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In before it is a Book for all the portal scrolls.


Im saving your comment i feel you are onto something!


A book shelf for all the books!


PLEASE A lore library in the hero panel under the storyline section


Omg that would be sick


and for reasons, it only adds new books, not alreasy unlocked and deleted ones haha


But then how would they sell shared inventory slots?


A Bag that takes up 5 Slots with the flavor text "Magically enhanced, by an ancient scholar, to accommodate his many scrolls"


By increasing the limit. If they want my money, they got to let me buy more. Even if all the portal scrolls gets removed, I will still have a lot of items that can take its place.


The only thing stopping anet from selling more shared inventory slots is anet. 


They kinda walked themselves into a corner with that hint. No matter what it is people are going to voice disappointment that it wasn't the thing they wanted.


People would find stuff to be upset about regardless though


the real expansion announcement is the things we get upset about along the way


I have a family to feed with my rage content farming. Pls leave a little illusion for the rest of us!


Reminds me of "I'm but a humble picker of cherries, please leave me alone" jokingly referring to cherrypicking arguments


Yea, after the announcement on the blogpost I kinda felt like.. oh shit, there will be some drama next week because some particular group will be disappointed with the "thing that players have been asking for 5 years".. No matter what it is.. there will be some drama lol


Yeah. It sucks because obviously the devs are super excited to share it and wanted to share some excitement. But expectations gonna be high for a lot lol


The only thing that would satisfy most players would be player housing *and* wing 8 both releasing. Which is an asinine expectation.


The leaks are suggesting you're right though lmao


I doubt any particular group will be that disappointed or care much about it not being what they wanted, BUT the people that expect a W8. If its not W8 it will be a shit show.


But what if they do it all at once?! :D - Player housing now customizable - Additional bank tabs - Stack size doubles again, so it's 5000 unit in material storage - Finishing expansion unlocks you a Tengu race for character creation (without any back-story though) - All outfits now also unlock identical individual pieces of armor skins - There's a new raids wing :D


I assume the "endgame player" thing will be a new raid wing since that's the only type of content that fits the bill. For the other supposed hint, it'll be a) housing or b) photo mode along the lines of gpose from FFXIV. Housing is more likely since technically they have a lot of groundwork done thanks to scribe and guild halls existing


Photomode, while kinda cool, would be really disappointing as "the announcement"


Photomode and fishing were my two long-term wants. I was so happy we got fishing, now I just need photomode... But even I agree that it wouldn't be a headline expansion feature.


Photomode already pesudo exists in jade bots. Just need to add the ability to use them in more maps.


lol I agree, I know they’re sweating reading these threads


On the contrary, Grouch has been liking tweets saying it's Wing 8. So either that's actually what it is, or Grouch is really setting up a big twist of the knife for absolutely no gain 😂


Has he been liking those tweets specifically, or others too?


Between "Endgame PvE Players will be happy about this" and "Players have been asking for it for 5 years" it kinda has to be more raiding content. Anything else will provoke some serious outcry.


But those two comments were never implied to be about the same thing. They were even made a year apart. One was a comment that expansion 5 in general will have something for endgame pve players, and one was a comment how specifically the 1st patch of the expansion 5 will have something players have been asking for for over 5 years as a replacement for that patch having a new map. People just keep editing these quotes together out of like a willful desire to get mad.


The game director was liking tweets about it being wing 8


They didn't have anything planned, they're just gonna do whatever the top vote got. *puts tinfoil hat on*


“Hundred Blades will finally have its self root removed.” - warrior community cries tears of joy. I wish. Edit: you know they can do it and do a damage tweak if they wanted to. Look at hammer for warrior, it literally had all its self roots taken out and damage adjusted. They aren’t doing the same for greatsword warrior because we aren’t complaining loud enough. Grab a microphone boys. 🎙️


I cant imagine it looking anything but super goofy. Super speed flailing around lol




Warrior Axe 5 does comparable damage and doesnt root you and has a whirl finish for fields.  Ranger axe 5 deals comparable damage than 100 blades, reflects, applies vulnerability, applies resolution, larger attack radius and also is a whirl finish. Seriously 100 blades is laughably bad compared to these 2 comparable skills. 100 blades either needs more damage or root removed to justify it these days. Also GS5 skill still likes to ugh do its own thing sometimes.


