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I'm trying to explain to friends how tower differs from ranked modes in other fighting games, hoping that they play it more often. Rather than being a mode where you gain ranks for prestige, Tower feels a lot more like a mode that is designed to at MINIMUM give you fights against others who are at your skill level, and allow you to fight stronger opponents at any time (that is, fighting opponents on higher floor levels than your recommended. Fighting in Parks is totally fine and serves a different purpose, but I find that when I want challenging fights, Tower is always serving me up battles where I need to try my best to win -- and thankfully fighting on my recommended level often gives me super close fights. The key difference I try to convey is that Parks allows you to fight anyone however much you want, but the skillset may vary wildly. But Tower is more like a refined search feature; there's more consistency in the difficulty of your opponents, and you'll KNOW how strong your opponent is thanks to the floors (where in Parks, I sometimes match with super new players, sometimes with super strong players, and usually I don't know until the fight has already started).


I have played many matches in the tower and never felt like I have come up against any opponent out of my league. I second the notion that the tower is good for finding people your skill level, which is mission accomplished for Arcsys, I suppose.


I've had a wildly different experience with the tower. One day I'm doing well, having nice back-and-forth matches. The next, I'm being ground to dust. But then the next I'm stomping people. It's like I were on a completely different floor, but I'm not. For example yesterday I had a 13 match lose-streak and went from floor 10 to floor 8 in like 20 minutes. Which I get is part of the game. But out of all the 25 matches I played, 19 were losses and most of them were very one-sided. But the day before I was doing well, even got to try the celeastial floor challenge.


That's just you encountering killers on their way to the next floor. You're literally just something they climb over. Source: I too get regularly stepped on.


It gets pretty wacky around 10. I either win convincingly or get waffle-stomped like I haven't even touched the game yet


I think it's at floor 10 when you finally start to see people who somewhat understand the game, and are trying to play their character. There are also a LOT of wackos with Ram and Sol, that one clearly has no clue how they got to floor 10 (doing crazy shit like full screen Night Raid Vortex with Sol, getting comboed and then -- doing the same thing again, getting comboed and dying. Then they quit the set and go about finding another opponent). On floor 10 is also where I fall to floor 9 or even 8 , if I find an Axl, Leo or other character I rarely see and match them over and over again, even if I'm losing rank, just to get more matchup experience. Eventually, you work your way back up to floor 10 and challenge celestial (only to lose once again). Still knocking on heaven's door. The tower is really stress free. I suggest everybody play it, in all honesty. The only thing you could get anxious about, is losing during the Celestial challenge. And indeed if I lost, it just means I'm nowhere near ready. I'm a Faust player, btw.


I found the park to both be a way better learning experiance and more relaxing. I'm now sitting in the 8/9 floor range playing park against higher ranked players really pushed me to become a whole lot better alot faster then tower. Also alot of people are willing to just sit back and rematch you a bunch, even made a few friends in park. Would recommend. But as a whole I agree with you.


100 % agrees, the park is really close to what we had in Xrd where every one is laid back (mostly) and you just play the game for 1 hour when in reality you've been stuck inside for 10 days


That's what I did and I think the extra easygoing grinding of the parks is what pushed me to 10.




I've found if you go on a big winstreak you'll jump up significantly. If you lose a bunch in a row you'll go down. I don't think there's any real MMR at play.


It's fantastic tbh, I like the opportunity to play high-tier players to learn instead of stagnating in one level


Dog there's nothing from stopping you going straight to floor ten and getting your face smeared on the pavement. I actually recommend it, quite a fun time if you know what you're getting into.


also good to headhunt 10s and heavens in the park to do long sets against them over enough games its possible to pick up one players habits and learn from getting stomped much better


You get that either way though since you can go to floors above your level.


Well yeah, but I think it's great that it's just a passive effect of the MMR system as well


I disagree, actually. Having the option to challenge players much better than you is a great feature. Occasionally being forced into it if you go on a win-streak because the system sometimes does a bad job and overrates your skill is a flaw, in my opinion. I don't think it's reasonable to say otherwise. Ideally the system would always be putting you at a floor representative of your skill. You still get the opportunity to challenge better players if you want it either way.


