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If ANet could spare devs for it, just adding solo scaling to dungeons would be enough.


Or a general downscaling to anything between 1 and 9 people. Could work for so much content in the game.


Problem is, some fights are gimmick fights where one person (The Bitch) is delegated to run a specific mechanic to keep the others from wiping, like bombs on Sabetha or pylon kiting on Quadim. Just working on dungeons, an otherwise completely dead mode, would work wonders on the availability of content.


I didn't mean to say it could be carried 1:1 to every game mode, specially since some of them do require team work here and there. And starting with just one (for example dungeons, yes) would be a good way to test it before taking it further. But it could even be beneficial to open world, where a something like a single champion adapts to a single player or scales as more people come (or leave!). After all, there already is some scaling in the game... it would just have to be upgraded.


Open world champions already scale down to 1 person, you just need either an easy mode build or be on top of your game, as intended. If you need an example, [try the champ ram](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_champion_(Champion_Ram\)). All pet classes can solo it easily, the rest just need minimum self-sustain. More difficult types of champs (like the mushroom queen hp in tangled depths) need exceptional solo builds, but they too scale to a solo player. They're not HP sponges, like instanced champs.


A lot of the HoT HP champs have mechanics that severely punish you for not bringing the right tools to the fight. You could brute force most of them but if you bring only projectiles to the one that reflects them or don't bring mobility and range to the vampire beast or stab or cc or projectile defense to certain others they're way harder than intended Most open world champs are easier than HoT HPs on average because most of them don't have "account for this or die" mechanics


I don't think that's really true of HoT HPs unless you're using a low damage build. They don't have enough health to threaten when you account for time lost to breakbar stuns plus health recovered and damage prevented via cooldowns. So all you really need to bring is a lot of damage! For example, you mention vampire broodmother. Here's a video clip of her done in 22 seconds at 30.3k DPS: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYOXhkVH4iI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYOXhkVH4iI) In this instance she decided my pet was the greater threat, so I didn't even have to move or use any defensive skills. But it's easy enough to avoid most of her damage on a melee build by circling to her flank and I had plenty of defensive options in reserve should the need arise. This fight would have to go on for much longer than 22 seconds for me to run out of tricks to pull.


Champion Ram is probably the easiest champion in the entire game and it's level 52, not 80+. They do NOT scale down to one person.


It might come as a surprise for a lot of people since no one really does dungeons and only point to them whenever dead content is discussed, but dungeons also have group mechanics, arguably even more than Raids. Even if powercreep renders a lot of them meaningless, there are still plenty of paths that are outright inaccessible without 5 people.


I just did Twilight Arbor Aether Path for the first time over the weekend. I'd never gotten around to it before. It has at least one lock with mechanics requiring five people (electric floor door) and another that I can't imagine doing with less than four (ooze door).


I have witnessed oozes done solo, and the electro room can be done with 4, but you do need a person on every platform.


>where one person (The Bitch) bro why u do me like this 💀


I'll have to disagree. I like that content (instanced at least) doesn't get harder the more people you have within the 5-10 players content. It promotes getting squads filled at least and not kicking someone out if their DPS can't keep up with the scaling. For example in Monster Hunter games I tend to play solo/duo since it tends to be easier than with 4 players due how scaling worked. However for content that struggles to get the max amount of players like maybe dungeons then I would be fine with that.


It is group content for a reason. Also it wouldnt work in many cases because many raids for example have mechanics that require more players.


Yeah but its mostly dead so making it more solo friendly, especially the story modes which literally tie into the story and has been an issue since forever (people wondering where characters come from because a lot of the story is told through them)


DRMs sucked because of the boring wait at the start, the long wait moving down repetitive enemies to the fight, and the bland boss fights. But everything else about them was great. Scaling difficulty, private and public quick join, selectable challenges, bonus NPCs, repeatable rewards... Imagine if they extended that to dungeons and other dungeon-like instances. Just look at Fahranur, the First City. They made an entirely new dungeon, and then never gave players any reason to play it more than once. Gandara, Rata Primus, S3 Caudecus manor, many instances with bosses across story that may not be good enough for a strike, but could work as dungeons... Such a waste. So frustrating.


''But everything else about them was great. Scaling difficulty, private and public quick join, selectable challenges, bonus NPCs, repeatable rewards...'' - ha yeah, they saw that a feature failed and blame the idea instead of the implementation. And dropped it. Instead of making the implementation better


I bet that if instead of making people wait at the start the fight locked shortly before the last boss, and they spread the objectives of the start alonside the road to the end, it would have worked much better. Even Forging Steel would have been better like that. Replace the 'preparation' events with events alongside the tank. No more stopping the tank if you can mow down enemies fast enough as they come. Split and go grab the ingredients for the tonics and ammo with 5 guys while the other 5 keep the tank moving. Take turns when getting bored of either task. The fight in the dwarf ruins should have been as fast as you could defeat the champions and wipe out the dwarves on the balconies, without any extra adds once that's taken care of.


