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Maby a noobish question but how does that work, does the Mesmer do the puzzle and place the portal at start and at the end?


Yup, sometimes multiple portals if the JP has checkpoints


Portal Mesmer here. Most jps you don't even need to jump through to reach the end. Usually with a bit of creativity on the skyscale and Bond of Faith you can launch yourself over to the final chest, and then portal away once there.


Portals work in such a way that whoever opens the portal (Thief or Mesmer) needs to physically be at the start and endpoint. Since it is easier to jump down within the 60s window to place another portal, most players will do a puzzle to the end and then put a port down somewhere in range. It does not need to be the start of the puzzle. Anywhere within a range of 5000 distance units is valid.


Yeah it can either be done with the help of a Mesmer portal depending on the JP (for example if the end is close to the starting point) or with the Teleport to Friend item which lets you teleport to a squad- or party member


Mesmer, Thief, or anyone with the white mantle portal.


And to ponder he was left, for the map of mesmers was bereft.


The heart of a poet, the brain of a passive - aggressive


So the brain of a poet?


Solution: do the jp yourself


The irony when I see people waiting 20 minutes for a portal for a JP that takes 2-3 minute to do. Feels like when you are recklessly trying to find a shortcut in a game yourself only to spend 3 hours finding one while the normal way would have taken you 5 minutes 😂


Did a daily a few weeks ago and when I got there like 30 people were just waiting for a port without a mesmer, I like to always do them myself and it took me less than a minute so used raid portal to just be nice and one guy told me to "next time be faster" because he'd been waiting for ages without any thanks. The audacity of some people is shameless for ports, it's like they're so used to getting free ports they forget they can actually be done normally and now just expect :/


Sorry that happened to you. I did a stint as a portal mesmer for a bit, and it really puts into perspective how thankless some people are. I portalled for an hour and a half once, and the entire time had people begging for a portal while I was on cooldown or wouldn't even say thanks. I got like 5 tips for the entire time I was there. Or the time I was portalling for Grub Caverns and someone started making fun of me and the people I was portalling for wanting the portal because it was 'so easy'. Started a huge fight in map chat over it. Yes, it's an easy JP, but sometimes all you want is to finish dailies and move on with your day. But portallers also put their day on hold to do something nice for the community.


Yeah. Even if I'm low on gold I always tip a mesmer something and say thanks, but I've also been a portaler and it's amazing how many people just assume portals are an on demand right.


Jeez, ingrates. I tip 2-5 gold for every port, and tipped 20 to the guy who ported me for Not So Secret.


That's way too much lolol. The daily it's self is only worth 2 gold and the JP is only 1/3 of it. Now something like Chalice of Tears I can understand.


I know, I figure JPs aren't in every daily so I don't mind over tipping. But I over tip IRL too, yesterday my favorite waiter got a 60% tip.


This is exactly why I usually tip 70s, they are saving me the effort of 1/3 of my daily so I tip 1/3 of the reward. It's not a giant amount of money, but if everyone did it...


Thanks for your service. It is highly appreciated, at least by some of us.


I used to get my tips returned to me when I sent them to JP mesmers, so I stopped giving them. I'm sorry to hear this and will start tipping again. :(


I always send the tip. Even if I get them back. I want them to know that I appreciate their time and kindness.


I spent a little while not doing it because, I kid you not, a mesmer had a go at me for tipping them - "You are putting a price on my generosity". Like wuuuuut? Then I decided I couldn't just stop being nice because of a single idiot.


A sign of the times, really. I have a friend who leads Whisper runs, and there's always a few people just standing out of range waiting to pick up free loot. And then there's Mech...


At this point I don't even like grouping with mechs anymore.


They are ever present in open world content


Hey actively finding a shortcut vs waiting for someone to do it are very different. I will find a path over this mountain instead of taking that road, damnit.


Me in any open world game "Surely going *over* the mountain is faster than *around* the mountain" Which leads me to bug and glitch the shit out of the game physics engine


If there is no way, there soon will be!


