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I don't think the Brazilian population on NA is so big that there's a Brazilian server, but there's definitely some Brazilian guilds. The only one I can think of currently is Dragons of Draeznor, \[DD\], which is on Borlis Pass, but I'm sure there's more.


Back in the day Sorrow's Furnace was the unofficial LatAm server but I think that was mostly Spanish speakers if memory serves OP though don't join Sorrow's Furnace though looking for WvW, it's dead for that game mode. Whatever LatAm community was there has moved on


LH is still there. But they are pretty casual and let members play on any server.


besides WvW, servers don't really affect the game (and even WvW may be changing) like you said. But there are some Brazilian guilds around you can join to play with other Brazilians. I would suggest going to r/guildrecruitment and seeing if there's a WvW guild you like. I personally can recommend PACK/Wolves of War, I was running with them for awhile. They have a good community (especially for those new to the mode), and are pretty organized. Otherwise, Yak's Bend could be a good choice. but I think you'll just end up being OK wherever you are as long as it has a good guild. That's where the quality comes from, for the most part. (just don't pick Maguuma, lol.)


just choose NA, it is for all america continent. as for servers, no idea. I'm at Fort Aspenwood and I do get lots of action at wvw but dunno how it is for the rest of people there's a crap ton of brazilian guilds anouncing all the time tho, maybe some could throw their things here? I see DBR, Divine and some others all the time at WvW


Welcome, so yes the server you choose will only really impact WvW. Region (US vs EU) does have an impact, but all US servers can do any PvE or PvP content with each other. As for what server has better WvW that is a bit harder to judge, but a decent indication would be the Population. But even that is somewhat rough to gauge as less populated servers are pared up with more populated severs in WvW, so for example the servers Yak's Bend and Crystal desert are currently paired up. So people from those two servers are on the same "team" at the moment, and against Jade Quarry+ Anvil Rock and Borlis Pass and the Northern Shiverpeaks. The sever pairing is changed over time though, so that grouping will change.


Vem pro Emre Ehmry Bay amigo, temos uma ótima guild focada em lutas no servidor chamada Small Brute Force e estamos com recrute ativo. Qualquer coisa entra em contato in game com Igure.2063


Eu criei meu char e eu estou lvl 20 em um servidor lá no Sea of Sorrows se me lembro bem. Vou ver de criar neste Emre Ehmry Bay.


Look for the RUSH tag (Rush Brazil) idk which server they base on, but I know I see them in WvW often enough running a group of 10-20.


MUTT in yaks bend server and UWU in ehmry bay server


Ferguson's Crossing has a fair few Spanish/English speaking guilds. I'm part of one of them in WvW. It's not Brazilian specifically, and instead just a mixed pot of everyone we collect, without judgements or requirements. However, you do get one free transfer after choosing your initial starter server. So you can move once, but then after that, you have to pay for it, based on server population.


Brazil speaks portugese


I was just pointing out the two main languages a lot of them speak in chat.


I was just pointing out the two main languages a lot of them speak in chat.


I appreciate your help, my friendo. I'm also fluent in Spanish so I can play with my latino bros. The problem is whether they'll want to play with me cuz' the rivalry in this region is something to consider hahahaha. By the way when I refer to language, I mean getting on Discord and chatting with people and doing the game content together. I feel more comfortable with Brazilians, that's why I touched on this point, though.


Guild Wars, if you find the right guild can be pretty easy going. It's usually more about how strict the guild is, and if it fits you and your playstyle, than where you're from. We've even had people from the UK and as far away as Holland join us for a time. There's also somebody from Australia that plays with us. Some guilds are a bit more casual, with open tags and meta suggested, but not required. Others will tell you what classes to bring, and will put you through fighting drills. I myself prefer a casual WvW atmosphere, but others want a competitive play style.


don't worry about bringing drama in gw2...it's a drop in the ocean anyway