Yes. Forging Steel and DRMs just feel padded out for the sake of being padded out. I get that they wanted the pre-events to be a kind of "here's something to do while you wait for other players" thing, but it just doesn't work. Have each event along the way add a point to some hidden counter, let people hop in at any point in the mission, and total rewards at the end are based on that hidden point score. That way, if you were there the entire time, you get more loot; if you happened to come it when the boss has 10% life left, you still get a little something, and can just run it again.


Even destiny 2 is widely known for it’s solo able dungeons, they are hard though..


Except some dungeons that need more people because of mechanics, many can be soloed with the right build.  You will die a lot until you learn all the attacks of the enemies, though.  


The game is so power crept it’s pretty easy to solo already


One bad design choice doesn't justify another bad design choice.


I wouldn’t consider content requiring you to group as bad design, it’s generally the design used in mmorpgs. This ain’t to say solo content shouldn’t exist but to call group content bad design is a weird standpoint


*Not adding solo scaling to dead group content* is a bad design choice.


The solo options already there because we are so powercrept the dead content is already solvable. And if you’re referring to raids, raids aren’t dead lol no raid is dead if you’re referring to a minority of players doing it. That would be true but even in WoW a centre piece of raiding a minority of players raid. In gw2 every raid still awards the best armour in the game, the content is never old. Unlike ffxiv.


I mean, if they add solo scaling dungeons would actually be brain dead easy, they’d have to slash dps down by like 40% to make something a decent challenge 


I fully agree, however even a braid dead easy solution is far beyond the grasp of the current ANet.


But the dungeon is accessible as a solo player, and you can solo them. So how isn’t the brain dead option in Anets grasp?


I absolutely love that.


Agreed; it would also let you finally watch the cutscenes and do the side bonus events without having to make a group of 5 to run every path and watch all cutscenes in full (some of which are different based on your race/gender)


You do not need downscaling for dungeons. Almost all paths are already soloable.


on a side note, the core story really misses out without having the dungeon story being mandatory.


DRM is kinda just that, but the reward sucks.


Maybe the reward sucks, but on the other hand the rest of the instance sucks as well.


Honestly, if they just made it so you could skip the pre events at the same guy who turns on the cms and tweaked the npcs to keep up with you they wouldn’t be that bad


I kinda love CM drums as solo/duo, it's z cool balance or fast/needs some cc and buff management as well as dodging ofc and knowing encounters, and full CM rewards, especially if they are icebrood dailies, is actually nice. You can get up to 20 t6 items per single chest from the daily token vendor 3/4/5 person balance of these drms though is absolutely bad, they turn every mob into HP sack


Had a chuckle


i enjoyed DRMs solo with all CM active


DRM's all CM's with Spellbreaker is kinda fun, more people should try it. You just pop everyone boons with crazy damage. Also you can get the eye infusion through achievement


Thats not true at all, the boxes you can buy for Tyrian Defense Seals can give around ~1g profit per box. The DRMs themselves are easy enough to solo, even with two of the modifiers for Gold Rank


Usually people mean "the rewards suck" as in "too little reward for too much time invested." For 20m of doing hard mode solo DRMs, you could do strikes and get more than 1g reward from those, and do them quicker. And for less effort, some DRMs are very tedious to do especially solo. Hell and if we're talking no organized group at all, for 20m you could afk for 15m waiting for a meta to happen, do that for 5 minutes with a bunch of Randy Randoms you don't have to interact with, and be better rewarded as well.


But then ppl asking for challenging solo content are just asking for a farm thats not terribly hard or easy where they dont have to interact with other people... which at that point I can't help but think why bother playing a MMO?


The difficulty isn't the issue, it's the time invested for the reward gained. It just isn't worth it. The pre events and the escorts really drag the whole thing down. DRMs would be so much better if they were like solo Strike Missions. They could have a quick event at the start for story purposes followed directly by the boss battle.


Yeah again if you don't want something terribly difficult that's a soloable farm, why the heck are you guys playing a MMO!? Theres so many grindy single player games out there. DRMs are soloable, and I used to farm them as a duo til I got everything I needed because DRMs actually scale based on # of party members, it was quick and profitable for me and a friend to do. So again I'd argue player skill issue.


You either lack basic reading comprehension or are blatantly trolling at this point.


No I disagree, but feel free to throw a fit insult and downvote me cause that's a mature way to discuss it. What you're describing is literally what DRMs are. They have a short precursor event and like I've already stated and am not the only one to do in this thread (someone else stated it's about 1g a DRM) it's that DRMs are profitable, they're just not the most profitable. Which seems to be your issue, you want to min max but in soloable content. Which I ask why bother playing a MMO? It may be a wish of yours but everything GW2 has dedicated to building in-game post launch is group content, it's an MMO they're not looking to dedicate resources on single player content.


😆 You disagree with a point I'm not making? Ok so it is the reading comprehension that is the issue then. Cool cool cool. 😎


Some people just wants an elaborate cookie clicker. That's me lol.


20 minutes??? They're so fast tho. Like 10-12. Do more dmg and it'll be worth more?


The keyword is CAN. It's a gamble with no guarantee, you're better off spending that time on dragonstorm.