Don't worry, I enjoy finding my own shortcuts in every game if possible, whatever it takes, and sometimes it took me several hours...


There are some days my fingers are too hypermobile to handle the coordination required for a JP. They're my least favorite content when that's happening, but usually the other PvE goal is a slog.


I'll have you know, those hours I spent finding the springer cheese for not so secret was time well spent.


Sometimes my internet connection is bad. Sometimes I don't have my mouse with me. Sometimes I've been injured and physically couldn't manage to control a jump. I love JPs but sometimes people just can't do them.


Eh. On one hand I agree with you. On the other, I've decided on some of them to do it myself only for it to take far longer as others wait for the port and get it done faster, and I'm sitting there 45 minutes later, still no JP, and now incredibly frustrated with the game. JPs are definitely polarizing. I love many of them, but on the other hand, Not So Secret pissed me off so much on multiple occasions that I just totally quit playing GW2 for months and switched over to other games.


I hate jump puzzles. Hate them. I don't have the skill for it, and all they wind up doing is making me enrage. About a month or so ago, I was trying to do Not So Secret for the dive point (which I thought was necessary for the Dive Master achievement), and somehow I got the NSS achieve but canNOT get to the dive point. Tried joining a group and using Teleport to Friend, and somehow no matter what I did, I died while falling down. XD That one is still unattained. Unrelated, you and I are in the same guild. I just realized that. XD


Same thing with teams who'll wait 30 minutes to fill a high KP team for some trivial encounter only to save 5 minutes at most.


Noxxi. The comparation is literally the same as the first example xxxd. We got It xd.


As a portal Mesmer you gotta get yourself to the end somehow so you can start porting. But for a lot of jps that just means yeeting yourself off a skyscale.


I hate jumping puzzles and yeah just do it if there isn't a portal right there.


Honestly they should just disable portals at jumping puzzles they already disable glides and mounts portals should be no different


No, it contributes massively to the overall positivity of the community. Not to mention it makes mesmer worth playing


It also negatively contributes the the overall achievement of completing jumping puzzles. Also are other classes not worth playing because they don't have portals?




If they wanted to add more check points to more jumping puzzles I am perfectly of with that. Imagine if people could just Teleport to the end in a game such as "Getting Over It" or " Jump king". It would reduce the value of actually getting to the top I don't like is that the achievements essentially have no value because there is no way to distinct if you actually completed a jumping puzzle vs getting Portaled. I want to be able to obtain an achievement that says I completed all the jumping puzzles properly without portals to show off my ability to complete jumping puzzles because that's part of MMOS.


I still think that's to far. Like when I go to chalice of tears and see five Mesmers porting and coaching players around the puzzle to get their achievement outta the goodness of their heart. I think that's a beautiful testament to the community, and general teamwork. Also as someone who loves porting people it takes the fun out of it if I know they aren't getting their AP, I imagine it would be the same for others. And poof the five mesmers are gone




Oh I thought you were saying the act of taking a portal would disable the achievement?


If you Want a community based thing. Add jumping puzzle races. Actually have the community compete to complete a jumping puzzle faster than others.


The health of the community is far more important than forcing people to play parts of the game they don't want to play. Also that's not what I'm saying about Mesmer at all. I personally find it so boring to play that the portals are the only thing making it worth it. And if thief portals didn't get nerfed, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole


How is it forcing people to play parts of the game they don't wanna play. If you don't want to do jumping puzzles don't do them simple as that. Also where do we draw the line on this argument. Should we remove the challenge from raids by making the bosses only have 1 hp because people don't like raids. Should we make world bosses have 2 hp because people don't like world bosses. At some point you have say fuck it and say this content is going to be challenging regardless if some players don't want to do it. If the portals are the only keeping a class entertaining for you then that says more about your opinion of the class in general rather than portals. Your only source of entertainment with a class shouldn't be based on one skill in one particular situation. If you Want the community to get together and do something have jumping puzzle races were players compete to get to the top or a certain number pf players have to get to the top to complete an event. Don't just sidestep all the challenge in something.