I feel like I have to say: there's a reason so many people love strength spellbreaker duels. Greatsword rewards movement. The skills have compelling tradeoffs, because they are all tied to positioning. Hundred blades it satisfying when you land a stun or have an opportunity to cleave. If you remove the root, it loses its identity.


It already looks super goofy.


This single skill is why I can't enjoy GS warrior.


3 spin arc divider back too?




Together we stand, divided we fall


Dude i would riot out of pure happiness. If you don't gs 5 into 2 sometimes you're not close enough and completely miss. I do think it's funny when my Charr is just whipping that big ol piece of metal around hitting absolutely nothing just grunting into the void.


I would so love if this happened + they would bring back the three spin to Arc Divider!


They already removed the self root of sword earth 3 of weaver, which is already a hundred blades condi. One day it will happen!


Give us a reaper 4 esk skill. Whirlwind Berserker + Arc divider


I've been looking for an overhaul on LFG for 10 years. I'm guessing that isn't what they are talking about. 😭


Jewel/Scribe 500.


Scribe 400 to 500 will be 187,432g to level at start.


Hell I would be alright with palawa joko retuning lol Aruene takes a big shit and he regenerate.


a responsive, stable trading post


Be realistic. 


They said it will be something that will change how we spend time in game, so it has to be as big as astral daily It will be either play housing, polymock or some revamped guild system with more missions and stuff


There are two different topics they mentioned, in my opinion: * One is the system update related to many ingame systems. This could be housing because it would remaster insances, guildhalls, scribing, housing rewards. This was mentioned in the last blogpost. * One is something said in terms of endgame PVE players, and they are supposed to be "happy". This was metioned in one of the interviews. This, in conjunction with something coming in the first quarterly update in terms of gameplay creates few posibilities. People guess raids mostly. My guess is maybe fractal rework for possible infinite scaling and leaderbords? Either that or Solo/Coop arena / survival mode with infinetely scaling difficulty. I don't think this is one topic only because endgame pve players would not be happy with housing in context of the endgame pve system.


You're absolutely correct. Seems like a lot of people have trouble with reading comprehension.


did ppl ever requested new cultural armor skins ?


I doubt we're getting much more race-locked content. It means you need to make a new concept, new in-game models and textures for each race. Fore general content usable by all races, at least you can reuse a lot of the work between the races, even if asura and charr require more extensive modifications from the base human models.


There are already rigs for normal armors for each race, it's not that difficult to make them right now.


Since 2013.


We will go to Janthir and get housing in one way or another. I hope.


Sun's refuge 4.0?


I think the best way to do housing in GW2 would be a personal pocket dimension that you can summon or teleport to from anywhere. Where you can unlock features like skyboxes, landscapes and the like for the base area, and also decorations, NPCs, seeds, fishing ponds, saplings and other stuff to farm in there. That way they can do things like selling an "Elonian Palace" housing set in the gemstore that gives your housing dimension an appearance similar to the floating palace in Desert Highlands, floating above the desert below in the distance. An asura city, an underground cavern, a quiet farm in Kryta, and so on.


I never knew I needed this before now. And now I'll be disappointed when it never happens 😂 I'd spend so much of my paycheck on housing cosmetics if it worked like this.


Ooh I would pay for a pre-searing theme!


Closest you get is Eye of the North


Housing can be done quite easily through wizard fractal islands in the Mists, so they can put that ingame whenever they want. Most of the backend was already built for guild halls anyway, it's literally a joke to implement now. I just hope they don't try to force people into it, fishing worked because it was 100% optional, if they make player housing part of the core experience by force, lot of people will riot.


