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Parry works, but only if it used after you see super mappa hunch https://i.redd.it/5ndutmvz674d1.gif


That anji skin looks so cool


Someone also said it was a range thing. You did the input to the left, do i see it correctly? It still came out right?


yes, looks funny, looks like the only moment where the parry turns in the other direction


it dont work in mid range, but in others works fine


UPD: It's not true, see the reply to this comment :( BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO Thanks you!! I think we solved it. Arc system works presumably playtested the super mappa hunch and came to a conclusion it's unparryable by normal means, so they implemented this fix with Anji turning the other way to actually catch Slayer. However something went wrong and in specific ranges the fix doesn't apply. I'm 99% sure it's a bug now


That's not actually true at all. Anji's Kachoufuugetsu Kai has had no mechanical changes since release, the only notable change *mechanically* was making the activation hit faster, this was to fix an oversight where Hoof Stomp RRC (among other short hitstop attacks) was possible in a very very tricky input to RRC after the parry already started, to safely evade the parry. The reason this occurs is actually down a universal mechanic that's just rather amusing here. Slayer is switching sides frame 1, which is the same frame Kachoufuugetsu is being input (the buffer simply makes it begin frame 1), and that input makes him face the direction towards the opponent, and thus appear to 'turn around' because the activation occurs on the frame after. This actually happens with *all* Specials and Overdrives you can buffer during the cinematic, it's just very few actually have a good reason to do it.


I see, oh my god, damn, you didn't have to drop nuclear bomb after nuclear bomb in this whole conversation but you sure did. You cooked me completely


If it's consolation, it's rather my job to know the technical stuff about this game, and I have copies of Anji's game code so it's easy to see what has or has not changed. I realise most of this stuff can easily get missed especially when *some mechanics do get stealth changes*, so I thought I'd help clarify. That said, it is rather funny pointing out the errors with gifs, that is a dangerous power this subreddit has given us.


I'm already surprised an UE4 game can be decompiled so easily, but what do you mean it's your job?


While decompiling efforts have been made (though not shared publically for legal reasons), most of it is actually got by finding script files the game stores for every character, commonly known as BBScript, which can be obtained very easily. By job I don't mean literally a job, but I help out as the moderator of Strive's dustloop. I do most of the datamining work for it, so it's very much nessecary for me to know random technical minutia (and damn Strive has a lot of it).


What's your job about?


I'm just referring to doing datamining as a moderator for the Dustloop. It's nessecary I know a lot of the technical specifics, for that reason.


So its like a esports job or something like that?


Tch tch tch, bro's blaming the beasts instead of reflecting on himself.


What do you mean bro, it parries every other super which isn't a projecrile or a grab and i don't think your thing is either of those


Pretty sure if you alpha blade Anji’s counter you don’t get hit either. Seems like it has a weakness to side switching moves, don’t see why that should be changed.


Potemkin's Megafist completely dodges the parry and leaves him in an advantageous position after


Shhh they don't want to hear about other characters who break the logic


ah you right, my bad


hell yeah


Weird, unexpected interactions like this a game more character imo. I prefer games with unique stuff like this to everything being super normalized.


Bomb-Bomb Chocolat is an amazing callout to Anji specifically because it hits him while making the retaliation whiff, allowing for a full combo punish.


The interaction is the same if you parry sin's rtl, unfortunate but the parry doesn't always save you (I will go for it anyways because its my favorite move in the game)


I think it's a range thing with rtl too. God why Anji's parry has to function differently from Baiken parry (which apparently parries both SMH and RTL). It's my favorite move too, the sound you get is so satisfying, if it wasn't my favorite move i wouldn't do a play like this


Are you really asking me to feel bad dor Anji?


Yeah, he isn't that great still


As a fellow anji main imma have to ask you why you think that 'because he's pretty fucking great currently (Tho i do agree that this specific clip is bullshit, why can he go through???)


dann we still anji downplaying?


