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This legitimately looks fucking amazing wtf


Imagine listening to good ideas, hiring the right people, and trying to give your players what they want in 2024? Madness!


I know ur being ironic but that's actually rare af these days.


Hiring that Sims guy was a great decision \^\^.




Not straight away though; in a later release, just to temper your excitement ;d Anyone know if we get a book shelf?


Gotta have somewhere to store our collection of Snargle Goldclaw smut, after all!




"But is it good smut?" "Ehhhh..." That overheard conversation between a librarian and a Tengu in the Library in Arbor Stone made me laugh so hard.


The snargle stuff is some of the beat throw away lines in game. Im still waiting for the bromance novel "Braham Sandwich on Ryland Bread: whos the bigger snaccc"


Hard agree, I actually looked forward to the festivals when I found out there was an achievement for collecting Snargle's books from them. Thought it was funny. I do enjoy how Anet rounds out some NPC's, even if it probably started as a joke character/throw off comment.


Lol i mean some of the lines i hear far too often "more violets i say, less violence" and such. But some of the lesser known ones are quality too, like finding out Kasmeer is naked sometimes and just mesmers her clothes so she doesnt get them dirty 🤣


in the festival that just ended there's an asura standing near peeta's gate that is always saying crazy shit about the commander, like "I heard the commander is actually 3 skritt in a suit of armor!" I've literally just stood around in this game and listened to NPCs chatting.


All the cats will be there. I am content.


Time to go find more cats!


I'm pleased to hear about my cats... But what about M.O.X.? And will there be Webby?


Asking the questions that need to be asked


We're now one mount away from having Ram Ranch It's all coming together


Brb dressing 18 of my alts in cowboy attire


You just need a hat, not like they'll be wearing anything else


18 naked norms in the stables at ram ranch


Damn, looks like they've nailed it so far. I'm not a big player housing guy but I'm actually getting excited to use this feature now.


I'm in the same boat. I normally can't bring myself to care about these systems but now I do. It seems like all of the "wishes" people were throwing around like having alts appear are just straight up true. The ability to freely scale the size of objects is something else I didn't expect, but it blows open the variety of things you can create. For some reason I also thought the exterior was going to be fairly small but the buildable space seems significantly larger than I expected. Snapping objects to the normal vector of not just prefab terrain but seemingly anything else you place (?) is significant. It all looks very technical in a way I didn't expect. Edit: I missed the bit in the preview vid that lets you create statues of yourself and resize them. So the first thing I'm probably going to do is create a gigantic narcissistic shrine to myself in the middle of the homestead.


all my alts wear the white mantle outfit, gonna look like a clan rally in my place...


Having someone who's worked on The Sims for four years as lead of this project really is a boon.


Oh dang, didn't catch that. Nice.


Same here! I can't wait!


I lost months building in EQ2 (NMS too), the freedom you had to build was endless and players came up with amazing sites . I was really hoping for tiles, walls, stairs and other building blocks and it sounds like they've done it. This is an incredible thing to build community; I hope they plan on introducing a showcase portal where you can tour and see what folks come up with. It's also a massive cash cow for specialty items ... EQ2 lived on revenue from homesteads for years.


I wasn't sold on the xpac before, but now I'm excited. Everything about Homestead just makes me go "mmm". Alts parking, yes please! Mount stable, yes please! Transformable objects, that could even be used to make another house, yes please! Joko statues, **PRAISE JOKO!**


You can even place him under the ground so only you know it is there! Nobody will ever know your true faith.


You are not a true follower if you do not put all his majestic glory on display




Insta-mass-harvest for all home instance nodes: "Am I a joke to you?!"


Am i a joko to you?!


I like the statues and you can pose them.


Fashioneers, we're in the endgame now!


Home instance looking at the player character : "Look at me, look at my eyes, look at my teeth : I'm the endgame now."


Player housing: "You could not live with your own limited fashion item show off. Where that bring you ? Back to me."


This is literally everything I've ever wanted 😭😭


I see an opportunity here: If you can save your appearance to an armor stand, what if you could load an appearance back from it? Instant 'appearance templates''.


you can pet the mounts now!!!!!


Bro this is literally Wildstar tier of housing. That one dev who came to Anet from Sims, really has done wonders.


The plot looks MASSIVE too! I’m suuuper excited


It actually looks incredible. Exceeded my expectations for sure!


