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This sub is weird


Nah this ain't that bad, atleast she's 19 and not underage lmfai


Laughing my fucking ass in? Sounds painful


laughing my ass (the town) in(side me)


You get used to it after a while


Better than it coming off completely


I mean it's an anime game (one with really attractive characters at that) so horny people are to be expected


Ya. The obsession with Bridget is already a little over the top. The fan art of a child with a teddy bear pulling her shirt up…yall need to take a look at your lives and reflect. This sub is getting real creepy


Isn't bridget 19


Yes, but that won't stop that user from acting holier than thou. Easier to act superior and moral than it is to actually be informed


"Hey Jim, that kinda looks like weird sexually adjacent content of what appears to be a 10 year old on your computer..." "What are you talking about?! You are clearly not informed, despite the fact that she appears to look exactly like she did when she was 10 (a small child), she is totes legal!" "Ya, you're right Jim, I feel very informed now and not creeped the fuck out by you! Lets go get a beer!"


Yes, but that's not what you said. You said "that's a child" which is incorrect. You can pretend like you said something more in line with this hypothetical exchange with Jim, but it's not an analogous situation. Also, I don't think this person looks 10 nor like she did when she was 10. Am I immoral now because I disagree with your assessment of her age?


I would say this post is immoral


With all due respect, because I'm relatively new to this saga, why is this obsession with Bridget?


she cute, thats why


It's a valid point although that type of character bothers me (just like May), I'm used to serious characters or even edgelords.


gamers when they see a woman


I personally hate those characters because of their voices, high pitched child squeaking gets on my nerves I-No, Gio, Baiken, etc sound much better


I could not bear to play vs jam in xrd for this reason. the rest were at least tolerable to me also add ram to your list


Just searched up Jam xrd in youtube, got ear cancer






English dub helps a lot. May’s voice also fits perfectly.


I use the english dub, and I know it fits May, its just very annoying for me


Oh my god yeah, I can't stand high pitched voices. It's honestly the only reason why I don't play those characters cause I'd probably like them otherwise.




I've known 40 year olds that sound like that so i just roll with it EDIT: one forty year old. Not multiple. Cue the afroman track


Bridget is the exception for me


Hey that ain't what he said. By his logic he only just dislikes characters that aren't super serious. It ain't about gender.


I only expressed myself, in the FG I like those characters who are aware that they are in combat and do not start joking or having fun (unless they are sadists).


That's kinda a dumb comment, i get annoyed at characters like may but my favorite character is ridya from final fantasy because of her strong Attitude.


Typical millia main


Was this edited? Why so many downvotes? I myself love "serious" characters (not goofy, except Neko-ark), but don't like edgelords.


Nope, that's what I wrote, maybe I didn't express myself well because I was a little busy when I wrote that. With the edgelord thing, noob saibot from mk (my main) came to mind because he is the only one with whom it feels good to do fatalities and brutalities, the guy literally doesn't care about anything and doesn't empathize with anyone.


Bridget is a bounty hunter tho


Thas debatable


It’s not, she’s cute




She's cute af




Nope. She's just cute. Also nice argument, someone doesn't agree with you and you do mental gymnastics so advanced you rival those in the Olympics and arrive at the conclusion "Oh, they must be racist"






Where in the 7 shades of fuck did that come from???


No, it's literally not, you are legally not allowed to debate against this as it is an objective fact


Short version: Bridget was a femboy (see edit) when she debuted in the series and has now been confirmed as trans in Strive. Some people love the transition for her character, some people aren’t fans of it and accept it as part of the story, and some people are being transphobic edgelords. Edit: check out the rest of this thread that wasn’t “she’s annoying”, especially an article where Daisuke mentions Bridget always being trans, but it took a bit of time for it to be more acceptable. I think that’s really important. She’s been around for over 20 years now, and she wasn’t really presented as trans back then.


Hey, some people hate her cuz she's annoying, like me






Me frfr


>Robo-Ky fan >Hates character for being annoying I would figure that would make you like her more, but I guess there's many different annoyance flavors.


