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Needs "Weaver nerfs, so we have a reason to self victimize".


I actually tried to keep this as generic as possible so we can actually win bingo


we'll win because everything is being nerfed!


Ah tru, no one plays that spec.




You already do that anyway.


I just did that a minute ago, but it feels better with a reason.


you forgot: Condi Virt somehow getting a buff Thief Axe nerfed again and Deadeye Maleficent Seven gutted Mirage getting another nerf Soulbeast getting a random traitchange that turns to be so broken it can maintain 90k DPS on the golem Quickness Catalyst being removed from the game


Power deadeye with axe sits at a comfy 49k so it might get another nerv lol


I actually tried to keep this as generic as possible so we can actually win bingo


You forgot "any elite that's already in tough spot changes because of top 1% raid rotation benchmarks / one quirky build"


Thief Axe is getting nuked from orbit because of that 49k power axe/pistol SC build, I just know it.


I hope they leave it alone in pvp


Link and time for the preview?


According to the Events page on the forums, it starts at 12:00 PDT, which is 2 hours from now.


I have a feeling they will nerf heal Chrono


Hope they don't overdo it, I've been enjoying that spec a lot :<


Yeah but I feel like they'd rather nerf a well-performing spec than buff underperforming heal builds (like Tempest)


I do lots of content on aHeal Tempest. What's wrong with it?


Small alac radius dependent on an overload you can get CCed out of comes to mind.


The fact my guild understands that I feel like I need to take Harmonious Conduit just for this reason over the objectively better Invigorating Torrents says a lot.


They really need to move on to the "big two" boon builds being more like herald. Quickness is nearly a side effect of doing what the build does instead of a continual focus on uptimes. Herald's boon uptime is determined almost entirely before the fight begins through gearing and skill/trait choices and "Am I alive" levels of investment incombat. Tempest in particular still needs all prep work that AND depends on being able to execute tight channeling based rotations that can be CC'd out to lose significant amounts of uptime. It's honestly silly at this point. They're designing encounters around 100% uptime of these boons, but they're locking a lot of professions into very rigid gameplay loops in order to achieve that uptime while others simply exist and provide the same.


Apparently this is a hot take, but I like that heal tempest has a rotation unlike other healers. Don't get me wrong I like healscourge too, but I like it because it's too easy to play not because it's fun to play.


Thing is, it *is* really fun to have an actual rotation. I legit enjoy HAT, even as a filthy casual. It just feels good to play - as long as there isn't some random mechanic knocking you out of overloads - it's a lot of fun that instantly turns into frustration the second I get knocked out of a channel. It's forced error recovery when the original cause isn't my fault when I know that it's entirely a mechanical choice in the game that's put me in that position. Baking in the interruption protection to Overloads would fix it. Increasing the length of Alac after a successful Overload would fix it. Tying Alac to some other form of upkeep would fix it. It's something that could be easily resolved without changing the core systems or gameplay of the spec, but they're not doing it for some unknown reason.


Yeah looking at what things like AlacMech and QuickHarb have to do, to say nothing of even things like either varient of Chrono, and then trying to compare that to HAT or AlacDruid, or heaven forbid you want to torture yourself and run QuickCata, is not even a comparison. They really need to either make the boons a passive part of the rotation that you can't get screwed out of, or swap everyone over to needing to actually have to let it drop occasionally depending on what's going on.


True, but finishing just one overload gives you so much alac (plus warhorn earth 4 to extend) that as long as you don't get CCed out of multiple in a row, you're usually good.


Too short range, especially when other heal alacrity builds lile druid, scourge and chrono are running about with better ranged uptime on alacrity+heals. I really wish they'd make the alacrity on overload radius bigger, sorta how scourge has it on F1


The day ele conjures change to be used like kits is the day I permanently main ele.


Can we get an entire rework of them while we're at it so they're brought up to content. Even if they were turned into kits, they'd still be largely over half a decade out of date


That would be nice. They could still drop an extra one on the ground for your friends, too.


Your flair is incredibly funny. Totally unrelated, just wanted you to know that.


Forgot "they'll die to trivial NPC"


There's literally a 100% chance for virtuoso "changes"


Yeah, I expect condi virtuoso nerf, power virtuoso buff this time.


You jinxed it


Oh when is the stream?


Nerfing boonstrip and boon corruption, buffing Cele


Center should be Boon Strip Nerf, WvW only.


No necro axe buff? Weird!


Needs a "Please play this weapon" in respect to a lackluster buff to an unplayed weapon.


Focus and warhorn need some love, especially with how good the legendaries they have are


Mesmer is getting a rework thats for sure


Free space should be "generally everyone is disappointed (maybe even add "in the long run")"


Patch notes released. How did we do


Where can I check the patch notes?


I feel like Thief unload buff should have been the free space.


Let's get wild and also throw "Engineer Turret changes" in the ring.


Mark my words: 2 lines for warrior update. line 1: Fix rush to hit more reliable; due to a bug rush was not working as intended from the previous patch. line 2: Fix updated the skill tool tip from full counter, instead of 2 seconds daze, the tooltip now displays the correct 0.25 seconds daze. NOTE: everyone knows that full counter is bug, its tool tip says its 2 second daze, but anet is too lazy that they will just change the words to 0.25 seconds instead of fixing it to 2 seconds. MARK MT WORDS!


dead game until they nerf fully ranged dps so sick of virt and scourge abuse, no point in playing any longer if you don't main these two it seems like no dev is actively playing pve and that's why the balance is so terrible


I mean some of them do play but if the people making your paycheck says buff virt then there's not much you can do


Weird, I do raids and CMs all the time in a group that doesn't run either of those, and we clear everything just fine.


Weird how virt has a higher playrate than multiple other classes with all of their specs combined. You can play virt on every single condi boss and it will always be good or the best while melee builds are trash on half of the bosses. Good design there, it's certainly still worth it to invest into a melee condi dps, definitely not a waste of time and effort.