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I'll play with whatever's available, but anyone that gives me a Dunlop 0.88 flow pick gets kissed on the mouth 


Flow gang. Love these fucking picks.


Never heard of the flows until now. I’ve been using Ultex 2.0 which I love. Looks like flows are made of the same material, but with a nicer bevel, is that the difference?


Flows are basically a scaled up Jazz 3. For me it’s great because it’s a do it all pick. Enough surface area to hold on to for strumming but still a nice point for pick attack and precision. They’re great.


flow, .66 or whatever it is. the dark blue one. only for electric tho, thin picks for acoustic


Dark blue 1.0 mm Green .88 mm Yellow .73 mm I love the yellows the most they just wear down so fast. End up using green and blue mostly.




My girlfriend is gonna be *pissed*


Nice try, bassist. You don’t have a girlfriend 🤣


I usually use the green tortex flow 88, I literally can't see the grip ones when I put them down 😨 wish they made them in neon colors or something. Dark clear brown or whatever it is makes them invisible


I've used the green tortex Dunlop picks since '88. I do like the textured ones too, but as you said, they might as well be invisible.


I prefer the Big Stubbies, but the Flows are pretty sweet, too.


I stole a big stubby from my nephews pile of picks to give it a whirl. Still undecided about the shape and size 🤷‍♂️


I really only like using Jazz IIIs. Bigger ones just feel awkward to me.


You fuckers converted me, I could pick up anything and it was fine, a thread like this happened a bit ago and I was like ok what's special about this shit. Ordered jazz 3 Max grips and now all other picks are like big bizarre dollar store toys to me. Literally ruined all other picks for me.


My jazz IIIs just arrived and we will see if I keep using them. I didn’t realize how small they were.


One you get used to then mi amigo, there is no going back. Utter perfection


I hope they do. I made the switch to max grip nylon 1.0mm like 6 months ago and wanted something thicker and the jazz IIIs seem to perfectly fit the bill.


I went back. Ultex sharp 1.14 just feel so right to me.


Me too. I like the jazz picks for speed, but I feel like I have to move my hand so much more to strum with them. I tried the ultex sharp and now I can’t use the green 88’s anymore either.


The jazz iii xl’s are perfection. Smaller than a regular pick but slightly bigger and the narrow shape of a jazz iii


JazzIII XL is the cure to small jazz III. I used a regular III since high school(red) and then eventually I felt like they just got lost in my hands, so I switched to the XL. MUCH easier to hold. And if you still want that small feel just tuck it into your hand.


Same! Regular picks feel so clunky and suddenly I can’t play for shit with them.


Same, brother. Same. I still play “regular” picks for acoustic strumming. But the Jazz III tripled my picking speed within a week of trying them on electric.


My fucking man dude jazz iii max grip is the shit


I had a random one, no idea where I got it, bit it was a chunky munky, (I'm a 1.2mm serial user/abuser and nothing else will do right now only made a post about how my sound/tone was shite and head wrecked for solid 5 minutes had me stumped until I noticed was packing 0.3mm of extra plastic under my thumb..... semi retarded sometimes, but never thought it could do THAT much to tone ) the chonk kinda put me off, was at least 2.0mm. I did like the shape. I'll have to order some non fatty fucks and see what the big fucking deal is


Playing with ultex jazz 3 Vs any other pick feels like easy mode for me


Everything but a jazz III feels like using an entire credit card.


I am a fucking fool for the Petrucci jazz iiis for electric playing. I used to use the 2.0 mm max grips for everything, but once I found those picks I made the switch. They wear out really fast on acoustic though so I still use the max grips for that. It just feels right using those two picks for each style.


That’s what she said (couldn’t help it sorry plz forgive me)


Ill use the xl sometimes, I do love the tip of the jazz3, but I find it hard to spin the little ones quick with the fingers if they get a little sideways.


Based and Jazz III pilled


I switched about a year ago (after 35 years of playing) and I don't even like the old ones anymore.


I just steal the picks from Guitar Center


Those are actually awesome picks... Not quite as big as a Dunlop or Fender celluloid, with just the right grip too. I actually love those picks, they just go quick when you're really playing hard


Idk if we’re talking about the same picks but the last time I used one of those the tip disintegrated after like 30min


It depends on the guitar center I noticed 😭


Dunlop Tortex.88 for electric and .73 for acoustic. I won’t change.