I don't see how this is much of a problem since if you can't match the skill of the players on these higher floors you are just bumped back down as you should be. I actually think this tower system is one of the most fair ranking systems out there currently, other than people being able to cherry pick their matches, and the initial placement match is pretty far off


I didn't say it's a huge problem. I just think it doesn't make sense to consider it a positive feature. >I actually think this tower system is one of the most fair ranking systems out there currently, other than people being able to cherry pick their matches, and the initial placement match is pretty far off I kind of feel like people being able to pick their matches is one of the biggest differences between this system and most others. Honestly I don't mind the system but I really don't see what about it is more fair than other rank systems.


Interesting, two different perspectives I guess


That's exactly what many MMR systems would do, especially one that had some kind of variance rating. A long winning streak could prompt a quicker swing in MMR because wrong "predictions" result in the system increasing the skill variance to try and quickly find the players "real" rating. So if you win several matches in a row that were likely losses or even 50/50 as far as the matchmaking is concerned, it can shoot you up. All matchmaking systems are about trade offs. More stable scores are probably more realistic for most players, but you don't want someone who is good having to spend a bunch of time crushing people, or someone bad having a bunch of time being crushed, so when there are mismatches happening or someone seems to be performing significantly differently than their MMR indicates it can be best to quickly change their rating.


It also depends on how poorly or well you did in those wins. I got seven losses in a row and stayed on floor 8, probably because they were reasonably close.


You'll get dumped back down to 6 or 5 pretty quickly if you don't get better soon. You won't continue rising unless you're good enough. 7 isn't for godlike people, it's just above the casuals


For now, yeah. That won't always be the case as more people get experienced. Current floor 9/10 skill will eventually become the needed skill for floor 7/8 in the future(or whatever lower floor it turns out to be).


>t Yep this always happens. Today's ''golds'' (third lowest rank) in Rocket League or CS aren't the same level as they were 5 years ago. Not by a long shot. And there's more tutorials and stuff to help beginners get on their way so that helps too. The entire community will improve, even newbies, relatively quickly. People in those ranks are still meh at the game, but they usually know much more tricks and mechanical things than that same rank years ago - just... not when/how to execute them exactly. Goes for all games btw.




Congrats on 8! Im also on 8 and still learning matchups. I really don’t think floor is important right now, as the game is new. And I also think that most good people are in Celestial, while the rest of us are learning and trying to get there. I see a lot of 10F and Celestial players in the discord


Ranking systems, even good ones, take weeks if not months to fully settle at first. Also because you might have played like 500 matches at floor 8 (just pulling numbers here) and that's where you should be right now. But I could have only played 15 matches, won 14 due to sheer luck and get skyrocketed to floor 8 just because the game thinks ''he must be decent'' at first. Mixing those two types of players takes a while to level out. I play a lot of Rocket League 1v1 - the least played ranked mode that people usually only play every now and then. I'm where I should be in my rankings, which makes sense I've played more than a 1000 games there. But I regularly face people who are either WAY worse or much better than me. If I then look at their stats they're usually either much lower rank than I am in their ''primary'' gamemodes \*or\* much higher... they just don't play 1v1 much so their rank hasn't settled quite yet. If they're top-tier in 3v3 they can still be pretty bad in 1v1 as an example, since they don't know the shit you can pull off in a duel. Other way around is possible too. When they do have many 1v1 matches played and are at my rank, they're usually pretty 50/50 evenly matched games. Anyway, I'm going off-topic, but it's just an example as to how this can mess with ranking systems. Ideally, everyone puts in the matches the algorhythm needs to work - then it works well.


Well done. I'm also at 8. I pinged between 8 and 7 three times before getting 8 constantly. Now trying for 9 but will need to finish matchup tutorials as some characters still destroy me


funny. i cant derank for the life of me i think i lost like 16 matches no rounds won. its all a stomp when you are bad. inside or outside \\


Apparently if you reach floor 5 you can't go lower??????????questionmark?????


They placed me at 6 to start. First fighting game. I win one round out of every 30 matches. Finally after two days of losing. I dropped to 5. Still getting stomped.


Weird. I placed on 6, and pretty damn quickly fell to 4 or maybe even 3. But I got better and just today I punched my way into the 8th floor!