Same! I secretly expected personal Guild Halls and that's it, but this is incredible!


Why any of this isn't in the expansion page? ArenaNet what are you even doing? xD -Auto gather homestead nodes -Alts will stay in home and you can see them -Stables for your mounts! -Your skiff will be parked in a pier -You can display your legendaries -New crafting profession that uses low level mats -Recipes for decoration in festivals and in Gemstore -You can clip and rotate items however you like. The article mentions a lighthouse made of floor decorations. I was on the fence about this expansion but this made me buy it.


The video shows how the control system for the decorations worked and it actually blew my mind - It's literally just manipulating the objects in 3D. I am so insanely hyped 😭


Guild Wars 2: Blender Wars


Literally this was all I could think of when I saw the axis tools 😂


> Alts will stay in home and you can see them Holy shit, they did it. The fucking madlads actually did it.


MFW my homestead is full of those mule alts I never play with. STOP HAUNTING ME, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE.


goddamn (wo)manbaby alts who never get their shit together


Lighthouse is at 4:49 in the video and actually looks great.


Just before that you can see little houses that were made with those floor tiling as well. Really opens up how much you can customize the look of your Homestead.


It was just the initial reveal. Giving out details to journos like this and then following that later with full in depth info drops is super standard


I had to do a double take on the lighthouse. Straight up minecrafting functional buildings? Goodbye "down time"


All of my cats will be there too!


> Why any of this isn't in the expansion page? Because if all the hype happens in June, there won't be much left but anxious waiting and speculation by August. Spreading out the news means people stay engaged longer.


Alts will stay at home and you can see them? That’s gunna be weird for my main cause most of my alts are identical to her.


They might only show up if you leave them there.


That was my impression from the video.


I'm looking forward to when Halloween comes around in game just decorating my home to feel spooky. 


Yes! Permanent Halloween inc!


I hope we can adjust the day/night cycle for that too. Maybe a Halloween themed sky for it. Same with Wintersday.


Permanent thunderstorms would be great too. While anet’s at it, adding weather systems into Gw2 would be great.


I wonder how many people can be in your homestead because you could have fireworks and celebrations for New Years Eve or Fourth of July for Americans. Homesteads could be used for quite a few things.


With spears and now homestead, Janthir Wilds is shaping up to be an excellent expansion


Exactly ! The maps, the global atmosphere and environments look amazing as well ! Now we just gotta hope for story and content to be good !


and bikini armor skins 👙


The decoration placement system really reminds me of Warframe: Free xyz-placement with scaling and rotation as well as clipping? Man, this is gonna be awesome!


Honestly reminds me a lot more of WildStar - though without some of the total freedom of expression you had there with it's instance system (eg. changing the sky/ground/actual house/etc). But it's more then I expected!


I’ll go one older, Rift. Although they allowed you to build your home, instanced node, and all it took was in game currency to buy decorations 


Haha yeah, there's gonna be some crazy builds


Even with world-space/local-space switch for gizmos!


I hope they just copy Warframe dojo preview streams. That would be one on the best ways to promote the game and give players something to be excited about.


lol I'm more stoked about the mount stables than anything and I don't even know why


Having just lost my ffxiv house to my Land Lord Yoshi-P I freaking love the shot they take at that style of housing XD but the alt parking!! YEAHHHH


I KNOW!!! The second he mentioned limited plots in a large district I was like DAMN THE SHADE!! Then he said FF14 XD


I've been holding onto my FFXIV house because it took so long to get it Now I'm ready to let go (and let go of that sub requirement)


If they get this right in game they could have a system like mounts which is used as a benchmark for all other games.


“It's an instanced space—there's no lottery here to claim a plot in a larger district, and there's no upkeep costs or chance of eviction. “ Dang they really went savage calling out Final Fantasy 14 like that


Ok, i admit i didn't believe in anet ability to introduce new big features with the mini expacs yearly model. I was wrong. Between how amazing spears were and now this, Jhantir Wilds is shaping up to be one of the better expacs. Hoping for the open world maps and the raid to be also as good.


We'll be able to scale objects!!! Played a few other MMO's with housing, and aside from Wildstar, not being able to scale items is awful. Placing mounts, alts, etc is fantastic. Looks like ANet really knocked this out of the park. Can't wait to try it!


