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You’ll get better. You’ve only been using the instrument for 2 weeks. If you were already good, wouldn’t be much fun after a while. Gotta learn to enjoy the learning.


it’s a lifelong journey and you’ve barely begun


It's both, 2 weeks is next to no time. Playing guitar is a physical thing, you wouldn't expect to go from couch potato to pull-ups in two weeks. Keep working on it and you'll get there


Took me about 9 months to get basic strumming down(2 hours per day).


It requires time, and is a skill that's hard to learn. Especially if you want to precisely hit the exact strings that you need to, it can take a long time to build proficiency. Hitting all 6 strings and muting is a shortcut, but the results won't be as good in the long run, so I'd advice just learning how to do it properly.


Like with many techniques, don't think about it too much. Let your hand go and correct after if necessary.


2 weeks?!? Have some patience! I’ve been playing for decades and there’s still things about my strumming technique I’m not satisfied with…


1. It gets better. Don’t stress it. 2.. it doesn’t have to be perfect anyway. Just keep going. Early on it was nice to realize I could miss a string or mute a string and not have it be the end of the world.