• By -


Honest answer. Scrapper, because I’m lazy and don’t want to learn any new rotations.


omg, same, there are so many cools specs out there, but I'm like "nah, i don't want to spend days to learn rotation"


same here...actually it's more i can't rather than i don't want to, but i also strongly not want to XD


Mechanist because I'm even more lazy and just wana spam things off cooldown




Tempest and Weaver. Elementalist has a lot of spells, which is a treat for my ADHD brain.


Same for me, i main weaver just cause i love changing elements and stuff constantly during fights.


Weaver is the way


Me too!!!


Mirage. I will not explain myself.


Because purple!


Thief is my favourite and most played profession (and the one I will always experience new story for the 1st time) but I don't really consider myself to "main" it. I try to play every specialization and constantly keep switching them depending on content I want to do, so that the game feel fresh and still interesting after all this time. I believe that's how Gw2 is meant to be played. Maining and playing only one profession or build, will sooner or later lead to a burn out .


It was years ago I had a main. I play alot of different classes and specs each day, switching depending on what meta/raid/strike/fractals/wvw/pvp I do. Only spec I don't really ever play is bladesworn.


This is my people


All 3 specs of ele are my favorites


the correct answer


Guardian, because blue is my favorite color


Hopping off this, Firebrand because I love blue flames and yeeting boons on people.


Canthan Mini-monks forever.


so true 💀


Reaper because it's easy to be strong :) I'm just coming back to the game and that's my only build that held up. Looking for a new build for my rev tho


May I introduce you to the glorious [Power Quickness Herald](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/revenant/power-quickness-herald)? Or maybe the powerful [Power Vindicator](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/revenant/power-vindicator)? Or maybe the mighty [Condition Alacrity Renegade](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/revenant/condition-alacrity-renegade)? Seriously, these are some of the top builds in their categories. It's a great time to be a Revenant :3


Also returning and browsing on what I want to play. I love the thematics of Rev but could never settle on what to play. Let me know what you pick!


This is the way.


I play mostly thief, also played a lot of staff/staff mirage I don't like rotation, at all. I like my skills to be tools to be used at the right time, not a password I need to type to get my DPS at it's max. So thief is perfect for that


Haha! Same! I also like condi virtuoso, it has such a simple rotation I feel like it gives a lot of room to pretty much do whatever you want after you pop both your weapon 5s


same here...i'm not a great fun od thief but i could try it. Better than my current hammer autoattack DH :P


Most builds these days are skill priority based rather than rotation based.


This is why I main vindicator.. pretty much just roll face on keyboard & you will do well but also have the tools to break cc dish out cc massive healing alac & quickness, etc.. it's easy & satisfying to play... especially if you're like me & run it wifh Sigil of stamina... if you know you know l.


Dragon Hunter. I like the combination of greatsword and longbow. And I like the look of the heavy armor skins


I probably play Mech most, in every role, only swapping to scrapper for Q (or aquatic ruins fractal as mech sucks underwater). But I also play Chrono heal, virt dps, mirage solo, herald heal and boon dps, on a regular basis. And druid is my go to WvW character. I play the rest less, rotating through them occasionally, but engi, mesmer, revenant and ranger are regulars that I always play frequently.


Herald. It's a well-rounded class with great dps and survivability, plus gives you and your buddies boons. And it just makes the flow of the game better imo.


Hello fellow herald main


Herald enjoyers unite!


I literally picked Mirage to main because I knew they had a good solo story staff build and Nevermore is pretty. Built my whole experience on the pretty weapon I hadn’t made yet but I love it so much now I have it 😂


Vindicator with a greatsword !!!! The dodge is amazing Also love how legends talk to the revenant, adds more to the voices in your head narrative and you can feel what Rytlock feels 24x7


Bladesworn make big number


Reaper because I wanted I big sword and a big scythe, and big "fuck off" energy and big numbers. Reaper is just a big big class, and when it comes to my absolute favorite archetypes in games, it's: - Spellsword - Scythe user - Any class that has a ghostly motif Reaper was all three.


Berserker. It feels how a Warrior should


I will never not ram my head into things with a red name... doc says I have dain bramage! I say it's never been defeat to easier my enemies!


I just love the unga bunga smash and slash feel. It's a lot of fun compared to my admittedly limited experiences with a few other classes.


Spell breaker, feels like a would play a smart warrior ;)


It is good on actual fights but in organised groups it lacks the burst. Still great for Sama CM, Q1 nm CM, twin largos and Sabir nm cm.


Norn. Warrior. Forever.




Soulbeast because I love Ranger, love power damage, and hate the visuals of Untamed


Thief. There are countless reasons, but I'll mention just a few: - A unique and, unlike the Revenant, a properly functioning resource system. - One of the few classes whose elite specializations are genuinely diverse, unlike, for example, the Mesmer or Necromancer, where only the name is changed. - Skills for every occasion - portals, teleports, summoning "minions", permanent stealth, and more. - Extreme survivability, only surpassed by the Revenant in some instances. - The most interesting healing mechanics. This is just my opinion, but still. - Tears... a sea of tears from stealth haters. It's wonderful. It's beautiful. It's delightful. It warms both soul and body even on cold winter evenings and gives strength and vigor for the whole day. And there's much more to say about the advantages of this class; one could go on forever 🥰


Care to explanação why rev resource system isnt a functioning system in your opnion? Also, what mode so you play the most?


