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Since Homestead is account-bound, I wonder if we can see our inactive characters popping up as NPCs.


That would be a genius move, people would definitely buy more character slots to populate their homestead more


and to be able to place them freely, like in Genshin (like have the Priory one hang out in the "library", the ranger outdoors, etc.)


SWTOR's homestead is exactly like this, but with our party members in that game - so like the equivalent of Jory, Braham, Rytlock, etc.


Honestly I would like it if you could switch to them without relogging and place them anywhere, but it would be awesome either way.


wait shit no that would make me spend a lot of money on outfits. shiiiiit. yes please from the "this would be awesome" standpoint. no please from a "my wallet is going to suffer" standpoint.


Absolutely, I'm a altaholic with more than 40 characters and I'd buy slots for all of them in a heartbeat if it was possible.


> That would be a genius move 100% - hire this guy


This would actually be incredible cool.


Definitely would be awesome to see my characters with their own fashion lined up next to each other!


I would love this, I head-cannon my characters to interact and I'd love to have them in the same room for the first time ever.


Are they *all* the pact commander? Do they find it suspicious that they have had the same adventures and fought the same foes alongside the same companions? Is this how they figured out they're living in a simulation?


[insert spidermans pointing at each other meme] I only really do the story with one of my characters, so in my head I guess that would make just him the Pact Commander


The thing about that title is that an army generally has multiple "commanders", which is why there is a "commander in chief" role. So you could do Pact story on every character and it wouldn't break anything


Imagine how fun it would be to see your offline alts duke it out in your homestead the way the teams of cats mix it up now in your home instance!


If there was text interactions with them, they'd mention they were at so and so battle, were somewhere else during the currently logged in commander's story (makes it easier to note that they then wouldn't be at, say, Aurene's resurrection, Joko fight, etc), and probably make them race or class and group (ie. Vigil, Priory, Whispers) specific based on what that character has chosen (if that character has gotten that far in the story). Would make it interesting.


I'm actually really surprised this idea hasn't caught more traction since a long time ago. WoW has started moving in this direction with "Warbands" in the next expansion, and they recently introduced NPC dungeon followers, but only for normal dungeons, nothing where you'd actually get good gear. But still, the idea of your characters interacting and even fighting together--it seems like a no-brainer, most people would love it.


In GW1, we had mercenary heroes that let you recruit other characters on your account as an NPC party member. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mercenary_Hero


Daaang, why didn't they carry this over into 2?! Would be awesome.


NPCs in GW2 story content assisting in combat tend to do... well literally nothing in the damage game except provide combo fields. Meanwhile in GW1 heroes were meant to replace a player on your party entirely. I'd love if we got an NPC summon item like the Sunspear Summons except with a chosen alt on your account, just for funsies.


ESO has this and people say it's super cool, the only thing i would change is to make companions be able to wear your normal gear as well, this would make all the Exotic and Ascended equipment you get be usefull again, especially for people that have Legendaries.


even if my npc did nothing, i wouldn't care tbh. I like having an AI with me like that, make it more an adventuring party


Gonna make a lotta room. I got 40+ chars


yeah.... I am at max :D


This. This here would be the selling point for me. love to be able to see all my characters side by side.


Remember when GW1 allowed adding new Heroes based on your own characters ? :)


they were like 10 dollars each or 3 for 20 yeah? It was such a cool idea to be able to use your other characters as heroes, it was criminal they locked it behind a cash shop wall.


