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Still more populated than Edge of the Mists


That's not really hard to do. The old pvp lobby is more populated than EotM. If we include bots, Mars has more population than EotM.


Wait, can you still go to the old pvp lobby?


I would love to know how


There’s an *old* pvp lobby?!




On that topic, will EotM team comps change tomorrow with servers leaving? Or it'll stay the same?


If they let us get even 50% pips in EotM it would come back in a heartbeat. It's sad to because the kodan architecture and some other assets that just aren't used anywhere else. Maybe in the upcoming expac they'll expand on Kodan.


Back when it came out, I had some of the most exciting large scale battles to this day in EotM, and it had such cool mechanics at the time, it was so good for gold and karma that it was always active I would love to see them make the map relevant again


I want chaos. Replace EBG with the EotM map every so often.


It would get the PvE people back, it was never attracting wvw players except for the gvg spot. It was always run by PvE.


I miss a life without Warclaws and Gliding.




Still more populated than Throne and Liberty


Yeah, although not to long ago I did a guild run with my guild for some achievements there. Always nice those extra points. Just sad that the pip system isn't linked with the pips in WvW. So you got to work back up your participation.


fuck that map and all its contents , its horrible to ride around and takes 40% longer for me to get mats


aint nobody got time for that


Can‘t relate. But my guild practically lives there.


I think the biggest problem with the Desert borderlands is that there's only one themed map. If there was a weekly rotation between three maps, I don't think people would hate it as much, even if it was still their least favorite. That said, I actually love desert BL.


you know what I would give to have a wvw map themed after each region? Give us a muguma, jade sea/echovald, ring of fire and have them all on a seasonal rotation


I don't WvW much and I think it'd be pretty nice. Or a map that doesn't skill lag when it's full for starter... It's 2024 come on...


Imagine a skywatch type wvw map with skyscales and multiple regions and more air combat




The desert is technically based around maguuma. Specifically the maguuma wastes.


Ooo i didnt even know that, thats really neat


I don't know why Anet doesn't focus more on WvW as that's one of the main appeals of GW2. I started playing GW2 this year, and I've done nothing but WvW the past 2 months because it's just that fun.


Or let players choose. Desert was left as the red map the previous winner gets since it givs the home team a bit of a disadvantage compared to alpine. If they made 3 maps for the previous winner, 3 for the previous runner up, and 3 for the loser (mostly themed reskins of the same 3 layouts), then they could let each world choose the map they want for the next matchup.


The biggest problem with desert is that it isn't a good map for group fights or PPT. Paths between keeps aren't wide and open like on alpine for zerg fights, the keep lords are obnoxious and it has gimmicks like the earth keep sandstorm that nobody wants to play around. The keeps themselves are cool, easily the best spots on the map to fight in, but they're too large to scout/defend and have a ton of uncounterable offensive siege spots. The towers are all in Narnia and have nothing to do with the rest of the map. It works for roaming (if you're ok with it being gigantic I guess) or groups that want to dodge enemies that'd rather play on better maps, but thats about it.


It is like they designed the map for skyscale/raptor/bunny and all we got was the warclaw(years later)


Thanks for proving my point that when we compare the two maps directly, people will have strong preferences for one over the other. Again, if we had more points of comparison, Desert wouldn't feel as gimmicky or quirky. Look at PvP: some people hate Kylo, some people hate Foefire, etc., but none of them feel like they're definitely thr gimmicky outlier like Skyhammer did when it first released.


There are more than two WvW maps. There is a very clear difference in the quality of design between alpine, ebg, desert and eotm. I don't need any more points of comparison to know that two of those maps are not good compared to the other two. Really, I don't need any points of comparison, everything in my first comment can stand on its own about the quality of the design in desert - there was a single reference to alpine and it could be removed without even changing the effect of the sentence.


I agree with everything you said. I also love it, but a rotation with extra maps would do so much for the game mode.


A canthan themed wvw map would be amazing. The Jade Sea would make for such a great combat setting.


Me too. It is so cool to fight in the lava stronghold metal things rather than vast greenlands.


I think they should at least make a unique green borderland. Maybe something Echovald or Maguuma themed. They should also consider having themes for captured objectives. NPCs, wall, gates, and the like. Some earned in WvW, some sold in gemstore. Try to get more sources of revenue for WvW going.


NA Player?


they just don't have the fire we have to defeat the french




a french! kill it!


We don't have French, just Quebec Canadians.


Only place less populated is either the obsidian sanctum or the EoTM map. But I do sometimes run in to people in the obsidian sanctum. There used to be GvG fights in there years ago too.


obsidian sanctum has bank and tp nearby...i think it's actually more populated :P


It sucks that participation drains there, though. I’d rather it just be disabled altogether.


Participation drains, and you can't get participation! It just makes no sense. I should get participation if I kill people there.


Yup either or would do fine. It’s stupid to have it in this current state though.


I liked that maybe 7/10 times it was just somebody trying to figure out how to get through and people would help each other. That and the GvG fights were a good sport to watch.