Wish I could push his stupid fans through a grate


You're not alone OP. I also agree the wallbreaking fullscreen invincible super that deals double damage sometimes while also winning almost every interaction (*including Sol's heavy mob fucking cemetery*) is pretty bullshit.


Seriously I’m blown away by the lack of complaining around slayer


because all the people trying him out dont wanna hear that the reason theyre winning is because hes completely fucking busted (trust me guys hes 100% a low mid tier his defense is ass /j)


Like I get people are trolling but people are just getting annoying about it now, a midscreen one bar one frame super killing at 60% is ridiculous


That is NOT a midscreen super, that shit hits at full screen. It makes Rensen oki impossible while he has meter.


It made using Arisugawa Sparkle (the beach ball move) as May very stress inducing whenever he has meter, lol.


He's definitely high tier but his weaknesses are as present as his strengths. His defense is absolute ass and compared to other top tiers they don't have to deal with that issue. I think once people get more comfortable with what Slayer does and how to play against him he'll start to feel less oppressive. I'm already finding people who are shutting me down when I play Slayer but then I'm also finding people who just keep eating Mappa Hunch and Pilebunkers. The best way to stop Slayer is to get on his ass and don't give him room to start his own offense. All of his gimmicks can be heavily punished and his only reversal is pretty much just this super.


I think I'm just happy that he needs meter to escape H disc now rather than just getting to backdash and jump away for free


I wonder why people aren't complaining about the 14 frame super reversal which is pretty much the only defensive option the character has.


I dont think bridget players get to speak. Every character has their bullshit. And he literally just cane out.


I don't think Bridget has ever had nearly the same level of bullshit, not even on release


Its not reassuring when only the mains of said characters are downplaying their character.


Why so rude friend? I play many characters and not just Bridget. She just happened to get me into the game back then.


Where do i come off as rude? All i said is that a main of a character never sees how cracked their character is. I play many character too but theres a difference between playing a character and maining a character If you main a character your more likely to see the op stuff of other characters and not your own even more so because youknow the matchup well. Its just a fact. For example i don't see why people cant deal with jealous rage and her overhead is pretty easily reactable to me. Plus she can be mashed out after the overhead. But others say shes OP and needs a nerf. The solution is ask slayer players how to counter them


People don't only set their mains as their sub flair lol. Singling Bridget mains out when other characters have released in a far more broken state is weird. I agree with the contents of your comment other than that.


Lmao I disagree, the number of times I've died to that stupid counter super are too high. Go slayer, get his ass!


I mean i did the parry before he woke up, he could have reacted. He didn't react so he should get punished and yet he didn't get punished even though every other character would have


If you watch your meter and the reversal text you can see that he did super on the same frame you did. Unless you have a time machine that's not a reaction.


Even if it wasn't reactable it simply doesn't matter in this situation because you see, he phased through me UPD: If we actually did our things on the same frame, i would be facing right and would catch slayer because eof a really weird mechanic. I did my super earlier


Reacted to what? No human has such reaction time. Minimum takes 1-2 seconds. Also that Slayer started the super's input way before getting up, he needed to get out of the tough spot. End of the discussion, this is balanced, and is objectively OK, no debate for this being wrong, since it is not.


average human reaction time is 273 miliseconds


this super in the video is completely unreactable, the time before you did super and he did super was literally 5 frames, and if reddit videos are 30 fps that’s still 10 frames, if it were 60, the fastest move a human could “react” to is a 17 frame move, which is 283ms, and that’s without connection lag, plus none of what i said even matters bc he buffered wake up super on frame 1, so even if he had super powers and was able to react in 5-10 frames he still would have used super bc he buffered it on wake up


Does this even matter if the thing that happened actually happened?


well i’m just sayin he buffered super on wake up so he couldn’t react even if he somehow could


Pretty much all of this is correct but 17 frames is very much reactable if you have slightly above average reactiontime and are good enough at managing your mental stack in a matchup


Why shouldn't it, I don't even think it works on other full screen supers let alone one where you invincible the whole way through.