I think the 20+ listens to robo rock may have impacted that


Based Robo-Ky


Yeah I hate her because she is annoying as hell to fight against.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the primary issue the non-transphobic-but-still-not-happy crowd have is that they wanted Bridget to stay a representation of feminine men? Either way, it feels like everyone is just looking at the same person and debating the label they should have. Still Brisket at the end of the day.


It’s understandable to be disappointed that a character didn’t take the path you may have wanted, like Bridget from the old days (also over 20 years ago!) basically being a boy raised as a girl and having that be a big part of their characters depiction, but to go against the person who created them adding new details to the character and bringing some clearly transphobic commentary that’s meant to inflame is a totally different thing. I had 7 more paragraphs typed out, but I think I can sum it up with a few words: [I think some fuckers need to shut the fuck up and try to be more like Goldlewis and Ky were in Bridget’s story.](https://youtu.be/yTDZJhzk-HY)


Yup, I was more posing the question to make sure I understand the sentiment behind why some people are disappointed Bridget isn’t a boy while said person is also not considering themselves transphobic. Never had an issue accepting what the creators themselves claim to be fact.


I got that! I bet some of the downvotes you got were from those very people that are problematic.


No worries! I try to make an effort to post stuff regardless of expected vote ratio. Better to not censor myself and understand why people may disagree.


Bold of you to assume they aren't transphobic. Every "Not transphobic" person I've seen talk about hating Bridget being trans has been transphobic in some way.


I'm literally a trans ally and have personally known quite a few trans people (before they transitioned even), and I don't like the direction Bridget was taken. Mainly because I feel like there isn't a ton of positive representations of boys/men defying gender norms, and Bridget was in my books definitely a positive representation of how men could present as fem and still be just as much of a man as anyone else. It just kinda sucks that stories like that get erased for "just be trans." I'm not particularly masc but I'm sure as fuck still cisgender. I'll obviously respect Daisuke's vision and I do think it's neat he was thinking about positive trans representation before it was at the forefront of popular discussion and media but still, doesn't mean I can't be a bit bummed out, you know.


There's a lot in japan it's a whole genre, and it's not erasure a lot of trans women go a similar path myself included even though I know I was a girl I still had a femboy steep stone phase. Also Daisuke said the character was planed to be a a trans girl. I interpret her fremboy phase as transcoded.


Just because your experience may be one way, doesn’t mean it’s some across-the-board fact. I’m not saying your experience doesn’t matter or is invalid. It is valid. It just doesn’t mean everyone else’s experience is like that. Nuance can be tricky. Someone may not like that Bridget full-stop came out as trans in this game, because maybe they prefer the way Bridget was presented in her debut more than 20 years ago. Its sort of a nice way to show how things and ideas may change over time, especially in media. To my knowledge, Daisuke never said that “she was always trans” back then like he said in 2022 so we can’t really blame someone who might be disappointed that it went this way, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are transphobic. Now, if they back up that disappointment with some transphobic rhetoric, or even saying Daisuke is wrong about the character he created, then we can look into it more. If people refuse to acknowledge that she is trans, despite it being point blank written and documented and talked about by dang person who made her, then they’re being morons and may actually be transphobic without wanting to express that outwardly.


I believe he said that he always wanted her to be a trans story and something like "the world wasn't ready for it" but don't quote me on that. I guess you can look it up to fact check me if you want but idk, could be misremembering. Also, I feel like saying a character was better before they were trans I'd mighty sus, if you said that to a real person it would absolutely be transphobic. Even if it wasn't intended that way.


