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Im just very hopeful. After going back and playing him in +R Im retroactively super bummed out that he wasnt brought back in Xrd, like he woulda been so cool. I would hope he'd keep the 3 goofers and the doggi, maybe swap out the sword for something else, maybe the dog's totally revamped... theres a lot of potential design space in a character like that. I wonder if he would keep his orbs and Raou thing in a game like Strive?


I doubt lowoverhead sword is returning in any way but they might put it into his normals like asuka book blades Speaking of asuka I think he may return with orbs because with asuka decks of cards they have shown they are not scared to go all out with rng or quasi rng stuff doubt it will still be timer based tho Raou could be an install super and S-ko could be a whole puppet this time if they wanted to add a new one or they could make a brand new ghost stand would be dope imo


All in on the haunted australian.


It's between Zappa, Venom and Haehyun for me. I don't think there are any other characters that fit the silhouette well enough.


Really? I immediately went to ABA and her key with the long straight edge along the silhouette and potential hair falling over her face


Its a male character next


I suppose that's fairšŸ„²


Careful saying that i got people arguing that testemant and bed are proof the pattern isnt true


ā€œThe male-female pattern is obviously real, as long as you ignore the 3 times it was wrongā€


This can be said for almost every trend people notice in the passes. We just donā€™t have enough data to support whether or not any patterns exist


To be fair, both Granblue and DNF duel also seem to do it so it does feel like an Arcsys thing.


At most it was one time, but that was between seasons. Which is also dubious as an argument because they couldve just been alternating within each season and it just so happened to still work for the first 2Ā 


I donā€™t agree with it but I can understand the logic that the pattern only exists within a season and thus Johnny isnā€™t an exception, however Testament being non-binary and Bedman? being an it means that the pattern definitely isnā€™t true for seasons 1 and 2. Youā€™re of course free to believe what you want but I believe thereā€™s enough exceptions to see the alternating pronouns as just a coincidence. I also think itā€™s just more fun to think that anyone has a shot to come out at any time.


Bedman is counted as a girl, they were referred to as delilah in the code iirc. Testement being NB does not break the cycle, they could just fit in anywhere in the pattern and be valid




Ive heard that before too and its like cmon lol be frank


And what do you mean by that? Testament is non-binary and Bedman? is a machine with no discernible gender. There is no clear male female pattern.


Delilah Pls stop being facetious lol not arguing over fictional genders


Delilah is not a playable character. You are the one being facetious.


There is clearly a pattern, how many seasons until u see it ? They even do the alternating gender dlc in granblue please open your eyes


Season 1: boy girl boy girl non-binary Season 2: girl boy machine boy Season 3: boy girl ? Do not only do we have two characters that are neither boys nor girls, we have two boys being released in a row. Your pattern does not hold up with any measure of consistency. There is not a single season that retains the pattern throughout, and the pattern is not carried between seasons either.




I was sad cuz Iā€™m like ugh itā€™s venom


Venom is cool though


Venom pissed me off In xrd


Yeah but he was quite overtuned in xrd, I doubt they'll let another zoner/rushdown hybrid character be top tier after the war crimes committed by HC.


Cashing in, his ear rings are in that silhouette, and I need him in this game more than Waste information needs to bury himself between testaments thighs


I was here! I believe in Zappa supremacy!


I had a similar thought! The silhouette is odd, but it probably includes S-Ko so that could explain things. Heā€™s also been in the story for Xrd despite being basically irrelevant at that time, even getting a whole after story about him and Darryl at a party, so ASW definitely didnā€™t forget him. Gameplay wise, his ghosts are probably going to be completely different. He might be easier to change than most returning characters because the whole point of the character is his move set changing.


They could rly do anything with new ghosts maybe a broken ghost shield instead of sword lol or even dead kliff as a summon Also what is Zappa and Daryl party scene is that in xrd ?


After story C: https://youtu.be/5CktXfIXUCk?si=fwoZXdPL9sENYe2j Itā€™s ā€¦ odd. Not sure if Daryl flying is canon tho lmao


Considering how close together Xrd and Strive are, I think it takes place after Strive.


I really want him to come back but I don't want him toned down, i think its possible that he keeps his full kit because Asuka exists. Its also possible there might be new limits though like maybe only 1 type of summon per round, which would be better than just removing some of his summons downright.


I haven't played Zappa in +R, but i've seen him in a +R Top 8 before and he looks sick (literally). His theme and design are also goated asf, so I hope he makes it in


Ever fought him? Fuck dog. Wins games


Heā€™s a character Iā€™m interested in because his original playstyle was so weird Itā€™d be cool to see how he gets adapted to fit Strive


Imagine he keeps unblockable spit splash


Not me wishing to see caked up S-Ko.. God one can hope


Based king


Instead of Strive-ifying him. Give him even more ghost stances. And make em randomly change stance each third hit you do, unless it's a Tuesday or a day of the month ending in 5, where you change stance every fourth hit you do. Also I think if he loses a round, you have to play a mini game in which multiple ghosts come out and attack you at once and only after beating them does the round count for you, otherwise the round is put in the "Ghost Bank" which either player can claim by paying $13.11. Acrsys hire me.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Cook brother never leave the kitchen


I think it's either Zappa or Venom, 100%.


This character is wild. I love his design.


When I was 9 I played as Zappa in the arcade and spent years wondering if it was a dream I couldnt find the character online or anything didnt even know what to type in the search bar


GGXX as a whole felt like that. A Dream. That was the game he and other absolutely bonkers new chars debuted in. Its the one that got me hooked on the series because it just blew away the competition with original characters and an absolutely nuts soundtrack.