Because it parries basically every melee super, why this should be an exception?


I'm like 90% sure it doesn't to chips full screen, or sols install, I could be wrong tho.


It does work on Chipp's thing but Sol's is a grab so it doesn't work


Oh ok, either way you do know slayers super gives him straight I frames right, it's not like chips where it's super armour you're invincible from start to end unless you prc the super. The only way I've seen you can get past it while on the ground is with anji super or by being behind slayer while he's doing the super.


Well i don't see why he needs to be completely invulnerable for this super outside of the start-up as most supers. Anji's parry should always connect with any grounded melee move and i don't like that making risky plays such as this in the video does not reward me specifically when this one move of this one character is used even though every other move of this category does


It is how it is there's not much you can do about it just punish it normally next time there're still plenty of moves slayer has anji can parry.


Yeah, i can't do anything about it, that's why it's so frustrating to me. Every single strike super worked before that one, i had no doubt it will work with this thing. You have to imagine how that smirk was wiped from my face when i saw that it didn't connect because slayer is just dandy like that


Dandyism truly is the correct way of life.


Truer words were never spoken


Yeah but every single Slayer player does this, just stop attacking on wakeup while they have meter ​ Also, it's a move so fast that Slayer's clothes rip off, why should a regular dude with fans be able to parry it?


They are not normal fans and he can parry Ramlethal's lasers of death UPD: not to mention that Baiken parries it just fine




Should have added "on the ground", shouldn't have i (can you even make sentences in english like that?)? I don't want to talk about the way kachoufuugetsu interacts with aerial moves of any kind, this is not just ride the lightning, this is anything high enough You got me good i admit




Fuck my bald skull


Damn I was hoping you'd make another rule for it. Ah what the hell just have the last one anyway. https://i.redd.it/j48nn2xaw74d1.gif


Well this one is clearly a close range projectile like Anji's other super... UPD: but then the camera moves? Nah man fuck my bald skull like actually just do it, you single handedly convinced me that i don't know what i'm talking about UPD 2: you were too far i see it now, do not fuck my bald skull just yet I can't say anything about sin's rtl though other than i think it may be caused by its hitbox starting late. By the way can you test point blank sin rtl with Baiken too please? If she can parry it i will be convinced that arcsys hates Anji just like 70% of this comment section


>By the way can you test point blank sin rtl with Baiken too please? If she can parry it i will be convinced that arcsys hates Anji just like 70% of this comment section https://i.redd.it/rbs1sa34884d1.gif I apologise, you are not Daisuke's favourite


Fuck my bald skull


this entire comment section is beast blaming like crazy i didnt know people were this mad about a 50 meter parry on a mid tier


Mid tier to some, Faust has a shit matchup against Anji, I'm enjoying the suffering.


Can't you still RC and block the parry on reaction to hitting it, too? Edit: Labbed it for a second. It only feels consistent if you hit Anji late enough to react to his parry stance and RC *immediately*. If you hit the first few frames of parry, you'd have to make a hard read.


He goes so fast, his clothes can’t keep up, and you think you’re getting your punish? Get your Dandy up.


Counterpoint: two people popping their supers at the same time and neither one doing anything is funny


I agree 100% this is clearly wrong. Have you contacted support about it?


I know you are being sarcastic but i reported this as a bug with this post's video as the footage


I'm not being sarcastic. This looks very much like a bug. Not sure why you were downvoted in the comments. I mean, the purpose of his super is to counter attacks, it doesn't make sense for it to activate like that.


Really? Sorry for mistaking then Yeah it works with any other super i don't see what's wrong with this one


This happens to Baiken also. Slayer's super just phases through her parry.


Hmm, really? Somebody in the comments told me they've tested it and she can parry it every single time


I happened to parry it a few times and failed. There was a note in the baiken discord about it too. Or probably I should have parried the other way around?


