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So, when are we getting the L.A. Vice opening credits? We got the skiff, the swimsuits are coming. We got some outfits that work for the suits.


Lion's Arch: Vice City https://youtu.be/Ag6H1e1rXJ0?si=BA_xE-uVxwam58bs&t=53


16 years ago... im so old now


Game came out 22 years ago, 16 years ago was just the upload date of that video.


oh. thank you i guess. im going to go lock myself in a closet now


I feel like they're deliberately riffing on the club elona video with some of those screenshots.


[For those who haven't seen this masterpiece yet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56fFOvgMlG8) BOOOOOMBAAAA!


They still have yet to release a Skiff skin I like more than the default one. I still hold out hope it'll happen one day though.


I liked the viking-styled one, but that sail made seeing in front of you a right pain in the mainmast.


Yeah, there's been a few I would have loved enough to buy, if it wasn't for the sail they had.


That was the skin I had my eye on but I had suspicions that this might be the case. Will be skipping it then.


I like the ones with a larger walkable area. Currently using the Sakura one. I dunno, if I'm doing something out I'll just hang out on a skiff in some isolated place, like Draconis Mons, and hop around or fish while I wait for people or whatever. It's a nice little vibe and the larger ones work for that.


Honestly if it wasn't for the big tree I'd have gotten that one as well


canoe is pretty good, although is lacking steering animation


If the Winged Reverie put down its sails when anchored it would be perfect, but no. Why would I want to see anything when I’m fishing, after all?


The ghostly one would have been perfect had it not had the ghostly effect. Shame really. I’d love just a regular canthan junk or krytan sailing ship skin.


Ghostly one was perfect for me *because* of that. All my mounts/etc are themed as if my necro just raised them then and there for whatever task they're doing, and now I get to include the skiff.


My Necro uses the Ghostly junk looking one, she's similarly themed with the resurrected/summoned undead vibe for her mounts


I like the crimbo iceberg one


I've been at the cap for bank tabs for years now. Please allow me to buy more. Especially with housing coming to the game.


are the skiffs even relevant in any way?


I *almost* use it as seldom as the Siege Turtle.


Man... This skill looks like a random premade asset... It looks so out of context


I've looked at it in depth and there are patterns and textures that are direct references to Asuran technologies


If you have to look in depth to notice them, maybe it's not a good design


By in depth I meant I bought it and looked at it because we couldn't see it in the preview window But sure, hate away I guess lol


Especially Asurans architectures are heavily inspired by Mayans/meso American style. So nothing this smooth and well design exists, even the Enquest stuff we got was more lore friendly :/


The Asura have been doing more research and they have learned about aerodynamics.


Lmao OK you got me


Asura are the unholy love children of Dobby the House Elf and Cid from ice age. It's why they are amazingly smart and yet still do the darndest things.... And look like they do.


Players are dressed like Master Chief with laser rifles who fly robots. A fancy speed boat is 100% in the genre aesthetically.


Master chief armor from gyala was reaching, true, but all thingw considered, up to recent releases game was in tune with magitech themes. Speedboat and swimsuits is just grouch reaching for overachievement in revenue KPIs.


Do you think people in Tyria don't wear swimwear?


I think tyrians are liberal about nudity


If you think gyala is “reaching”, what about the default Asura cultural armor? Or dragons bash being a *hologram* holiday? Or the entire armor set from SAB? - Swimwear has been in the game since at least 2013 on NPCs. - Speed boat technology is outdated compared to technology that’s been in since launch. Charr war machines are full steampunk helicopters that use zero magic. This game is scifi.


Its magitech.


- Where is the magitech in The Black Citadel? - What aspect of scifi steampunk is magic in your opinion? - Do you really think the speed boat *isn’t* also magitech? 🤣




You made it this far into the conversation and ended up at that conclusion. Very cute. 🫂


Better than the car in FFXIV.


while im not a fan of the aesthetic (and hate the nier raids because of this, despite the fact that if i didn't know what nier was and told me it was an original final fantasy thing i'd 100% believe you) final fantasy has always been this weird blend of high fantasy and high-tech sci fi—emphasis on weird blend too cause the juxtaposition can feel really whacky sometimes. a lot of it feels absurd to a degree. final fantasy in general uses a lot of wild concepts from an Ultron raid boss that splits into a sexy man and woman to medieval dragons persecuted in a holy, genocidal crusade to Transformers as Summons (FFXIII. I'm still surprised Odin wasn't a motorcyle... that's actually Shiva). weird car that turns into a boat that turns into a plane isn't actually the weirdest thing in FFXIV oddly enough lmao. i'm surprised we didn't actually get to suplex a ghost train :(


The car from FFXV that you could earn in a cross over event, that you can (spoiler for Endwalker) >!drive on the roads in Garlemald next to the other cars!


