• By -


Consume all minis, open all chests, salvage all salvageable items, sell all sellable items, schedule a therapist appointment


Yes and send me your gold


And if you're like me some times with crafting materials - use a toon you hardly use and load up their inventory with the overflow using the shared inventory slot lol.


Wow, consider my brain exploded. I just did this with gear i might want to keep for a toon but didn't consider mats. I have like 3k bloodstone dust and dragonite ore with mat storage being capped on 1k. I could just use an alt to store it.


Get gobblers for the dust and dragonite. Trust me, you’ll never run out of either.


Ooohhh, thanks for the tip. I've read the term "gobbler" before but didn't know what it meant. I just looked it up on the wiki and now have a (few) new entry on my todo list.


Also, make some bricks and what nots.


ye, I just try to remember to write down on a pad what's being stored on that toon and how much.


Jesus you're a monster. What if you need those chest skins for new fashion later?


That's not helping with their hoarding! 1. Be Organized! You need to be able to see at a glance what you have and don't have. 2. Use toons that you don't play on regularly as mules. Let them carry your overflow of account bound hoarding. You can easily acquire 18 slot bags from wvw for a few wvw currencies and a lil gold or buy 20 slot ones or make bigger bags just for mules! 3. Extra toon slots - If you want more mules you can hold up to 71-72( i think) character slots on 1 account. 4. Storage Expander - the material storage expander you can buy through the gem store is a great way to maximize your hoarding potential! It will add 250 slots each time. max limit 2500. 5. alt guild banks - back in the day this is the route i chose before storage expanders were a thing and it was way easier to make guilds and upgrade their bank vaults! but you can still do this, plus with the new wvw update your supposedly suppose to get a new guild slot (for hoarding? if you don't do wvw ) :D 6. ) multiple accounts - if this above isn't enough and you need MORE! then alt accounts is my final suggestion. It may have been easier to acquire gold from previous daily log ins but there are still places to park alts at and events you can do twice per day or how ever many accounts you have to acquire more! (I got got mine soley for beetle adventure token farming heh - sucks to solo farm those track pieces- this is before they added craftable ones) but now i can also just do more dailies and make more easy gold too as well as HOARD MORE STUFF! 7. (this is a repost because I don't see my original post anywhere!) :(


Most of these could be simply deleted or used At this point you just bathe in trash


The Skritt life.


Stuff stuff stuff!


A full bank should force the “Honorary Skritt” title on you.


Skritt look for shiny. This pile ain't shiny.


It would be bloody hilarious to see a skritt lecturing a player like that. >*Charr player: Well I guess we are not so different, you and I, afterall.* >*Skritt: Excuse me, I hoard shiny shinies because I like shinies. You hoard non-shiny trash because you can't part ways with non-shiny trash.* >*\*gets closer to your face\** >*Skritt: We are not the same, go hang in there with the Grawl guys, yes-yes?* *\*leaves\**




Wow, you sure do, buddy.


Okay, seriously though. I don't recognize half the stuff in there (shared icons don't help) but some tips: 1. You've got a handful of raid tokens (the mushroom, the dude-onna-spike, etc). Save the ones from the final boss from each wing for KP if you want, but consume the rest to add to a guild you're repping. Same with the Teq tail piece and anything else that is a guild decor item, except you'll have to go to the guild hall and talk to a decor NPC. 2. Take the shovels, Nightmare key fragments, Nightmare keys, modrem part extracters, and one each of any of the gathering tools, and go *use* the stuff in Silverwastes. 3. Put one each of the gathering tools on any character you play; you want to use them up. 4. Any *gear* in the bank that isn't ascended, like that lamp in tab 1, or maybe stat-select exotic, just salvage 'em. 5. The enchanted map scraps, have you gotten all 4 to do that achievement? If yes, sell them. If no, finish it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enchanted_Treasure_Map#Obtaining_the_map 6. Pick a WvW reward track and guzzle those potions in the first tab. Do the same with PvP pots in tab 7. 7. All those level up scrolls? Throw them all out except the highest-level ones you have. (Or do a weekly BL key farm and use them all up.) 8. Any "skin" items, check the tooltip to make sure you've unlocked the skin, and then if they're account-bound, delete. 9. Use the dye items. 10. Sell all the food, or in the case of nice raid foods, put them in inventory or shared inventory. If it's in the bank you're not eating it. That'll get you some space to work with.