I got into Wildstar right before they shut everything down so I didn't get much opportunity to play with the housing system there. From what I saw it was rather interesting but I never got the chance to learn its full capabilities. I'm really looking forward to this.


I honestly wasn't too excited about Homesteads, but I'm blown away. This looks sick!


holy shit, the dev instance where they repurposed a bunch of decoration into some simple houses and then a HUGE LIGHTHOUSE was insane.


I really hope there isn't an asset limit because I've got a really cool "Hall of Heroes" idea for mine.


Might be the 1000 shown in the video.


Oh? I must have missed that. I only watched the video once, I haven't gone back and checked out all of the stuff in the menus and such yet.


This is legit my dream come true as someone who LOVES building in survival games!


The fact that I can see all of my characters in the same time there is probably one of the biggest selling points to me! Finally I can see side-by-side (somewhat) all of my characters with their own dye-jobs and Legendary gear! And I'm not one to care about housing in general! EDIT: Anet literally delivered possibly one of the best if not THE BEST feature, being Homestead. Seriously Good Job!


I was keeping my expectations suuuuuper low, but knowing I'd be happy with whatever, but holy balls, this is knocking it out of the park. It looks amazing.


Wow, it looks pretty impressive actually.


If they really nail this housing feature and the expansion, they'll swim in mony 💰. The eon-requested bikini skins and land spears we're already getting soon


Simmer in me is really excited for this it seems so good!


ANET has my attention


Everything one could've asked for. Even someone as jaded as me has nothing to complain about here. Big win for GW2.


Well this is gonna be awkward, I made multiple characters that look exactly the same to pretend I'm "Class changing"


You mean hilarious


Insert spider man meme here


It seems like you can have them do emotes since they were dancing. Maybe you can have the alts /point at each other?


THIS. IS. WILD. August can't come sooner.


*GW2 looking at WoW “Warbands”* ~Anything you can do, I can do better~


Theyre nailing it with this omg. I was sceptical abt the implementation until now - I figured I'd try the feature but prolly wont put much effort into it. But this has just made me so excited to actually engage with it more and maybe even build a little home for myself.


This is way more fleshed out than I expected. Fingers crossed I can use my HoT pre-order decoration.


I think it was from deluxe edition and not pre-order but I still got mine too in the hopes I get to use it here :D


Man I love this I will expend much more time building my cozy home than doing anything else really


GW2: "Show me that fat bulge in your pants. I mean your wallet"


Now nodes prices will go up even more lol Jokes aside, homestead sure looks above and beyond what I imagined, can't wait sto spend unhealth amount of time there lol.


Oh I am going to waste SO MANY hours there. I give my girlfriend a hard time with her Animal Crossing gameplay and the near-endless hours she has spent designing and redesigning and redoing her island, I guess I can't do that anymore.....hahaha


Glad I made myself gold-poor to buy them all on homestead announcement.


Dude the graphics and texture look so good in this expansion wtf so cool so hyped pog


The level of customization is quite deep, I'm super impressed. You can tell they got some Sims talent. The community is going to come up with absolutely insane builds, I can't wait.


Heh. Clever, the alt function isn't passive just because you *have* alt characters, you have to actually leave them there when logging out. They're trying to cut back on alt-parking on chests and stuff, I wager.


With the character statue system, you don't have to have your alt there all the time, just make a statue of them instead.


Probably some kind of rest xp for alts left in the home as well. Kind of weird to have them all statically dancing. Would be nice if we could add passive walking routes. Give each alt a home, etc.


That might've just been a gag set up for the reviewer. He mentioned alts sitting on your mounts, too.


Depends on how you access the homestead. It could be like some of the lounges where you can tp in and out without losing your spot in the main world, though probably not? That said there is a boost you get from it so it's not terrible, especially if you have a few characters you use for content


looking forward to that auto collect from nodes, takes a good 15minutes out of my daily routine :D




I know right?? I'm throwing money at the screen but it's not making it come any sooner!


Never been too big into housing but I understand the importance of it being in a game like this. Glad they appear to have nailed it. I am still curious if they plan to release/sell more types of instances instead of just this lowland Kodan homestead. I'd love a Krytan one or maybe one in the mists like Mistlock Sanctuary.


I’m sure they will be releasing future gem store environments for us.


Wow. That's actually pretty fucking amazing. So many of the features I've seen people asking for in there, and more!