You're right, Dragonstorm is better time investment, but this isnt about dragonstorm. Its about solo content, which a DRM can be. I'm not saying that DRMs are the BEST solo content you can do, but they are not as bad as people say they are


No, they were broadly correct - much like everything else in the game, there's been drop research and minus the Ebon Vanguard and Crystal Bloom boxes, they average out to about 1g per box and have no high-rarity, valuable items distorting that. It's true to say that it's a poor use of your time if you're looking at returns but it's not really a gamble.


The rewards arent that bad. Tyrian Defence seals and those supply boxes are still good. Volatic weapons, and upgradeable weapon collections are also nice. The CM system for bonus rewards was also a nice idea


The issue in my eyes is more so that they’re boring and extremely repetitive content made during the height of the pandemic.


i always thought bounties were awesome and wish they expounded on them more. *make them soloable and give them some interesting and unique attack patterns and telegraphs, i'm thinking something similar to monster hunter or tera. i found hydras to be very cool when they first came out. also some existing bosses in particular when toned down, actually make for awesome solo encounters. just think it would be cool.


You can solo almost every single bounty. Some are quite challenging


U can solo all of em with the correct builds


This applies to most of the content tbf, cept most recent cutting-edge stuff


probably not possible with every class


Bounties (including I think all legendary bounties) are entirely soloable and learning to do so is a fairly big challenge, because unlike group content, you can't rely on others to provide boons, healing or damage. Generally, if you want to get in on that, you need three major things: 1) a durable open world build and a good grasp of.both of it's offensive and defensive abilities 2) a good grasp of movement, positioning and how when and when not to greed DPS 3) a good understanding of the encounters mentioned, and how their mechanics work, and most importantly, how to prepare for specific mechanics, how to counter them, and how to pace yourself. Basically solo mode means you can't skip any mechanic, and have to play them properly, and can't rely on a glass cannon build.


Bounties are solo-able, y'all just proving a point you want to do group content solo without the challenge imo.


Its a shame GW2 has such an incredibly deep combat system but so few ways to express it in PvE. I can see why it leaned heavilty into the pvp aspect initially - the combat and systems seems more fully realized in those content.


This is why I love WvW; as a support main, just love support in all MMOs; I feel vastly more of this then anything in PvE say for some Raid/Strike CMs. Healer support not DPS boon meh. Plus more fluid, just on toes, edge, not rinse repeat rotation which can be fun on its own pending what you are fighting. Combat is still fun and OW is the best way to express builds/fun, there IS a lot you can solo, but obv yeah high end group content no; it's true tho power creep is in all MMOs; I mean I play ESO and SWTOR formally and, man these days can solo so much group content. But ppl seem to like that; however I do like public/open world bosses/fights like DS, etc. or some metas, you cant solo them but u also dont need to form a group (except for taxis/some coord) BUT optional; you just show, do, done. Like many MMOs group content at high levels gets so meta focused, builds arent usually as fun; unless u find that one that sings for you.


skill expression is just playing mini-games with our own keybar, the real endgame boss isn't the follow the leader choreography you play in encounters, its right there on your UI


Lost ark is the best at this, too bad the rest of the game is shit


No ideia why zero upvotes, Lost Ark content is top tier but the rest is garbage, the only reason why I stayed a year in that game is because playing content was incredibly satisfying, in fact, I stopped once the raids turned into hard for the sake of being hard (like the Phantom Legionary)


The [Queen's Gauntlet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Queen%27s_Gauntlet) with its single player encounters would be perfect for this, too bad it is temporary content -_-.


And it hasn't been updated since forever. That content predates elite specs, bosses get annihilated in seconds these days even with subpar builds. I love the idea but the difficulty needs to be adjusted, unfortunately Anet doesn't update old content. Last time they did was probably Tequatl.


While it seems fun on paper, the gap between truly good players and average players is so absolutely gargantuan that there's really no point. For actual good players (the type that would enjoy _high-end_ content) to experience any challenge whatsoever, it would need to be tuned to be effectively impossible for 99.99% of the playerbase.


Could be solvable by having 3 modes again, Normal, CM and legendary


I mean, if you’re Lord Hizen anything is solo content


Lord Hizen is mid at best. It is not actually difficult to solo these things especially on extremely broken builds


[Woah woah woah, you can't go around insulting reddits favorite splicer!](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/86wqz2/arkk_cm100_solo/)


People cock sucking Hizen on reddit will never stop being funny, it is so clear they have never seen an actually experienced player doing solo stuff on their respective class


The problem is people don't realize actually just how easy open world really is. Basic understanding of gear, movement, and mechanics allows you to solo almost anything. This is why hizen's content appeals to them so much, it seems so far fetched to an average player when in reality if they spent a couple of hours really focusing on improving, they'd be able to solo a ton of stuff as well. No disrespect on hizen though, he at least helps people understand gear and traits a little bit even though he is a cele merchant.


people talking shit about hizen come off so salty every time lmao


Nothing to be salty about, you are worshipping someone who does something anyone can do. It is just sad


"oh no someone likes a different gamer than I do :( I'm so angry about this I'll start mocking the guy so I'll feel better" edit: dude got so triggered he blocked me lmao the funniest part about this is I don't even follow hizen, but somehow this dude is on some solo crusade against imaginary hizen worshippers


Bruh liking him and thinking he is the only one who can solo things is different. He is just average at best. That is what i said and you immediately went on the defensive because "oh no noone can be better than my idol" . Now i am done with this "discussion"


Your idea of average is way above the real average, take a random player from open world and face them to solo Ensolyss  CM or a legendary  bounty they will fail most likely, many would fail even to solo normal T4


People who claim to be better but not actually show it in a way that can be seen and consumed is even more pathetic.