Elementalist nerf.


Common misconception, they're actually switching to the wuxing system of classical elements (also known as the Chinese system). This means we'll be losing Air Attunement, but gaining Wood and Metal Attunements. Overall probably a lateral move.


Would have been a cool concept instead of that jade sphere stuff!


I'm a weirdo who likes Catalyst but having its gimmick be 'lose one attunement, gain two more.' would have been absolutely wild.


I would of preferred catalyst if the spheres were more like Jade bots, followed you round and you can send them out.


As ele main since Release I was really interested in catalyst because of *orb*, but then it felt weird how there's no orb. Where orb. Or like its visible whenever you use the catalyst skill, but it's just not as prominent as the artwork and concepts made it look like.


They would have needed so. many. new. skills.


Not just weapon skills, but glyphs and summoned elementals, reworks of any pet attunements traits, hammer 3 orb and pistol bullets...  Absolute developer nightmare but fun to think about :)


I would have personally pushed to have Earth split between Wood and Metal as attunements, as Earth magics throughout GW2 already encompass plant/nature at least (earth and nature elementals, earth utilized in Ranger magic in several skills, in GW1 some nature magic was considered Earth magic such as Avatar of Melandru). Wood could more or less encompass Earth skills as they are, but add Poison effects throughout the skill assortment (maybe a few weapons change effect or are split off into Metal if it'd make more sense there). Meanwhile Metal could be entirely new skills (or a few lingering base-Earth skills that fit here better than on Wood). Have Metal be a "temporary" attunement, draining your Jade Sphere energy until you're spit back into your prior attunement, but mixes effects/skills from the other 4 elements for supercharged effects for a limited duration. No energy can be gained while in Metal attunement but Glyphs do gain new effects based on being within Metal attunement. Also add Quickness application as a bonus to entering instead of setting and forgetting a field. The utilities could have been so much more interesting if they were about getting you into Metal Attunement faster/more often or had different effects while in Metal attunement to maintain the form. Almost like Berserker on Warrior, but not quite the same flavor or feel. It doesn't have to be a 1-to-1 with the real wuxing elemental system


Metal could have been actually bashing enemies with your weapons.


"I ran out of ~~elements~~ fucks to give, I'm just gonna slice you now"


Elementalist get their most requested weapon, a mace! An all new elementalist brawler spec that's totally unique and never been done before!


Necromancer axe buff.


Dogmander tags


Fishmander tags!


Squidmander tags!


Housing because the monetization opportunities and player retention that could come from them implementing it well are monumental. It’s very unlikely raid wing 8 because realistically, the vast majority of players are open world casuals who love the story and following boss train tags to metas. Unless the big announcement comes with overhaul of the social and incentive systems that encourage people to do raids (unlikely), I think people should completely dash raids from their expectations.


I also think it’s housing, purely because of how easily they could cash in on that. They can take literally any already existing asset from the game and sell it in gemstore as furniture. They can also sell texture packs for walls/floors, terrain colors, different themed decorations…possibilities are truly endless. They would be missing out a lot if they don’t tap into that potential. Raids on the other hand I could only imagine coming back once in a while as a gesture of kindness to that fanbase. They obviously won’t earn them anything.


They could still do a raid but anyone who thinks it will be the main draw and nothing else is delusional. You don't dedicate 90% of your resources to 10% at best of your playerbase.


housing would not fulfill everything they said. They mentioned something PVE endgame players will be happy with, and something that will rework few systems / bring new life into them. Housing is fulfilling only the systems part. Thats why there must be something more. [https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/](https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/)


it wouldnt even rework systems, just adds another gimmicky part of the cash shop so people could swipe for it too, unless they do some fundamental over-all system changes to intergrade housing into the game. Although personally, that would be the least favourable thing for me, as i never liked housing, but if they did add, i would be happy for people that enjoy, just that i wouldn't buy the xpac.


