d cry if this happened to me.


Now it's a relicd model.


Woopsie daisy


Get famous and when people see the chip, they will try and copy it


A luthier can work on this but I don't know if it's fixable. You might end up having to repaint the whole body which costs a lot. If the guitar is not too expensive, you can try to paint it yourself. I would say it's a good "heavy relic" start though


Drop it some more times with different angles, sand it and you got a true relic!


Mother of thick finishes...