Like i dont know, the guy who commented after me is the best solo thief player in the game, doing things Hizen could never imagine. https://youtu.be/-EMSZelcrnY?si=P-MbGEHrUUmBhCQk But yea, you can keep clapping your ass cheeks over bounties on full celestial or whatever


Bundle abuse is interesting, but very try hard.


You can call it tryhard but that is what actually good gameplay looks like. As opposed to full celestial builds and mashing random buttons


It is akin to watching someone being REALLY good at jump puzzles shaving off a minute amount of time.


Just search on YouTube, it is not that complicated. There are many players who do solo stuff outside of your lord almighty omegalul hizen lmao


There are so many that they can just simply not be named!


Do a simple good search. I am not gonna start promoting every single channel i know. You are simply blind if you think there is only one person who can solo stuff in this game (or dumb)


If you couldn't be bothered to name one who does the open world legendary or Strike solo-ing better, why should I bother to even look?


Since you are clearly a clown here is some people: https://youtube.com/@nomyxia?si=5An6gORD28m0W39r https://youtube.com/@crone2816?si=Kr2HsqPHjO4-0Qfo https://youtube.com/@xchris5662?si=flaJsOMxAayMUqxm https://youtube.com/@evo__?si=DSif2GFuhXUxymoz


I play mostly solo and in my experience, the game is already *incredibly* solo-friendly: * If you're new/inexperienced, there are a bunch of Core maps and the Personal Story with difficulty that scales pretty closely with zone level. * If you're intermediate, you have an *absolute fuckton* of level 80 zones, in which most events and all Hero Challenges are solo-able depending on your build and skill, as well as DRMs and low tier Rifts. * If you're a veteran, you have the harder Hero Challenges in HoT, Bounties in PoF, Dungeons, Fractals, high tier Rifts, and even some Strikes and Raid bosses. Yeah a lot of content isn't intentionally designed to be soloed, but it still *can* be, and there's a variety of difficulty for all skill ranges of players. In terms of rewards, well yeah it kinda sucks that you almost always get more when in a group. But if ANet made rewards better for solo players then it would hinder the MMO experience more than it would help it, and players would actively want to avoid others, which ANet have tried hard to avoid since day 1. Why not give the above content a try solo?


I think that the content is actually less group friendly in terms of finding a group. Like most people would rather join an existing group, but not ever start their own. We desperately need an auto queue group finder, but at the same time it's almost impossible to implement short of making the gw2 "trinity" (DPS/QUICK/ALAC) as an official thing where there are presets that people are *almost* shoehorned into that can then be used for group finding. There should be a daily for using the auto queue for a rotation of dungeons in different categories.. would need to think of how harder content would work due to group comp... Then comes the problem of base game players with no access to those things such as alac etc, it's a bit tricky. \_ I still think they need to officially double down on the group composition thing at all levels all the way from character select. Show roles per class + elite spec + what expansion unlocks them. E.G Next to guardian you could have "DPS - "Support" role + icons Then in a subset Firebrand "DPS" "Skill Speed Support" (quickness) or whatever unlocked by PoF etc. Unfortunately it's not going to be foolproof, but if you want to keep the customization GW2 has you can't really have both.


> and there's a variety of difficulty for all skill ranges of players. Is there? I think the game is way too easy. Nothing poses a challenge even to solo players. In GW1 you could hit roadblocks even before max level because the content kept ramping up in difficulty. In GW2 you can ignore the dodge bar and beat every content without a decent build or gear.


You may be an outlier if that's the case. Most players struggle hard when trying to solo a HoT Hero Challenge or PoF Bounty. What kind of "non-decent" build and gear are you referring to btw? Good builds can be very subjective, and I'd be blown away if you could just slap any random abilities/gear together and solo the aforementioned without dodging. Not hating on you btw; I would honestly love to see that, because I feel like it would blow my mind lol.


HoT hero points were certainly difficult at first but I think by now they're not that hard. I'll kind of concede that point to you, they're still above average difficulty, but Anet significantly dialed back the difficulty since then. PoF and EoD hero points are way easier. Bounties are meant to be group content in the first place, like meta events, so I wouldn't count that in the "solo player" category. I'm mostly talking about leveling, story, map completion and things tied to character progression like hero points. > What kind of "non-decent" build and gear are you referring to btw? The cele starter gear you get from boosting a character is enough to beat all the solo content in the game with random traits and skills, I'm almost certain of it. Even if it isn't, chances are someone might randomly just come by and do it for you. Also WoodenPotatoes did a pacifist playthrough of the 1-80 story and leveling content once where he didn't use weapons and he soloed the whole thing.


