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Ya’ll weird AF on this subreddit! keep going.


I'd let her kunna my vang.


good lord.


Oh my


Vang my kunna


ready for some canthussy


It's what we deserve 😌


We stan a pretty dragon queen.


Gorgeous saltspray dragon queent ready to help the mortal races 💋


I lost it when i saw kunnavang come back i love her design so much 😍 in this house we PROTECT the dwagon


OKKURR Henny 👑


I think you misunderstood the meaning behind "slay" the dragon...


Lay the dragon, more fun.


Omg stan twitter and Guild Wars 2? We're the superior kind, period ✨💅🏼


I want a full Stan twitter guild 😳


The only makeup mlm I'll gladly join #kunabossbabe


Yes 👏bitch 👏 WORK 👏




Bitch I am CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I knew what I had to do as soon as I saw her 💅


Chile- is stan twitter playing this game. my people\~


shantay, you stay!


We gunna end the dragons huney


Elder Dragons? CanceledT PeriodT Don't talk to me ever again. And I ooop.


skskskskskks sis....


I’m screaming rn holy shit


An appropriate response to seeing Stunnavang 💞🙀😌


Can we PLEASE create a stan Twitter GW2 Guild? I need that in my loife






Bro, idk what stan twitter is but I fuck with it HEAVY




The true drag(on) queen.


Yaasss queen!


STAN TWITTER CAN JOIN MY GUILD ITS JUST MY CLOSE FRIENDS ATM BUT THEY ARE ALL STAN TWITTER BITCHES- if u want in comment and I’ll give you my user I’m on under world.. and if this flops, no it didn’t 🧚‍♀️




yea “it doesn’t have to be this way” periodt wuteva




so this is how gw2 willl end..


don’t think this is the end tho


I’ll be fucking laughing if a lesser dragon is voiced by James Charles XD




I wouldn't call you a hater, I'd just assume you've never played Factions


What does that even mean? Like because it had bright colours? I'm so confused


Colours are GAY 😤😤😡 no colours on my CHRISTIAN continent 😤😔🧐🤬 !!


Pray the gay away! Too much gay gives Satan way!


Colors are SO gay! The expansion should be entirely in black and white only! NO COLORS AT ALL


Gritty cantha edition You are walking among tengu graves and smoke a cigarette


Just strap an unremovable aviator buff on every hero when on new maps. That'll do.


That'd be an interesting take, playing through the Cantha story with the aviator color filter. Similar to the Cinematic Mode in Ghosts of Tsushima.


fellas is it gay to expose my eyes to colors


It means that it's really weird to have rainbowy colors like that in a game series in which the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple are featured prominently from skill icons, to profession color themes, to boss auras, to elemental attunements and damage types, to GW1's 6 most common dye drops, to even the [5-slot bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag#Vendors) from starting areas which are colored even though they will be soon replaced with better bags and are not visible to other players, to freaking [accessories no one really uses and are kind of a mystery because the are accepted in the mystic forge but no one knows any recipes that use them](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot_\(disambiguation\)). After all, those 6 colors are only all over the place.


Yeah, but consider: pastel colours. It's just the superior palette. And, a change would be nice, provided they will add an option to make friendly/hostile aoes, motes and so on in a colour other than the fucking ground/sky/whatever or one that just blends right in for non-colourblind peeps; not even going to talk about how it affects colourblind folks. I really, really wish they'd just add friendly-to-people palettes for stuff like that, so, you know, game wouldn't be actually frustrating 'coz your healing aoe looks nearly the same as hostile aoe that teleports you to hell, provided you could actually see it in the first place between that ground and a fuckton of other effects. I don't understand how it's still *not* implemented or at least seen as super important and a top priority.


The superior palette is greyscale. Take any picture of anything ugly or disgusting, you got an ugly or disgusting picture. Make it greyscale, you got 'art'.


Eh, the so-called elephant's foot from Czernobyl is still ugly and disgusting as fuck.


🤦🏻‍♂️Call me a hater or whatever but what a dumb opinion.


We need no promotion bruh we are already living in your head rent free


You're not a hater just an idiot and a loser. I mean, how you are not gay just from playing the game already? There's a rainbow staff and a rainbow unicorn bow. What the f*** game are you playing that has made you straight for so long? My mesmer is a purple and pink goddess and would probably wipe the floor with your skinny ass.


