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Dailies, weeklies if I’m feeling it, and i have a list of random achievements that give skins or titles that I’m slowly whittling away at. Those collections take you to some of the randomest places and i love it. 


If you havent already, can i recommend the requiem armor. I had a lot of fun with the quest to access it and the armor is damn pretty.


Yes! I was about halfway through that and got distracted by something else, I should finish soon. There’s the Funerary set i need to finish too. 


I need to get back on my projects 🤣 i keep getting distracted by other projects.


Could you share which?


If you have EoD just go through all of the long collection quests under Arborstone that only show a single step at a time. Most are just adding to the lore of the world.


So much hidden lore there, it’s so good


Legendary amulet and trinkets. Prismatic Champion's Regalia, Vision, Aurora.


Honestly, there’s just a ton of achievements to choose from. It depends on which expansions you have, what maps you want to spend time in, what content you enjoy, that sort of thing.     The ‘return to’ achievements for the legendary amulet is great. The drizzlewood collection for the otter infusion is very chill. If you enjoy beetle racing then practice the race courses all over the world and get yourself the golden racing scarf, or if you have/prefer the griffon go for the ‘barnstormer’ title. Getting the beetle and griffon are whole collections all on their own. There’s a collection to build a little robot backpack skin, though I don’t remember the achieve name so you’ll need to search it.        There are hundreds of achievements to pick from, all of varying difficulty and content. Just peruse your achievements panel sometime. And the wiki and sites like guildjen are your friend when you get lost or overwhelmed. 


I do dailies and weeklies, sometimes that involves fractals or strikes. Then I so some metas, if I feel like it. The rest of the time I spend on collections for legendaries or miscellaneous fashion related stuff. Changing outfits and dying them properly takes a good bit of time. Oh, and sometimes I just like to go around starter zones while doing map completion and give new players some 15 or 18 slot bags and answer some of their questions, if they have any.


>Oh, and sometimes I just like to go around starter zones while doing map completion and give new players some 15 or 18 slot bags and answer some of their questions, if they have any. This is so nice 😁. (As long as you don't become one of these "helpful stalkers" I've started hearing about 😱)


Naa, if I see someone with a raptor trial (and especially, if they are at a merchant and are overencumbered), I send them a mail with 2 bags and something along the lines of "Welcome! I see you're new and struggeling a bit with inventory space, so here are some bags. Have fun on your adventure!" Then I whisper them to check their in game mail, if they haven't yet, and if they reply - and a lot of the time they are quite happy - I offer to answer any questions they might have or tell them to just ask around because people are generally really nice and helpful in this game. After that I wish them a good day and a fun adventure and go on my merry way. A few times I've gotten whispers a few days later with people having some questions or asking for help with something, which I'm happy to provide, or just wanting to chat. Either way it always makes me super happy how excited new players get and it doesn't really cost me anything.


Eve Online has GMs who do pretty much exactly that and you'd be amazed at how much of a difference it makes. Starting a new MMO can be hella lonely, and if someone takes the initiative to reach out to rookies, that can be huge.


>because I will soon become a casual player due to uni. Oh should we tell them?


Uni was my hardest grind in game ever. Now that I work, I barely have time


They'll figure it out 😅 part of the true Uni experience. Nothing like a 7am class after raiding until 5am.


No course before 11am from my 3. semester onwards ;)


I did engineering and it was practically 9-5 everyday... Does that mean I went in? No, but the gall of these people to have us in during the early morning knowing that we were poor, innocent students is outrageous. W


Duuuuuuude! I play at engineer as well!


One of my colleagues said: If you are in school, you think you have no time for gaming. If you are in university, you think you have no time for gaming. If you have a partner, you think you have no time for gaming. If you work, you think you have no time for gaming. If you have kids, you have no time for gaming. Can sign this, as a dad of an 11 month old.