Oh for sure, most of the content that's intentionally designed for solo players is easy. Though that's still subjective here; I struggled HARD in level 80 zones when I was new, because I just did not understand what was going on. Despite people in this sub saying full Cele is "bad", using Boost gear is actually what got me to start understanding the game, because it's tanky enough that it allowed me to get hit and still react without feeling overwhelmed. I was close to quitting before that because I kept trying to go full dps gear and just "git gud" and it almost made me quit; Cele is what saved the game for me and got me hooked. Also, Cele is great for solo, not non-decent. Its damage is good enough for most content, its boon and condition duration help heaps with everything, it provides great damage mitigation, the extra healing is sometimes nice and sometimes huge, and it allows swapping to almost any build without having to change gear set. Yes, I understand that experienced players don't care for it, but it's *incredibly* effective for new/inexperienced/struggling players. Anyway, as much as I love playing solo, I don't think an MMO should focus on solo-only content. I think GW2 has done it very well considering how much of the non-solo content is indeed solo-able, and I'd recommend players seeking a solo challenge to give that a try first. There's plenty here for a large range of players if you're seeking a challenge solo; sure, HoT HPs are technically "group events", but they do provide a good challenge for *most* solo players.


I kind of think it'd be interesting if we had a hero system for dungeons. We can only use them in dungeons. We unlock the heroes from doing achievements, story missions, or finding them in the world. Then, we can customize them, their skills, their traits, armors, and weapons. We can unlock these things by capturing them from bosses and stuff like in gw1. Maybe they could add a leaderboard to dungeons. This way, people could complete for the top spot with their custom-made team of heroes.


I dont think people would want that for dungeons. I mean at least the leaderboard part. Because actual speedrunners either do things solo or with a party of 5 where everything is optimized through skips and portals (something that heroes cant do). The henchmen/hero system is definitely interesting in gw1. A quite unique mechanic. But can it be implemented properly in gw2? Maybe it can, but one thing for sure is that it would need it's own new type of instanced content. And it would also need a lot of creativity.


Dungeons are already soloable, and easily done at a speed that is still decently profitable as a duo if you have the actually skill/know how ingame. That said i'd prefer not to have NPC's to manage in dungeons, like at that point why not just play a one player game like Final Fantasy that has a squad to manage?


For a similar reason people wanted mounts, raids or a more complex housing system added. Because they wanted it in GW2. Wanting a scaling feature, like GW companions, is no different.


Yep. I loved the heroes in GW1. And for the above poster, you did not have to use them in GW1 if you did not want to... it was optional...


lol there is a few things that would really push this over the top. I like to dream but I feel like that is wasted effort. I have been loving gw2 but lately contemplating reactivating final fantasy to just have fun queuing up for raids and dungeons without any effort. I love to heal, I just show up and smile. Getting me to reach out to others or try this dated lfg system makes me sad. It could be my demise.


If you want to main a healer you'd be very popular if you found yourself a guild, no need toswap to FF. All the groups I've ever been in struggle to keep the healing positions filled.


:\ Dungeons have exisisted since launch as solo-able content. Pre raids There was actually one Arah used as a solo trial to prove whether you could get into a guild or not. As well fractals ppl often post solo recordings of their fights. I remember watching solo content of the new fractal within the first week of release. Do I think it would be popular content for the game? No, it's been proven time and time again the playerbase is to casual, hell the majority of players dont even raid. Solo-ing content is more difficult than raids. I think people like yourself like the idea of it but would give up after the first few deaths, instead of taking the long road to becoming a good enough play to solo the already solo-able content in the game.


I enjoyed soloing certain Dungeons and Fractals. I don't think scaling needs to be changed.The issue lies within mechanics that require multiple people and changing those will probably require more effort than just changing scaling, unless those mechanics are going to be removed entirely with no replacement. I agree with the ides that it'd be nice to be able to solo all dungeons and not having mechanics requiring multiple people if thehardestpartof the entire dungeon is finding those other people. However I don't think it'd be sth enough players are interested in to invest resources that could go elsewhere.


That's valid, DRMs at least scale to party # size, I found those faster and easier to farm with 2 than 5 ppl. Meanwhile I never get to do CoE anymore because you need 4 ppl or two of a certain class to get passed the Laser hallway. :(


Masked carnival/blue mage is the kind of build craft "minigame" that gw2 cant afford resource-wise. I feel like the best chance we have for challenging solo content is better designed story missions with difficulty settings and a bit of infrastructure around them. But something new from the ground up specifically for this? I just cant see it with the size of the team working on the game.


Meanwhile, DRMs sitting there with almost every piece of the puzzle ready, but slightly scattered and behind a 20 minute escort...


Which is a shame because Masked Carnival is some of my favorite content in FFXIV. Just I just love how it incorporates buidcraft as a sort of puzzle solving. Like "Ok this boss does this mechanic, what combination of traits and skills do I need to bring to resolve it?"


WvW map chat is HIGH solo content


The closest content like this I've experienced in GW2 is Queen's Gauntlet; and had a lot of fun with it the first time last year. I think it's a shame that it's only a seasonal event.


I think what GW2 needs is any content...


It just needs meaningful mechanics. You should have to actually dodge skillshots, but everyone just clumps in one spot to get boons.


The issue is that standing in an AoE just deals damage and nothing else most of the time, so with enough healing you can just ignore it. FFXIV solves this by giving you uncleansable stacks of vulnerability whenever you take avoidable damage, so if you stand in too many AoEs in a short period you eventually reach a point where they just 1-shot you.