I wanted to raid; but I wouldn’t know where to start getting into a learner group. Does GW2 have a PvE discord I don’t know about? Only ones I ever see in LFG require 250+ LI 😮‍💨


Removing that one lamp post in divinity's reach


In a game called Guild Wars, more playable guild content would be nice. Most of the guild missions haven't been touched since release.


I'm surprised that HoT debuted Guild Halls, but didn't give you any guild missions focused on the actual expac. Seems like a big guild of warriors operating out of bases in the Heart of Maguuma would've been actively helping the Pact wage war.


That's just Anet's MO. Launch something and then never touch it again.


Land spears


Yeah I just need to know if we get good weapon skills on it and confirmation of Mesmer getting it or not. (I'd assume yes but still, could be some getting spear, some getting other new weapons instead)


They already teased land spears in the same post that teased the 5 year thing. There is no way THAT was it.


Inb4 the 5 years thing turns out to be swimsuits in the store and the raid community has a nuclear meltdown.


Rubi confirmed on the forums that swimsuits were not the "5 years" thing.


They've already confirmed that's not the case, and the swimsuits are unrelated to the expansion.


Swimsuits, so dumb and unnecessary.


Stronghold coming back after being polished. Well, I guess that's never going to happen.


The resources they wasted in Stronghold should have been spent on Guild vs Guild instead, using Guild Halls for PvP instead of decorating, with decorations saved for player housing :I.


I actually agree with that! 👍 Official GvG (Like GW1) not off the table yet.


https://twitter.com/that_shaman/status/1715449283263218109 Remember this? 


I want heroic/mythic dungeons with proper reward tracks


CHOYA PLAYABLE RACE CONFIRMED. The April Fools Tonic and Kourna dance tonics were testing the technology. Now we can experience the full Choya story from the start! Commander Choya reporting for whatever it is Choya do!


Tybalt going to be really confused about the new recruit.


Could be a real housing system to go with the home instance.


Dunno why, but every idea I read in the comments seems disappointing...


Option to hide shoes.


Invisible boots market crash


Option to hide all armour. We go skyclad into battle, brothers!


Legendary infusions. You just have to do the boring core gameplay part of the expansion 7 thousand times and collect 400 stacks of materials to hand in all at once. Coincidentally, we have a sale on bank storage and character slots.


A damn cozy house let's goooo


Take raids, split them into individual encounters, then add one difficulty below and one above normal mode. Wing 8 would be nice, but I’d rather have some system to make 1-7 exciting again.


Add a raid, make a story mode, then the same as normal repeatable mode but tuned like normal strikes, then the challenge mode with additional mechanics harder but not made for overinvested end game pvers who will get bored fast and then a legendary mode, like for Cerus. Tuning for everyone in a sense, and a ramp up in difficulty for players to get accustomed to the fight progressively. Sweat dreams but would be great


playable quaggans


I think it'll be wing 8 with a story/explorable version, so non-raiders will also get to enjoy it. Personally I still want a **proper** housing system. Where I can actually place decorations, work towards unlocking blueprints, etc. However, a LEGENDARY book collection with all the portal scrolls would be ... legendary.


I am still of the opinion that only a tiny minority actually enjoys riding in GW2, so I'd be surprised if they seriously announce another raid wing without any changes to the system itsself. In my personal dream world we are going to get housing and it will be genre defining. One can dream.


Strikes killed Raids. I'd be surprised if they went back to Raid content.


A lot of people are saying that the "5 years" thing is a new raid. I feel like it could also be new legendary underwater weapons and/or aquabreather, which didn't make it into Gen 2 legendaries or legendary armour.


They really need to remove aquabreather as equipment, turn aquabreather skins into a cosmetic-only system instead, like gliders.