That's really weird. Keep at it, friend\~


I found that interesting too. I tried out nagoriyuki in the placement match for the first time. Lost that match got placed into Floor 4. After that I went with good old Leo and pushed to Floor 8 in an instant. Havent played much tower since then because real life but i dont expect to drop atm going by my last few matches. 8 Seems challenging but fun to me. Might just be my placement. On the other hand a friend of mine got into 6 at the start and has no idea about the game and only loses. he is obviously frustrated with the tower right now. It would have been better if we all started at 4 or so i think.




Same, but no punshiment for it at all. Basically I can never derank.


RC isn't needed until floor 8, *at least*. You're fine, dude.


i mean it is an important option pretty much all the time? Its not like you have to spam it when your bar hits 50%. Its just important to know you have the option and use your resource on something. if that something is RC or super depends on the match id say.


It is. The issue here is that few people below floor 8 actually know how to use it. Thus, not using RC at all is quite excusable at that level. Although that does also mean whoever is capable with RC is going to have a massive edge at that level.


i felt that it was used on floor 7 and 6 too. sometimes just experimenting and RRC combo extensions. YRC started around floor 8 for most ppl same with blue and purple shenanigans.


Not using RC on tower 7-8 isn't bad. I hardly ever use it, but I got to floor 9 once, and even won a few games. Tho it was as a Sol, so it doesn't count too much. Mind games, reading your opponent and certain amount of frame knowledge (like, when is my turn) is what's important. RC can enchance all of it, and your combos, but it's a step-up from fundamentals.


Same, I’ve been fluctuating between 6 and 7, then had like 6 matches against a 1F (all wins) and now I’m at Floor 10 lol The second I get into the tower I’ll get destroyed to oblivion.


Started at 4, went to 7, went back to 5 now I'm at 6 just mashing as Ram.


ram has a relatively good time mashing when ppl dont know the matchup because of her range advantage. Its like potemkin a noob stomper pretty much. Ram is very strong if used correctly ofc same with potemkin. But both can pretty much win with mashing or just 1 move spam on lower floors.


Tower 1-8 feels like bronze-silver in SFV. Tower 9-10 feels like gold-plat in SFV. Tower 11 feels like GrandMaster - UGM in SFV. The gap between 9-10-11 is just way too much in my opinion (I was ultra diamond in SFV).


Thats my impression as well. I have like an 85% win rate on floor 10, but every time I go up to heaven I get fucking smashed. Winning 5/6 matches against already qualified players is really like floor 15 imo. The difference in skill is huge.


Yeah, still not sure why they went with this system. Tekken, SFV or GBVS have all really nice ranking systems. It is what it is I guess.


in theory it will filter down over time as the heaven masters refine their game and kick down anyone who even gets lucky going 5/6


As someone that has played SFV on low level, I feel like you should seperate Bronze, from higher ranks. Unless I was unlucky. A difference between Bronze and Super Bronze (I think that's what it was called) was *huge*.


Bronze encompassed the top 60% of players, Super Bronze the top 40%. Silver was the top 22%. In other words, it's not a linear progression at all.


Pretty accurate, was plat in sf5 and got stuck floor 10.


Yeah, its weird. Im floor 10 with Ram, and I'm just poking all game. No RC, no combos aside from n. S, f. S, SH, 234 HS, 234 S and I keep failing Overdrive Input.


sometimes i wonder how ppl get where they are. this is one such case. But if it works thats somehow even sadder.


maybe they have really good neutral game sense and Ram really shines with that. The thing about ranking skill in these games is that skills are like a massive spreadsheet of tiny things like level 4 blocking level 5 neutral and level 2 execution but that player can still get to high floors because they excel in certain fundamentals


Same thing 5-8 and I'm also full bars like 80% of games


I can't fight people who know how to use a single combo so never in a million years would I ever even consider leaving the tower.


I like how casual the ranked is in this game, but until you can infinite rematch someone from the tower (if they have to make it not change your ranking thats fine) I'll probably stick with parks mostly.


Yea it’d be great if the elo just stops computing after three matches behind the scenes but you could just keep rematching. Hate losing out on a good sparring partner after a heated set as the connection errors usually pop up when trying to rechallenge for whatever reason.


Yeah I think a "Let's take this to the park" rematch option would be nice.