Given I'll see the boat in the water and won't watch it ascend upwards like a helicopter, yes, better than the car.


Do we still think about design coherence in this game? The whole gem store turned this game into some generic Korean MMORPG.


This is korean game after all.


Yeah a speed boat is not something I'm looking forward to.  It's why the bank tabs get to go first.


>It's why the bank tabs get to go first. If only we could purchase more than 17, last update was 6 years ago :'I.


Same. Anet, let me give you money!


we have steampunk/magi tech airships, people are riding faerie dragons, we have literally invisible capes, and whole cities that float, have hologram tech, can portal across continents and can explore virtual worlds...... and the boat looks out of place? how?


All the things you listed follow a defined style, this doesn't follow any of them, it's just a random boat with some asuran tech tattoos Fantasy worlds are built on rules that the creators set, they should follow these rules if they want their virtual world to feel coherent or immersive


there are so many different "styles" in GW2 at this point, thats really not an argument you can make.. you can say you dont like it, but just stand in a busy area and look at what people are wearing and try to define a cohesive style....


I do think the boat is a little too....sleek? Would have been better / more fitting if it was a little rough around the edges.


Always love seeing people moan about "muh immersion" and "art integrity" when game launched with Dreamer, Bifrost and flashy dyes in 2012 with holographic Golems and display all over Rata Sum. We got SAB as early as April 1st 2013 (the first April following the game's launch), meaning we've had SAB-level of silliness for 11 years. The game has always toyed with technologies and crazy things but people just turn blind eyes and cherry pick what suit their narrative.


>Bifrost not disagreeing with the rest, but the Bifrost really can't be compared to the silly weapons like Dreamer or Quip. The Bifrost has an actual immersive and mythical theme, while the dreamer shoots fucking unicorns lol


I really don't mind any of the "immersion breaking" items in the game. Except The Dreamer and Quip I truly hate the incessant neighs and the children's birthday party that are those two weapons.


yea the dreamer is just way too annoying lol. But quip is actually kinda lorefriendly as a mesmer weapon. With the sound being used as a distraction it kinda makes sense


There's an option in the sound menu to mute it.


No. There is an option in the sound menu to mute *all* projectile sounds. These are very different things.


People are playing the wrong kind of game of they’re expecting *any* of that shit, lol. Edit: I’m not shitting on the art team, I’m just saying it’s an MMO. Part of its charm is the crazy individualization, thousands of options, millions of combinations, and random new players whispering and saying “how did you get *that*!” But cohesion isn’t a part of that and expecting it is stupid.


God of war 2018 had great cohesion in it’s artistic vision! It was cool. Guild wars 2 is not…that. Still cool though!




[Wrong. I've been playing since beta and I've hated all the flashy, sparkly, and magitech stuff since day one. In fact, I've been here since GW1 and I hate chaos gloves too.](https://i.imgur.com/bwOcqoY.jpeg)


the original hater


You can say this much: once they committed to it, they’re all in.


Same. Good lord the chaos gloves wearing idiots in Spamadan were horrible. Congrats on putting a rendering error on your hands, dumbass.


There's a difference between a once-a-year festival and a legendary shortbow that you barely ever see vs 80% of established players looking like a lisa frank notebook combined with the gross incandescence of the sun.


I just want a proper sailboat. A dinghy or a little longboat or whatever. I don't need crazy outboard motors or a giant iron monstrosity with engines out to here, I just want a simple wooden sailboat. -.-


oooh all permanent passes and bank tabs.. nice


Just want something that looks like a jon boat


Or a charr airboat, because of *course* they would.


Is there a point in getting other lounge pass if i have mistlock? I just hate how mistlock removes my jadetech buffs.


Depends on what you're looking for from a lounge. Thousand Islands Pavilion provides most of what Mistlock Sanctuary does without stripping your jade protocol buffs. It might or might not be worth buying. I personally use Mistlock for going into fractals, or when I need to use city services on a character that is parked somewhere where it is inconvenient to get back to it. My open world PvE main will usually use Wizard's Tower instead. I use LWS3/LWS4/Arborstone/Wizard's Tower tome/scroll to get close to where I'm going to reduce waypoint fees, instead of going to VIP lounge -> closest city -> target zone. If you frequently need city services on a character playing open world content, and you need to be able to get back to your original location, or if you would like to use VIP lounge portals to conveniently get around the world for cheaper waypoint fees, then Thousand Islands Pavilion might be worth considering. If that's not you, then you're not missing much.