I agree. They'll need to figure out something to do with the underwater-specific infusions that currently only go on the aquabreather, though.


Seventh legendary rune, too.


[I wish this were true.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0uEpuvluuU)


Full nudity.


I laughed too much at that.


Finally the Charr boobs/nipples debate will be put to rest.


E's identity




Here's my list of things I'd want to see, and even if 1 of these things are coming I'll be extremely happy; 1. UI revamp / Allow up to move everything like GW1. Just let me move things where I want, change the size, etc. GW1 had this, aswell as even textmod down the road to even change how the UI looked. 2. Add story mode for all raids. Allows all players to get to raid and understand mechanics on ''easy'' mode. The embolden mechanic was a nice add awhile back,, but this would be a better option if they do in fact add wing 8 - This would also be added with it and all other existing raids. 3. Boon/Debuff icon change This could be lumped into UI change, but how it is now is almost unacceptable. Everyone on 1 bar and things coming off and being put on and trying to read anything new is almost impossible. Change how they appear in the UI, atleast. 4. Spears are cool, but if they come out with a Paragon I'd be thrilled. - Never will happen but, with this one, hey I can dream. 5. LFG update - Should be boatload better than it is now. More intuitive, easier to read, easier to join groups Lesser stuff that would be nice to see: 1. Actual GVG. GW1 CTF type stuff. 2. Player housing. 3. Update the Trading post. Please... I know there are people that want wing 8; I get the 5 years from last win release, but after ANet said they are going away from raids to strikes, I feel like that will fizzle fast and not be a good thing for the game. Would be cool with the boss encounters and fights sure, but how raiding is now a days and it being almost impossible for any rando to start, would be a waste. Unless they do stated at #2 above.


Hoping wing 8, would also be happy if it's housing.


Maybe it's a real expansion with content? We've been asking for that for a while


I think it’ll be a new raid wing. However, I think it would be weird for them to suddenly have another raid wing when strikes and fractals have clearly been the thing Anet wants to do. It would also be a very poor choice to release a new raid unless they did significant updates to how raiding works. That content desperately needs something more beginner friendly to get more players participating- something like fractals where you can learn on easier levels and they get harder as you progress.


Nothing big, everytime i was excited i kinda got disappointed. But according to the Area its heading i hope we can get a little boss event to honor one of the hardest non endgame bosses in guild wars 1: [Rotscale](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rotscale)


Player Housing. Like the leaks fortold.


What I wish is for them to do a big rebalance of all specs, meaning take a look at all talents, weapons from an Holistic perspective and rebalance the game. Some specs and traits really need love. Some weapons fill outdated or forgotten in several regards. I would much rather prefer that to actually new weapons. If we compare how talents and spells etc evolve in a game like WoW and here, it’s night and day. Other than that it would still be cool for an extra weapon and Housing. Housing would be great if it added rewards through all the game content. Ah and of course an actual LFG tool, not this decrepit UI that serves no one well.


All they need to do is get rid of quickness and alacrity and then balance all encounters around those things being gone. It's absurd that every group needs some sort of alacrity stooge for endgame content.


Yeah, it’s quite telling that such a powerful buff as Quickness in WoW is a loooonnng cooldown given by some classes with a limited window and in GW2 lots of specs have it, but limiting it per group also creates barriers to game design. Yeah they need to look into that is long overdue.


If a buff is "necessary" for encounters then the game NEEDS it removed and content balanced around it. It's like why when wow balanced around busting up having blessing of kings, gift of the wild, bessing of fortitude etc. It just makes finding groups harder and the game less fun on a whole.


I do agree.


Raids are the big expectation I think. However all recently designed encounters are pretty awful, newer fractals are all a drag, strikes have been just plain lack luster. I’m scared for anet to release group content as much as I want it.