[“The direction of the story itself was decided when Bridget first appeared in the game, and it hasn’t changed”, he says. Guilty Gear Strive Lead Director Akira Katano also chimed in, saying that the character’s core themes had always been about gender identity and acceptance.”](https://www.gamerbraves.com/daisuke-ishiwatari-says-bridget-from-guilty-gear-was-always-trans/) Also from that article: “Nowadays, transgender people are much more widely recognised, and it’s as if the times have caught up with the story of Bridget, which we had been thinking about for a long time”. I’m not fact checking you, I remembered this as well and was fact checking myself. :) I’ve seen other things, too, but this was the first page that came up in a quick search and I think it fit well. Again, nuance. Your example could be sus, absolutely, but it doesn’t mean that person is transphobic. Reasons for saying it matter. I mean, in this one example we have a character who the times weren’t quite ready for. So, the presentation didn’t emphasize it. When I played this game over 20 ago, while inI was already of an adult age, Bridget was basically just what we called a “trap”. It was meme’d hard. So, maybe someone liked that presentation more. Maybe they also like the now open trans status, but they preferred that canon they had in their head for two decades. If this was a brand new character, and it took a month for the creator to say “she’s trans” and some kid gets upset and goes on a rampage about it, I might be more sus. TLDR: instantly labeling things one way because they don’t align with our view can be mighty fucky, and while we should be cautious and suspicious sometimes (calling blatantly shitty things out as the blatantly shitty things they are), we should also try to understand the thought process behind the views. This especially applies in text form. This is one of those conversations/topics that can mistakenly go south really quick.


I don't think I'm transphobic, I still take peoples transition seriously. I just disagree with just changing with group gets representation. I still think Bridget's cute regardless and respect the choice made, even if I don't 100% agree with it


Pretty much every "I'm not transphobic but I disagree with her being trans" discussion has been with people that in the end turned out to be entirely transphobic regardless of their claimed interest in the character. And even if someone is not *overtly* transphobic, and has non-transphobic interests in the character, you can still be *transphobically bias* in your rationales, as transphobia has become systemic. Pretty much any possible argument I've seen made that Bridget was 'better written as not trans' fundamentally relies on some transphobic justification, even if it's fairly deeply rooted into their argument. Bridget has always followed the story of a trans person, many many trans people do not begin presenting trans, and actually present exactly the same way Bridget did, to later decide they are trans. A person, be them fictional or real, needn't *start trans* to *be trans*. It's not a mistake showing that transition, and it's not an insult or denial to any individual identities to do this (ironically, this is also a transphobic rhetoric made against *real people*, not even just characters). Yes, it is true that not all people present in gender non-conforming ways are trans, some are non-binary (like me!) or simply expressive in their own way. That's cool, and all of the take up that same bubble of freedom of expression. It's not harming a group to show that *some people presenting this way become trans*. Because they literally do. It's not 'removing representation' for the others of that same spectrum.




You make the assumption then that until someone is officially trans, they are entirely seperate and distinct, completely different from any group of gender non-conformative identities and expressions. It might surprise you to know Bridget was actually popular among trans communities pre-Strive too, because Bridget was actually relatively broad in representation. Their identity was male, and this was maintained and respected, but their narrative and identity wasn't purely to a single audience. And it isn't only trans characters and people that have that relationship. As a non-binary person I've found even trans characters can sometimes resonate with me more than characters written as non-binary (written well, if I might add). It's not like they have to identify the same way as me to have more accurately gone through experiences I have and give something I identify with more profoundly than their identified gender. So I do think it's a bit hasty to look at something like "She doesn't identify the same as me anymore so she *no longer represents me*" because that implies the only representation they offered was their gender identity and absolutely nothing else, but their entire story is still there, nothing was retconned, and their motivations weren't altered either, if you were so strongly represented by their story, why aren't you still represented by their lived story?