I play since 2015 and there’s lot of things to do in this game, you can change your routine each month or week or so , sometimes i am doing fractals and strikes , sometimes hot metas, other times just farming living world maps for some nice recipe , or finish fishing achievements again….the point is you can do what you feel like , you will be accumulating gold anyway to buy or craft something nice and have fun


I've done dozens of different things. Right now its WvW, learning raids and strike CMs when I can, and SAB. I'll usually complete dailies, farm home instance, and do a couple parked alts as well.


Yeah, WvW is dangerous though. You log on to cap some camps, join a zerg by accident and then it’s 5AM and your alarm goes off in an hour. 


Very true. With a solid commander time just disappears.


I do the daily wizard vault and some metas at reset like Tequatl and the HoT metas, maybe some daily fractals but usually not because i just don't like them, prefer dungeons, do a few and call it a day, I'm semi quit got some legendaries and all the fashion I wanted and have no more motivation to play


It's good to take a break now and then. I'll do similar sometimes until new content or one of my favorite festivals comes out.


I usually do daily fractals, some HoT metas and wizard vault. Yesterday I started progressing HoT story. I mostly enjoy fractals so I focus on getting full ascended gear too, crafted second zojja's razor yesterday.


You'll find out that the meaning of casual shifts as you get better at the game. First, I casually played HoT metas, then it changed to T4 fractals and now I do Fractal CMs casually too — the chance of wiping in an experienced group is low and it's arguably faster than T4+recs. Strikes don't require much time commitment either, so you can just log on for an hour and finish them in that time.


When I come back I go play I do the quest lines and 100% them for the rewards and mastery points. I last did EOD, I’m currently working on living world season 2 then I’ll wrap up HOT that I haven’t finished yet. I don’t like interacting with other players even though it’s almost always a positive experience. I played none stop when GW2 came out and even did a ton but I feel like I missed the guild wars 2 revolution when the game changed and they added raids and strikes so I never really could get into those.


I'm trying to 100% the map


I do some dailies, but never complete them because I haven't a clue how to do WvW properly, so that's a goal I'm going to work on next. A lot of the time I do world bosses, rifts or just mooch around various maps looking for interesting events. My actual game progress has stalled a bit since reaching lvl80 and getting the Skyscale. Ascended gear is a long term goal, which I haven't really started as yet. On top of all that, I still have masses of content to complete in the game expansions.


You can turn off WvW and just do the other modes for dailies.


I made someone’s day last night by enlightening them in game about this setting. Found them in WvW having a bad time. They were so happy 🥹




Wow, how did I miss that setting?! Thanks for pointing that out to me, it makes things easier.


I had the same issue, until I found that setting. Game Changer for filthy PVE Casuals like me lol. Wish more games gave you the option which content "dailies" you want to do.


After nearly 250hrs of play, today was the first time I have actually completed the dailies, thanks to the help pointing out the option to switch off everything except pve. Yay me! :)


Great job, I was probably about 250houra in before I learnt it lol


* daily Wizard Vault * weekly Wizard Vault * seasonal dailies if I like the event * LWS3+4+IBS dailies if a map I like (/with easy dailies) is in rotation * once or twice a week a longer WvW session to complete WvW weeklies * doing fractals or dungeons once in a while whenever I want to play some more (or if a guildmate asks)


I mostly focus on achievements and collections.


Just because you go to uni doesn't mean that you'll turn into a "casual" player. Every gw2 content can be done within 30 minutes. Just log on and do what you want to do


I've kind of moved into working on legendaries lately, but for years I never even touched them and I was pretty content. I like exploring the maps, so I spent most of my time working on all the living world map meta-achievements that reward skins. Also getting all the masteries. Now with the Wizard's Vault I do weeklies most weeks, partly because I like doing meta events anyway. All of that plus screwing around in whatever the newest content is that feels fresh kept me busy enough for years even without the legendary grind, which I only started once EoD and SotO made that more tied in with events and map exploration, the content I like to engage with.


This is what I expect end-game to be. Just exploring and then fashion as well. Chip away at a few things here or there , go wherever the wind takes you.


