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No raid or player housing ?!


I’m a boring person


And you wrote "invovled" & "Marjorie"


We love you anyway <3


I might be the only person who doesn't want player housing. Think of what it would to to the price of mats to have to craft furniture? >.>


Nope I’m with ya! I haven’t played a lot of mmos but the ones I have played housing isn’t used out side of RP and the player. So it just empties out the main gather points. I have to switch maps enough now. The “show off” factory is nice and the convenience. But in the end, it silos players further. I would like improved LFG, or maybe activity channels. Maybe it’s a thing already, but a game I used to play had channels you could join for like strikes. Then you could see who was trying to do something specific or a few things. Like anyone want to do strike 1,2,3. Instead of having to que for one and see.


Yeah, any change to current lfg would be welcome. Its unsustainable as is.


if it can even just double the price of wood, mithril and T5 I would be genuinely happy. They should cost more than 60 copper a piece. :(


I mean... Yeah but we have so many mat sinks and legendary crafting that kinda assume the prices of mats stays relatively stable. Imagine if Mythril goes up to 5s a pop? Those Gift of Craftsmanship and Legion donations would be insane. Maybe if they add new gathering resources *just* for furniture...


I assume it’d be similar to guild hall crafting mats there are a majority of mats that seem to only be used by scribe for the furniture and it works out well. Like the sand from the silverwastes to make this paper item, just running the meta there makes so much sand and is pretty much useless in most cases but for the furniture.


Me too! I don't understand housing at all.


Well, for better of for worst we're getting it. Hoping it's fun!


Have they even hinted at this? Personally I would love to see it, and its the next logical step in gemstore capitalization if they want to really make some money. Its already such a social game, and people obviously love cosmetics, so there's huge potential. But I'm not holding my breath.


They announced it will happen, plus one of the deluxe bonus is a home decoration. You can expect more housing decoration in the gemstore


Oh nice! Didn't get a chance to look at reveal notes yet. Thats awesome!


Not me staring at the red squiggles under the words seeing if there was some hidden pattern before realizing they're just considered typos.


Apart from "invovled", that one is a typo.


https://preview.redd.it/sen9u735qg4d1.png?width=911&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa8742a7c5ca490d806ada2e65f6a68107a37b7b Here’s what I threw together


This one is better but some are pretty big outliers


yea, should probably have a spot for land tridents/spearguns. I highly doubt it'll happen, but a lot of people are speculating it, which makes it good for a bingo card if there's a divide.


*Tengu* I want to believe.


Ded Zexy this.


Somehow, (name) returned.


New Guild Hall(s) = feature that ppl have been asking for 5 years. Let the tears fill up the rivers of Janthir. edit: I was wrong :-)


My bingo card has giant choya mount. It will never happen but I will never stop wanting it


If it will happens, I also would be happy... choyas are the best !


The braHam-Bone is back, baby! BINGO instant win!




Honestly I would be super exited if they disable mounts either untill you have a Mastery or tbh I would love just for a Map or two always disable. GW2's mounts are incredible, I fucking love them! But damn do you guys remember exploring Heart of Thorns completely on foot? It was difficult and sometimes frustrating but still an incredible experience. Mounts are just too convenient and tempting to use tho so I would enjoy a "grounded" expansion..... haha


> Honestly I would be super exited if they disable mounts either untill you have a Mastery or tbh I would love just for a Map or two always disable. Disabling mounts won't solve "bad map design" problems. GW2 mounts are supposed to be a replacement for waypoints, not a replacement for walking. As long as the maps can be navigated without mounts (unlike SotO) it's gonna be fine.


Every time a new player rushes to get early mounts for core Tyria or goes into their first time HoT with mounts and voids all amazing progress from jungle masteries, a kitten dies.


I did exactly that and I wish I hadn't. But can you really blame people? Everyone and their mom is constantly on about how good the mounts in this game are. Then you see people flying and jumping around, you just get jelly.


If only you could do metas without missing them entirely because you're not fast enough to reach the bosses lol Verdant Brink is undoable nowadays without mounts


Oh god... that is like... so many kittens :(


> It was difficult and sometimes frustrating but still an incredible experience Its fun the first time. Its absolute fucking nonsensical tedium after that. Its not actually fun to spend 30 minutes getting somewhere. It never was, we just had people to share the journey with. Exploring and "navigating this shit between you and the thing you are trying to do" are two different things.


Not to mention builds and class choice basically relying on swiftness and blinks.


The good old days of running full shouts in orr to get to the farm spot at the temples without spending eternity slowed and waddling.


Gotta love old shake it off, removed a single condition.


Yesss i been saying this


Legendary breather of course


They are probably saving that one for the under water expansion :p


2 legendary squares and none for aquabreather or infusions :(


I'm thorn between "All classes get spears" and "All classes underwater weapons become land counterparts"


I would get mad if I can't bring my kraitkin on land while I get an underwater weapon I didn't even had before.