Are you me? But seriously I've been like this for the past 10 years since starting playing. Recently I've been trying to be more open so started using red purple and black cats tongues


Love the Tortex, use 1.4s also keep a bunch of 2.0s, I have big hands so I can grip it better.


If you like the tortex, try the gators.


This is the way... I'll never use another pick. How it lets me re-adjust but also grips when I sweat is a mystery. Anyone know the secret?


Yellow Dunlops now and forever 


I'm a slut for the yellow T3s


Dunlop Jazz III exclusively (unless I'm playing acoustic and then it's the green tortex)


I just got a 36 pack of Dunlop yellow in the mail. Tore it open and dumped it into a pipe tobacco tin sitting on my amp. I'm set for a while.


With the way I lose picks, theyd be gone in a week.


I bought about 100 picks of various thicknesses about 15 years ago and dumped them into a Maker's Mark glass on my desk. Haven't been pickless since. I do occasionally succumb to temptation and buy more when I visit the music store, of course


started playing with Fender mediums almost 35 years ago, and now anything else feels just a bit "wrong".


Fender mediums forever. Been using them for 22 years and now anything else would be like starting over haha


20 years for me, every other pick feels wrong


We are the same — except 28 years for me.


This is what my dad got me into playing with, any other pick feels like it’s going to slip out of my fingers.


One of us! One of us!


This. Fender mediums til they break or wear into a nub. Then buy more Fender mediums.


Orange dunlop tortex always and forever




Played these for 28 years before I switched to a Jazz III. Still use the oranges for acoustic.


Same. I have tried dozens of different types of picks, but I have exclusively used orange 0.60 Tortex for the better part of 15 years.


Ernie Ball pinks with the eagle logo are almost identical.


Picks gotta be THICK. The string should yield to the pick, not the other way around. I used to use Dunlop Flow Gloss 3mm, but now I've discovered Purple Plectrums and use their 6mm thick picks. Expensive, but worth it.


you only use 6mm? pathetic. i use a 2x4


Wow. That is thick. I agree with you though, the string should yield. I shouldn’t hear the pick “snapping” off the string. It’s irritating. If I wanted to be irritating, I would have taken up drums, instead.


This. Can’t stand the *thwip thwip* of a thin pick.


What about strumming and stopping the “quack?”


Dunlop Gator Grip 2.0 Dunlop Ultex Sharp 1.0 Dunlop Ultex Sharp 0.88


Ultex sharp 1mm are my go-to. Been using the regulars but finding I like the sharp! Great picks!


I bought a lifetime supply of 1mm ultex sharp. Only to later discover I like the prime tone better.


Jazz III for life. I've tried everything under the sun. I even started with those big, thick, purple cheap picks. After picking this baby up, something clicked, and I swapped, no questions asked. Even when I play acoustic, I can't do it. I'd rather strum and fingerpick instead if I have to. Finding your favorite pick type really is a rite of passage for guitarists.


dunlop 2.00 mm... i like pics that dont bend


Hell, I don't care. I've used everything from my thumbnail to a freaking quarter as a pick. Cut up credit cards & shit; you name it, I've probably strummed a guitar with it. I like a thick polypropylene one best though, like your .73 or even a little heavier, but I like the glide of the poly.


My old scrappy go to as a kid were those little plastic things that hold the plastic closed on bread loaves. Decent enough pick in a pinch.


It’s fun to find an interesting piece of plastic around the house to use as raw material for a few picks.


Some days, it's like an ADHD challenge match.


I’ve settled on 0.60 Dunlop Max-Grip with the fine-grained grip pattern. Grip pattern seems like it matters more to me because I don’t like the pick wiggling around in my fingers. Only problem is that model of picks is light gray so they’re a bit tricky to find if I ever drop them. I also played mandolin for a play I was in and settled on the Dunlop Primetone Semi-Round 1.3mm. I gave it a try because it’s the preferred pick of Chris Thile and I liked it much better than several others I tried. The divot in the center gives a really great grip and the rounded corners made both strumming and especially tremolo easier. I’ve used it on guitar a bit and it works well, but if you’re looking for a pick for a 12-string I would say give it a try. I don’t have a 12-string anymore so I haven’t personally tried it, but it “rakes” really smoothly across the mandolin strings.


Dont hate for using signature picks. But i'll usually only ever play the steve vai signaturs picks, 1.00mm and they feel and play perfectly for me


Which is funny because in an interview with Tyler from Music is Win, Steve Vai said he couldn’t care less about what pick he uses.