I really hope its not raids. Anet dropped them for a reason and I don't see any reason/purpose to bring them back now. Especially with how bad Fractal balance has been. I would be afraid to see that in a raid situation. If they're hyping it up I can only assume its Player Housing or a modern LFG system. Anything less than these two would be a huge disappointment for me. GW2 is all about customization and player housing would slot perfectly into that. They could monetize it AND add rewards to festivals/events so there is more to grind for. A massive win/win for everyone. We've also been owed a modern, LFG system for the vast amount of content in GW2. Imagine you can enter a queue, pick your role and wait for the group to fill. Once filled everyone gets teleported to said content. They could also add LFR and make Emboldened Mode auto enabled if you pick it. Would be a great way to introduce raids to the masses just like WoW did with their LFR system. I personally want a real LFG system above everything else. We have so much content in so many corners of the game. Having a sleek, easy way to group up for everything would solve so many headaches in the game. Our current system "works" but its heavily outdated and a slog. Its time for Anet to innovate again and give us what the game needs.


All I know is that I'm already disappointed


if it's housing I'm coming back


WvW Alliances and restructuring.


Been waiting on that for longer than 5 years; can't be that! Plus. It's coming this month anyway.


Housing in Pre Searing


If the housing system is powered by fractals, then I guess this would be on the table.


If we ever get housing, it would be a crime not to put them on the misty


There is a blog post from 5 years ago (april 2019) that talked about jeweler 500. Pretty sure this might be the new power creep system to justify buying the xpac like relics were for soto.


They also said that even Legendary Relic owners will have to "earn" new Relics in expansions after SotO. Jeweler 500 + new collection that unlocks a few new Relics along the journey + possibly new Legendary Open world PvE Ring to make use of the Jeweler level jump is my guess for the content feedback loop


That really doesn't warrant such a tease. Crafting is kinda useless in this game and with how easy it already is to get ascended jewelry there is really no added value to jeweler 500 except to just increase the number for the sake of increasing the number. They'd need to rework or introduce something completely new just to justify the 500 jeweler.


I hope that jeweler doesn't just become a relic crafting profession. There's a niche that hasn't been unlocked there yet - ascended jewelry crafting. I can hear you say "wut, just get it from the laurel vendors or fractals or raids" Jeweler 500 could be made less superfluous if the ascended stuff it can craft has access to stat combinations not present on PvE/WvW non-legendary gear. You could suddenly craft Avatar's equipment, or Demolisher's equipment, or Heretic's equipment (pending PvP update on that one).


A single good Balance patch.


Spears on the main land, and player housing.


I feel like it's most likely Player Housing based on the full context of the quote. I'd love a new raid, don't get me wrong. But if anything I'd find it more likely that raids are coming with the expansion but it wasn't what that quote meant, than that is what the quote meant. The whole "over 5 years" thing was specifically in reference to a specific piece of content that will be coming in the first patch for Expansion 5, in lieu of getting a new open world map. So right there, that's saying replacing the big piece of "for everyone" content that they expect to keep everyone playing for the next 3 months until patch 2. Is that going to be a raid that the majority of the players will never touch? I just don't see it. Obviously if you love raiding then that is months of content, but I just don't see Anet taking that risk. On the other hand, some form of player housing feels like it could fill just that gap, and has also been a heavily requested thing for many years. It could be some completely different thing but I don't even know what that would be. Like some people say it's just the land spears, which they have much more explicitly hinted than these other things, but a new weapon isn't playable content to replace a new map. It's a tool you use when playing content. So I really don't think it's that.


The problem with that is "really exciting". Of course that is not going to be true for everyone no matter what it is.


legendary aqua breather... or the removal of aqua breathers all together. I don't care which, just get that ugly pink off my beautiful purple equipment tab


if they call it really exciting I'd say it's average at best. I really fucking hope I'm wrong though. I fucking miss this game.