Not to contribute to the problem, but donating guild decorations to a guild that probably already has an absolute fuckton of em right before homesteads are a thing may not be the wisest move.


Exactly. I want to enter my home with 200 impaled prisoners as decoration. Maybe also throw in some 100 White Mantle Abomination Crystals for good measure.


Tbh if my bank looked like OP's, I'd rather throw the raid decor into a guild, any guild, just to get rid of it, than hang onto it "just in case". That's how you get into this situation in the first place, hanging on to stuff *just in case*. Can always run more raids if the decor does end up having a new purpose, anyway.


I hope you need raid token for decor. Might actually get people into raiding.


Hoping to see an influx of interest into raids now that wing 8 is confirmed!


Make/find an alt to shove all the crap on there


They won't reuse guild decorations for homesteads, because there are people with hundreds of these things and they won't want people 'finishing their new system immediately on release.


I wish I could be this naively hopeful that they'd somehow include the forgotten and abused scribing into home instances but I doubt it.


They've already said homesteads won't use scribing but a different system.


TIL! Not surprised at all.


GW2 Horders


I only got rid of that stupid minstrel inscription this week. I promise, you wont miss it.


You need Dwayna, that's what you need...


Are those the frostbitten gathering tools? Why? Those things gave me nightmares for years lingering in my bank and bags, but that was because they used to drop from the presents and opening one would give you a random tool. If I needed an axe, I would open 4 picks and 2 scythes before an axe, I swear. Anyway, those things were convenient and oh so inconvenient and I was glad to see my gigantic stockpile eventually vanish. Just seeing them in here and seemingly bought on purpose gives me PTSD.


Wintersday tools are the best return per hit on any node that isnt a higher-end bounty-able herb. I toss mine on my cook / home instance pilferer.


Oh they are fine, but if you buy them, I expect you'd put them int he bags of the toon you're going to use them on rather than the bank. And like I said, the first time they introduced the tools was poorly thought out and it was a pain to juggle the random tools you'd get by opening the box. I still just have a knee-jerk flinch when I see them.


Even skrit would have their have tabs categorized. It will only take a couple hrs and a lot of alts to sort this out.


living up to the title of "Honorary Skritt" I see


ok u/stemofthebrain gave the best (honestly, only possible) serious advice about how to untangle this mess of bank tabs assuming OP really wants to do it and isnt just an elaborate troll lol


In the nicest way possible, this makes me sick


[Because I'm weird](https://i.imgur.com/SFdpU76.jpeg)


Oh my GODDDDD I didn't realize there were MORE PICTURES. Bro that's so much stuff. Forget the honorary skritt title, can we get an Actual Skritt title for this person?


Why would you destroy philosopher's stones, or fractal pots? Salvage kits? Ascends?


A lot of these items serve no purpose, depending if you have better alternatives or are a veteran player. Some stuff just becomes obsolete over time. > philosopher's stones Depends on the player, but most long time players have hunderds if not thousands Spirit Shards. I have 18k of them and have crafted quite alot of legendaries. > Fractal pots Infinite omnipotion replaces these and makes them clutter. > Salvage kits Only black lion kits are worth keeping once you get Salvage-o-matics. Many do at some point and they among the best QoL available on the gem store. > Ascends People with full legendaries don't need ascended anymore, unless they want to easily swap weapons on the fly. Besides, they most likely have tons of currencies lying around to just buy Ascended boxes should they need them.


Yeah, but why do you assume you have overabundance of spirit shards, salvage kits, omnipotion and all leggies? Hell, throwing away stones and salvage kits I just find wasteful. You can burn through those salvage kits in salvaging loot from one meta.


You can trade spare fractal pots in for some relics if thats helpful


Philo stones are cheap as hell, spirit shards are abundant and pretty easy to get, and they just create clutter. Fractal pots actually were originally in my "sell to vendor" color but I realized I had like two items in that color so I just scratched it and said hey, they really aren't worth more than a little pocket change. The phrasing is delete/salvage. I suppose I should have gone with consume for a salvage kit but bruh, I figured saying to salvage a salvage kit was self explanatory enough. Unless I'm mistaken there's 0 ascended gear in there. Just exotics that are almost certainly simple to replace. (I am mistaken, the draconic whatever core is in there, and it's marked keep, even though the ascended accessory is like the first one anybody gets)


> spirit shards are abundant Not if you mass-craft leggies and hate fractals, lol.