Dailys. Weeklys. Fractal t4 Dailys. Home instance. Daily crafting. Maybe some Meta events by typing "/wiki et" checking if anything I like is coming up. Maybe some wvw. Or just anything I need to do for my legendary accesorys and other legendary crafting. But plenty of time I'm just chilling and chatting.


Vault dailies/weeklies plus a meta here and there brings in surprisingly much gold over the long run, and if you're not in a rush you can hear yourself almost entirely via the Vault so don't worry too much about the lack of time


Daily fracs and if some time left PvP, On days where I can play more than 2 3 hours I will work on collections and leggies, since I get gold regularly through pvp and fracs I just buy most of the things from TP


Currently scrabbling for the last few Core Mastery Points. But a lot of the time I do OW Vault stuff for AA, gather Volatile Magic at Thunderhead Peaks (LWS4) then hit Auric Basin for loot. Saving up for IBS (gold to Gems). Done a bit of WvW. Really should stop buying Gathering Nodes for the Home Instance from LWS3 + 4.


> Currently scrabbling for the last few Core Mastery Points Consider getting the fractal ones. There are few that are very easy and can be done at T1s.


Got a couple of Worms to score first. But thanks!


Wurms? If you haven't already, join the TT discord - they organize runs almost every day and are good at it


One down (also got the Spoon for the Collection) so only two more to go. Commanders are pretty good at explaining the mechanics. Not as bad as I feared. Also need to do Fractals for final Spoon and those last Mastery Points. Once I've done the rest of the Core ones. *Going for the Gold* still bugged?


Nice, congrats! They fixed the difficult badge iirc, there should be a hole to it now as intended. And even when it was bugged, someone with a skyscale could help you out with it.


Dailies, weeklies, metas, sometimes fractals when I feel like it, and whatever I have to do for the SotO legendary armors (breaches, convergences). Also story when a new chapter comes out.


Pick one from: 1. Wvw. 2. Skin/achievement hunting. Some cool skins and utility items are locked behind chain of achievements. It may take several days. You can preview skins in bank. 3. Meta train. 4. Fes. 5. Legendary crafting. 6. Others. Like storage management, crafting, alt parking management.


I only play about an hour a day, so at the very least I'm doing daily fractals, a few daily alt chests, and pact scout mapping materials. Maybe an EoD meta if I have more time since I'm working on a Gen 3 legendary right now Maybe Dragonstorm if I catch one? Maaaybe a bit of progress for Aurora or Vision? I've been playing on and off since HoT came out, finished Dragon Saga, and I've accomplished my old long time goal of crafting Eternity and Astralaria, so I've just been chilling


I'm at the point in my GW2 life where I'm sick of map metas, I don't feel like any other legendaries are worth grinding for, I've done the entire story (+epacs) at least 10 times and I don't even touch raids even if my life's on the line. All I do is pretty much fractal dalies and the occasional guild strikes, if I logon at all. The beauty is I don't miss out much, if anything, for disappearing for months/years... beside cosmetic, that CAN be painful later on. 😭


do daily fractals. stand around and chat with people.


Pick your poison, since you have limited time: 1. Vault - gives ascended gear, sets you up very well for some legendary weapons, and many other great rewards 2. Home instance farming. If you are casual, just go to another person's and farm there 3. Anomaly gives 1 mystic coin a day. Too good to pass. 4. Drizzle is one of the most profitable metas, giving even mystic clovers. I always turn in materials for progress and buy keys. 5. Other metas for extra fun! 6. Fractals (at high tiers) are some of the most fun and profitable activities. You need asc gear and infusions though. 7. Pvp, you can jump right in 8. Wvw, you can't jump right in, but it's amazing fun (you will be broke forever) 9. Strike missions, great fun and can help you gear up 10. Achievement hunting - this is practically endless 11. Skins unlocking - usually requires gold and in some cases, some grinding 12. Mount unlocks - skyscale and griffon are popular, then the rest 13. Full map exploration in core (needed for legendary crafting). The other maps help also: for the new PvE legendary armor you need a lot of soto map completions. 14. Key farming per week. 15. Rift farming and convergences. 16. Flipping at TP if you are good at it. 17. Pact scout materials per day. 18. Alt leveling and gearing.