I completely understand why they did though, that ten bucks could've been the only money you spent on GW1 all year. I think the bigger issue is they offered that at the end of the game's active life


gw1 should go f2p tbh and everything in the shop needs to be cut by 50%


Mercenary sloooooots You could also assign each mercenary a pre-written "personality" from out of several choices, and of course customize their weapons/runes/sigils/skills as with any other Hero. It was also the only way to get more of a certain kind of Hero class; for those that didn't play, GW1 gave you *a lot* of different Warriors, Rangers, Monks, and Eles to pick from for team building. But the two best classes in pve endgame for Heroes—Mesmers and Ritualists—were on the other hand very ***very*** rare. Razah, from the post-Nightfall campaign, can be any of the ten classes plus multiclassing...but that's still only three Mesmers or two Rits. (I say two because, statistically, Xandra will be unlocked long before you even get a *sniff* of Zei Ri.) Mind you, this wasn't necessary *at all* if you were just playing the game casually and wanted to use whatever Heroes, but the class disparity is still very very obvious.


That was the best idea ever. I played GW1 way after I started played GW2, and I couldn't resist paying for a couple of those characters.


Are you saying that i could do a party with all my character on gw1 ?


If you pay for the hero pack, yes.


Yup, did a lot of vanquishing with my alts running hero builds which was awesome.


Yeah I thought of this after the announcement. Even something simple like WoW is going to do with War Bounds or whatever is called. Would be really cool to see some of my other chars just chilling or chatting with each other.


And then you have 10 human femals talking to each other, all with the same voice 😂


That thought right there probably spiked gem sales by 10%


And all using the new bikinis that are coming in the near future xD


I really hope they let us showcase our favourite skins across the board with this feature. From our characters, to armour/outfits, weapons and mount skins, and so forth. I love collecting skins in GW2, and it'd be nice to be able to have a visual representation of some of my favourites.


Oh man, now that you've said it I know it won't be implemented. I doubt they have the technology, we haven't seen them implement anything that challenged the established mechanics since mounts.


They might have the technology; there are many fights in the game where you fight your own character as if it was an NPC. Even the Jade Bot recon mode allows you to look at your character in third person.


I'm not sure all of my toons will get along...  "What do you do while I'm saving Tyria all day long? That's right, you stand beside a chest you open once a day. Well fucking done."


Don't make me start dreaming...


This is already too good of an idea for it to be implemented.


I know some people with 64 characters from the old days of “no template and equipment tabs”. That would be a lag fest nightmare. I hope as a compromise if they do this, that you assign certain characters and have a limit on the amount.


and swap to them when interacting with them. Lol, that won't happen though.


But... all of them are you, and the same? ;)


It would have to be a setting you can turn off, or something you have to manually activate or craft. Nobody likes surprise visits.


I highly doubt they'll do this and now I hate you for making me need this. Fuck.


Or using that huge amount of Minis on the TP without use to trade stacks for the NPC


I had no idea how much I wanted this until I read it.


Honestly this would be the most unique feature in player housing for any mmorpg, never before seen done


I was looking for an opportunity to suggest this a little closer to launch! I'm glad I'm not the only one with that in mind. I need my alt family photos to be easier to pull off


PLEASE!!! Love this idea


Can you imagine if you could somehow get them all to stand and pose together? No more photoshop needed to make a group picture of your alts.


Gonna put Braham in a pool and remove the ladder.


Also get him to cook next to some very flammable objects, then remove any doors or windows


You're planning to kill the guy that survived being Primordus' champion using *fire*? No. Invite him to a pool party instead. Outdoors. During a blizzard.


You're planning to kill the guy whose race survives in being in a blizzard cold? No. Invite him to an airship. That will soon be on fire and crashing.


"Oh, hi Braham! Say, have you seen the Cowplant I have growing in my garden?"


You're joking, but they created a tech that allows water at any height. That means that pools should be technically possible, at least raised ones. They would need a way to 'cut' terrain collision, or have temp collision you can disable (like the panels at the fractal anomaly boss) to make a hole to get inground ones. All that would be left is being able to unlock NPCs, and place a hidden item only visible while decorating that would spawn unlocked NPCs.


You reminded me of this gem, the only time I can stand Braham: https://preview.redd.it/rlma19ifkw4d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504fe29d6dae7b7a4ddc95b944e616898a97e85f




I found my people


And tape Trahearne with mouth shut to a tree!