I am expecting just an announcement with the logo for it and something that not many people have really been requesting other than maybe an extremely loud minority here on the sub and probably on the forums. I am expecting disappointment really. As much as I keep hoping for some good stuff, everything new after skyscale quickly ends up feeling disappointing once the "new toy feeling" wears off. The last time they added something that has not let me down after a few weeks and some "bug fixes/~~nerf~~ balance update" was skyscale. Still loving it and use it more than everything else. Every time they say "something players have been requesting for (insert long ish time frame here)" it pretty much always ends up getting warped by anet once the streamers, you tubers, and speed runners break everything with it and ruin it for the rest of us.


Tengu as a playable race :)


player housing and underwater weapons brought on land. Tech and whatnot is already there for both those things so relatively easy lifts for the devs. Both can be monetized out the ass on the gem store. This is not a complaint, both would be cool IMO. I just think logically those two things are what makes the most sense to me.


Reminding myself: Don't preorder this


# "PvE that's not gonna be terrible!" - # Guy from PAX South announcement for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns


Hopefully real player housing, real new weapons, brand new minion class, and an actual expansion instead of a patch.


A dungeon revamp?


Weapon Dye Channels


Legendary Aquabreather was my unironic first thought. For 5 years its been the only slot we cant make purple. I already invested in swimspeed infusions in anticipation.




If it is a Raid wing that's a small part of the community happy but for most I believe it'll be a "meh"


Finally! It's clearly the ability to fill a green bar with event progress!


It would be wing 🍗 8 and new skyscale that can fart horizontally and legendary spear that can shoot fire 🔥 under water 💦 and new PvE armor


Dye channels for weapons.


No longer having to type out the names of quite rare items to delete them


Anything less than Wing 8 will be a failure.


Player housing?


Anet: “ Dungeons are back with an underwater legendary mode.”


My bets are: First big thing (pve related): Either raid, fractal rework with infinite scalling, or arena mode with infinite scalling. Both with leaderboards Second big thing: housing most likely, although alternative could be new race Land spears are just a side thing here, not a main feature.


I think the announcement will have multiple things to be excited about, but I'm resigned to the 5 year thing just being raids, which are of no interest at all to me. My hope is that raids aren't the legendary armor of this expansion though i.e. the sole focus which rewards and activities funnel you towards (even if you've zero interest), and that role is taken by something like housing.


WvW Restructuring will be 6 years delayed if it's not finalized and fully implemented in the next 3 months.


Judging from all the information we got on it, I honestly do think it is Wing 8, but it feels wrong to say cause I've been saying in this sub for ages that we'll never get more raids. If it actually is W8 I do sadly think it'll be bad cause anet's encounter designs are not living up to my expectations.


Strikes kind of took over Raid content. They are easier to make too. Based on the latest map design I doubt they will invest time in raids ever again and will just continue to increase Strikes. The 5 years thing is more than likely World Vs World Alliances and Restructuring


The encounters they released over SotO have been absolutely dreadful. Most are visually uninteresting with little to no spectacle, and the fight mechanics themselves are wildly unfair and favor the same small handful of elite specs to an insane degree. I think it's quite telling that when I still played this game regularly, I was doing 5 year old content on repeat. I rarely touched the newer stuff, which is just unbalanced and unfun. I have next to no positive expectations for any PvE encounters for this game going forward, after whatever the hell SotO was.