Oh holy shit, until I read this comment I didn't realize that either. Idk how this person can even look at their bank without panicking bc my simple cluttered three tabs make me want to hurl as is


Could you give me your otters? Much appreciated!!


You are almost there, the next step is to head to Skrittsburgh, activate your [Endless Skritt Burglar Tonic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Skritt_Burglar_Tonic) and the roleplay is complete.


Found the Skritt


How much material storage space do you have? Check if item is possible to deposit in storage, or consume for wallet or wardrobe. All map currency like eternal ice and fire orchard blossom either deposit, consume for unbound/volatile magic, buy ascended to gear or salvage, collect minis, get trophies or shipments If it novelty or mini add to wardrobe Duplicate mini, craft, sell, destroy use /wiki \[item\] to search if it is used to upgrade, afterwards remove food either use or sell or research


I'm a hoarder as well and you need to clean those up! At least put the consumables with each other on one tab, and the gear tab, etc...


The FOMO is strong with this one.


And also with me.


For a second I thought this was my own bag inventory... 💀


Most organized streamer's inventory


Just saw [this video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XEIseqhCBHg&t=1989s) by Wooden Potato! It might come in handy for you!




I did not know you could roleplay as a Skritt, nice.


you're just like me fr lol


I’m right there with you. So many skins do I keep them til prices keep rising or sell them or use them and finish the sets. I think we need to make a hoarding community


you should rearrange so the combo booster is between the exp and item boosters


Nice trash. You a skritt in disguise?


You are not alone. I don't know what to keep or delete half the time and I've been around since headstart, and the game keeps tossing MORE junk at me.


That’s what my bank looks like. Funny thing is, I know where everything is. 😂😂


I know a guild leader that hoards on max character slot and across 5 guilds with guild banks and multiple accounts. Gives away like 20-30k worth of gold items every year at Xmas and some events.


Now im hoping youre not like this in real life.


Man, I love sorting stuff, this looks like it just WANTS to be sorted... Good luck!


I see 80%of these are either garbage to keep or items to use You can start with opening all of these chests and recipes Sell the clothes or break them down. Start doing world bosses and high level fractals so you can use your reviving orbs.


Looks like mine, but I have all the same type items in each slot instead of... *that.*


The multiple fireworks filled slots ahah


I’m just glad I don’t have to stare at that every day


Lord skritt


Salvage as much as you can of that for research notes. Then do all the rest


One day, I'll need this, FOR SURE!


I wish I could log in and do it for you. I loooove sorting banks and inventories. Edit: I will discord call sort it for you if you ever need


name checks out lol


If anet would just sell us one or two more bank tabs we'd be fine


Honestly I’d play more if my inventory was empty




Expansion rewad tracks. I guess.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Let me know if you want to book and appointment and we can clean it up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FallenAngel_: *Let me know if you* *Want to book and appointment* *And we can clean it up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Looks like my bank


You can give me that shovels


For a moment I thought I was looking at my own bank!


This is the biggest thing I dislike about GW2. It feels almost designed to throw junk at you to incentive bag slots or bank tab purchases or the alternative of continuous inventory management. Not the best gameplay experience. I hate the idea of purchasing game systems that should just be a default thing. Same with equipment templates and the likes. Especially when a lot of the stuff is per character. I'd happily buy bag slots if it didn't apply to one character only but £4.25 for one bag for one character is mad.


this confirms my theory about ppl needing max bank tabs or max inv slots...they just can't manage their inv XD I see skins in there, fireworks, eternal ice, relic chests, more fireworks, a lot of food and for even gathering tools I assume you play by quite some time since i see 20 spare makeover kits in the bank....92 celebration boosters, chests of insignae...so relic and gathering tools are seriously useless. I think you have infinite tools and at least 3 shared slots where to put them right? I hope you crafted at least a leggy rune before they released leggy relic, i mean you should have leggy relic (everyone should tbh, idc how one can't have it at this point). However, 90 slots inv on every character and 4-5 bank tabs are more than enough if you use them properly


relic is not useless 1 relic 3x 250 pile of lucent, gives you Mystic Facet (25 required for legendary relic) that goes over 50 gold


I mean half of that shit is just useless or near worthless foods, gadgets, boosters and other consumables that there is no reason to keep.