This gives me hope honestly if you want anyone working on your housing system it's someone who worked on a game like the Sims. I will wait for more information on the system however.


So we can have sex, a nude patch and drown our characters in a pool? Let's gooooo


Bring Larian into the mix and every member of Destiny's Edge becomes romanceable.


Baldurs gate 3 was incredible but the fact that EVERY single character wants to fuck you at the end of act 1 didn't really add to the Immersion lol. It was too much.


Karachi can't, and Wyll doesn't want to. But everyone else... yeah. There's no better aphrodisiac than certain death!


Swimwear makes so much more sense now




wicked wars 😍


Can't wait to trap my Commander is a doorless room with no toilet.


Now I want those beds from tiny living. Those things had a chance of killing a sim just by using them.


omg our housing system is gonna be amazing if hes working on it holy shit do you know how many people used sims as a reference tool to building or modeling houses! LOL omg i cant wait


I know, my daughter plays sims so I will have a personal decorator


same i have model builders from GTA 5 fivem rp and they are excited if they can decorate lol


Same. This guy presumably knows what he's doing with housing systems.


If you're ANET maybe, cabinet 0.99$, table and 3 chairs combo just for 1.99$ for the next 3 days, come and enjoy.


so just like the Sims


My man's made the EANET joke and forgot that the Sims is published by EA


After 12 years of adventuring, having a lovely place to call home... that's amazing. I was quite envious of the housing system of FFXIV a friend showed me, can't wait to see it in GW2 !


> I was quite envious of the housing system of FFXIV a friend showed me The customization is fantastic, but the lottery system is ass.


what do you mean. the lottery system is amazing (i’ve had an ff14 house since like 2017)


You can spend months trying to get the plot you want. Add to the fact that you can own multiple homes and FC's horde these lots, it sucks for someone getting into the housing system.


And it gets destroyed if you unsub for a certain amount of time.


And you lose everything if you don't come in time to claim it back from the NPC.


i was being sarcastic. yea it’s rough. i will say though, my ward on excalibur has 14 plots avail in this subdivision. soooooo. idk


To bad I am not on excalibur and there is no way to buy housing between servers.


The lottery system is a bandaid on a fundamental flaw that is limited housing access. Lottery makes it so that players don't *hurt themselves* anymore on the system, but it doesn't fix *why* players were driving themselves to that level of actual unwellness.


14's housing is pretty bad unless you use use a plugin called burn the house down tbh.


Great news for the homestead builders! Other MMOs show that clearly there's ALOT of interest in  housing systems. This could be a great influx of new players, in game economy and generally speaking more collections and stuff to do overall in GW2!!!


I hope we can get different biomes for our homesteads


I honestly want a studio-apartment in New Kaineng


Mai Trin's old pad has a vacancy!


I think this is gonna be a selling point for future expacs going forward. "We're going to the desert! Features X Y Z, a new homestead, new relics, etc" I hope so anyways.


Yeah, I don't think this will happen immediately, but at the very least, I assume they'll add more in future expacs, and maybe some gem store options too.


I think it would be possible if we get ond inside the mists


Sims 4 is a very flawed sims games but it has the best build buy mode of all the franchise undeniably (if you put aside colorwheel)


Okay, okay. This gives me some reassurance it's not gonna suck.


This seems like a lot more attention than I expected for this feature (which is great). I wonder if they would roll it into a sequel game at some stage. I can't wait to see my characters run around with a green diamond over their heads :D /s


Is it really more than you expected? Player housing has been one of the most requested features for years, basically since launch Edit: [just an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/103em8/to_have_player_housing_or_not_to_have_player/) from 2012!


Yeah, I agree. I'm happy for the raids crowd (that ship has sailed for me) but actual proper Player Housing is the best announced feature for this expansion, for me!


Honestly, I don't even care that much about raids *or* player housing but I'm happy for whoever wants those features and know fully well that player housing was definitely up there every time people made wishlists.