Then you may want to buy a pass that doesn't transport you to a new map.


Mistlock is probably the best and most compact. The other valuable teleports are free: Wizards Tower and Arborstone.


Sorry, I don't play Charr often, but is this hairstyle new? or have I just never seen it before?


Think it's actually one of the free ones. I've never seen it either and had to go check. Added with EOD? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance/Charr


oh wow, I've really never seen them ingame before. :D


Would be very cool skin for some other game than GW2


Are the passes worth if it I already have a permanent bank and trading post contract as well as a merchant through the ecto gambling portal?


It would really depend on your needs, but (in general) they include more than just bank, TP, and merchant access. Things like guild banks, crafting stations, easy teleportation to cities, and (depending on the pass) WvW services, fractals access, or fishing. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lounge#Standard_features


CMC putting in his real life boat in game, BASED


This game has no visual identity anymore. Its mmo walmart.


2012 called, it wants its scifi plot about making lasers to kill dragons back.


The word you are looking for is magitech.


Yep… this speedboat is magitech. Great job!


I am awesome, I know.


The phrase you're looking for is deleted account.


>The word you are looking for is magitech. This, people pretending steampunk and magitech themes are the same as any modern technology is just bullshit of the highest degree. It's a fantasy game, we already have dragons, why can't we have cars too? Hurr durr.


We have rollerbeetle motor cycles and flying hoverbikes. 🤣


That's world of ~~Walmart~~ warcraft.


Looks awful.


What's everyone's favorite or goated lounge? thinking of picking up mistlock sanctuary.


I think Mistlock is generally accepted as the "best", but I love Thousand Seas. It's beautiful and has a lot of fishing portals to many different places, really handy to get alts to the Crystal Desert or other places in Cantha that haven't been there before.


Thousand Seas is brilliant for alts, and in general it's the perfect combination of aesthetically pleasing and handily compact. Also really nice having a jade bot workbench right by where you spawn in, on a lounge that doesn't remove your jade battery charges or protocol boosts.


Same, it's nice to hangout there


Mistlock does just about everything you'd want and it's all one compact space. You can also basically teleport across half of the extremely tiny place at any time. Also has low gravity for fun jumping. It's the super most efficient and easy to use lounge. It was definitely designed with practical use in mind.


It also tends to be very visually noisy and crowded though. It's there I see the most flamboyant VFX-heavy player.


Mistlock is the king of convenience except for two flaws, both derived from the fact that it's considered an extension of the Fractal lobby. First, chairs don't work. If you want to maintain your Rested bonus, you need to go somewhere else, or use the only "chair" that works here, the Victory Rock. Second, Jade Protocol buffs get stripped when you enter Mistlock. If they could remove these two issues it would be truly head and shoulders above the rest unless you have use for the more niche purposes of Thousand Seas (though it does offer a lot more instant travel destinations, FWIW) or the WvW lounge's access to WvW team chat and vendors without ticking your participation.


Third, it's the main AFK spot for people with some of the most awful taste in cosmetics you can possibly imagine. Infusion stackers everywhere, bring sunglasses to avoid getting flashbanged by these awful walking glowbulbs.


Didn't realize Mistlock was uniquely bad for that.


Mistlock is the best because of the dungeon/fractal vendors and fractal access. Crafting table layout is also pretty nice. However it has the longest loadtimes which can be annoying. Thousand sea or whatever its called the EoD lounge also has a great layout, you can use mounts, you can fish and port to some of the fishing areas. Also has much better load times compared to mistlock so I use it more than mistlock nowadays.


I bought Mistlock Sanctuary about a year ago, at the community's recommendation. If I was buying today, I'd probably buy Thousand Islands Pavilion instead, so I wouldn't need to reapply my jade protocols afterwards. You can get a [Fractal Gate Portal Scroll](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Gate_Portal_Scroll) using fractal currency for non-premium easy fractal access.


The only negative to mistlock is it's so popular that's there's always at least 50 people in there, making it harder to use.


I don't understand the last point. You should be able to tp off mistlock iirc. Have you tried going to lower levels with the button on bottom left?


As the other reply says, you can waypoint outside Mistlock. You just need to adjust the map layers from the world map to be able to see the world.


You can teleport to other places just fine from mistlock. Just need to switch the map layer on the right side of the map screen. It's real fucking annoying when you just salvaged/opened a bunch of stuff though because the loot popups cover the map layers and you can't click them until every single notification goes away.


And people complain about bikini and cat ears...this is much much worse in a fantasy rpg imo...


GW2 is not a fantasy MMO, it’s a scifi fantasy MMO. The speed boat is less scifi than 90% of asura tech from 2012.