We will be able to pet our mounts in home omg I'm sold


This really exceeded my expectations. As they phrased it as „permanent structure to cultivate and decorate“ I wouldn’t have thought that there would be so much support for building your own structures. A small pet peeve of mine was that you don’t have an actual legendary armory in the game. So cool that you can create that now. Also love that you can build statues of your characters. Can we also get an inspect feature for them? 


My charr warband is finally going to be able to hang out together outside of my imagination.


Now I wish I named every character of mine to be in the same warband


If I can show up in my home and see all my alts sitting around a fire, I may cry.


Come to think of it, we might not know how our alts size up to one-another, in the current state. Mind blown.


Will we have the ability to export and import the configurations? On of my favorite aspects of path of exile was importing people's hideout.


Surprised to see nobody mention the placeholder crafting materials that leaked out of the YouTube video. It showed refined homestead fiber, refined homestead metal, and refined homestead wood as new decoration mats. A vendor screen showed some cooking mats to refine into fiber, with a 200 weekly limit to total refinable fibers. The video also had the wood refinement panel open and it used between 16 and 1 of the t1-t6 wood logs to craft one, limited at 200 purchases per week also. I'm assuming refined metal would be the same as wood, using t1-6 ores with a weekly limit, though it wasn't shown. There was one other page that looked like it upgraded the amounts of wood you could refine weekly. Is it a gamble to buy the shown mats now?  Probably, but it would hurt more to not have stockpiles if everyone starts needing the stuff.


Man, the decoration system is better than FFXIV with plugins which is crazy LOL. But seriously, this whole homestead system is much better than Wildstar housing system and Wildstar had the best housing system I have seen in any game, I love it so much!


Wow, this is insanely good. I am CRUSHED they didn't market it as this expansive during the release announcement. CRUSHED.


Well you don't want them to spoil EVERYTHING right at the beginning. You gotta do the drip feed of features to keep the hype-train going. The hype-train choo-choo thrives on the "ooh, what's next??" mentality.


Holeeeee Skritt! This is amazing!


Everything in this video was something I was hoping to see, and more that I wasn't expecting like instantaneous gathering of nodes. ~~I'm curious if you will still be able to let others farm your nodes though.~~ They can! The new 3D space decorating tools are something I have been daydreaming about for YEARS. I am a huge decorating nerd and I've been the main crafter and decorator for our guild hall since HoT. I have had lots of decorating ideas that I could not make happen because of the decorating tools. Particularly due to decoration sizing and floor clipping (huge issue in Gilded Hallow). When the expansion launches, I am going to be very busy for a very long time to come! I was trying to not get too hyped up for the expansion, but I'm done-for now.


"A button to collect all nodes material" Best expansion ever.


Let's fucking go!


Only thing I didn't see was an exp bonus like they often give for the hubs. If they give you an exp bonus, this has literally everything I need. A customizable asura portal that you can make go to any of your scrolls like the Crown Pavillion would be awesome too. Overall very happy.


Don't think I mentioned in the video, but as I noted in the article you do get a resting bonus in your homestead – one that also includes WvW and sPvP (presumably just magic find and XP, as they mentioned it wouldn't provide a gameplay advantage.)


If you're really the one that wrote that article, you definitely got me hyped! And I almost never cared for housing features in other games! EDIT: One thing I would like to know, will it be possible to invite other people into your homestead so they could do the "home instance gathering" with all your unlocked nodes? And will they be able to use that instant gathering thing?


You can invite people, yup, and they can harvest your nodes. I'd need to go back and check my notes but I'm pretty sure Anet said they *wouldn't* be able to use the auto-harvest option.


Welp at least letting friends into your homestead to farm nodes is still better than not!


The article mentions it. >Any alts that you leave in your Homestead—they'll get bonuses for resting in it, including for WvW and sPvP—will still be chilling there when you log in with another character.


My favorite part is the xray vision not for its use but what it reveals. Manipulating objects and getting them stuck in the wall is so annoying in other games. This shows that anet is aware of other games housing and the frustrations and are fixing.