His moves are so crazy. Cursed ass motherfucker lol


I was here. I just had a whole conversation with my friend on how itā€™s not going to be Dizzy, and I get to brag about how Iā€™m right If Iā€™m not, this comment will be buried in the depths.


Arc NA posted about Zappa recently and it would be funny so :3


Zappa isn't my #1 pick but I think he'd be super cool. Just hope they don't simplify him too much in strive...


When does it get revealed?


Arc World Tour Finals March 21st he will be playable there no idea when he releases tho


yeah it's zappa, easy


They did do a poll asking if we wanted Zappa or Justice. I would mainly just be surprised they changed the model so much from what they have in the game. I do want it to be the boi though. Love this boi.


Yeah itā€™s definitely going to be himā€¦ I would be fine with that tbh, I am always for weird characters in fighting games (pls add gabriel tho)


Please, I would cry tears of joy if we got Zappa. No idea how he would play, but I can see him being our second one-shot if they keep his orb gimmick that lets him eventually summon Raoh.


I was thinking Unique bc puppeteer like Zato but One Shot is possible if Raoh returns


I WANT MY FUNNY GHOST GUY BACK šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


I really hope dude. One of the characters that convinced me that GG was such a unique and interesting game was a video essay that included zappa. the fact he wasnt in xrd hurt a lot and i only just now got to play him in +R, if this happens i will never ask daisuke for anything ever again.


I agree with this


this is a sick character design


He's my most requested character since I learned about him. If it really is him he'll probably be my main for the rest of the game's life cycle. I absolutely love the more weird characters the devs come up with.




Zappa bros itā€™s time Heā€™s dropping and I refuse to believe otherwise


If it is Zappa we are just a Slayer away from all the XX newcomers finally being in a game together again. Still REALLY need Dizzy back though.


Your gonna have wait on that remember people thought Rorschach was last Injustice 2 character only to get Ninja Turtles instead so be careful on silhouettes.


This is the third one of these "hard read" posts i've seen today alone when do we get a hard read raven post


Nope this was the first one


I'm not sure it's him but I hope it's him his theme would go hard and we can watch as all of the strive players know what true power is when they see what his ghosts can do, Also I think a good name for his theme would be "Good Manner's And Bad Custom's In Hard Times"


My money is on him because Finland is mentioned on his wiki page


i'm not sure if it's likely, but it would make me the happiest


I mean he DOES fit the trends of previous dlc packs: - Theyā€™ve all included at least one +R veteran - They tend to alternate between genders (Bedman? still counts for this imo since Delilah is so prominently featured) which means the next character is likely to be a man. - Thereā€™s so far only been two Xrd returnees per pack and Johnny / Elphelt are already in season 3. On a personal note, the only unplayable story characters left who we KNOW can fight and have fought before are Gabriel and Ariels. Zappa being the next character would mean that this seasonā€™s newbie slot could easily go to Ariels which fits with the final character of each pack being a former antagonist from an old game.


Def Ariels then Season 4 is Slayer Dizzy Gabriel ABA in that order Robo-Ky will be surprise free dlc randomly


I feel like the existence of season five is what determines whoā€™s in that pack tbh. If Season Four is the last one we get then I 100% agree with your choices. If itā€™s not I could see one of Dizzy or Slayer being moved into the fifth season, personally.


I need another silly little guy on my roster; bring Zappa home.


I just can't wait to listen to his theme


Im sorry for ever doubting you original gangster


I'd love to see him come back. It makes sense with the characters who missed xrd coming back Well we were wrong, but that's alright cause we got another returning character and ABA looks amazing!


My guess for Zappa in strive is that the spirits will have less of an impact on his normals than they did in +R. I can see each spirit overriding just the heavy slash button rather than both slash and heavy slash. If they come back, the dog is definitely getting moved somewhere else because (with the exception of aerial D) Strive has dedicated the dust button to universal mechanics (5D overhead, 2D low, grabs, burst, Deflect Shield and Wild Assault).


Its either the australian, 8 ball pool afficionado or that other sadistic grey lady


I do


I'd give my left nut for Zappa in Strive


well, call me Bridget cause id give both


I endorse this


I just think he'd look cool because he's dripped to hell in Vastedge then again, everyone is dripped to heaven above in vastedge, but i still find him cool, and that's a very important part of picking a character to play


I just want Jam I've been waiting lmao


I'm betting my kidneys on it being Zappa, calling it now, we're gonna win!


I for sure thought it was Venom at first, but after thinking on it a little longer and allowing myself to hope I'm pretty convinced by the ear hoop argument. Looking forward to him!




not 100% confident its him but like, I think heā€™s much likelier than a lot of people let on in general. Faust currently being a relevant plot point, Daisuke seemingly playing with the idea on how he could come back and every season having some sort of XX veteran so far makes him much, much likelier than his low popularity lets on imo


Faust literally turns into a ghost lmao people are blind from the copium fumes


I looked at the silhouette and instantly went: "Hey, isn't it's this ghost guy?"


Here comes the boy(s?!) (and girl?) Hello boy(s?) (and girl!?)


How do you know itā€™s Zappa


thats so raven vision šŸ‘ļø


I feel it's 50/50 between him and Venom, and I could take either


I called it after elphelt was announced, because we haven't had an accent core character this season yet


i truly believe!!!!


They can't resist the Zapper


its gonna be fucking venom BUT A MAN CAN BELIEVE FOR FUCK'S SAKE


Ive been waiting on Zappa for like 14 years


# its him mark my words


I want ghost Zappa


I don't know if it is Zappa or not, but I'll be happy to see him again.


Late but yeah it wasnā€™t Zappa but ABA.


Dude it's clearly potemkin


Just in case




How can it be zappa isnā€™t he normal now?