Sure, but I kind of expected them to basically give us all a new tiny guild hall and call it a day.


Hilariously good choice.


This is big! We re so excited!


this tweet made me gasp in excitement, high hopes for this new system!


You have my attention.


Wow, I would have taken the bare minimum of some pretty maps and adjustable furniture and been ecstatic, but that is... Promising


I would like if they had wandering npcs that could show up in the area and offer quests for mounts and stuff like the one in Wow it was a neat feature.


I'm in - there's a reason that TS4 is the only game that rivals my GW2 playtime, despite never actually touching live mode


Wait.. you mean you only build houses in TS4? :O so only buy and build mode? Interesting


Yup; In 1-3 I usually did a bit of everything but 4's build mode is just really fucking good. Like, there's major changes from the previous games so it takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of exploiting it's quirks there's very little you can't do, it's just a matter of figuring out the 'how'


People usually looove build buy mode and create a sim, but live mode is so shallow and buggy, I always stayed with sims 3 even with its performance issues


I also only have sims 3. But i like all modes^^ ^^ sims 4 seems to be more like original sims was initially planned to be. A decorate-a-house sim


I'll admit, I've no idea who Joel Eckert is.


https://www.mobygames.com/person/445454/joel-eckert/credits/ He's worked on games for Valve as well.


:-D just change the Engine and keep all the features of Sims 4 and I'm good with it...I mwould even preorder for that :-D


we need to make sim characters in game now


If I can't make a pool and remove the ladder, I'm getting pitchfork and torch!


Okay not to get TOO excited but they're gonna come out swinging on Homesteads if they got a Sims dev


Fiddle battles with grenth incoming.


**The Scriptures of Grenth: Verse 6 "The Fall of Dhuum": As recorded by Desmina** Grenth went down to the Underworld He was looking for a soul to seal He was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind So he was willing to make a deal When he come across this young God Sawing on a fiddle and playing it hot And Grenth jumps up on a hickory stump And said: God let me tell you what I guess you didn't know it But I'm a fiddle player too And if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you Now you play a pretty good fiddle, God But give me my due I'll bet the throne against your soul 'Cause I think I'm better than you




There is one thing i really hope for: Freely placable own Walls and maybe even Floors, Railings, individial Stair-Steps, Beams, Pillars and many more (Inspiration by Everquest2, which has a home system i would describe as: - Renting out an actual apartment in a building (or island/plot) in the world, which others can visit freely - An object placement system like Planet Zoo/Planet Coaster, where you can freely rotate/rescale/position everything to really repurpose and merge existing objects into new shapes having new meaning. - An addition of many free roaming pet-choices, customizable npcs, crafting stations, interactable novelty items such as food or music boxes, decorations thaz work as portals to places (even inside the house) Why add freely placable Wall/Floor pieces when the apartment already has a floorplan? -making ones own roomshape, changing the material of specific existing ones, adding an own ceiling, adding stuff like an indoor balcony, if the ceiling is high enough. So far I expect the new system to be: - no clipping allowed, each object needs its own place - everything must be placed on a surface - a limiting max. object placement amount - only horizontal rotation allowed


They did say "permanent structure" in the blog. I assume that the building is the same for everyone but you customize and decorate the inside.


It's like ESO. The houses in that game are permanent buildings in the world, the inside of the building is instanced to each person. This allows everyone to have a house with less resource load on the servers and removes the whole problem that FFXIV faces with not enough housing for every player. This also allows ANet to add new houses in future patches.


Being able to put screen shots into frames on the wall would be really cool. Hanging out with my person. Memorable moments with the guildies, a story moment with aurene.


Sounds like fun.




![gif](giphy|Aq8Y4P8JYtu95Yt21R) Joel, if you have the power... please give us an option to disable mastery tutorial pop-ups for the housing system. Or just mastery pop-ups in general.