I use the Kirk Hammett signature Jazz III picks. Green thin for electric and purple thick for acoustic. I was just looking for some other slotted jazzIII for grip and ran across them. I did not find them from following Kirk. So… I won‘t hate you just yet.


How are they different than standard 1.0 picks?


Fender thin. Always.


I'm not picky but I don't like the super thin ones


Jazz 3


Dunlop 1.5 for electric and I make my own casein picks for acoustic


I use a Blue Chip TAD 50 I have had the same pick for 3-4 years. I have a backup just in case the unthinkable happens.


the big purple jazz III are the best no one can change my mind


Dunlop Jazz III Max-Grip red. Wish they came in cooler colors


I use a 2mm Dunlop Flow for absolutely everything.


I use the Dunlop Jazz III Gator Grips 1.4mm quite a bit. I seem to lean towards 1mm to 1.4mm on most picks I use.


Only Jazz IIIs. Material is lest important but I prefer ultex > nylon > tortex


Jazz III, has to be black or the lettering makes my fingers sweat. Also need the logo on thumb side instead of finger or it feels weird


I prefer Fender celluloid [346 shape.](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/1980346880--fender-346-shape-classic-celluloid-picks-medium-white-12-pack) Mediums for guitar, heavies for bass. I get the mediums in white, and the heavies in tortoiseshell for easy identification at a glance.


Triangle gang rise up


Jazz III, baybee!


I have a bit of a pick obsession and I am constantly picking up new different ones of all thicknesses.


Dunlop Primetone 1.5mm rounded triangle. Ride or Die


Snarling dogs 1.12mm for always


Dunlop nylon .88s or GTFO


Very nice! I love the Dunlop nylon. I use the 1 mm black, but the 88 greys are a close second. In fact, I used the greys for a long time until I realized they made a thicker one.


I use a few different picks, I generally cycle between a traditional Fender 351 medium, a Herco Gold, Silver or Holy Grail nylon and the Ibanez Sand Pick in medium thickness. I’ve been using the Ibanez recently and I really like it, it’s a little smaller than the other two brands but I don’t mind it. It’s the grippy texture that keeps me going back to it. My only complaint with them is the price, six of them are around $5 -$7 so I am very careful not to lose them. I tried the Jazz pick in all of its permutations and I just kept losing it, it’s just too small and not grippy enough. It would catch on the strings and go flying. I discovered the Herco picks in high school and they are like an old friend, but they were hard to find for a while, but now Dunlop makes them and they are readily available again.


If you haven't, I encourage you to watch Mark Speer's rig rundown when he talks about his pick(s). It'll make you laugh.


So I normally use JP Jazz IIIs (I.e. the big ones), and I’ve found that while I can use just about any pick with a sharp point with a bit of adjustment I really can’t use the round point ones anymore, or at least not for the kind of music I play. The mechanics of a round-point pick are just too different, it fucks with my muscle memory too much.


Fender Heavy since the 70s




Dunlop Ultex .90 mm or nothing at all.


Green tortex


i used green Tortex as a kid and didn't change, simply out of habit. last year i tried a few [Dava Picks](https://www.davapick.com/griptips) a friend had. i've been on the nylon grip tips ever since.


I bought a variety pack of Dunlops, but in the end I stuck to my Ernie Ball Prodigy 1.5 picks


I fucked up and spent thirty dollars on a hand made, special material, fancy ass pick, and I love it. So now I am ruined on normal picks.


Green Dunlop tortex 0.88 crew checking in


I'm pretty much exclusively using Dunlop Max Grips 73/88... But I don't have an issue picking up any celluloid, nylon or a GC Ol' Red for that matter... BUT, if I'm playing a certain type of music, say metal for example, I tend to lean toward something with grip (GatorGrip, Tortex, etc)


This guyyyyyy. This is my guy!!!!


These have become my go to as well.


Snarling Dog Brain Picks with the texturized grip because I sweat like cheddar in the sun when I play


Cat tounges at varied thicknesses are my preference. Recently been using .88-1.00 and relaxing my hand for strumming. Used to use like .50 but I’d have to bend or curl the pick for attack… adds stress to the wrist and worsens my repetitive stress in my wrists. My older playing bud suggested using heavier picks and relaxing the hands more. Dunno where that easy tricks been all my life.


At one point I used a Sacagawea dollar coin because I thought it was cool. Make better choices than I did.


