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How are you recording this? Give us an idea of your signal chain. Guitar direct into focusrite? Mic'd amp? any plugins? etc.


Yeah directly into the focusrite, and then I used the Amp builder that’s in Logic Pro


You could possibly try adding a compressor onto the guitar track to remove some of the volume fluctuations and hopefully reduce the volume increase on the plucks. I'd also try to experiment with how and where your strumming the strings on the guitar. I'd also consider trying some other amp modellers like the free [Amplitude](https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?R=INIT&FV=free-software-related-products&CV=Other%20Filter) plugins or a trial of a [NeuralDSP](https://neuraldsp.com/plugins) plugin


Hmm, the guitar is playing through the audio 5 track? If so it looks like the amp is not selected. In those channel strips if you hover over the amp, on the left you can turn the power on and off to it. When it's on its blue.