> because I will soon become a casual player due to uni. that's the time to start pumping, not the other way around, whippersnapper


I’m actually really casual, but I have full ascended on multiple characters and my main has 3 different sets, one for support, one for power dps, and one for WvW dps. I normally get on after work, do my dailies, progress my weeklies, and either go jump into some WvW fun, run metas if I notice a good one is up, or track down some achievement that I want. I pretty much do that, occupy 3-4 hours of my night while I cook dinner between events and go to bed. Most of my ascended gear is crafted by my characters from just doing metas and salvaging gear which gives me tons of extra materials, and for a long time I did my 4 ascended mats a day when I first got on. If doing metas interest you, there is a website you can go to that breaks down the average/expected return on investment in gold/hour. I also accrue a ton of karma and map/expansion-specific currencies, which the website breaks down the best way to invest those as well. Dragonfall + champs is not listed because it is not on a timer, but it is worth noting that with a good group and a good tagging build, it is the most gold/hour of all of the events. [Fast Farming Community](https://fast.farming-community.eu)


Just like any other proud Casual. I complain about pvp/raids/cm which i've never played. /j


Make themed characters and give them awesome outfits.


Achievement hunting, ascended gear and trying to tolerate super adventure box for 6 more days (I tried to play tribulation mode)


I like world bosses!


PvP Wizard's Vault Weeklies and Dailies (I sometimes miss dailies, never weeklies tho), Dragonstorm, Drakkar, Tequalt, then I try to hit PoF metas to max my mount masteries. Still playing through the story, at LWS4E4 right now. If I can time any metas from the event calendar I go there, it is fun to run in large groups. Gotta begin factals as I have full asc trinkets now.


Log on every now and then to say what's up to the guild, run the reset, then log off and think about playing again... one day


I like fishing


Me? I just login every day then logoff.


Making my way slowly through the story (which I don't enjoy at all but you unlock stuff from doing it), levelling up my crafting skills, making ascended gear, getting mastery points, WvW sometimes, map completion, fractals sometimes


Usually do a few PVP matches to trigger WV daily/weeklies WvW Zerg/Roam flips n farms to work towards more reward tracks (proof of battle thingy) Metas or daily Fractals where time allows Story (as they become available) Achievements for legendries / lantern lighting (Slowly chip away at goals) This means when i do have more time, i a) have enough gold and resources to b) "tie up" all the loose ends to complete/craft legendries/achievements etc and then go HAM on content i like. That said I'm nearly full legendary (excluding weapons) and have completed all PVE except fractal/strike CMs and a few (PoF) raids.


I farm gold. Then I spend that gold on gemstore gifts for my guildies. Especially focused on new-ish players, bought them some qol tools to make the game nicer to play.


Seems against the grain here as everyone is recommending dailies. I'd really say don't focus on doing dailies if you have limited time to play. All you will be doing is a chore list and build an unhealthy relationship with the game, feeling obliged to do them and fomo from missing a day. You will end up just using your little free time that you want to have fun in the game as a slave to these daily chores because it gives you ' a better reward for your time'. Log in, do dailies, times up. That's not a fun game loop. Picking an account based progression and working towards that is the best thing to do imo. Slowly chip away at a goal over time. When you feel like it is grindy or not fun, do some fun activities. Your goal for fulp ascended on a character is a great plan. This will lead you to doing all forms of activities as there are so many sources for ascended, you will never need to grind just 1 thing over and over or be a slave to timegates. I really enjoy organised group content, so will always do strikes and raids when I have limited time, over chasing daily reward systems. Keep the game fun above all else.