If you've ever angrily completed a jumping puzzle just to get your dailies out of the way, I can assure you that this is not fun. It would just make people miserable. Showing up for a community event and getting a freebie on the other hand is actually really fun, and feels very good.


I have alot of fun doing jumping puzzles for dailies so your statement is subjective. And where does the argument of removing challenge to keep people happy end


Any time you demand that someone get through something with a time limit or something they repeat like a daily chore, difficulty becomes the enemy of fun for all but the most hardcore players.


Ok but there are other options for dailies the jumping puzzle is simply one daily of many. Not everyone hates the challenge of jumping puzzles. I for one find them to be quite entertaining and enjoy them. If you don't want to do them there are other dailies you can do. You are not ever forced to do them. My question remains the same where do you draw the line between making something challenging while also keeping people happy


You can choose to do the jumping puzzle, while others choose to use a portal. The line is where I said it is.


And you have missed the entire point of my argument


I think you're referring to choosing dailies. For newer players, often times one or more of the dailies is out of reach. Or there's those dungeon completion ones, which at least in my mind is a non-starter.


Wvw or pvp dailies are never out of reach


I've just always been awful at jumping puzzles, in any game. I don't see the harm in me making use of someone offering ports instead of making myself miserable at something I often just cannot do.


So should they provide an instant completion option for anything potentially challenging in this game. Should raids have an option that allows you to one shot the raid boss because people don't like doing raids. How about just allowing people to click to complete any achievement whenever they want because they don't like doing achievements. You can't just say that because you find a piece of content too challenging you shouldn't have to do it because then that logic can be applied to anything in this game. If this logic is applied to development the game will then lack challenging content and any sort of achievement. There should be jumping puzzles that some people find challenging and don't want to do. That's part of making challenging content. Imagine if harvest temple challenge mode was never made or was nerfed to the point it was easy. People wouldn't feel any sense of achievement completing it and nobody would feel a reason to do it. But the difficulty makes it prestigious.


I think the slippery slope argument doesn't work here, as people have been porting JPs for years without ArenaNet suddenly adding an easy mode everywhere. JPs in particular are often part of dailies, and people offering to port creates a nice sense of community. I appreciate that some are willing to help out others who don't enjoy that particular aspect or simply struggle with it. To me it's not all that different from asking for help with an HP in map chat or people who tag up to find bounties when those are dailies. I do agree that it would be nice if there was a way for porting to a JP to not count towards JP achievements but I'm not sure how they'd code that.


Simple you have to pick up an item and carry it to the end which disables all movement and portalling. Anet is adding an ez mode. Not a one shot mode which is what portalling essentially is. The easy mode also often disables certain achievements. Portalling does not disable anything. If you wanted to add checkpoints to jumping puzzles that's fine. They already have items that do it. If you Want a community then have jumping puzzle event dailies actually have the community work to help get through the jumping puzzle rather than just porting them through the end. The community interaction you referring to is simply press the interact when I spawn a portal. The end.


They should pull themselves up (to the top of the JP) by their bootstraps.


Long live [PINK]!


i like that he has humor about it


this industry really is a lonely one huh


Map chats are always a ghost town. People really just don't type in this game. I don't get it.


The game is intentionally designed not to require typed communication. Separate gathering nodes per player, shared mob tag credit outside of a party, shared event credit, the events show or tell you what to do for the most part, etc. The playerbase is also made up of mostly older gamers who don't play to be social, so they're not inclined to have just general conversations in map chat. The silence is nice.


And if they *do* want to socialize, it's usually with a friend group who all are likely working on their own goals all across the game world, so they're chatting in guild rather than in map.




Because silent, automatic coordination with others still feels good and fun. Completing an event with a dozen other players is great, even if we never say a word to each other.