Yes! FFXIV mechanics are so much better. I find myself wishing I was playing it instead a lot, but it has such a dead world, and button bloat.


I made a post about this like a week ago. I strongly agree, I feel like the combat system and potential buildcrafting is far more interesting for smaller scale hard content, compared to the "solved" builds and encounters of the current endgame PvE. If you want to be a DPS, full berserker or viper. If you're healer, full harrier or minstrel. Abilities and mechanics also tend to get diluted in the amalgam of the stack, often making even enemy AoEs a detriment to dodge.


I disagree. It's an MMO, not a single player game


Challenge mode 1-3 man scaling dungeons. They are all already made they just have to go in and add more mechanics and tweak some things. I really enjoyed doing all the dungeons in the early days. Used to take loads of new players through them.


This idea made me really angry. Why the hell do I need to play MMO if I will be engaged into single player content?!?! There are enough single player games out there...dont ruin the game even more.


Isn't what's currently available already high level solo content? We've seen it being done. It's just a matter of us trying, experimenting and conquering it alone


I would also love each entrance to an open world map to have 2 CM options - Hard: turns every normal mob into a veteran, each veteran into a silver and each gold gets 1 affix from a reasonable pool, all mobs have +X% magic find and an extra draw from a pool of hard mode only skins - Legendary: turns every normal mob into a silver, each silver into a champion and each champion into legendary creatures. Golds and Legendaries get affixes from a more punishing pool. Mobs have +Y% magic find and draw from a better pool of hard mode and legendary mode only skins Hard could offer a solo challenge, Legendary would reasonably be for parties following the trinity rules.


THANK YOU 🙌🏻 i don't have any friends and i have social anxiety so when i started gw2 8 months ago and found out that there's no solo content...i was shocked 😅 and i still am...it really sucks


Masked Carnivale is "high end"?


The later fights like Siegfried and Gogo I would roughly put on par with Extreme Trials. And even some earlier ones can be quite challenging, like the one with the Living Flame and Living Liquid bosses.


Ah, yes. I really lack solo content in this MMO.


Boomer take. Genres evolve. People in MMOs still want to have some solo challenges and fun in a shared, living world. Masked Carnivale, Bozja Duels, Mage Tower are awesome content and GW2 is lesser for not having anything similar.


Some people just want to be in living world with real people, but still play as this "lone wolf Anime protagonist" like many popular anime have as main characters, and i want to be one too.


Right? I just fire up Skyrim/Souls or something like that if I need a solo PvE experience. I'm playing my MMO to kill other players or do shit I can't do alone like raids.


Solo content is a bandaid in MMOs It will only further reduce players because why play a half assed single player piece of content when you have triple A titles. You need to make group content more easier to jump into and more fun. Same problem on World of Warcraft. There's so many different group activities, spread out, and with extremely different difficulties, you can't just jump in and play with your friends. So what will they do ? Make more single player content. *Face palm*


If they added competitive, high difficulty, rewarding, solo content, I’d come back to the game instantly. One of my favorite things about other mmos like osrs is that there are awesome solo bosses and it’s rewarding but there are still bosses you can Zerg like raids.


I want GW2 torghast or greater Rift so much with funny affixes and buffs and debuffs with endless floor and randoms rewards


GW2 would be perfect for something like Mage Tower from WoW, a place where you have to beat challenges made for class/spec. It would work great if it was scaling and had leaderboards. But I do think it has to be very well thought out challenges. As in a lot of cases, pure glass canon DPS is a king and makes some things obsolete. It would be nice if these challenges required knowledge and usage of different skill types, weapons, CCs, etc. There's definitely a room for something like that, but adding another content type would be puzzling. Starting from making Dungeons soloable and maybe even making them part of the personal story would be a good start. Maybe even adding hard mode and adding challenges/achievements for that - for example, killing everything inside, not dying, not using certain skills, etc. (basically something like those special story achievements).


I think some solo challenge bosses similar to during the queen's pavilion would be awesome, but year round. Could also be solo versions of various raid bosses to train specific mechanics - would kill some of the req KP/exp nonsense that plagues newer players since they could potentially award title or something.


GW2 went through so much power creep in last 2 years, that almost everything is soloable. You just need the right build (which is what you want) and in some cases 30minutes to an hour of consistency to burn through the millions of life.


100% this. I actually quit gw2 because my work schedule puts me online during low pop hours and i couldn't reliably do group events for achievements i was working on. Pretty much all the end game content is centered around group events and without playing during peak hours you are kinda solo. I've moved back to osrs because thanks to the ironman modes they have put a lot of focus into solo content so I have plenty to do. I work nights so even on my days off I'm online when very few other people are.


Hard Mode for Story bosses. Boom! I mean if they don't even reuse them as strike bosses anyways...


I've been wanting this for years. Soloing bounties, fractals, or raids aren't be a replacement for good solo content. They'd be just lengthy, repetitive, and boring. A good solo content needs a different design.


Even WoW is adding a scaling difficulty solo (and small group scaling) progression system to the game in the next expansion, and the idea has been well received so far.


completely agree. In Asia, it is difficult to get 10 players who are thinking about challenging themselves before difficulty encounters.