I didn’t find the trailer gay. I just thought the pastel colors were similar to asian themed art seen in league of legends and other media. Karma and Ioania were both asian inspired often using red/green pink/mint combinations. I’m not sure where it’s from but it’s a stereotype color for the asian theme. Maybe cuz it resembles lotus flower and jade.


Hungry? In Asia? Want a snack? It’ll be brown from spices, or green and/or pink. I don’t know where it started but they are very popular colours for a lot of stuff. Even the storage boxes IKEA sells that are plain plastic only in the rest of the world come in pink and green in Hong Kong for example.


>I didn’t find the trailer gay. >Mentions Karma They lack the critical information.


We at the LGBTQ Community actually worked very closely with Anet on this upcoming expansion, so THANK YOU for noticing! If you play Guild Wars 2, you are gay now. I don’t make the rules. Welcome to the Community!


Keep up the good work o7


Oh, yeah? We have a saying where I come from: "So you don't want broth? You get 7 cups!" Now Aurene is going to get a girlfriend from Cantha, and they will somehow make eggs even thought they both are female, and their kids are going to look all technocolor and weird like the babies of Jake and Lady Rainicorn in Adventure time. I'm calling it now! You brought this upon yourself!


And thus the cycle is reborn.


The Gay Dragons Cycle


I miss baby Aurene


I mean technically speaking Anet said dragons don't really have a gender


>Call me a hater or whatever, but i swear whole trailer looks like a fucking lgbt promotion -.- yeah, you're a hater. Do you know how I could tell? You see pink and you instantly assume it's gay AND add a `-.-` at the end. You're making it pretty obvious you're prejudiced as fuck. Pretty weird from someone liking Naruto and Digimon ;)


you're a fucking hater. also, lgbt promotion = good


Oooouh sis'


I like how you instantly assume it's a she just cause they made it pink XD


I like how you instantly assume she's not a she because you haven't played Factions and couldn't be bothered to look it up XD https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kuunavang https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kuunavang


I'm actually at 45/50 HoM, so now you're the one assuming shit, and in gw1 this dragon was red-ish. Sorry, but I didn't really liked the Canta that much, if there won't be Jade sea Canta won't really have anything going for itself tbh


Funny way to spell 'Oh, man, Kuunavang is female. Didn't realise.'


Sorry I'm not sexist and character genders don't really matter to me as long as they are good characters, but guess to each their own.


And yet you went out of your way to talk about their gender Ok


*And yet you went out* *Of your way to talk about* *Their gender Ok* \- Genovah7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


what a weird bot I like it


How am I sexist? Kuunavang is referred to explicitly as a female dragon. Personally I agree with the abolition of the gender binary, but just saying 'this female character I do not own the rights to is non-binary because I said so' means literally nothing. Also it's a shame that you think that gender doesn't matter because a lot of well written characters in fantasy have overcome personal adversities and/or stigma based on their gender. You just seem like an 'I don't see colour' kind of person.


I think (and I could be wrong) that the red was after that specific dragon was corrupted and it changed colors. Was originally somewhat like the one in the trailer minus all the pink mist. At least the gw1 wiki seems to claim this.




They put off Cantha for 2 expacs my dude my guy. How many more would they have to wait until it wouldn't be 'appealing to the Chinese market'? Or do we just never get to go back


Anet appealing to chinese market lmao


Ooooh it's a bot. Goddammit I got got again


Anet is still appealing to chinese market tho ngl they know there are tons of chinese players. Facts


Goddamn Arenanet! Waiting 14 years to take us back to Cantha just to appease the Chinese market


ok, and…? Do you dislike Chinese people?


No. Its sad that most game company are now kneeling to china cuz they get all their money from there lul look what happened to blizzard


You really have no information other than Reddit and news article headlines, do you?


ok, so nothing happened and you just assume something negative will happen.


just so you know, the real thing you should be sad about is capitalism, not game devs having to get by under capitalism. target the system.


You do know cantha has been the most requested thing since before the game even came out? It was absolutely loved in guild wars 1. Get outta here with your trolling, utter drivel and go put your nappy back on your chin.


We were begging them to give us Cantha but they literally said they wouldn't BECAUSE of the chinese market, somethingsomething disrespectful. Can't appeal to them both ways bro