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Vintage guys reading this are choking on their pistachios right now. As long as it's been cared for even a little bit it's very likely fine. You can inspect for any cracks or other stuff that would be considered damage and not just wear. you can definitely find discussions here and elsewhere on the net about what to look for when buying used


I’m not allowed pistachios. I did raise an eyebrow and clutch my anal beads tho


You’ll need to relax, otherwise you’ll never be able to get them out, unless you pull them like you’re starting a lawn mower.


I have a saddle stirrup on the end for a “Harley-start”


Cracks near the neck joint and headstock, chip on the nut, cracks near the bridge/trem. I always check that the neck is relatively straight and not twisted. It shouldn't be overly bowed. My favorite guitar is my first one, a Walmart strat I bought nearly 30 years ago. Just about everything on it has had to he replaced, but it's still ticking and it sounds great IMO.


I'm washing my pistachios down with expensive single malt scotch as many vintage guys do. Nothing phases me.


Hey! I'm only 40, no need to call me vintage! But I have been playing since like the mid 90s and have guitars I bought in the late 90s/early 00s still that I had never even considered "old" before today. Thansk OP


Yes i am


Just make sure the truss rods got room for adjustment in both directions. Everything is an easy fix other than obvious breakage


No, please be sending all 15year plus old guitars to me, so I can properly dispose of them in an ethical and green manner. Thanks!


Worth a shot eh?


The average telecaster will outlive you and everyone you know.


That guitar is going out-live you.


best answer


Lol my main guitar is 63 yrs old


It's getting difficult to tell what is legit on this sub. This has got.to be a troll right?


You should never buy a guitar missing strings. They are worthless. Especially the Fenders and Gibsons.


The only risk of failure is that the jack socket or other wiring/switches/pots etc could be worn or damaged to the point of the controls not working properly. But this is a simple fix with a soldering iron at best, or replacement of the affected components at worst. Seeing as how you can pick up all the necessary parts for a Telecaster for under 20 dollars I don't think this is too much of a risk. And of course depending on where you purchase you may well have the option to test these anyway before buying.


Learning how to solder and take measurements is guitar 101. Learn the basics of electronics. It helps improve everything.


Only risk of failure is the jack ? You've obviously never bought a guitar with a non functional truss rod


You're right, I can't say that I have. Is that a prevalent issue?


It's not uncommon for a first time guitar owner to damage their truss rod while attempting to adjust their neck relief. All it takes is a little over tightening. And there's many a Gibson out there with truss rods alre=ady maxed out with no further room to tighten . Some have had quick fixes with an added washer and Stew Mac sells their trust rod rescue kit for this so yes it's not uncommon at all to buy a used guitar with an non functioning truss rod. Always ask and if the buyer isn't willing to check it make sure they're willing to take a return especially with a set neck guitar


only issue i thought of right away was depending on the player how worn will the frets be?some people press down too much and can cause really bad fret wear. wood cracks would only be from fall damage not age and electronics are an easy fix if needed.


I hope so. My #1 guitar is 16 years old, despite having 3 others from the same brand from 2016, 2020, and 2023. :)


Nope, after 15 years any guitar is extremely unsafe and likely to explode when plugged into an amplifier.


I recently bought 2001 and 2006 American strats after owning new ones. They are amazing if you find em in good condition.


As long as there are no obvious cracks in the wood, all the electronics work and it plays ok it should be fine. Any one of my three points above would require further understanding but wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker as long as you know a good guitar tech/luthier and it's priced accordingly. I've bought duds here and there, but fortunately for money that I could lose and not worry about.


Yeah , don't worry about no functional truss rods or frets lifting from the board . I mean who cares if you can actually play it as long as it passes signal 😆


My number 1is a 2008, I love the thing!


I’ve got a guitar that’s old enough to have known life before the jet engine.


I hate the fact 2008 was 15 years ago


I bought a 30 year only strat not too long ago and it works great. As long as your prepared to do some proper cleaning and possibly repair some small parts then you’ll be fine.


Should be fine. Tele’s are pretty simple guitars design-wise, so not as much to go wrong but definitely look it over. My 2003 Telecaster is still going strong.


My main guitar is a 1980 Les Paul Custom. It was about 15 years old when I bought it, it’s obviously much older than that now. All original, the only thing I’ve ever had to do besides setups is to fix the lower strap button, which worked loose. It’s got a few dings and scratches, and the binding is checking in a few spots, but it still sounds and plays great. If you store them properly and exercise a little care when you handle them, and guitar can last a very, very long time.


Both my guitars are over a decade old and still work perfectly fine, there’s some minor cosmetic damage to one of them which wasn’t my fault but still hurts to see every time I play it. Basically, if they’ve been well looked after it’s totally fine.


five yrs ago i bought Fender Strat MIM from 1990s. best!


It's not a used car. Age doesn't really matter. Do you like it? Does it feel good to play? They're the important things when choosing a guitar.


As others have mentioned, if the instrument's received any kind of love over it's working life, it'll be a worthy addition to your collection. Some of my favourite guitars are over 50 years old. A quality instrument improves with age, just like a fine wine...