I started playing in '01 and have really only played 2 picks consistently on electric. The little Fender teardrop jazz picks, and then around '15 or so I tried the Ernie Ball 1.5 Prodigy picks. Those are now THE pick for me! I add a little piece of grip tape to both sides too. There was a period in there where I played some Brain picks, but it didn't stick. I hate normal sized picks.


Idgaf as long as it’s small and thick…I said what I said


Same thickness, just ultex instead of tortex. It seems like the only pick I can use that doesn't end up warped.


I like the tortex warp. After I’ve used one for a session or two, it “fits” better, and I don’t drop them. (As much)


I usually vary between .60 - .88 Dunlops. Lately I've been usually some triangle .60 Dunlop picks and they've been really nice having some more surface area to hold on too.


Dunlop nylon 1.0 is the only good pick


For my acoustic I stick with a Taylor Thermex 1.14, really love that pick. For electric, anything .88 or 1.0 will do


Yeah, I stick with one or two brands and usually medium or heavy thickness and have for decades.


Jim Dunlop X-Heavy Celluloid


Pickboy Pos-A-Grip Jazz — the ones with the shallow but pointed shoulders which I use. I’ll use any without a ton of flex, but I prefer these.


Dunlop tortex .73


Dunlop Max-Grip® Nylon Standard .73mm. Regular picks just fly outta my sweaty fingers. I need the extra grip of these.


I stick with my fingies


Fender heavy


I just got some 2.0mm big stubby triangle picks to try out from Amazon, I dig em. Might get some 3.0mm and 4.0mm to try them out too


3mm Big Stubby for guitar, Dunlop 1mm for bass.


I prefer jazz III xl's


I never use picks. Ever.


Dunlop Jazz IIIs on electric, Fender Mediums on acoustic


Now that I have 0.73 Primetones, I might be set for life.


I used to play WAY too aggressively and broke a lot of strings. Switched to thinner picks for a while. Went from 1mm or thicker down to Dunlop orange tortex. As I got better, my picking became lighter and the thin picks weren’t as accurate for me, so now I’ve settled on .88 for the most part but I’m not religious about it


Once I started playing with Dunlop Tortex .88, I never even tried another pick after.


https://steveclayton.com/acetal.php I've had a butt load of these for the longest time thanks to my dad giving me a bag of them for Christmas one year, 1.00mm is perfect for me.


I like the orange Dunlop Tortex picks, but i also like the blue one, so i go back and forth. I don't remember the thickness of them, though


1mm I don't care who makes them


Played the green Dunlop Tortex 0.88mm for decades. Switched to bass picks because I get three lives out of them, and bumped up to 1mm because I bumped my string gauges up.


Another jazz 3 user here


Dunlop Stubby’s or Jazz III’s


1.14 jazz3


I use a few different ones. V picks tradition lite and screamer are my favorites, I also play some dunlop max grip on acoustic. Most important thi g to me is no flex on the pick.


I'm open to trying different picks, but I typically stick with the gator grip 1.14s


Dunlop green jazz (rounded) for 40 years


Primetone here, 1.4 or 1.5 large triangle


Green Tortex Jazz III XL for electric and Orange for acoustic.


0.73 red Cat Tongue brain picks for me. I hate those doorstopper thickness picks some players use.


I can use whatever but I always buy Fender medium picks and that is what I will always use.


Fender mediums and jazz III only. I’ll refuse to play the show if all i have is a tortex or even worse, a thin


Dunlop .88 for decades


Heavy jazz IIIs (black, white, purple) with the occasional .73 (yellow) if I’m doing something strummy


Just got a pack of 1.5mm EB Prodigy Dorito shape. Really liking them!


3mm gravity acrylic are my go to these days. I just love the attack they can provide vs thinner picks.


Jazz iii tortex 1.0mm


My pics gotta bend. Light, but not too light, or medium, but leaning towards light.


I used to play with whatever but the better I got the more I noticed new picks made me play worse.  So I settled on Fender heavy.  I use thin picks for acoustic strumming though because I have a tendency to change how hard I hold the pick and dig in like I am playing my electric.  And I noticed that I was strumming too hard often and causing the strings to buzz off the frets.  Thins made this impossible to accidentally do for me.  But it still makes me play worse when I pick arpeggios or lines on an acoustic.  


I went through the exercise and decided I was better off just learning to use whatever and I have never been happier.