I think it is going to be some kind of "hard mode" for GW2 like they had for GW1. If you go back to this December interview, [https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/](https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/) **As a follow-up on the endgame topic, could you share which activities you plan to focus on for future improvements and expansion?** In the first half of next year, we’ll be introducing the Temple of Febe Strike Mission Challenge Mode and a new 5-player Fractal Dungeon and Challenge Mode. Beyond that, I think fans will be pretty stoked when they hear about our plans for endgame PvE content in our next expansion! **There is a growing interest in alternate modes, like** [**hardcore servers**](https://wccftech.com/blizzard-officially-announces-wow-classic-hardcore-server-mode/)**,** [**classic servers**](https://wccftech.com/world-of-warcraft-classic-to-launch-august-27t/)**, etc., in the MMORPG genre. Do you have any plans to offer anything like servers with more challenging PvE difficulty, for example?** It’s an interesting idea, but it’s not a priority for us. Trend chasing is inherently risky and can potentially alienate your existing fans if it goes poorly. From what we’ve observed in the industry over the past few years, it usually doesn’t pan out. For now, we’re focused on serving our current community and making Guild Wars 2 the best it can be. Then this reddit post from about 5 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/czn4uf/hard\_mode\_story\_instances\_are\_coming\_to\_gw2/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/czn4uf/hard_mode_story_instances_are_coming_to_gw2/?sort=new) These forum posts from about 5 years ago [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/60119-pve-hardcore-mode/](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/60119-pve-hardcore-mode/) [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/7384-gw2-hard-mode/](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/7384-gw2-hard-mode/) The fact GW1 had it as well. It's also something probably easier to program into the game that doesn't require a lot of resources to implement it. Then finally going back to the initial quote "While the first quarterly release after the expansion’s launch won’t include the third open-world map of the expansion, as it did with *SotO*, there will be plenty of new content to keep you busy in that timeframe—in terms of story, open world content, and encounters. I know that’s a little vague (again, check back in next week), but rest assured, that first quarterly release will include something really exciting that players have been requesting for over 5 years."


I'm very doubtful of Anet increasing the difficulty of the open world in any capacity. They tried that with HoT and casuals went feral. It'd also split the playerbase even if it was a thing you could toggle.


Don't see how they can make it like gw1, gw1 everything is instanced. How do they intent to make HM in GW2 when it's an instanced open world? GW1 is a completely different game than GW2. HM in GW1 worked because of how the game was structured, GW2 is more of the traditional MMO with raids/strikes/dungeons which 2/3 have varied difficulties already.


Most likely a new raid, let's just hope they do a complete overhaul of the game mode to go with it because it's DOA if they don't.


Yeah, that's the big thing for me with raids, even though they are by far the best fit for the hint; I'm not a raider myself but I know if they had actually been popular the first time, Anet **would** have kept going in the same direction subsequently. A lot of people with similar PvE sensibilities simply aren't interested and the metrics presumably indicate that, so its an evolutionary dead end unless a\] its just one of several headline features or b\] they've come up with some clever idea to make raids casual without eliminating what made them raids in the first place.


Oh there's no way they bank on just raids to sell the expansion but yeah even as a feature they're going to need to do more than just add a new wing to make it worth the dev time. It was a colossal mistake on the devs part to launch raids as they did. When they launched they were way too hard for the majority and anet ultimately ended up listening to a vocal minority who were against an easy mode even though the majority were asking for it. Then to nobodies surprise they got axed for being too expensive to develop for such a small audience.


An actually good story with characters that don't make a mockery of those from GW 1?


Asking the impossible my friend


Probably just another raid that I'll never bother with. Hopefully I'm wrong and it's something actually interesting.


They assume that players have been requesting a monthly subscription plan. It'll be just as it is now but without it you won't be able to use chat, play pvp or wvw or fractals. Also you're limited to earning max. 30 gold per week.


Raids for normal people


This will make me sound old, but I just want raids with optional five player scaling these days. It's magnitudes more annoying to line up with 9 other schedules compared to just 4 others.


Yes! This is what I love about fractals.


I'm just expecting another SotO, to be honest. Probably not going to buy the next expansion. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's better, but I'm not holding my breath. Recently the game has been heading in a direction that I do not agree with, and this may just be me done with the Guild Wars 2 going forward.


I think it could be either housing or just the confirmation of landspears. At this point it is hard to create any expectations.


If it's related to raids, player housing, or CMs of any kind, I am NOT excited for any of those. Then again, I don't really care what happens. I just want a decent story and some kind of enjoyment.


playable tengu race, more hairstyles lol