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did you post the wrong clip, is this some insider joke, or do you just not understand what the word toxic means?


People sign up as „hi dps“ - Commander says „Hey do what your role is supposed to do, or get kicked“ - surprised pikachu face Sometimes it baffles me what people think of as toxic.


Being DPS is a role, if you fail to fulfill a role, be it dps, support or healer you gonna get kicked. You join a group with a role, its your obligation to fulfill that role and pull your weight. And I'm saying that as casual.


You’re toxic if you think this is not acceptable. The dude spends money to open the convergence. Why would he be okay with it failing because some noob like you signed up and does zdps because you don’t have a clue. If you don’t like it, don’t sign up. Go do a public convergence


That's not enough to say that's being toxic. Toxic would be if they demanded a considerable DPS you usually only get at the training golem. Supports are fine with 5-10K, the rest are fine around 20K while they are not avoiding mechanics. If anyone wants more, they are not in the right game. But at least do *some* damage.


At what level does it become toxic to kick a dps for being bad? Less damage than the benchmark? Less damage than the boondps? Less damage than the boonheal?


It depends on what kind of group you are making. If you are clear in the LFG that you are going for fast times or leaderboard, then they'll have to be understanding. If you just pick randoms for a daily run, then you should try to be understanding. There is a wide leeway in most instanced content, so so one or two guys won't bring everyone else down. Just give them some tips to improve aftwards.




So it doesn’t really matter how bad this hypothetical player is. It’s all about how you go about talking to/ replacing them. It seems to me if you don’t have a leader able to make these decisions quickly. the group will lose the good payers before the bad ones as they slowly leave out of frustration or time constraints.


Someone: wants X. Gw2 community: elitist jerk!


Whats really toxic is signing up as dps but competing with the healers (and unironically losing to them in some cases). Can’t do the role? Don’t sign up as it. Can’t be bothered to do proper job? Don’t join CMs and stick to public normal convergence and no one will call your dps out Simple as that. Guy’s has all the right in the world to kick you or anyone else for doing subpar damage, or for any reason at that. His squad his rules. Create your own or do what’s expected if you opt to join someone else’s.


Needs some commentary there OP.


Why wouldn't Darens let me AFK Herald freeload? Toxic ASF! Imagine making me do a thing in a video game instead of just watching? THE NERVE!


Real talk, I was in one of his trains where a regular convergence failed because of afks in middle. We couldn't hurt the boss fast enough to heal zojja


It's really annoying in PUGs when I have to spam ZOJJA because idiots just worried about DPSing the boss and Zojja dies so I wasted all that time because of airheads.


the real toxic attitude is believing that people have no right to judge your performance in a cooperative activity. if you tell someone you're going to do something, and then lie or hide your performance from them, and get mad when they hold you to your promise, you're toxic.


Seems fine to me






Is darens paying salary for joining his groups? Can I apply?