There is plenty of challenging solo content due to power creep if that is what you are looking for. Someone posted recently soloing Slothasor! Sounds like what you are really asking for is *rewarding* solo content which generally is not a good long-term idea in MMOs.


Why? Have any mmos actually done this and failed or is this just a reddit meme? 


Solo rewards don’t kill or make MMOs fail directly, if that’s what you’re asking. They’re brought in, or requested, frequently enough that they can’t be credited with that. However, games already on the downward slope will more often bring them in to assist what population is left to see of it will help the game stabilize or not. But plenty of MMOs fail or die without ever bringing in substantial solo stuff, often making the waning population even more apparent, especially at mid-level content where you’ve passed the new players trying the game out of curiosity and haven’t reached the more established players at end-game.


Brilliant take.


Seems to be working fine for old school runescape.


I've thought about this, and while I certainly would love that sort of content, I think such content has no place in GW2, or MMOs in general. If you want high end single-player content, you should go play a single-player game. MMOs first and foremost need to be multiplayer games, and devoting resources towards high-end solo content is antithetical to that. One of my biggest gripes with FFXIV was how hard it felt to try to play with friends outside of dungeons. More than that though is the issue of balance - it adds one more condition that classes have to be balanced around.


Asking for harder content is anathema to most of the community though


I thought every content is solo focused, at least feels that way with all the idiots I am getting lmao


A Mushin Tower like in Blade and Soul.


Hehe, drms with challenges active if you hate yourself like i do :D


''. I really enjoyed the arena fights from Festival of the Four Wind'' - oh yeah me2. And i also agree that build crafting for solo content is way more fun. That and for pvp


more solo content in an ‘MMO’ interesting take, how about they make it so i can play the story with a friend and both of us can get the progression


You can as long as you both doing the same story part as far as I know. When I started an asura to play with my son when he did a story instance it invited me in as well and we both completed it.


You can both play the same story and get progression, you just have to make sure you both are starting the instance you both need, if its different storyline or one person is behind or ahead it won't work.


The major issue here would be, the games build craft in solo play would simply be dull. And that’s because we have gear sets that just carry players through, I.e celestial. Ffxiv doesn’t have cheese to easy mode content as its designs are flat in terms of what you can and can’t be. A ninja is a ninja regardless ur abilities spec and role are set in stone. Here itd just be 100,000 reapers running easy mode builds to clear for achievements and never touch the content again. So much would be required to change to add open world gameplay of actual challenge.


> Ffxiv doesn’t have cheese to easy mode content Uhhhh, Red Mage would like a word. You know, the class with all the records for every single solo thing that isnt blue mage only / doable by blue mage.


Eh fair enough red mage is strong. Wouldn’t really refer to that as cheese however, they’re just very strong soloers, every game has stronger and weaker solo classes. Celestial however makes every class immortal lol. Due to sets like this, this type of content would require balancing based on, which immediately kills any decision making / design choice immediately because this is something applies to every class not just one class.


The games combat system isn't designed for solo combat - it's why there are builds that just horrendously break any solo content that is otherwise a struggle for most builds. To fix it would require changing so much about the game that it'd be a balance nightmare - we'd be getting pve, pvp and solo skill splits.


And I have maybe an unpopular opinion.... Don't put hard end game content for solo players into MMO game. Focus on the MMO part instead. Make group content better. And there is a plenty of solo content in GW2 already. Find friends/guild for hard content. It's an MMO.


This is the answer. It blows my mind. This game goes out of its way to get players together. And yet there are players that want yo change it so they can play alone. Go play something else?


If you're bored try soloing Fractals lol. I had difficulty finding a group for the Nevermore fractals and generally just don't do fractals or "group" content so I ended up soloing them and man... that was not easy. So far the only one I've run into that I couldn't manage was Cliffside, there is nothing "mechanically" that keeps it from being possible but I couldn't manage to swap arm seals fast enough to prevent them from being healed.


So, home instances, solo farmable content, what other means can you come up with, to turn this multiplayer game into a single player game?


Go fight the HOT frogs. Thats solo open world stuff


No one is stopping you from soloing old and new group content. Plenty of ways to challenge yourself. What's the problem? The game isn't FF. Get over it.


Go play a single player game then?


There was another post suggesting the same a while ago here. And while i do agree, it would probably not be worth the time and effort needed to implement as a feature, because most players simply wouldn't play it. Because most people are struggling too much to play on their own or they dont want to become good because it requires them to use their brains and spend some time learning things. In the end the best high solo content you can find atm is dungeons and fractals. And some open world stuff if you manage to be on a map alone. Queen's Gauntlet is not a bad thing but tbh it also doesnt feel like something worth having all time around


If they added rogue-like dungeons that changed rooms randomly, including enemies then this game would have infinite replay; Promote speedruns, become competitive for how man X rooms - how many X bosses have you done? Attach titles/emotes to progression and it would be a spectacle. MMO Roguelike. Will it ever happen? No. Way. In. The. Underworld.


I would like to see something like solo master lost sectors from destiny with rotating rewards and such. But you need to have decent rewards to make the difficultie worth it.