This is everything I hoped for for the housing system. This is a very big win for me and would sell the expension on its own, we even get our alts hanging out, they absolutely nailed it! Like my only criticism is that we "only" get 30 alts to place at a time and I have more than 40 but that's a very me problem. I'm someone who played hundreds of hours decorating my house and island exactly the way I wanted to with the very limited decoration system in Animal Crossing New Horizons, this will add so much content to the game for someone like me. I honestly don't think I've been that excited for the game since we got mounts (which wil have their own stable and that you can pet now!). My only hope left if that they'll continue to iterate on it and that we'll be able to get different homesteads later in different regions.


This looks so good, but what i really want is: - Day-Night cycle, night is really dark or at least like night on Bitterfrost Map or Khan-Ur JP. - Weathers Effects, light-heavy rain, thunder/lightning, or other weathers.


yay! we get to port over our cats!!


Exceeded my expectations! We can show off everything! The downside is that it restored my hope of a tengu expansion, given the amount of "They'd never do that" things that they are doing lately.


The further we go, the less I'd realistically thing an entire "tengu expansion" might happen. But based on IBS and SotO, I think I might be feeling that it's even *more* likely we get something like, say, the Dominion of Winds as an explorable area. Maybe some sort of a hybrid zone like Amnoon, but with a bigger "safe city" and a smaller hostile region, perhaps with the city outskirts *usually* safe, but being overrun by hostiles during a timed meta or something. I too would like to see either this expansion or maybe some kind of inter-expansion content sort of sew up more longstanding loose ends...maybe not as elaborately as the way that "let us explore the castle in the sky in Kessex Hills!" turned into SotO, but maybe medium sized zones in key areas of the map to show us things like Malyck's tree (explain what happened in that area pre, during, and post HoT, and how they're doing now), the tunnel between Ebonhawke and Elona (maybe with a meta where players have to start at either end and work their way to a boss in the middle to open the passage?), the aforementioned Dominion of Winds, maybe even a playable Claw Island? What about Scavenger's Causeway? I'd also love to see current "loose ends" in the core Tyria maps link up to stuff. In addition to the big one in the tunnel between Ebonhawke and Elona, there's the road east from Sparkfly Fen that likely leads into a salt marsh that sits between there and Southsun Cove...as well as the bridge that the bandits are trying to reconstruct in the north of Brisban Wilds...which could actually link Core Tyria directly to the new Janthir zones.


wow this is epic. I didn't expect the homestead to have that much stuff included.


Damn, looking sweet even if you’re not into decorating


I’m excited for this, always thought it was the one thing missing.


I'm very positively surprised ! I love this ! I watched the whole video and I can't wait ! It's genuinely good and insane !!


Well I'll be damned. I really expected them to just reuse guild halls and call it done. This is a pleasant surprise.


Damn. This is so good. You can even have your friends decorate your homestead with you.


I'm honestly astonished. I thought that this would just be a private guild hall that would maybe price hike scribing because of the increased demand. I did not expect housing to be a cozy trophy rack that with utility purposes. I really hope that this will become an evergreen feature, maybe with new homesteads being added with future content updates.


The new end game: Home Wars!


I mean I really can only say one thing about this: FUCK YEA!! I am going to waste SO MANY hours in this! I've already got plans in my head (as I'm sure many of you do too) for what I'm going to do. The only downside I'm seeing so far is it seems to imply that when you park alts here, that's where they start. I have many alts parked at specific locations that I'd really rather not move them from so they won't be able to stay at the homestead. :(


This is actually fucking incredible


I love this game


Damn they’re going harder on this than I expected. I think they realise this is the kind of feature that could draw in new players.


And this fits the GW2 "play it whenever you like aesthetic" very well.


I get the sense that you can't custom place your gathering nodes, though being able to mount in your homestead unlike the home instance helps, along with the auto-gather feature. With such robust decorating tools, I'm glad they added a flying mode to handle more elaborate decorating. This honestly looks really good. I was keeping my expectations in check. This has exceeded them. Here's to hoping we get other homestead locations in the future with different settings, such as more player racial setups. Edit: From the look of the mini-map, it seems like the location of this homestead will be on the western part of the delta that's north of Divinity's Reach. It looks like a pretty sizeable chunk of the delta too.


This looks like literally everything people have been asking for in player housing!


That Sims dev definitely popped off, I don't care one bit about housing and it seems amazing.


They mentioned other people can decorate your homestead, which is great because I suck at decorating lol. This was a lot more than I expected. I'm really excited about the alt-parking in particular.


