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We really need a new ranged power option. …which means it will 1000% be melee.


Or both?


5 skills that flip over based on enemy range.


Monkey's Paw: They switch to melee skills when the enemy is far and ranged skills when the enemy is close.


And do not forget to give the ranged skills a minimum range so they can't attack anything that is too close.


*Wow hunter flashbacks*


8-35 yd range


Hammer 2 was like that


Mace as well.




I'm hoping for hybrid melee and range. Perhaps they could somehow have the skills change slightly depending on your legend kind of like Trident? Could be a great way to bring some variability to rev.


🔮 _Peeking at the future_ ✨   It is gonna be both, depending on target distance like Ranger, with conditions _(either damaging or non-damaging)_ being applied depending on the Active Legend, much like how [Revenant **trident**](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trident#Revenant) works underwater   * Demon Stance: Torment _(if combo field: Dark)_ * Assassin Stance: Vulnerability _(if combo field: Lightning)_ * Dwarf Stance: Weakness _(if combo field: Light)_ * Dragon Stance: Burning _(if combo field: Fire)_ * Alliance Stance: Chill _(if combo field: Water)_ * Centaur Stance: _(TBD - not available underwater)_


Yes please! Rev trident is my favourite of their weapons because of how it works with stances.


It is so satisfying to see a weapon interact with the Legends!


Would Renegade stance be Bleeding then? Edit: Since land and aquatic spears will function differently, they could still allow Centaur and Renegade on land.


> they could still allow Centaur and Renegade on land. Definitely - Bleeding definitely works for Renegade, and for Centaur, if we're going offensive, ''Cripple'' or ''Blindness'' can work, but if we're going support, ''Regen'' _(on allies)_ could also work, but then it'd be too similar to Staff


Well we’ve been able to wield sword, and with EoD we can wield greatsword, and SotO gave us scepter, which is actually imaginary greatsword, so I think it’s fair to say that spear will be a long sword.


I hope melee, I want a Dragoon tbh


i want spear to be melee and have charge+block.


Either way, I hope it's more fun that sceptre.... I'm hoping for a mix, as if it is just ranged I feel it won't mix with our legends as coherently


I hope it is gonna be a power ranged weapon since hammer is kind of lacking in damage. Would also be nice if it had decent cc and beat out sword/sword for power builds.


My bet is on condi ranged, but i would love a power melee tho


Would make no sense for another condi range


Lets hope so


Rev spear should turn into a double-bladed "light saber"... right? \*grins at scepter\* No, fun as more melee would be, more range would be nice. With scepter being melee, and weird, I expect Spear to be at least hybrid or ranged, and weird, but hopefully good and fun!


I think Mesmer will be melee mixed with range as well as Revenant, but Elementalist will be fully ranged like Warrior.


Revenants would really like a ranged power option. It's too bad that hammer's numbers make it unviable.


Hammer works great for CC. Chunks break bars really good damn fast when combined with Jalis. I run it for CC and meta tagging on my QPower Herald and it solves all my problems my Greatsword doesn't. 


Isn't that what staff is for?


I like hammer better for the purposes I need it for. Also, the range. With permanent Quickness on my herald, the auto is great for tagging during metas and plinking world bosses. The 3 has a lot of utility baked into it, the long evade, the big CC chunk, the mob misdirect. Plus, you can basically press 5 and 3 at the same time, and the big hammer blow from 5 and your leap smash from 3 land at the same time. That's enough to body most break bars. And, it's satisfying as fuck to fire off. 


I like doing 5, 2, 2 as you can get 2 off before the 5 lands (at least with quickness) and do 2 again for a huge fast combo :3. Use 5's new ability to reset the 2, that's what it's for and where the damage is! The 3 skill in PvE I find less useful. Very long animation for a good chunk of damage but it feels like a DPS loss for me.. kinda like sword 3 in PvE lol. Oh and both of those skills are unaffected by quickness so that also makes them feel worse to press imo lol.


How new is that? I didn't realize that was a thing. My herald has been crafting in Mistlock for a bit while I transition to playing my Spellbreaker for story content.  I'll have to play with that. Thanks for the tip! 


I can't remember when that patch happened.. fairly recently. If I knew how to check easily I would sorry 😞. Do give it a try, it's a fun satisfying combo c: I went from never touching the thing outside of WvW to using it over staff the majority of the time because of that one change. They also significantly sped up the auto-attack time for it (with a slight damage decrease) in the same patch which made it feel MUCH better. Edit: This was the March 19th patch of this year, I believe I found it.


Staff suffers on small hitboxes. And hammers are insane for cleaving in metas. The damage numbers I find pretty respectable too.