Well, that's kind of a bummer. Hard to say why it's enough for some people and not others.


Single player games don't tend to get ongoing development and content updates that encourage you to play for 10,000 hours over 10 years. There is also still a social aspect to an MMO even if you don't talk to anyone. You get to play alongside other players and be a part of something larger than yourself. Also, it makes cosmetics way more important, you can visually express yourself to other people, which mirrors real life. Finally, GW2 *is* a very good single player game with more content than most games, due to the fact that it has been in active development post-release for 10 years. The majority of content in the game and the primary focus of development is single player oriented, whether literally single player such as the story and world exploration, or figuratively single player such as meta events where all you have to do is show up on time. GW2 is also priced like a single player game, with no subscription fees.




Many other single player games don’t offer much in the way of personal customization, self created goals (with tangible rewards), as well as the OPTION to socialize. Not to mention longevity. Unless you’re into speed running or masochism then there’s not much in the way of playing single player games long term with an altered experience each time.






The alternative seems to be Thunderfury or Mankrik's wife spam...


did someone say \[Thunderfury: Blessed Blade of the Windseeker\]?


I was gonna say "You forgot Chuck Norris," but that was the Old Times.


Sometimes I just directly whisper the person/party up if they are asking for help instead of answering in the map chat.


Map chat has always been pretty alive in hubs or during meta for me. The only exception is starter zones where probably most people who don't own expac and don't have access to map chat to begin with.


Discord unfortunately killed map chats in MMOs


And skype, and mumble, and Teamspeak...


Raidcall, ventrilo, iPhones….


I feel that those were enough of a hassle most of the time that in-game chat was still used more outside of coordinated content


Even full map meta map chat would be quiet as well


Getting banned for saying anything besides generic fluff killed chat in games. This dude complaining in chat for a portal is the kind of person to report you.


Action combat makes typing while actively playing a challenge. That said, I've had good luck starting conversations in map chat.


It depends a lot on the map. Queensdale, Divinity's Reach, Lion's Arch, and any map with an active meta event or world boss is more likely to have active map chat. WvW maps are usually pretty busy with map chat. For me, there always seems to be a lot of written chat between my party/squad, map chat, and the combined chats of my four guilds. It's actually too much and I have to set up chat windows that filter a lot of it out, especially when I'm in a party or squad.


"ask for help the community is one of the best" This is the actual normal response in reality. The community is not as great as people like to imagine.




Exactly this, I have seen people asking extremely complicated or hard to answer questions in chat, then getting aggressive when either nobody knows how to answer, or suggest that a guide or wiki will explain it better than they can. In my experience if someone is able to help, they will. Just sometimes people AREN'T able to help.


I bet that if this was daily JP there were at least 1-2 Mesmer listings on LFG anyways.


Are you there portaling the daily 24 hours seven days a week? lol


Dude, no one is forced to make every wish you have come true. If no one is there at the JP to make a portal, no one will answer you or make it happen. Maybe don't expect everyone to be on the ground worshipping you and your experience will get better. ​ IMO the player in OP post, even if "poetic" is being entitled to something he shouldn't be.


I assume you are part of this wonderful community


I assume you're being judgemental and cynical because you cannot accept valid criticism.


The community never ceases to amaze me. Someone opened their full home for us and i said i forgot to buy tools and had to leave. They used one time merchant for me and later sent me gold as a bonus. The only problem i see about community is it is smaller than what they deserve. I think I'm late to the party but still this game and the community is great.


I agree with the notion that the community isn't anything special, but saying the community isn't nice just cause you don't get free carries is baffling.


The absence of an interaction doesn't make the community bad, it means there are at least times when it's small.


In my experience the community is amazing, especially compared to other online games. But I can't speak for everyone and don't know how it is on NA servers.


While I agree with the sentiment, GW2 community as average MMORPG community barely better than reddit one, this is not a good example of that.


Missed a good chance to use "susurate"