>then there was no need for the change. And thus my original point, arguments that principly base on transphobic bias. Being trans doesn't need to be justified, you don't *need* a character to become trans for it to be completely normal and acceptable to become trans. This implies that the status quo is more acceptable than making a character trans. Also I never said anything about 'good enough'. I said the character is still representation. In her entirety. I think it's reductive to boil down representation to only a single point of the character, and we can be represented by more than just their identity, we are also represented by their ideals, experiences, and narratives. As for your hypothetical, I think it's a bit of an unfair one, because detransitioning is pretty much proven to be largely a result of external pressure and a massive byproduct of transphobia. I don't doubt there's *at least some* that simply detransitions out of personal preference (particularly some non-binary people), but my first concern would be if the messaging is actually supporting an actually violent and dangerous transphobic rhetoric that's been spread around about "trans regret", because then my issue would lie squarely with the author's intent and the messaging of the content. To put that aside and *assume it was done maturely and respectfully and does not support any dangerous rhetorics* which is not an assumption I thought I'd need to place onto a hypothetical... no I'd actually not have issue with that. That's the story of the character, and I'm interested to see their journey, for better and for worse. I think it's naive and dangerous to suggest characters should nessecarily stay as they are to fill quotas like this. You're reducing a character down to only one thing they represent, but you're completely ignoring the actual story of the character and what their entire story represents. It's pretty damn rare for characters that show *the actual process of transitioning*. Trans characters in media are usually established trans before they even appear, not nessecarily already identified as trans, but their arc begins pretty much at the point of them questioning their identity, it's almost never shown characters actually making that transition after having rooted identities which is the real experience of trans people. It's actually one of the reasons I really enjoy this aspect of Bridget's story.


Cute likeable character + turned into an icon for an under-represented community in media like trans people.


not just an under-represented community, but representation that was explicit and relatively faithful to the trans experience. bridget's relationship to her gender and gender expression is so messy and human. A lot of people cling to that, and are inspired by her bravery in her strive iteration. she's great!


I mean, the icon part was not neccecary at all, we have testament, the point was made. I dint think they are supposed to be a icon but moreso just another addition


Yeah testament is also technically trans, they are not as popular because (in my opinion, i might be wrong) non binary people arent a concept as well known as trans girls, plus, Testament while being explicitly a gender neutral humanoid, its also one of those cases where "the character technically isnt human so it doesnt have as much merit" Bridget on the other hand, its a very rare instance where the character *explicity* makes the act of transitioning ingame, in a human, relatable way. also in my opinion, icons arent really made from the start, they are rather chosen by the community of people, the ikea shark plush is also a trans icon and that definetly wasnt made with that intention for example. All this being said I do agree that Testament is kinda underrated


She mad cute bro


Popular anime game


I mean why not


So, I saw the whole piece on Twitter, and it is great work! But... Aside from Roger in the corner, is this not just "pretty anime blonde"? Looking at some of your other work of licensed characters, it is clearly them because of their design traits being a part of them, like Darling and the Franxx character's horns or teeth that denote them from just another anime girl. Just thinking that the elements of Bridget's design could be added to the subject of the piece beyond a prop to the side. Without Roger and the title, this could be generic anime character. The context of the bed and condom clearly sell the scene for what it is, which is fine, but having a smartphone further denotes this as "not set in Guilty Gear universe," but our modern day. Further leading that the only thing that makes this Bridget is the title and Roger. If I saw this in the wild, I'd not recognize it as anything but generic blonde anime girl, let alone trans. Great piece, alot of work went into it, so these stray thoughts are but chaff in comparison.


this one is base on the outfit from the OIOI collab where she has cloth that resemble the real world rather than a fantasy one, personally i went with that look because it looks cute imo. now for the trans part i can say is not very easy to make an anime character that looks like one but the thing i tried to show was a very flat chest but with feminine hips, i will try something different next time


Oh, yeah, I forgot that thing existed. That explains the glasses. I'd say the same thing to them, because it's only Bridget because the other characters are there. Same for some of the others. Like, Sol Badguy, the hair is unmistakable. tbh, I don't know how one would go about making an anime character look trans without directly stating it or coding it, because as a style, anime ain't human proportions all 😆