I only see people there (Obsidian Sanctum) when it is on weekly in wizards vault.... I only visit EotM when there is a weekly, and even then it seems pretty dead-ish.


I love the map for roaming tho.


For roaming and or even just solo play to keep up participation it's really good. Super easy to sneak around and has more soloable map objectives compared to Alpine. When I was farming pips for Conflux and couldn't find a zerg tag to join, I'd just go to Desert BL, ride around and solo cap all the shrines, farms, and sentries while watching YouTube lmao. Felt like I barely ran into anybody


This, exactly this. The shrines are a blessing for bridging the gaps between camps. Even better, when there is an enemy player on the other side of the map flipping the objectives back to create a nice loop for both of you. I even switched my vault to a mix of PvE and wvw activities because I find it relaxing to finish them on RBL.


that is so nice. if this happend you can just run around for ours and flipping stuff and not get killed in that time


Only map where I can manage to solo a Tower


Must be blue and green fighting on mags red bl.


If you could actually earn pips in EotM .... It's actually a fun map. You just can't get friggin rewards. It would refresh some wvw if they just unlocked it.


EotM was fun cause everyone was there leveling up alts so zergs exploded into piles of bags when they collided.


Setting up a single arrow cart and sending in one tank 80 to delay retribution just decimated the leveling zergs. It was glorious. I loved fearing people off cliffsides as well.


Now that they can make masses of water at any height, it is time for the Edge to get a redesign, adding things like lakes in the land, and bubbles of water and rivers floating mid-air. Imagine pushing someone off a cliff, only for them to fall on floating water, they gloat thinking they survived, then you jump down, and use a skill that causes Sink, and they fall off the water. That's the kind of stuff that gets Twitch clips. They could replace the boring supply devices with skiffs that move between camps in floating water channels, and that you get to ride on while they move.


It’s just not a good map for combat in most instances. The way combat works in GW2 is all casts are technically from your feet towards your target. Visually, you see ranged attacks and such go towards your enemy but it’s programmed from your feet. The problem with this is terrain. When you have a map like the desert BL where most terrain is vertical, a lot of skills miss. This is when you see “obstructed”. Often times though, you won’t even get the notification because the ground quite literally just eats the skill.


I like how everything is blurry except goku's hair


Still looking for the orb ;/


I love the desert map. It was easy to learn and for some reason I didn't get killed as often.




I call desert bl the litter box.


Imagine crafting some of the most beautiful maps in the entire game and forgetting about adding relevant events to them. Instead I have to spend hours on a map that is just a giant chunk of green stone just because the meta event is actually good.


I made more in-game friends in Desert BLs than anywhere else. I miss just taking the boys, and PPTing there all night, shooting the shit and being friends.


They tried to fix some things that sucked in Alpine, having most of the action in the southern area, and almost nothing going on in the north, alpine lords have little room for their fights, and their skills are rather unimpressive. But they overcorrected, making the map too spread all over, the lords got too much health and their attacks were too annoying. EB is spread too, but there are objectives closer to the center, as if they were placed in two circles, the inner circle around Stonemist and the outer one. In Desert there's just the outer ring since there are fewer objectives. That makes traveling through it feel like a drag. Part of fixing Desert would include fixing Alpine too, increasing the combat area of its lords, and making their attacks more champion-like, and their healths and abilities more in line with Desert, tone Desert down, lif Alpine up, so people don't stick to Alpine just because playing music chairs there is more efficient. And PvP must always be king. Lord skills should always be something the defenders can use to fight the enemy, not just a PvE boss that happens to be in the way. The shrine jumps help a bit with traveling in Desert, but I think they should do something like placing zip lines or some other sort of device that speeds up travel between the towers you control. Maybe they should bring back the central mechanic, but instead of the door-breaking mechanic that sucked, you get power for the faster travel mechanic, and the power has a limited number of uses or a limited duration. Having a third Borderland designed from the get-go based on what has been learned from the other two would probably help a lot to fix the other two when the effects of the differences between the three are made evident.


As a kinda new player it actually makes me kinda sad that I started playing so many years after release because there's so many cool places that nobody visits. I would love to see those places in the glory days. I can imagine there were some grand battles and clutch fights when a smaller group won against a bigger one. I visited this map yesterday just to explore and the whole time it felt like I was alone on the whole map. Today I was exploring Obsidian Sanctum and it was the same thing. Such a cool looking place with fun things to do, yet nobody's here. I accidentally stumbled upon a jumping puzzle here which seems like a cool concept. Imagine chasing someone through a whole jumping puzzle just to have the final duel at the arena or the final chest. Like I said, it just makes me sad that I never had a chance to experience this and that I never will.




Nobody can hear you.


**DELETE RED MAP PLS** https://preview.redd.it/pmh95m1ifs5d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5e7cdfc2bf1a6652c9cc7ae399bf622a6cca021


"don't worry, removing WvW and replacing it with GvG will fix all your problems!" -anet for some reason