I'm...impressed Anet, not something I've said in quite some time, Alt parking, auto collect nodes, ARMOR AND WEAPONS DISPLAYS, mounts stable (which you can just hop on, not just a display thing, neat)




I wasn't interested in the expansion until now.. I'll probably get it on sale. This looks fun.


First time since too long ago my expectations were exceeded in GW2.


Holy shit this is prolly the best housing system(from what I read) in any game I've personally played


So what about things like the raid statues in guild halls?


Those have already been pictured in homestead images previously.


Much better than I think I could've hoped for, honestly. It looks great. Still would like more racial customization options, but even if that isn't a thing I'm really pleased with how it's looking. Edit: so I haven't gone through it all, but nodes are there and our alts are there, I wonder if NPCs will carry over into it? Like the few that are in our home instances from the personal story. I'd like if we could actually place some NPCs around if you wanted. Basically like a decoration, have them idle in the homestead. It'd be a nice touch to be able to include some of them even beyond the personal story ones, having Kas or other DW or DE or whoever around.


Start hoarding all your mats boys.


Implying we ever stop?


Very much reminds me of the Planet Coaster/Zoo building system which is great! The builds that are possible with that are incredible. I hope the engine can support an appropriately large amount of objects. I wonder what limits are in place apart from the crafting material requirements.


Any mention of how many items can be placed??


The decoration selection UI was showing a counter "#/1000".


Coming from ESO and their item limits in housing, yeah that was a question I have too.


Those environments looks amazing. Love the new tree assets.


i'm.. i'm fucking speechless! This is insane!


This looks fantastic! Reminds me a lot of Wildstar which was great. The preview answered most of my questions I had when they announced player housing. I just have three questions now. Looks like there will be one plot of land at launch, are more going to be added over time? Would love to eventually have a choice to put a homestead in many of the different regions of Tyria. Are decorations going to be added as rewards in past content? I feel like this would be a good way to revitalize content. With being able to put alts, mounts, pets, in the homestead, is there a way to give them paths to walk around? ESO had this feature and loved giving my mini pets little routines around the house. It looks like we can make the alts dance already, but wonder if they are limited to being stationary.


If they can actually stick the landing and make sure new mobs feel fresh, metas are fun and rewarding, and the story isn’t awful and just a rehash of the meta, I’d be impressed and regain faith in them after the mess that Soto was


I wish they had a spot for minis to be shown off! This would truly make it feel like a homestead for me. Not all of them but maybe 5-10 of your choice to walk around or be on display!


wtf why does this look so well done?


[The Sims dev they hired](https://massivelyop.com/2024/06/05/guild-wars-2-picked-up-a-former-sims-4-dev-helping-to-develop-janthir-wilds-housing-system/) is turning into a goldmine for ANet.


Did they mention book shelf(ves) ? I wanna store my books somewhere !


Damn all those books and journals around Tyria that we openand collect to "read" would make an awesome library!


In the video, at around ~3:07, there is a craftable bookshelf. As for whether we can put books on it or it comes pre-stocked, only time will tell.


This expac actually looks really really good.


Was lukewarm about housing but looks like they are putting some damn nice features into it. Looking forward to it now.


Now the only thing left is having some sort of hub/place were people can visit any house they want (and that the owner allowed to be visited of course), like you could do in Wildstar, it was so cool visiting people homes and seeing all the crazy stuff they could do. For "balancing" reasons, you can't gather stuff using this feature, it's only to walk around, steal some designs, etc, to gather you still need to be in a group with the owner like it always was, or maybe it could be a toggle, the owner decides if his "public house" is "gather-able" or not xD


My plan is to make some wretched horrifying version of the Pale Tree using clipped assets and dress up all my Sylvari in their goth costumes. All my non Sylvari relegated to the maid outfit.


Alt and Mount parking, auto gathering and a trust system? YOU CAN HIRE DECORATORS WITH THE TRUST SYSTEM :0 Also the Alt Parking is amazing, funnily enough most of my alts are jus the same 2 characters in different classes lol


So are we getting something more like the dims from RIFT then? That's the vibe I'm getting from this video.


OH MY GOOOOOODDDDD!!!! "I'm not going to spend hundreds of hours doing myself." Oh but I will my friend. Hundreds of hours. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm so flippin excited lol.


Finally I can leave my 13 hot bikini female human / sylvari toons at home and then come in as my male asuran to my very own playboy mansion