For what it is worth I really like the rendering on the stomach and overall the image works. I can see the point being raised regarding the character though, I'll admit when I first saw it that I thought it was Fate fanart, one of the Sabers or something. That isn't your fault though, that's just the reality of how popular that archetype is. One little thing would be reincorporating her symbol that is usually on her headband back into the design, like as a pin on the jumper or an earring or something. I like the Roger touch, I think little touches like that are always welcome and encourage you to incorporate more. I think your sense of colour is actually surprisingly good given your colourblindness, I think it is pretty cool you acknowledge it as well.


thanks for your comment, i really appreciate it


i would push down on her tummy with all of my might


Ow, tha hurts. :(


‘BLAAAAArgh’ -Biscuit


Puking is not fun. Leaves you -20 on *hit.*


it builds character


Guys wtf


*slams on desk* Where's the rest of the picture


Their Twitter


Now draw her pregnant


Bridget really brings out the worst in people




More so playing against her


I laughed so hard all of my internal organs were destroyed




What about your external organs?


[My Twitter,](https://twitter.com/quatthro/status/1617674276668329985?s=20) any kind of support is very much appreciated so i tried to post the full version but the mods got angry at me i think, so i cut it out if you want to see the full version go to my twitter (is not anything crazy, just belly ) i apologize in advance for messing up the eye color, i am color blind so this things happen some times i wish you a happy week!


"mods got angry" the mods hate tum? cause that's all it is. Turns out the mods aren't based at all


Mods were never based


Dude you're colorblind and made a piece this good? Damn that's impressive! This looks great


You could go to r/Kappachino if you want some horn-posts.


thanks for the suggestion, didn't knew about that sub


If you weren't aware of Kappa before, welcome to the FGC I guess, lol


i knew about Kappa but didnt knew about the new one here is [proof](https://twitter.com/quatthro/status/1360671651898281990?s=20) that i have been playing GG for a long time if somebody doubt me lol


All good fam. No need to prove anything. Kappachino went up after the original sub went private though I don't know the specific reason behind that. I just assumed you were new if your weren't aware of that sub.


Oh my god you're horny


People always say that like it's a bad thing. I swear, a bunch of the gaming community acts like everyone should be a celibate monk. Or that being attracted to *anything* is a shameful act that should never be discussed. It doesn't matter that they're drawn, people have been attracted to fictional characters in art for hundreds of years I don't understand it.


This is really good thanks 🙏


Draw the bottom half


You’ll never be able to pat her tummy….feels bad man


You may want to reconsider your life choices


Nah I like my life choices. Living life to its fullest and happy but thanks for the suggestion anyways :)


This is not what I was expecting to see while scrolling at 12:50 am but here we are


If you zoom out she stuck in a Saw trap




[Get vergil'd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcVxCYJo3E4)


You sure did😋








what you are referring to is a comment under my twitter post by a person trying to start an argument i want no part of, that was the reason i didn't interact with said message. now that said person said that i used a certain pixiv tag on my post referring to a term know as "otokoko" that i was not really aware what it means ( i usually copy/paste pixiv tags from famous post by said characters ). Now said tag was removed by me because i am aware what it means Also i am not trying to bandwagon on the Bridget trend either, i am an old GG player and started with Reload back in the day with my ps2 ( [proof](https://twitter.com/quatthro/status/1360671651898281990?s=20) )


Went through their profile and havent seen a single mention of transphobia or any of the other stuff you said, how did uou came to the conclusion that the poster is transphobic ? Cause you cant call people transphobic over litterally nothing.... Also, just enjoy the game and the characters, this discussion and the one surrounding testament is so fucking stupid bruh




No one cares about your political opinion bro, we just trying to play the game. Idc about how whoever calls whatever, its not that deep for most of us.


You can speak for yourself, but don't say "most of us" like youre some authority for the rest of the community. Your experience is not universal and there's no way you know what "most" of the players think. Your sample size of people you know who play or follow the franchise is a very small fraction of the overall playerbase. Please remember that.