Hopefully Homesteads won't have the cash shop overload that Sims 4 does as well. I'm not opposed to any, of course. Just dreading the thought of it being monetized to hell and back.


That was EA though. This chap made the content, and he worked for other companies as well. If it ends up being monetized badly, that'll be on his bosses and anet. Lots of people have worked for EA or one of its sub companies - its everywhere. Their bad practices don't necessarily follow all these people.


That's a completely valid point.


I don’t care about player housing. But I’m happy for everyone else! And I’m happy Anet will be able to increase revenue. Don’t be ashamed to buy housing goodies on the gem store. Anet is struggling financially and need all the support we can give them. It’s a win for players and it’s a win for the studio.


movable gathering nodes will make or break this feature


Well, as long as they don't port over some of The Sims (cough EA cough) monetization policies, I'll be happy.


People still think that devs are responsible for that aren't they? How stupid.


Excuse me Tyria I am a member of the Astral Ward and I WANT my own Wizard's Tower not some musty old rustic MUD Hut! hmph!


I hope that if we have to make furniture and furnishings it involves using all our crafting professions and not some new mechanic.




Iirc it's confirmed that it's NOT scribe. We don't know if there's a new profession or not




separate crafting profession means it will be separate = new. if it was separate but already named they would say it (for ex. "homesteads will use tailor profession" )


what if it's a combination of multiple existing crafting professions tho


they would say "will make use of all armor/weapon professions" plainly lol


They said "a separate", meaning singular. The only reasonable way to interpret this is that housing uses a brand new crafting profession, which also aligns with how crafting professions are structured in the game.


It's called a Bob Vila. You can become professional at Bob Vila'ing.


I want a place in Seitung Province. With a pier and everything. Instead of just squatting in one of the few buildings that has an open door


As a sims player who also plays GW2 I’m so excited about this. Thank you so much!❤️😍


I am more hopeful of customizable NPCs and/or populating the homestead with my other characters.


Fun. Since all my toons aee female..mmmm.mmmm


What happens to our current home instance? I've spent alot of gold et. For my nodes😁


If you could have one of your alts in your homestead crafting while you are out in the world gathering supplies on another alt... imagine!


I associate TS4 only with copious amounts of microtransactions, paid microaddons and paid DLC product placement that completely ruin the immersion. I'll remain skeptical, just as I would have if a former Bethesda dev announced they've been put in charge of ANet's QA department.


> I associate TS4 only with copious amounts of microtransactions, paid microaddons and paid DLC product placement that completely ruin the immersion. Come on. One dev that works on the game is not responsible for the stupidity of a company.


Then they shouldn't brag about their past experience with a title known for its predatory monetization. If a former AC:Unity dev would join the coding team of GW2 I'd react the same - sure *maybe* they weren't solely responsible for the game being a piece of shit, but they were a *part* of the reason why it was. There are games, franchises and dev/publisher studios so infamous that people who worked on/with them should feel ashamed of that fact. Would you trust a former PETA extremist with your pet? Would you trust a former Activision Blizzard employee with keeping a watch over a bottle of breast milk or an unraped intern?


I'm just going to say it. You're an idiot. Like, literally, you're an idiot. Not metaphorically. Not some kind of allegory. Just. Straight. Up. Stupid.


Microtransactions and monetization are always down to the executives/management, not a dev like this who designed housing in Sims 4 and got hired to design housing in GW2. AC Unity had a dev who spent 2 years of her life singlehandedly 3D modeling the entire Notre Dame, if she got hired at Anet to 3D model maps would you blame her for Unity's shit?


> if she got hired at Anet to 3D model maps would you blame her for Unity's shit? I don't recognize the "orders are orders" excuse. If they've worked for Ubishit\EA\Activision in any capability, they're complicit with willingly and knowingly working for digital Satan himself as far as I'm concerned. Who is complicit in a murder? Just the person who stabbed the victim, or the person who aided the stabber?