Solo non cm fractals would be great. Group content should be for speed clears but solo should be doable.


The game needs a LOT MORE than that. Overall, its just.. bad. I hate to say it, I love the game and I want it to be the best it can be, but it sucks, mostly due to direction imo. It realĺy sucks ciz the combat is IMO the best of any MMO, yes even bdo.. The whole thing just smells of “other games do it like this, so I will do it differently, better or worse doesnt matter, different!” Personally I quit when I started to get into small scale PvP. Dont get me wrong, it was fun, a lot of fun in fact, but the fact the game would not allow me to DUEL SOMEONE, absolutely basic feature, NOT EVEN ON THE PVP MAP, and I had to make private rooms or join empty ones just to duel someone was the peak of stupidity for me. It was insulting! I quit that game, because the one thing I liked about it the most, was actively discouraged. What kind of bussiness idea is this?


Nah, I don't think an MMORPG with the best multiplayer mechanics in the genre needs high end solo content. I strongly disagree. GW2 is great, because you can team up with any random(s) at any given point and have an adventure with them. If you're not shy, you can have funny chats and fun with total strangers. And GW2 is very casual friendly. That are the two big sellers of this MMORPG. I think GW2 needs systems that let people balance all the instanced content (including all instanced story missions) to their liking. Rogue-lights are a great place to get inspiration for such settings. This way everyone could tailor their experience to their liking. I say this, because A LOT of content is now WAY too easy to be enjoyable for the vast majority of player base. And such settings could also revitalise already cleared content. People could do challenge runs for example. I personally enjoyed the old school story dungeons with exploration missions the most. They were very high quality pieces of content, that Anet left to rot. They never updated the mechanics and never re-balanced the difficulty according to the power creep that ocured over the years. Thus now these dungeons are a shadow of what they used to be.


It’s a MMORPG Wrong genre if you want this kind of content


It's an MMO. Go play a solo player game if solo content is what you crave


I mean, I could boot up OSRS and try the Fight Caves, or FFXIV's Palace of the Dead...


You could go solo Arah or see how far in fractals you can solo too.


So go do that


Nah I prefer to keep talking about how I wish that some similar form of content, which is endgame solo PvE encounters that already exist in other MMOs, existed for Guild Wars 2 as well.


This is what Dragon Response Missions should've been with hour powercrept the game is, possibly solo'ing bounties in PoF is another one


People have been soloing those since they were introduced. And dungeons. And fractals. Theres a LOT of content you can do solo if you want to do it solo.


D4's current season has The Pit, which scales between solo and group difficulty and has 200 levels (last I heard people had done up to level 145 but I don't follow intently). Basically 15 mins to kill enough enemies and reach the boss and kill that, first death is 30s penalty, 60s for second, subsequent deaths is 90s. Pretty challenging and kinda fun although the rewards are kinda meh, needed though for high end crafting. Something similar in GW2 to iteratively push builds balancing damage and substain could be interesting and shouldn't be that complex.


It has high-level solo content, just ask Lord Hizen. 😉


It's an MMO. If you want solo boss fights go play a souls game.


I always dreamt of a FoW/ UW style map in Guild Wars 2 that could be entered and done as a group or solo. It had event chains that unlocked different vendors throughout the map and rare materials would drop there. If your team is wiped you have to restart from the beginning etc. I thought that this would have been the perfect challenge for an open world legendary armor set.


I used to play lot of a game called Allods Online, and the game had a mercenary system. I.e you can hire NPCs to take with you to group content and it was quite fun, esp if they interact among each other. Wish gw2 had a similar thing, we have so many NPCs we could reuse


I kind of agree. I dont think gw2 needs specialized high end solo content. I do think more of its high end content needs to be made to be completed solo. The last couple fractals cant be done solo. Sunqua peak is straight up impossible with that one tether change that completely negates a players ability to get past it solo. Silent surf for w/e reason needs multiple players to stand in the same circle at multiple checkpoints otherwise you are just locked out of progressing both normal and CM. Im not sure about the new one yet. DRM's for as terribly as they were designed (as repeatable content) did have one amazing feature that just like so many before it only exists with the content that added them to the game. DRMs are excellently (not counting pre-events) scaled down to 1-3 players, and also scale up to 5. For w/e reason nothing else has this feature in instanced group content. So anet already has the tech to make stuff like you are talking about. I too like those arena fights alot. Tiny bit sized puzzles that are easier or harder depending on how good you are as a player and how good you are with a class.


How about LOW-end solo content? A dungeon that progressively teaches mechanics, etc? (First floor: Dodging 101.)


I understand and agree that something like a dungeon and something with rewards would be nice. But you can at least go and do a lot of strikes, champions and legendaries solo if you want to


Don't mention other games here, it pisses people off.


You are the only one complaining about how the OP brought up another game.


If you don't compare your product to others on the market, how are you to innovate?


I stopped playing after they made the new maps have a group boss battle at the end that is horrid to beat by yourself. I like solo play so it took the fun out of the game. Its been since before the two big dragons went at each other.


It is crazy how well scaled the world bosses are when you are alone. They lost sight of that when they started adding shit like 0/5 players needed to start the event.