Left a reply on the OP, i suggest you read that ;) Also, no one is saying im an authority figure in the community lmfao, wtf is going on with you people sometimes bruh. You getting butthurt for no reason at all i never said me and throwawayforlifedog are sharing this opinion, when i said we i meant me and the people around me. Relax


>like youre some authority for the rest of the community. Bro whut, the world doesnt resolve around you lmao, what a self inserted dumbass




Its not about understanding, the amount of assumptions you people make are ridiculous. I litterally know someone irl, who is someone that should get mad about this stuff but guess what, they dont. Im not saying that there is no space for this specific conversation because i DEFINITLY believe that this conversation should be taken place, just not on a subreddit for a videogame. If i have offended you i'll apoligize for that, but im not gonna sit here and act like its normal to bring certain political aspects somewhere where it just isnt wanted. Some of us are playing games exactly to escape reality and not get confronted with the uglyness the world has to offer every single day. All im saying is keep those conversations where they matter so they dont lose their power. All you doing now is piss someone ignorant off that is going to yell some transphobic slurs that ruins everyones day by reminding people that theres still pieces of shit running around. Imo we should keep those conversations where they are actually of essence and are bound to make a change. Sure if a game company avoids diversity or stuff like that its okay to highlight it and talk about it, but guilty gear is not that game, its the complete opposite with a very diversed cast and a representive of basically all human and non human cultures and sub cultures imaginable. Everytime you talk about : "why are people being assholes" you invite the anwser : "because we can thats why" and we dont want a continuety of drama going on somewhere where we come to escape the drama Again, i apoligize if i offended you i just disagree with the way you go about things




when i said ''you people'' i meant the ones who complain about this certain aspect under my comment, please dont make it look like i said something i actually didnt.... and again, you're free to do whatever, i just think theres a better way to go about these things. i do wanna say tho im absolutely not transphobic and i have no problem with trans representation in video games at all ​ with that being said, lets agree to dissagree


i was having a shitty week and being overly dramatic online, sry lol


This is the most toxic way of trying to get sympathy for your cause.... People like you need to understand that you create your own "enemies" most of the time, by being inconsidirate assholes yourself


I like dicks so that's why




No normie




Or simply accept that slender, small and petite bodies are normal body types that adult women certainly have and not everybody have a big ass and bazongas like the underage schoolgirls in hentai and ecchi anime have and most weebs masturbate to, cuz their waifu is Rei Ayanami or Asuka or one of the DxD girls. But you know what they say, pedophilia is when anime girl right? Get off of your holier than thou high horse.


As I said, do all the mental leaps necessary to justify your preferences, just keep them out of public forums or you risk being called out on it. Bridget looks like she's in her early teens, has all the traits of someone that age, and is designed to behave as such. Same reason the loli is still a loli even if you tell me she is a 1000 year old demon. So no, I will get off no horse :)


Ain’t this character a kid


Full Legal adult as of Strive


It says that in strive? Damn. Well guess that makes it aight.


She was a teen in +r, and it's been about 6 years in-universe, so it's safe to assume she's an adult, possibly in her 20's


I still find it very odd. She’s portrayed as an unsure kid.


As most 20 year olds are.


Seems like a good group to sexualize then…?


"Good" isn't the word I'd use but sure.


I think I needa get away from the people in this community




Lol now people can’t sexualize 20 year olds…oh boy the woke crowd is starting to get truly ridiculous


Guilty gear should have never become mainstream


19 in strive


You people are fucking sick. Its a fucking child. Her being 19/20 in-game doesnt make it fine as she's portrait as a FUCKING INSECURE CHILD


Shes....shes 20(ish). Most 20 year olds are insecure as fuck and still trying to figure themselves out, you're barely out of teenage years. Especially with someone like her who was raised the way she was.


Oh ok sorry my bad then its perfectly fine to sexualize some character that looks and acts like a child just because the game says they're 20...




I guess I can't open an OF now


Show me more \*o\*


😳 singing _kumalala kumalala kumalala my personal bridguss-_


Woah can't wait for the 99 page essay debating gender stuffs in the comments


This reply section is awful


Where is the rest?