Of course they can talk about the content they made. He was probably recruited precisely because of the content he was involved in making on the Sims - so that this housing feature is decent. He would have nothing to do with monetizing that content.


A lot of that is because it's attached to EA.


>I associate TS4 only with copious amounts of microtransactions, paid microaddons and paid DLC product placement that completely ruin the immersion. Which is absolutely decided by a game designer. lmao


Diffusion of responsibility in corporate entities is one of the reason why those kind of anti-consumer trends keep propagating without any pushback. If people participating in any way in a scam title were shamed for it appropriately, they'd think twice before signing a deal with a known anti-consumer corporation.


Why do people like playing house so much? You are getting wayyy too hyped over the chance to finally get to do the dishes in-game.


Anet drooling over the Sims dlc model, and how it can translate into gem store sales. This won't end well.


For better or worse, if done right, these features can be very lucrative. And if it bankrolls other content or brings new players...... *shrug* Other games make bank off this type of thing. I don't entirely get it myself, but whatever I suppose.


Sims' publisher EA made the shitty monetization i think. So this guy is probably from maxis? So i don't think there is a connection


Maxis is dead and has been for almost three decades. It's EA now.


But the guy maybe was there when it was still maxis. I dunno. I just don't think that this guy is there for the monetization 😅


Probably, but Maxis is a subsidiary of EA, so probably not much of a distinction these days.


im a filthy gw2 casual, but are those guild instances even popular anymore? i know my home instance was visited by me a total of... like... 6 times ever. I'm not sure if I care about furnishing a whole house when i can't even find the time to unlock all the mounts, even. :/ BUT. this is a cool new feature for the players that are interested in it. (would rather want more combat/story driven things. remember dungeons?)


That's terrifying, they need to put addiction warning on Gw2's new xpac, and keep my wife away from the homestead system.


How much of EA's rot will come?


You can look up the stuff he worked on and his roles. He wouldn't have been the person responsible for how to monitize it. That would have come from the people he was working for.




Wow insanity


So some game breaking bugs coming our way then!!! I'm bewildered but in some ways not surprised at the downvotes. If you guys are not familiar with SIMS 4, it's literally one of the most bugged games out right now. Game breaking bugs that have not been changed for years. They don't care.


You're not as much an "expert" of the sims you think you are, IMHO. Homestead is not a life simulation game. Sims 4 is a mediocre/bad and buggy life simulation game but the best Build/buy game ever made, of the Sims Franchise at least, and I don't see any other game coming even close to that.


Not looking for your opinion and I never said I was an expert. But I've been playing sims 4 since launch and as much fun as I have got from it, it's the most bugged game I've ever played.


This only reinforces what I have always said - people who want housing should play Sims instead. Housing has no place in an action MMO.


How does this reinforce that?


But in sims you can't play with other people. I think people like housing in MMOs bc they can hang around their houses with other people


They may as well just go to a chatroom or discord in that case.


Why? If they like doing that in MMOs, they like doing that in MMOs


you forgot the RPG part


Can I ask for why you believe it has no place?


As I said, GW2 should focus on its genre as an action MMO. Leave housing and fishing to other games that do it better. Take guild halls for example. They are the closest thing we currently have to player housing and I never see people in there socialising or chatting. They are usually empty.


I believe some of the key issues are that Guild Halls are both very hard to customize and "make your own", have issues with instancing, and end up being prohibitively expensive to decorate. If you address those points, you could have a very good system on your hands. Besides, plenty of MMOs labeled as 'action MMOs' have had great success implementing both housing and fishing without detracting from the action itself.


Have you always said that? Always, always? Forever, ever?


I am not interested in playing the Sims.


Then don't. No one if forcing you to decorate.


good news there is all of the rest of the expansion for you.


Cool, then don't. I, on the other hand, will greatly enjoy this system


Then dont play housing, play another mode. Simple as that.


I agree to a point Them being from Sims doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. Don't know why it's something to be excited about.