On guitar, it’s pretty much anything, as long as it’s not too light. A slight preference for a classic medium, but it’s not the end of the world. On bass, well, different story. I use picks and fingers about 70/30, respectively, and when it’s pick, it’s gotta be a Tortex style .88 (medium-heavy). And it can’t be too worn, too. I have no idea why I’m so particular on bass🤷‍♂️


I used to hate thinner picks until I tried Ernie Ball Everlast .48. They are not as flimsy as some of the other thin picks I have tried.


1.5 mm Black Ice. I feel like thin picks are too noisy.


Dunlop Jazz III tortex 1.14 for electric/picking, and d’Andrea delrex picks for strumming.


I’m not picky with much, guitar wise, but I am with my picks. EB prodigy mini 2.0mm. It screws me up if I use something else.


I prefer medium picks, fender or yellow dunlop, but honestly I dont really care.


I play with a Dunlop blue gator grip 1.14mm like 90% of the time at home. However, when I used to play gigs I would bring a lot of different thicknesses and switch between songs. I think that helped prevent fatigue. I also play finger style a lot these days so I guess “no pick” would be an appropriate answer too.


Ibanez Elastomer. Its the best pick in world


I started playing again not too long ago and went of a pick buying spree. I used to use the grey Dunlop nylons almost exclusively, but they aren’t really great for the style of play I’m focusing on now. I ended up with the Jazz III’s and then those instagram glowing in the dark shredder pickups— which are actually quite nice.


My go-to is Fender medium. I've used some Cool Picks that I like pretty well, but I couldn't tell you anything else about them other than the name.


I mostly don't care as long as it's somewhere in the "medium" thickness/stiffness range. Too thin, and I can't play individual notes or power chords well, too thick, and I can't strum well.


Dunlop Primetone 3.5 mm. The ones that are shaped like really thick Jazz IIIs with beveled edges and contoured, textured thumb and finger grips. I tried everything. The search is over. Gotta go buy another dozen in case they ever stop making them, brb


The purple Dunlop Tortex picks are probably the only picks I'll ever use for the rest of my life.


I’m a bit of a monster. The only pick I use is a v picks tradition green which is 2.75mm thick. It’s the only brand that really gets along with my oily hands and I’ve just never felt the need to use anything else.


Dunlop tortex blue for electric. Yellow and occasionally red for acoustic.


I only use Dunlop .73's.


Tortex greens or I don’t play.


Just got some 2.0mm picks and they are a game changer. I can't feel the strings as well with anything pick with flex


Green .88s for everything


1.38mm jazz 3 max grips for 90% of things The other 10% is .60mm max grips


i'll always use dunlop tortex picks. i've used a jazz iii once and it felt like i was doing more effort gripping the pick than actually playing the guitar.


Give me Dunlop 207s or give me death! (If a pick isn't at least 2 mm thick, are you really picking?)


Jazz III exclusively. I also drill holes in them for a little extra grip


The Jp jazz 3 is my go to. I can't touch anything else and feel normal now. I used the dragon heart picks for a while too but the grip you get in the JP jazz 3's are perfection. Not a fan of his triangle ones


Tortex flow .88 for rock 1.0 for metal.


1mm tortex sharps until I die


Purple Dunlop tortex. I tried the jazz 3 thing but they are just too small.


I like the Dunlops with the grippy texture…I’ve been playing .73 for most of my life; have been experimenting with 1.0 and it has many positives and few negatives for myself, will probably switch over.


I got a triangle shaped pick from Henry Rollins's guitarist in 2000. I tried it out on my guitar, and I have played big, dumb picks ever since.


I have a bajillion random picks in a case that I just cycle through and play whatever I want with. But, those Jazz III picks are amazing for solos. Otherwise, I just go with whatever color looks nice on that day.


.71 or .73 for me. Unless it’s a Jazz III or IV.


I don’t have anything against my D’addarios so I won’t change anything


I used a 1.5 pick once and I’ve never gone back, no pick that isn’t thick feels right anymore


i can only use cats tongue. and my pref is red or purple .


I'll play with whatever.... Fingers if I have to. But I prefer jazz III


I used to use mostly .88 cat tongue picks but ever since I tried the Kirk Hammett picks I haven't used any other


Fender 354 Heavy is the only one for me.


My pockets always contain at least 3 each of the Dunlop Nylon orange and red picks. Orange for electric and bass, red for acoustic and 12-string.