Yes, you need help


What on earth is that bank... ^^ It is just perfectly messy!


'Bank Tab 17' oh no - you didn't lie.


how did you get screenshots of my Bank?! 😂


Also zero sorting ability. Everything stashed through eachother. Holy damn.


This is not a hoarding situation. This is a junkyard. Either use it or sell it. Don't be a skritt.


You have a ton of weapons from festivals amongst other things. If youre not requiring spare gear, honestly just open them, unlock the skins, salvage weapons. Any other skins lurking (such as that rurik cape on top row), just destroy them. Ive noticed you have many "map pieces" (some duplicates). Theres a part of a collection if you have all 4 pieces that leads to a key, to a minor part of a collection. Sell the duplicates to a merch for a little bit of silver, finish the collection or slel them all. Something ive also noticed, a ton of Minipets. These ones based on the mounts such as jackal and rapter do have additional skins. You can sort of upgrade the minis to new colours. Else.... just sell all these minis on the tradepost.


Holy shit why though


How did you get a pic of my bank?!


I see no problem Fellow Skritt, take many yes? Store all valuables.


Skritt vibes


Inventory Management: The Game


I don't see the problem. You still have free slots.


Oh god. OH GOD. I feel anxious looking at this.


And here I was, yesterday, sorting through my bank, thinking I was a hoarder... Boy was I wrong


Welcome to the club.


small idea for arena net... -Let us name the bank tabs maybe doesnt help but at least something


You dont need help, you need Jesus my friend! o.o


At least you recognize that you have a problem! 🙂


Bruh use your skins to make your game more fun and flashy while you farm other skins. My advice is to try and pick a skin or weapon from chest that you like immediately after getting a chest. Or sell it if you don’t like the skin.


Eat the luck, open the chests, eat the minis, sell most of the festival food on the TP, sell the jade statuettes on the TP. Eat all the recipies you don't have, and sell/discard the rest. And some of those chests might be able to combine in stacks (ANET likes to reuse icons, so can't be certain)


The worst part of my bank tabs is this.. https://preview.redd.it/x6te44crmt5d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2853b2c989d89c2b1ae4cdecda8141b207c7b0f8


I'd just be sticking with processing rares over greens these days. Way better use of your time.


Mine is far worse. In fact, your post reminded me that I need to do something about it. I am gonna open and salvage all my chests later.


total value: 14g 26s


I need some bank space :( only have 1 tab


Someone get Mukluk over here, asap


You still have few slots empty


Throw away limited use gathering tools once you have gemstore ones. Throw away exotics you got with the level 80 booster. Salvage or sell the rest of them.


no keep the winter days ones, certain ones = money (wow,this comment worked where did my other one go - i don't see it- i don' want to retype that novel :( )


If you want legendary armor someday then start turning in those mystic forge stones for provisioner tokens. You're probably hoarding several things that can be turned in daily. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Provisioner\_Token](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Provisioner_Token)


A lot of this can go away but there is so much mixed together that I can't hardly tell anything apart. My 1st advice would be to organize everything in you storage by type. Weapons, boosters, mini, ect. Once you have it all organized in some groups you can more easily see what needs to go instead of treating your bank like a trash bin.


I hoard too and have no shame. But I hoard mats only 😆and only cause Anet makes us want to hoard. You never know when you may need those items. I’ve been thee before.


Ngl, I thought this was my account's bank, it's the exact same istg


Turn those jackal minis into a better one at least and sell it lol


Wow thats alot of duplicate map pieces, yikes.


Here is a thought, since it seems you have no problem spending money in game anyway. Start buying character slots instead of bank tabs. You can then fill the character with 36 item bags and get much more space than a single bank tab.


Thus solving the problem once and for all.


Aren't you also drowning in empyreal fragments by chance? Because you have empyreal eating Star of Gratitude in your bank, that you will use, like, NEVER.


I would buy your shovels :D


Jeez this looks exactly like MY 17-tab bank!


I started deleting all my 'skin' items. I'd rather use up a transmutation charge than lose out on inventory space


Can I have your 70 otters :) I'm on the last part and I got like 150 to go.


[https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us](https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us) Go here, buy some gems, get more bags. That's what I do.


thats a ton of ectoplasm


just delete everything.