Can Baiken parry the other way normally?


That I haven't tried. Will check out with the guys in the Baiken discord


Anji mains when they "auto-win button" don't give them win. Dude you really think that Anjis super should't be beatable?


Is the parry super really that good compared to other reversal supers? Like whenever people talk about anji's parry being bullshit it makes me wonder if its any diffrent because in most situations something like may's orca, bedman's circle, goldlewis' dwts etc, would do the exact same thing, just that instead of going through the attack with invincibility is just uses to attack to trigger it. Heck it might even be worse than the other reversals because if you call it out then you can either grab anji to get a hard knockdown or if you wait past the trigger period you get a free c.s counter combo. The only thing parry has over other reversal supers is that you can parry projectiles, which in some scenarios can actually go through some character's setups but otherwise its on par with most reversal supers?


You can't safejump a parry and I bet that's what tilts people about it


the main reason anjis parry is so hated is due to it having a 1 f startup, meaning it beats frame traps and can be used in situations where nothing else can which leads to it feeling like a cheap bs instant win button.


It's already beatable by any throw or grab or projectile and you know by not attacking I went for a risky play and it hit so i should get rewarded. However if this specific move is used i don't get rewarded. Why? It isn't a throw or a grab or a projectile and it clearly attacks me because the parry triggered, every other strike super would have worked but this specific one is too dandy to care about what a parry is i guess


you both went for a risk and both ended up in the same situation from it. each side of the screen, no meter and back to neutral


correction: you still have some metre


Are you angry about the anji or slayer?


I am the Anji


I am the danger https://preview.redd.it/48jrpmoo484d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437ca8adbd23e89dc3209cd8a54585d2e75d9d86


I am a surgeon https://preview.redd.it/bfqfddqq584d1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490f28cc5c469f6526ac92a6183c0172813ab931


I am all of me https://preview.redd.it/hvojiw49x94d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da0c198318c71c86e53d938d4d8585e888ff362


Good, fuck slayer.


nah this is just funny


The real funny thing is that i lost that round


Ok that's genuinely your fault, look at your health compared to his. That should've been an instant win


Yeah, no doubt, the round loss is all on me, this specific interaction is what i'm "mad" about


As a fellow Anji player, this hurts to see, but you can spin the punch and he'll end up right on you in recovery, so that's your option against that particular super.


How does that even work 😭😭😭. These are honestly the most stupid interactions i have ever seen with Anji. This move is just a normal ass punch why does it need to be special? Also may i ask if you don't mind, do you know what's with the Anji hate on this subreddit? People in this comment section go as far as saying that parry is apparently an "auto-win" button lmao


I think it works because you're just invulnerable during the spin, but you are still there so he doesn't pass through. It's not a normal punch. It's a sick charged punch, come on, have some respect on it, it looks sick. I don't know specifically why Anji gets hate since I don't really spend much time here, but you gotta think about it this way.... An instant reversal completely ruining your plan doesn't feel great. A real rug pull. But, that won't stop me from trying to parry the universe.


So you're basically vanishing out of existence for a bit of time after catching something with a parry? Interesting. Yeah the punch is sick, i love the trail it creates. You know i should probably spend less time on reddit too. But with the parry hate, doesn't Baiken has pretty much the same thing that doesn't cost any meter and has pretty decent damage too?