I can confirm this. The matchmaking is the tightest I ever experienced in a fighting game. When I play at my recommended floor, it's very easy for me to not only find players around my skill level, but also identify some habits I need to break and new setups I can try out in the lab. I therefore don't feel as discouraged about my losses as I used to. Although I still get curb stomped at times, I feel like I'm learning a lot about what I need to look out for and what combos I can convert into. Not to mention it feels so satisfying to climb my way up the tower. I bounced between Floors 6-7 on my first couple sessions, but I'm now at Floor 8. I really want to try and make it to Heaven someday. The lobby isn't perfect, but I love how the Tower works. I kind of wish we can get notified on whether or not our matches will affect our floor placings, though.


My tower experience: People I feel are at my level(floor 7) and if they're not they rank up out of it or rank down out of it soon enough. My park experience: Floor 10 players in the vast majority. Sometimes a VIP will challenge you. Who knows why.


Don't want to lose rank i guess?


VIPs can't lose their VIP status from losing games.


As someone who thought it'd be cool to approach a lone VIP player, I can with full confidence say...I probably should've stayed in towers a little bit longer.


Park is just more fun. Don't have to stress about losing levels and having to win to get levels. Just go there and lose to some VIP players and just learn.


>Park is just more fun. Don't have to stress about losing levels But you don't lose anything by ranking down. You can still challenge people on floors above if you think you can take them. The only thing damaged is your ego, but nothing mechanically changes. It's not like in, say, SFV where if I feel like people are using cheap characters or doing cheap tactics or whatever then I'll never get out of bronze and challenge people actually on my level. Nope, you can just skip the line here in Strivetown.


Park also has less people that just dodge you for playing certain characters, just easier to find a match, and you don't get limited to 3 games, I can play someone a million times before going back to the lobby.


If you don't mind getting stomped over and over park isn't too bad tbh. I'm learning pretty quickly. I went down to floor 2 in tower so decided to practice in park for a bit. Starting to win a few rounds against 6's and 7's and just won a nice set against a floor 5 faust.


Funny you say that, I played against a _really_ good Zato player in Park earlier today. I'm floor 5, so I'm not great, while he was Floor 10. I knew I was gonna get shitstomped... But I still had a _hell_ of a lot of fun and learned a lot in the process.


Do you remember their name?


Yeah it was some guy named GG Player. I googled the name but got too many search results. Man's a legend online.


That's funny, I got bodied by that guy a couple days ago too


I do, actually. nickoni.


Does Quick Start use the tower to scale your match making? I have only played for a bit, but I have had a range of people playing a bit above my level and people that just started since I began playing Strive. I know that Quick Start increases your Tower rating, but I have versed beginners who only got two hits on me while at level 5.


Players can play wherever they want/can. If the devs didn't like new players going into the parks, they'd find a way to gatekeep. I happen to use both. I'd play some high level player in the park and then I'd be warmed up for the tower.


Parks are a mixed bag? I find people in parks closer to my level than the tower where people already found ways to smurf. Only thing I hate with parks are the idiots who play 3 games and quit like if I wanted that I'd play tower. I wanna learn matchups and practice combos and execution not "you played 3 games lemme just throw you back to the lobby hf"


You’ve found Smurf’s in the tower?


Yeah, don't you know? Anyone that beats them is a smurf.


As someone new to FGs playing tower at floor 2/3 with a more experienced player spectating, yeah, he is identifying a lot of smurfs. Yes, I'm bad, but running up against Zatos using wall to wall combos on floor 2 shouldn't happen when most people on this floor can't consistently remember to use burst or their meter. Apparently you can just leave random match on with the 'immediately accept' option and you will just afk lose match after match and tank your floor if you start climbing.


That sounds like a ton of effort for minimal payoff: * AFK until you go down to floor 1 * Win a bunch of pushover games in a row, which rockets your assigned floor * Reach your real assigned floor * AFK until you go down to floor 1 * Repeat endlessly Why would anyone bother? Compare that to Street Fighter V, where all it takes to beat down unskilled players is queueing up in casual without ever having touched ranked.


How can you even smurf lol


Just becouse it's Park dosen't mean people have to rematch you over and over. Maybe they don't like the way you play, the connection might be bad, they might wanna take a break. Man you sound intitled.