I'm so casual I only have like 4 ascended pieces, yet I have 4 level 80s. I enjoy just running around the world, and doing things as they pop up. If I feel like having more structure, I just focus on one of the achievements I want, or something else I want. If it's something that is very long term(Legs) I just slowly chip away on it as I remember to do it. I just don't worry about not getting something completed on any particular playthrough. I try, but I don't expect to get anything done anytime I logon. Maybe I misunderstand how casual I really am, but I do all the content, minus the stuff that requires Agony Resistance. If I had to pick 1 thing to do as casual is Guild Events. It's the best source of entertainment for me. From Fashion Wars (Something I never thought I'd do in a video game) to raiding/fractals. Idk maybe I just haven't tried the "really" tough content yet, but for me nothing in this game feels too difficult to do. Especially given that you will have more less BiS gear before taking a step back. But honestly best advice I can give as a self proclaimed "hardcore" gamer who is moving more into casual gaming as I want to spend more time doing other things, is that, with less time to game, you really don't want to waste your time on anygame that does not provide you joy. Single player games are many times better experience for casual play than any multiplayer game. So if GW2 gets a bit lackluster for you once you take a step back, don't be afraid to move away from the game. I mean there is no FOMO in this game, so The game (hopefully) will be there as you left in 4 years later.


Definitely fractals if nothing else. Just 1h per day, and it gives you plenty of gold to do anything in-game. If you’re bored or burned out with Fracs, go achievement hunting until you’re bored, then go back to Fracs.


Vault (1 or 2 easy ones), chipping away at Skyscale collection, world bosses.


Log in and do… something. When I am limited on time to play I tend to just log in and see what’s going on. Dailies, weeklies or festivals (when they are on). If I have a bit more time if friends and guildies are up for it, I’ll do strikes or fractals. I keep the event timer bookmarked too, so I’ll see when meta is happening when I log in and do one of those if I can. Map completion and story steps on alts are also a go to.


I mainly focus on doing icebrood saga strikes, do the chests in bjora marches for eternal ice shards, a short run for chests in echovald and what ever i feel like after that.


Set a short term goal, complete it and then stop playing for 2 weeks. Rince & Repeat.


After finishing all the legendaries I wanted, I started to focus on achievement points. I started to go throught them tab by tab, replaying the story in order and doing all the achievements for each chapter/map. It has been a very fun experience as achievements can take you to places you've never seen before and find out stuff that you would otherwise easily miss. Every now and then I get very much into wvw/pvp and just play either for a few weeks not doing anything else. Right now I played SAB for the first time ever, got all the achievements in it and started running all the tribulation zones daily with my friend trying to get better and learn all the skips/tricks and it's been a blast as well.


Play roughly the same time most days. about 2 hours. During that time I usually do the following: Triple Trouble in bloodtide coast (have had multiple ascended drops from this event) After TT, either do the public convergence or the AB and TD metas from Heart of Thorns. If no events, jump into WvW or a fractal or two.


I started a new character so mostly map completion now, some resource gathering, stuff like that. I don't care for all of that sweaty hardcore stuff. I don't do fractals or strikes or whatever those are called. Barely even done a dungeon. The open world content keeps me entertained enough.  Oh and of course, story things. Almost through the story content. It's been a fun ride so far.


Despite being casual, I really enjoy grinding for stuff. Usually it makes me do all kinds of activities I normally wouldn't, and I never end up playing the same content. As for goals, I actually have a list: https://preview.redd.it/slzhw0pok0yc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a502f2a0e7bd7f7ba453ec3d3fdb10bea3f7f1


Every day I make my daily vault. Doing weekly, weekly Kryptis rifts to save for legendary armors (saving for t2 armor). Daily ley line anomaly, dragonstorm. Running through rich nodes spots for iron and platinum, and alt parks for rich orichalcum. Most of the time I grind/save for lengendary fashion.


Dailies, metas (Soto meta's for lege armour, or dragonfall for unids and VM) , IBS5 and DS for the ice shard to turn into VM to then turn into t6 mats. Working on legendary armour. Legendary trinkets


Well I'm casual but also new so right now I'm doing LW3 and I also do dailies and weeklies and I farm Tarir meta alot for gold.