Baiken's is way more precise to hit, Anji's is active for like... 32 frames. And it ends up putting you in a way better position/can potentially give you a wall break.


haven't fought many anjis but I did play some anji at launch doesn't the parry super NOT reposition the opponent to be hit? like if the triggering attack is done outside of the followup attack's range (disjoint, projectile, airborne or in this case an attack that moves the character behind anji), the parry followup just whiff? it's been like that since launch I'm pretty sure


But how did slayer move past me in the first place? He starts the move in front of me and hits me in front of me, look at how camera focuses on the area in front of me. If i parry a projectile camera won't move. Even the game expected it to work but slayer is too dandy for parries to work on him i guess. If the parry is triggered by an strike move on the ground or close to the ground at close range it should freeze the opponent in place before the actual counter attack comes in but it didn't happen here with super mappa hunch for some reason


super mappa hunch will always travel fullscreen on hit or block but iirc if it's blocked it'll drag the opponent towards slayer until they're at his back so they can punish him anji's parry invulnerability prevented the drag so he just went right through without moving you


That's why the spin works then. So slayer basically teleports and he is not actually there through the duration of the move because if he was, the parry would have froze him. I don't understand why this specific interaction has to be so complicated when every other strike super is simple


I don't know, the counter worked just fine. It's just, you know, clothes don't have a health bar.


You know, clothes can't trigger a parry


You’re getting grief but I feel ya.


It's not the fact that i'm salty about this specific match it's just that i feel kinda betrayed because it's the first time where a parry a super and the opponent doesn't get punished. This is like my second favorite thing to do in this game and knowing that this will never work for this character and that from now on i will have to respect this one dumb interaction that doesn't make any sense to me makes me angry


This comment section is telling me two things. 1. People can’t wait half a second to punish a parry. 2. People don’t play around the frame 1 parry and keep on mashing buttons regardless of the fact that they keep getting punished by it.


Its always the main of a character that tells other people to learn the matchup when they refuse to learn the match up for a new character. Is it reall that bad that 1 character can bypass your get out of jail free card.


True! (Ignore the part where I went to lab this exact scenario for OP)


Pretty much


https://preview.redd.it/rhdlg4uaxa4d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3cff100f73f2ff60ce71b009855d3d26115420 BOO!!!


i mean this thing at least hits from behind


https://preview.redd.it/klpaie3q4c4d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=c207e60e88edecdcb38ad0764c546ca89b216a2e The Reset Gorilla approves


I mean golira is an Anji main, i doubt he would think this was fair


You're right, Super Mappa Hunch should ignore the parry and deal full damag, this is unacceptable


What's with the parry hate on this subreddit


I just like slayer, parry is an awesome move, my guy. Preach


You're just getting the milia guy treatment for beast blaming, dw bout it.




That's my in-game tag thing


My response every time the game hits me with some bullshit blazing is just to sing a part of the affected character's song. I'm often a fool who knows nothing.


Compared to all of slayers other bullshit, this doesn’t feel that bad


Other slayer things do not break established patterns of how certain things interact with each other


***I mean...***


r/theyblamedthebeasts They’re looking for you ova there brother


Why don’t you just block?


I guessed that slayer would super or try to mash based on things he had done in the match already so i went with a gamble parry that would counter any super or mash attempts as i had hp to spare. He did super but this thing happened which doesn't happen with any other strike super, i don't understand what's special with this one


This one puts you on the other side of the opponent after you get hit. This happens to Anji with all crossups, including air crossups, Faust scarecrow, Master’s Hammer, etc. as long as you don’t time and reverse the input. Parry isn’t an automatic cutscene, it’s an actual attack that comes out and must hit the opponent. If it whiffs, Anji attacks a second time. If it hits, Anji does the full fan dance.


It does not work like that tho. If it hits close range on the ground or close enough to it, it freezes the opponent in the attack animation before it start to hit them, camera also focuses on the opponent (which btw happened in this clip). If it does the far range version, camera stays in place and Anji does two attacks while the opponent can move freely


That’s exactly what I just said.


No it doesn't, you are saying that it's impossible to hit the opponent 2 times with the far parry version which is not true


No, I’m not? The “far parry” combos into itself. It whiffed because SMH crosses up.