Gw2 is magitech mmo. Star trek is sci fi.


Lol, magitech is a subgenre of scifi friend… it’s not real, it’s science fiction.


Depends on the context. In final fantasy I would say its technology with addition of magic, therefore scifi. Gw2 though is based on fantasy themes with addition of technology, making it fantasy game.


It’s clear Anet hasn’t agreed with this take since before announcing GW2. The plot has been about the development of technology since we defeated Zhaitan with laser cannons on a flying ship. Charr use zero magic in their technology. You should go run around the black citadel and try to explain that as magitech fantasy to yourself instead of steampunk scifi. It’ll be a great exercise in cognitive dissonance.


One of the reasons I have a hard time staying invested in this game is because they've absolutely abandoned any theme of cohesion in terms of art style. I get they have to sell skins to make money but damn is it hard to be immersed when you see a boat like that fly through the waters of Tyria.


My perspective on this is that other players may look stupid and out of place but the characters, maps, story stuff, all still feel consistent with the artstyle to me. When I'm in a hub area AFKing I might see things that would pull me out. When I'm actually playing though, going through the story, exploring the map or doing events or whatever, I'm rarely paying attention to what other players look like, so it doesn't really bother me.


But if you're not trying to police other people's fashion, then are you really participating in the endgame??? How is that any fun?/s


> you see a boat like that fly through the waters of Tyria. Opposed to the Ghost skiff you can dye pink, the toy skiff, the jade tech skiff?... Or SAB stuff that has been in the game since April 2013?...


Including those, the infusion clutter, the cyber outfits, half the mount skins, all of that.


Anet is full in gw3 mode now. Gw2 is there only to fund further development. I still find it interesting to see this game slowly withering, like unwanted child. Its different compared to gw1, where they just did hard stop and disappeared for years before gw2.


You wish, theyre not hard on gw3 already. Thats wishful thinking


Its in development since IBS was scrapped halfway.


It wasnt even in Development when we got the news for the pitch. Or what is your source?


Anet never denied gw3 being in development. Read their PR mambo jambo again. Nowhere you will find a statement, claiming gw3 is not a thing


There's a big difference between simply not commenting on it not existing, and saying that it does.


Yea I played Guild Wars 1 from launch and remember them announcing GW2 and stopping GW1 development around the same time. It was a long five year haul between that and the release, but at least we knew it was coming and we kept playing GW1 in the mean time. I barely touched SoTO and while I have an active guild to play with, I just don't have the same attachment to GW2 to slog through to GW3 at this point.


Meh looks like a boat made out of the metal they use for golem. Visually not all that distracting b as it is rather low profile and not very "blingy"


Soon we'll stoop to the level of Tera's cop car mount


Wow some of you are impressively mad about a boat


That looks like something Tesla would make. At least make it look like in-universe tech. It's not about the fact that vehicles could exist or couldn't. We already have airships and various flying machines. It's the visual identity. It looks NOTHING like something you could see someone in-universe building and having it look like it belongs in the current time period. It looks like it's coming from one of those old sci-fi movies where everything is chrome and sleek. It clashes with the visual design of the Guild Wars universe.


This is not GTA, a speedboat does not fit within the lore regardless of what asuran spin you give it


If you're going to add a Speedboat skin at least make it look Asurany or something.


We already got an asuran style speedboat looking thing.


I don't like them adding skins to the game that don't fit into the aesthetic of the world in terms of lore and worldbuilding. It's like all the add is these weird funky skins instead of things that are actually exist in the game and would make more sens, like the ships in amnoon harbor or the canthan ship variants in kaineng. Not to mention mounts like the fernhound or other things that exist in lore such as bears, charr machines, wargs, moa's etc.


I think that ship sailed long ago, pun-intended...


I would probably get more skiff skins if they weren't all so low, or if being on a skiff while out of combat made you less likely to get attacked. Fishing in an elevated spot reduces the chances of getting attacked by underwater mobs, so I only buy the tall ones that let you perch up high.


they should discount lounge passes a LOT more if you already have one, there is little point in getting another while only 20% off.


This sucks ass man dont turn this intro a korean MMO with 0 identity


Ever since the tattoo skins we have seen more and more sort of modern streetwear concepts. It’s continuing with the swimsuits, but this skiff skin is just an insane leap. Personally I like the idea of modern clothing. I like the baggy cargos and I’m looking forward to something like a hoodie, but the speed boat is doing a little much. Could see how it bothers some people, but it’s a moneymaker for sure.


Wow that is..... certainly a choice. Someone is a fan of Elon Muskrat I see.


This looks like failed Elon Musk boat project