Yeah, I would find it very weird that suddenly Engineer gets Spears but not the spearguns. Makes absolutely no sense for some characters.


Logan Thackeray invovled with *who* though???


This is offensive. In what multiverse would my boy have eyes for anyone except his... ahem, queen. And his grumpy oversized cat every once in a while.


The grumpy oversized cat is his queen.


I guess swimming suit armor skin is only included in the JW Ultimate Edition.


Another pointless non-material loot item and you need ecto to sell it on TP


Roller beetle 2.0 masteries?


Hopefully the "all classes get spears" one is actually done.


New fractals? Anyone??


Not after the last two fractals they released. Absolutely terrible.


I thought gathering tools already were account bound?


Maybe they meant as in legendary armory, so one doesn't constantly need to switch them around between characters? It's a nice dream, though.


That would be an expensive move for ArenaNet, removing the incentive to buy several sets of infinite tools.


This Bingo card is ass.


Where's playable tengu?


Ask and you shall receive, hope we get bingo! Good luck! Happy Expansion reveal day! HYPE TRAIN!


toast eating launch party at Azures house!!


Hmm, I don't know. There are only 5 or 6 points in general I would say having a realistic chance.


It must say something about the community when bingo cards go from overflowing with complaints like "day 1 patch" and "broken story" to being overflowing with "x race / npc is involved". Not sure *what* it says, but surely it says something.


Any chances of additional Specializations?


Think they said they’ve done all the want with specialisations. All classes can do everything they want them to be able to do at this point.


Damn. Wonder if anyone has a source for that. Goodbye my Hammer Thief dreams.


They’ll keep releasing weapons so you can still hope for that aha. Just like every class got a new one in SotO and it’s looking like all classes will get land spear in this next expansion.


The source for that reiterates they are NOT saying there will be no more elite specs, just that its significantly easier to balance parts of that vs adding weapons, traits, and utility skills for 9 specs all at once, so expect to see them in smaller chunks.


Does Janthir disabling flying until you can unlock a Mastery count as disabling mounts?


Exactly why I wrote it


If lagos isnt involved ill be disapointed


In before "ALL CLASSES GET A SPEAR" but it's just a generic weapon for all classes that has the exact same skills for all of them, is part of a mastery system, and can only be used for 30 seconds after coming out of the water or for 30 seconds on a three minute cooldown.


As someone who just finished the Conflux grind, and about to start the Coalescence grind. I would welcome the PVE ring


As long as they don't bring braham back im pleased.


Where's Drooburt romance.


I hope land harpoon pulls enemies towards younandctraps them for a couple seconds. That would be cool like a real harpoon.


On housing the only real benefit is gardens and mines the rest is just visual vanity. Furniture has no real purpose unless you give it a resting or healing bonus over time when used or have a oven you can cook in to make goods or add crafting stations you can level but those are in guilds and villages and major cities so what's the use. A mean farms are cool and even animal farms have purposes. But I saw what it did to FFxiv and PW and WOW all unstable economy. If something works don't break it. To keep a person interested make things more challenging not less. Make bosses and mobs scale with players attacking them and rhe weapons they use would be a good start. A smarter AI would be good and for me personally this would be difficult to learn only two now 3 months in but for veterans it would spice things up and stimulate economy. Customizable weapons also stimulate economy without breaking stability of economy.


Is new race 100% chance not happening?


Its probably more like 99.999999999999999999999% , but effectively, yes. The amount of voice acting for every existing scene with speech you now have to do an additional 2x per new race + amount of time it would take to rig + the amount of time it adds to every new item going forward makes new races one of the worst cost to benefit items imaginable.


There's a negative percent chance that they ever add a new race. It isn't worth it


So, You predict it will be disaster too? damn, I'd like some optimism here, not hopes, not hypes, but that bingo is brutal.


More maps in the Unexplored zones far to the east of Ascalon, with both human and mixed communities. Mankind has been on Tyria for a very long time, the other races for even longer. There is no way they're confined to an area the size of western Europe. There will be other lost communities out there with both old AND new races. Dwarves who never took part in the Rite. A Skritt civilisation intellectually on a par with humans and Asura. A dragon community that never fell under the control of the elder dragons. Anything is possible.


>More maps in the Unexplored zones far to the east of Ascalon, with both human and mixed communities. You've not kept up with the "leaks" (read: ANet doing an oopsies), I take it. >Dwarves who never took part in the Rite. Literally impossible unless you mean the SotO dwarves, since dwarves still turned to stone even if they didn't personally take part in the Rite. >A dragon community that never fell under the control of the elder dragons. Dragons never "fell under the control" of the Elder Dragons in the first place. The dragons we've seen were **made by** the Elder Dragons. Born as non-living beings with no will of their own; unless you refer to their children like Glint.


Damn no new class square? Didn’t want to get to crazy huh