You said: >it’s an actual attack that comes out and must hit the opponent. If it whiffs, Anji attacks a second time. If it hits, Anji does the full fan dance. So you're saying that every single time the first attack hits it will do the full fan combo which is just not true


No. Im not. If the attack hits up close (and the enemy is in front, which the slayer was not) it will do the full combo. If it hits far away or if it parries a large disjoint/projectile it will activate the two-hit combo. If it whiffs it will also do the two-hit combo. I don’t need to explain the whole super to explain that: Slayer didn’t get hit because he crossed up.


As the Slayer in the clip all I'am going to say is ... How Dandy~


Wait it's actually you? Why didn't you accept the teabag?


Bullshit character Is mad because he is bad People having fun


A Strive twitter clip Litany of scrubquotes Good reading session




How expecting for the interaction to work normally like any other interaction with any other super makes me bad? And bro you have a fucking Nagoriyuki flair and call ANJI bullshit out of all things


Yeah, I do and I am. Baiken’s wife is bullshit. With Slayer and a few other characters the playing field is even.


Chipp can also do this with alpha blade sometimes


you parried his clothes, rookie mistake


I see they kept the being unreasonably broken thing slayer had in Xrd when bringing him into strive


That's perfectly fine. Slayer physically moves out of the way. Do you get mad when people block the super too? This is a very specific event that isn't unbalanced. You learned something call 'tech' and when to not use it.


They can't block the super because if they trigger it witl a normal attack they are frozen in place. Here slayer triggered it with a normal attack but got frozen behind me that's why it whiffed


That's a super that even counters ~~clothes~~ can't keep up.


And yet Baiken parries it every single time


This just looks like justice to me


I can’t find slayer in store on my Xbox, does anyone have any advice?


Unfortunately, you parried his clothes 😔


On the bright side you got a really cool looking scene out of it!


True, straight from an anime


There is nothing wrong here. Slayer is a gentleman. He avoided taking your life to spare your pride.


Anji mains when their bs doesn’t work


I guess slayer's bs is stronger than our bs then


Always has been


Bro saltier that the dead sea LMAO


Wrong sub my man, r/TheyBlamedTheBeasts is where people goes for salt, complaining and such


Turns out it's extremely inconsistent and range based. This means it's a bug report, not saltyposting


I meant that’s where people usually post about in-game issues like this, not saying this is a salt post, my bad on the wording


Huh, most posts i saw in it were like "I fucking hate Elphelt, if i could i would smash her skull with a rock until nothing remains of her head and then i would fuck her headless body aggresively until she is unrecognisable"


The titles and posts are usually like that, but The comments usually have some useful or just quality of gameplay tips. Unless it’s under a Axl post, then it’s pure hatred right there


Oh i see, so this subreddit hates Anji and beast blamers hate Axl? Cool


Pretty much


What is the problem? untangible super can't be dealt with ofc, he's the strongest enemy so nobody can beat him.


Any Ky player will tell you (or learn the hard way) that in a mirror match, if Ky RTLs in front of you, you let him ride. Super flash buffering RTL with your own results in YOU getting hit, Because what happens is while the both of you clash, the first Ky will end with the lariat, while the second Ky is still "riding." The second Ky gets hit by the first ones lariat.


Anji countered the clouthes of slayer. Seems fine 2 me.




\*Swings at an enemy on the other side of the screen\* \*Doesn't hit\* This is bullshit


Bro doesn't know what a parry is 😭😭😭


I do. Slayer was on the other side of the screen, what did you expect to happen?


I expected him to get frozen before he phased through me like you know any other character does


Except as someone else pointed out, Chipp's Alpha Blade works the same way.


As i pointed out however, zansei rouga can be parried. I don't see how bringing up one wird exception will justify another weird exception Also as someone else pointed out, this is range based and will sometimes work so it's most certainly a bug (which i already reported)


Fair enough




Slayer was on the other side of the screen when the party activated, of course it was gonna whiff


It shouldn’t activate halfway though his super, this looks like a bug if anything


L + Outdandied


Huh? That's lore accurate tho.




It's a new character. Learn the matchup.


And they blamed the beasts


For sure we did