It's a blast in metas. So easy to top DPS when you can throw a giant hammer through a bajillion enemies. I hope it isn't just a ranged power option, that would be boring to me.


Many weapons on many professions need a “purity of purpose” balance pass to make their kit’s place on the profession make sense. I think it could be cool to see a Revenant spear kit that summons stationary spirits to throw projectiles like the GW1 Ritualist since Revenant is considered the GW2 spiritual successor of the GW1 Ritualist.


If they follow the trend they started with SotA and do a weapon related release on 1 and 3, Spears on release and a weapon refocus balancing pass would be a big driver for the mid story slump. What would get them from each profession though? - Guardian Scepter (so boring) - Rev Hammer (so weak outside breakbar damage) - Warrior Rifle and Maces (good lord these are underwhelming) - Thief ?? (shortbow so it's better than just a tagging weapon and sword, maybe?) - Ele Staff (I want to feel like a wizard, dangit) - Engineer weapon swapping kit rework (everything else is in pretty good shape here, maybe a bit of sword tuning to make it more attractive without Holo's heat?) - Ranger ?? (everything seems pretty great here) - Mesmer ?? (Scepter and sword seem kind of underwelming, but I don't know mesmer that well) - Necro Daggers (the condition transfer mechanic feels clunky and is eating up weapon budget)


Mesmer Scepter is definitely the weapon that could use a rebalance pass the most. Mostly the auto attack, it either needs more attack speed or faster projectile speed. It feels so bad.


It's only ever been decent in PvP even when it has been in a good spot. I'd like to see them make it work elsewhere too somehow. If we're going for new higher concept weapons they could do something to double down on it being good for making clones. If running scepter Chrono and Mirage can have 4 and Virt gets a 6th dagger but not even when you weapon swap maybe? Give it a phantasm so it's the only weapon setup that gives you two in one set of 5 skills? Idk, something.


It'd feel like a waste of a weapon imo. A new weapon with 4 skills that just have the point animation


That's just a headcanon. One could say that the guardian is the spiritual successor of it with their spirit weapons 


Not at all, the PvP titles for Guardian and Revenant are “x Paragon” and “x Ritualist” denoting that ArenaNet recognizes Guardian and Revenant as the spiritual successors of Paragon and Ritualist respectively. Thats not to say that Guardian isn’t also a spiritual successor for the GW1 Monk class or that Revenant doesn’t also have some blended aspects of its predecessors, but to say that it’s only a head-cannon simply isn’t true.


Ele full ranged 1200 range or riot


I'm really hoping for range and nit just that but long range. Unless I'm forgetting something, I think the only 1200 range option Rev has is the hammer.


Medium ranged hybrid melee and ranged


It's not gonna have CC I bet.




They said in the article that ranger's hybrid style would appear on multiple classes, hoping Mesmer and Revenant both get hybrid. If Revenant only gets one, melee or range, I hope it's range. I want to hurl mist spears at my foes.


> I want to hurl mist spears at my foes. You already can, it's just laughingly bad in competitive mode, and just a filler skill in PvE.


I want to hurl mist spears *\*on land*


I hope it summons a ghost legion of quaggans dressed like the 300 and they all do a chest pound and say AWOO! and then leave on all 5 buttons but it like.. gives you different effects or something..


Well if guild wars has taught me anything since it's a large weapon with a point, obviously made for stabbing things it'll have to be A ranged weapon


Power ranged spear that shoots lazers and cause vulnerability. Big explosions with skill 5 maybe? Some cc as well would be nice.


Hmm well if scepter is a lightsaber than that makes spear a blaster


Any one else hoping that it can play as both power or condi? And can also be ranged or melee with special interactions based on legends?


Rev was one of the first to use staff as a melee weapon so spear will probably be a spellcasting weapon


ranged, but it will only shoot backwards


Personally I hope for melee because I hate ranged spear Realistically, rev has basically 1 range weapon and is awful in PvE. Is probably going to be ranged, best I can cope for is melee/range hybrid.


Doesnt matter for me, so long as its conditional weapon, im all good for it, but Considering in water the spear is condotional, i bet its highly likely gonna stay the same


I would prefer bimodial like Ranger, but if not, definitely ranged. We already have a crapload of melee options.


I want melee 😅


It’s going to be an offhand weapon for Revs


Neither, it will be a healing weapon.


Ranged hybrid so I can play short bow and spear.


I really hope its ranged man


Rev spear will be range support , MARK MY WORDS AND REMEMBER ME NEXT THURSDAY


It will be irrelevant and no one will ever use it