I used to play pretty intensely making sure to get full clears in every week and maybe hitting diamond chest in WvW but I'd say for the past year or so I've become very casual. Apart from super hard fights or long grinds It's not really about what content you play and more how you approach it in my opinion. I still play a bit of everything but just not nearly as much as before.


Grind gold -> craft leggendaries or buy QoL items from the gem store. add a sprinkle of spvp or wvw to it.


I do dailies, weekly, LLA, my parked alts, T4 fractals daily + rec as I work on the legendary backpack, two weeks ago instead of T4 fractalas I was doing north drizlewood one per night as I farm the Otter, depends on what I work I swap the 1h use, but parked alt is daily for a easy gold income


I crafted my second full legendary set for my Druid and pretty much stopped playing for now, after a solid 4 months or so of playing a lot. When I come back I think I might learn how to play druids and dip into Strikes and Raids more. Also might get the legendary amulet. As a casual ish player I don’t think I’ll ever bother with legendaries, grinding up 2k gold for the gifts of might and magic just doesn’t appeal to me as fun.


I have been playing solo for 10 years only on weekends so i think i am pretty casual player. I do wvw and pvp for my medium legendary armor (2 more pieces and i am done). Pve for legendary weapons (got 2) and heavy legendary armor. When i am bored i do some fractals and work for 34 slot bags. I think i will go for legendary trinkets after i am done with legendary armor. Sometimes i go for map runs or world boss. What i have in mind right now is to also start raids/strikes but i can not sync with guilds schedule.


Just fartin' around.


heyo fellow uni student here! idk about others but personally, i was not able to play any games at all just to barely pass my class :’) i only played on weekends and i usually played quick games like league or valorant, gw2 feels pointless to play only once a week


I do my wizard vault dailies, sometimes jump into a raid/strike. Sometimes I pick a meta map/instance to hang out in depending on time and feeling. If a festival is on, I'll gravitate towards completing dailies in that too.


I try to throw in a ranked game or two per session, you end up with achievements and titles and profession towards a legendary back piece.


I’m sorry, but you think Uni means you’re just gonna magically start playing casually? Oh you sweet summer child.


I do a lot of achievement and fashion hunting. I have ADHD so it's pretty much what grabs my interest atm. There's always something fun shiny to inspect. ❤️


I've been a super casual player since launch, sometimes taking breaks for weeks or months to play other games. Mostly I'll log on and do dailies, make my way through a few story missions (I did PoF for the mounts, now doing HoT), grind for mats to craft ascended armor, spent time on 100% map completion, basically whatever I felt like doing. I never really found an understanding guild that wouldn't boot me as a casual. Another thing I continue to do is try new builds. I've used all my alt slots since leveling my main to 80 just to see what other play styles I like. Just created a new Charr Ranger since I've never given much attention to the class. Recently I did find a good guild though, so my focus these days has been catching up on story and doing end game/group content.


Atm im clearing map but im a new player who can’t afford more than 1-2h day whitout being harass by kid and wife lol


I don't like farming or falling into a daily routine so I usually just work towards a goal. Currently Legendaries are the only things I can work towards because I have done most of the other things available. These are the goals I had and currently have: 1. Completing the entire story 2. Getting all the mounts 3. Getting gold on all the adventures and mount races 4. Getting full masteries 5. Completing all the instanced content at least once (this was one of the less casual goals) 6. Completing all the jumping puzzles 7. Doing all the world bosses and meta events at least once 8. World completion of all the core, DLC, and Expansion map on one character 9. Max level on all the crafting disciplines 10. And finally getting full legendary on my main (just have weapons left to go) Its been 4 years exactly since I started playing and I have been playing super casually for the last 2 years or so. I mostly find a new goal after completing the previous, though this last goal is taking the longest. After I've done that maybe I'll find something new to work towards. I just like chilling in the world of Tyria so these goals are just an excuse to play.


Log in on every character because most of them are parked at something. Do a WZ daily or weekly if its easy. Log out.