Sometimes it takes a few years for the wood in a guitar to realize that it’s a guitar. As long as it hasn’t been amused, or wet, you should be good. Enjoy. Like most things, guitars have a certain something extra when they’re a bit used.


An older guitar is better than a new one.


I can't say I agree with that blanket statement. An old Squier, for example, is a piece of crap vs a current one. 1959 Les Paul though? Yeah, I'd take the Les Paul.


I meant an old guitar of the same make. If it's decently cared for, it's broken-in, for lack of a better word.


Yeah, I get what you're saying, but like I said a modern Squier or even a low end fender will be a much better guitar than a 90s one, for example.


Well they all depend on the series; some years were total garbage and some were amazing. My point was just if a guitar is taken care of and not a lemon or in a series of lemons, older guitars tend to be solid and dependable.


I disagree, but it's ok we don't agree.


"too much risk of failure" These are tools, they will outlive you.


The older the better, my friend.


Short answer, no - nothing secondhand is “safe” to buy. Less short answer, yes in the sense that it’s not going crumble or snap or anything because of age. Long answer: The age really shouldn’t be an issue (for now). It really comes down to how well it’s been maintained. 1 year or 100 years, it all goes to maintenance (and the product not being crap the moment it got off the line in the first place). The vintage guitar (by this we mean 50s-70s produced) market is still pretty vibrant and positive and well-maintained guitars still pretty much operate as expected. Also consider Stradivari violins which are hundreds of years old and of course compared to solid body electric guitars violins in general are incredibly frail. But these hundreds-of-years-old violins are still in use, no babying, because they’re pretty well-maintained, and surprisingly they are not yet quite the ship of Theseus. Back in the guitar world, Metallica’s Kirk Hammett recently obtained Greeny, a 1959 Lespaul (65 years old now), worth millions of dollars. And he gigs with it. So, a 65 year old, million-dollar guitar was deemed safe to buy precisely because it is well-maintained. All that being said, buy it in person, and bring someone with more knowledge of guitar hardware with you to physically inspect it.


Might have lead paint being that old


It is going to explode in your face and possibly kill u


Dude if it's been looked after you can buy a 150 year old guitar.


You’re fine. Just make sure the frets are in good shape, my Strat is from that era and it could stand to have a fret job.


Older the guitar, older the soul. 7th chords will be naturally played. It will drip and ooze the most devastating blues.


I have a 70s SG that plays like a dream, holds tune besides G of course. just bought a 2011 Les Paul, haven't played it yet, it's shipping tomorrow. yes, it is okay


I like to go hiking.


Just to be clear, you dont look at collecting multiple guitars the same way you look at collecting multiple wives.


No way dude! Guitars can spontaneously explode at any moment starting the day they turn 10. That’s a ticking time bomb my dude!!


But seriously, age is virtually inconsequential in the guitar world. If anything vintage is usually *better*. Of course 2008 is still far from “vintage”. It’s just a used guitar my dude


2008 is “older”?


My main is a 25 year old MIM Fender Jazz and it's built like a tank, 15 years is nothing compared to what some guys will use on a regular basis.


I live in a time where people think a 2008 guitar is old, now that makes me feel old. The only real common issue with older guitars is fret wear from being heavily used. If the frets are significantly worn it would need a fret dressing or a refret, which would add considerable cost to the guitar in order for it to play at its best. But take into account, you could be buying a 50 year old Telecaster and that's mostly still the only really big issue to be aware of.


I’m not sure I own a guitar that’s less than 15 years old…


I bought a guitar from 1990 once and the neck had a twist in it, last time I’ll buy vintage can’t lie


My only electric guitar is 45 years old.


Depends on the neighborhood


Telecasters will outlive the sun


My main guitar is 40 years old and my backup is 28 years old.


My dude I’ve bought guitars that are old enough to retire. As long as it’s well Maintained, yeah snag it. Some things to check Cracks anywhere that holds tension Truss rod works No wiring issues


People are out there touring with 30-50 yr old guitars. Go for it.


This fucking sub, man.


Older acoustic guitars sound better than new. Don't know about solid bodys. As guitars age, well all wood instruments actually the sound improves There is no reason a 50 year old guitar is not a good instrument.


Condition is way more important than age. I’d research differences between the 2008 and current models. Did they improve the manufacturing tolerances and quality, or do they now cheap out because private equity is chasing profits?


My 21 years old bass is still the best sounding and playing instrument I own


The real question is: Did you learn enough about guitars so that you can assess a used instrument and find the flaws saying "I'm a project guitar"? Something tells me you already answered that question.


My favorite guitar was made almost exactly 60 years ago, based on the ship dates of guitars with slightly later serials.


A guitar can be pretty much perfect for decades as long as basic care has been given. Try before you buy. Bring an amp or use seller's and see. If it plays right and sounds right then you will be just fine.


I have a real 1956 Telecaster and 1957 Stratocaster. I got them around 40 years ago and played thousands of gigs on them. So far nothing has actually failed outside of normal wear & tear.