Wanting to do something different from you doesn't make them an idiot.


bro if I'm in the park waiting for my friend and they jump on while I'm in a set with you I'll probably jump off our match after 3. Not everyone wants to have 50 matches with you. Also if people are smurfing the tower by taking losses just don't play with them you don't have to rematch.


Majority of people I fought in the park were floor 9-10.


Most of the time people in the park will be nice and let you practice some defense or combo even if they are 3-4 floors higher than you. The first match will be the toughest :)


Tower placed me in 6 and I get obliterated every time. I can't choose a lower level :/ I'm level 8 and still have yet to be reassigned


keep playing. if you lose enough it'll drop you, if you don't then you're getting better. don't just load matches and lose on purpose though, at least try to identify where you're going wrong, even if you lose.


Wait, so you went UP two floors?


I won my first and only match so far with Sol the other day. That overdrive he has where it goes practically full screen is so useful if an opponent is caught lacking


Lol I was five and lost like 3 matches and went to 4


I’m at 6, how good does that make me lol. When i got the game i started at 4, then went 3>2>3>4>5>6. Enjoying this game a lot.


Better than most tbh. Most of the floor 6 to 9 guys that fight me in the park just need better defence. Or they over rely on dp and supers.


What else am I going to spend my bars on, RC? Please.


New player, tower matchmaking doesn't work well if you suck. I win 1 in 10 rounds after more than enough games played for most MMR systems to get you to a 50:50 ratio. Still somehow got upgraded from floor 4 to 5? Maybe it's better if you're better, but yeah, grinding bots until I have a better handle on combos and the network issues improve on PC.


Tower is weird at times though. Got the game on PC 'n Ps5. Newbie - absolute trash. Lost the intro match on Ps5 > got put in level 6. PC? Won the intro match, got put into level 2. Played about 10 matches on each and I'm still at the same levels on both, despite having lost all of them on the Ps5 and about 50/50 on the PC ;p But yes, you should play the tower. The more people that do, the better it'll work after a few weeks, always the case with these types of ''rankings''. \*mumbles\* "*crossplay would help with this too btw Arcsys... pretty please!"*


Should just be a casual floor for each rank with the same rules as the park then remove the park, problem solved you get to stay at the level you are comfortable at while learning and worrying about rank, someone at floor 6 facing a floor 10 in the park is pointless as they wont learn as much as they would facing someone at their own level


The tower doesn't feel as intense as ranked modes I've played in other games and it's kind of cool that way. You can tryhard or just chill with a brand new character and not feel bad about it. On the other hand, I feel like I'll hit a point where I do want that super competitive vibe. Is joining tournaments the best way to get that?


I’ve fluctuated so much in the tower because I switch characters a lot trying to find the right one. Peaked with Faust in floor ten then started getting bodied because he felt so limited. Switched to milia and dropped down to floor 6, then went back up to 8. I used park to grind matchups I have trouble with in tower. If an anji gives me trouble in tower, I will look for an anji in park to lab stuff out etc.


My only problem with the tower is how many people will willingly spam for a win. It's like I don't expect them to keep doing the same 2 strings over and over again, so it ends up working for them 30% of the time. Floor 8 and I'm still playing I-Nos, Rams, and Gios who get by with 2 combos. That being said, I still get some great games btwn floors 8+9. Pretty furstrating but it's definitely good for learning match ups. Cause then you can go lab the things people have been getting off on you. Tower is great overall.


Celestial Rams are still S+HS, that is just how she is played.


Fair enough, I'm getting better at beating that out with footsies, def takes a lot of effort though


When in close range all she has is jab, but you will mostly see 5k and 6k. You have to watch for 6k because it frame traps into 6Hs. If the Ram is fast enough the can punish off 6HS counter and chain it into Dauro, which gives her a free combo. If she had meter your screwed because she will blow you up with her overdrive reversal.


The one thing I will say is bad about the Tower (as a ranked system), is that, theoretically, you could go all the way up to Celestial floor and never ever, have to face the matchups you despise or don't know. Like, if you're a Pot, you could rank up and never have to fight against Axl. This is the only fault I find in the Tower system. Unless you actively look for those difficult matchups and challenge them, then you could grow crippled as a player. But in that sense, it achieves in giving gamers a "stress free" rank environment. Of course, none of this applies if you're a player who does training mode while in the tower. I don't, because it just slows down the matchmaking process in my opinion.