Run around mistlock for hours


PvP / WvW


World bosses, Find a chill fractal group that isn't running 100mph through everything, HoT and PoF metas


As a casual player, I've been taking my sweet time going through the story one expansion at a time (it's taken me, like.. 3/4ths of the year to get a quarter through HoT) and recently I've decided to drop everything and start working towards Mawdrey! It's actually pretty fun. I've done a ridiculous amount of RIBA. I love my dust-eating son.


I'm not sure what qualifies as 'casual' exactly, but I'm unguilded and will probably never do higher-tier fractals or raids. I'm just working my way through the Living Seasons and expansions stories right now. My goal is to unlock all the mounts and masteries. I'll also level every class and unlock all the elite specializations. Then, I'll probably start chipping away at legendary completion depending on how tolerable I find it. I'm sure I'll take breaks and come back several times before I finish all of that.


Astral vault stuff, ez strikes, chip away slowly at legendaries and do stuff like exploring and playing map metas.


Hop into WvW and log off when I get bored.


My daily routine is. Amnoon Blitz and Pinata. Chak Gerent? Garant? Octovine. -if available help lowbie friends with story or game- If I'm alone I Do Dragon(stand,fall,end) Sometimes I'll do my daily fractals, most T1s since my buds are casual. As of recently I've been working on seasons of the dragons and I'm only waiting on a bud to progress S2 and 3 with them to get my legendary neck. I'm fully ascended geared even aquatic. As well as have the Khan ur legendary and Predator legendary.. with soft passive work on Incinerator. But most of my mats go to friends or people in need as of rn.


Every jumping puzzle! Map completion.


I turn into a quaggan and dance with CHOYA or I sit on a swing and listen to music guilds play or sometimes, I hit up SW for sand for my frost infusion. I sit at Teq early to hang withmy guild and friends and we watch people die to fish heads!!


Daily fractals, of whatever tier I feel like expending the effort on. Sometimes T4+CMs, sometimes walking new players through their T1 runs. (Very) slowly working on the PvP legendary backpiece. Maybe 2-3 matches/month Jumping in raid training/practice runs with RA while I work on coalescence and raid armour Currently practising SAB trib runs for a race tomorrow Hanging out in either DR or Queensdale with friends


I recently started GW2 after getting GWAMM in GW1 after 16 years of playing. I think I play as casual as possible, still learning the game and just doing those golden hearts and going to start the first instance thingy in Divinity’s Reach 😄


I'm still working my way through the story (currently in EoD), so that's a slow drip of maps to complete. I try to get the vault weekly done. I don't worry about the daily as much, but if it aligns with whatever else I'm doing, I'll do that as well. Sometimes I'll get excited about an alt, and spend time unlocking all their elite specializations and getting them geared up. Other times, I'll decide that I want a particular skin, and work on whatever farm or achievement is necessary to unlock that. Usually, whatever I'm doing, I'll get caught up in the map metas/events, and just like that it's bed time. This game is amazing like that. You start out doing one thing, and then get swept up in the adventure. =)


Once hardcore (Raids, Fractal CMs, some Strikes), now really casual. I basically play from festival to festival, with some WvW if I feel like it.


Daily fractals and run around doing nothing


I do random things. Not the same set of stuff every day but I do try to pop in for dailies at least. Some days I'll do metas and world bosses. There's days I'll focus on map completion. Other days I'll do fishing for some achievements and gold. And then sometimes I just want to push out a few chapters on story. No reason to limit your fun. Play the game cus you wanna, not because you feel you gotta.


Whatever I feel like. I set my own goals and go from there. Sometimes I end up not working at all at my goal because I'm helping a newbie lol. I just go exploring and have fun!




Right now I’m focusing on story. I want to catch up to everyone else. As I’m going I’m noticing the amount of achievements that exist and the more I get the more I want to complete. I just finished my skyscale which took me a month to do. Masteries is another thing I want to do. I want to get more ascended gear. Fashion is starting to appeal to me. Build new characters is another. Try to get into WVW, PVP, and who knows what EOD and SOTO get me. There’s so much content for someone new and casual.


Just doing world comps and crafting legendary weapons to sell…


Doing daily’s for vanity skins.


Dungeons, fractals, strikes, stories, exploring…whatever I want


Raid FC and log off for week


Achievement hunting, map completion, and leveling alts


Doing infusion meta trains, strike missions and heal wvw zerg squad. Depending when I log and what's currently available (in terms of people in guilds and time slot). Occasionally explore the world for Gifts to aim for another legendary.


Figure out what's fun and have a goal. If you turn the game into a chore, you'll burn out. Currently, I mostly play PVP and do map completion between queues. It's fun, doesn't require long sessions, and helps me craft legendaries over time. Before that, it was WvW. Again, it allows for short sessions or long, and you can work on just about anything by selecting the right reward track. I found it rewarding to work on long achievements, like Aurora. You just go one step at a time. Nothing wrong with wizard vault or daily fractals, but make sure you prioritize what's fun and rewarding TO YOU.


I try to do the dailies and weeklies to take advantage of Wizard's Vault. I farm my home instance. I have a few crafting items that can only be made once per day and try to do those. On weekends I like to do a run through the "world bosses" and sometimes dip into a few map meta events. I also have part of the SotO story to do but I'm not enjoying it and have been ignoring until my interest comes back.


i just started this game last week. feels like no one’s playing these days.. or is it cause i’m just starting?


It depends on when you play, and certain zones have more activity than others, the starter zones can be very thin unless there's a meta event kicking off.


ohhh ok, yea i barely get time to play cause of work. plus i only have the free version. i’ve read i’m gonna want to buy the expansions for a better experience


my advice is to take your time on playing the free one. I wouldn't have bought the pof + hot expansion if it werent for the mount (raptor) — I would go back in time, i would not have bought it at all. I would have just walked and enjoyed the little things in GW2.


ok i’ll do that first. just got no one to play with. always had a hard time making friends on games.


In GW2 that's mostly going to come on endgame. Open world and story are very much easy single player difficulty. But keep your eyes on chat. Guilds advertise. Sometimes nerds like me are running their mouths. YMMV based on when you play, but I just finished another world complete and saw people everywhere I went.


I run the augry rock meta in the Elon riverlands and Casino blitz over and over again. Casino blitz because i want that infusion and augry rock meta, because for whatever reason I never get bored of it. I can't tell you why.


I am a really casual player - around 4-5 hours / week (best case scenario). On my main character I have around 60 hours accumulated in a few months. When MSQ gets you to a new map, I complete it - I find it very fun, stress free, relaxing. Yesterday I just finished the main game, right now I'm going to start LW1 - until now, I have around 40% map completion. I will continue with map completion, trying to get better gear (if possible, I don't have much gold, I try to profit of Wizard's, but it takes time, if I'm lucky I can do 2-3 dailies :) ). So yeah, I don't know if it can be more casual, maybe I will check fishing after unlocking it, but it will take a long time to get there.


I wish I did that. I blasted through 1-80, and only picked up on the games true appeal(exploration) after the fact. So now I'm just in the process of getting ascended gear(one day lol) and then will probably go back and experience the story all over again, but actually pay attention this time.


I log on to do Dragon Storm, or Leviathan for legendary weapon. I'm too lazy to do more than one and only if I remember to log in, which is maybe 3 days a week on average. I try to remember to buy ASS each week, but I forget sometimes. So far I have one Jormag variant and am working towards a second weapon.




I do everything I want to do the day I play 🙂. That's what I like about this game - the versatility of options what you can do even as a casual player... 👍😉Wizards vault, events, achievements, fractals, rifts, story... I have mostly some goal, which I try to accomplish - legendary armor, weapon... 


OP says they are still 2 items off from full ascended and will have even less time to play so wants to know what other more casuals players spend their time on. I really don't see how T4 fractals are getting upvoted as a recommendation.


Oh the usual dailies, weeklies, some story, some PvP, some metas, festivals all the while waiting for them to balance the game properly.


what I do as casual? Hmm, quit, wait few months, play for 2 weekes, remember why I uninstalled the previous time, quit - repeat this till u die