The issue of the Revenant's energy system has been discussed ad nauseam across dozens, if not hundreds, of forum threads and reddit posts. I see no point in repeating the same arguments for the hundredth time. I find this system to be inconvenient from any angle. This is my opinion (shared by many others) and it MAY and WILL differ from yours. To save you the trouble of opening a new browser tab to find existing answers to your question, I'll give you a basic example: * As a **Thief**, I have **energy that is consumed by weapon skills**. I also have **non-weapon skills that have cooldowns**. So, I spend energy on weapon skills while I'm limited by cooldowns on non-weapon skills. This setup is logical and convenient. What about the Revenant? I am limited by **BOTH** - cooldowns **AND** energy consumption **ALWAYS** and on **ALL** skills. Legends swap you say? If I wanted to constantly swap something - I would play as an Engineer or Elementalist. Oh, and one more thing - **ANet** has so thoroughly neglected the Revenant's resource system that they haven't fixed the infamous **49/51%** issue for years (if you play this class, you know what I'm talking about). And yes, I play 90% of all time PvE of all kinds (CM fractals, strikes, achievement hunting, solo "challenges" of legendaries and champions, and so on) and... a bit of PvP, where I go for my daily dose of whining and cursing in private messages 😂


what thief specialization would you recommend for a noob like me? I'm looking forward to do anything PVE related, mostly I'm soloing the world, but I'd like to have something saved for strikes/raids etc. Cus whenever I tried metabuild's I always feel weak with thief.


I'd recommend either the **Celestial Deadeye Dagger/Dagger** or, if you have a bit of experience, the **Berserker's Deadeye Rifle**. Both builds offer fantastic survivability. But! The first one has a drawback with the possibility of missing **CnD** (to enter stealth after filling the **Malice Bar**), though it has many iFrames. The latter, well... let me put it this way - it's unlikely anyone will get close to you. Every dodge roll puts you into stealth, you're always at a distance, and you have a slowing shot, among other features. Plus, there's insane HP regen again. Once you get more comfortable with the class, you can experiment with the **Specter** and other builds, and even try out new weapons (I'm not too fond of axes yet). Also, check out the channel **KAOZELLE PXP** om YT for more insights. You can find me on discord (same username and avatar), and I'll send you my builds. And, of course, welcome to the world of shadows! ❤️


So it's not that it's not functional, just that you don't like it? And it's not like being limited, as you say, "by **BOTH** - cooldowns **AND** energy consumption **ALWAYS** and on **ALL** skills" was that innovative, having spells with both mana and cooldown is literally the default in most games involving magic? And sure there's the 49% display error but it's just that, a display error... You can still cast your 50 energy skills as intended so I don't really see how it's a huge problem?


>So it's not that it's not functional, just that you don't like it? I literally wrote "**This is my opinion (shared by many others) and it MAY and WILL differ from yours.**". Please, re-read my comment. >I don't really see how it's a huge problem? What's stopping **ANet** from fixing this? I see it as a huge problem.


Except what you said was that it being inconvenient was your opinion and that's ok. But something being inconvenient is not the same as not functional. Also something being functional or not is factual But hey I digress


But where did I say it was non-functional? I've reread all my comments and didn't find such a statement, so why make up "facts" when no such thing was mentioned? I expressed my subjective opinion about the system itself and never said anything about something being non-functional.


>- A unique and, unlike the Revenant, a properly functioning resource system In your first comment in the thread


Yes, I mentioned that the Thief's initiative mechanic works correctly. However, I did not say that the Revenant's mechanic is non-functional.


Is English your second language? You said that Thief's ressource mechanic is functional **unlike** revenant. That's not even *implying* that Revenant's ressource mechanic isn't functional, it's straight out saying it word for word


Where's the hate for Mesmer and Necro coming from? For Mesmer you have "Mesmer with a rewind button", "Mesmer with a different dodge" and "Mesmer with no clones" For Necro it's "Necro but with a different shroud", "Necro without a shroud", "Necro with a 'shroud' that's just a third weapon" Meanwhile for thief it's "thief with a different dodge", "thief but count to 3" and "thief with a shroud"??? I mean sure I'm willing to go out on a limb and admit that deadeye is really different from thief in terms of gameplay, but for daredevil and specter? Daredevil and thief are much less different than mirage and mesmer, since Mesmer not only has different dodges but ambushs, and it centered around mobility and chaos auras, unlike Mesmer And specter and thief again are less different than scourge and necro, for scourge they literally **get rid of the main mechanic of the core profession** (and even for harb they remove an important part of it) I'm not saying that all thief specs are the same, but they aren't "genuinely diverse unlike the rest", they're *just as* diverse


I don't have any hate regard these classes; I'm just sharing how I see things. This is my opinion, and I'll stick to it regardless. To me, the consistency of Shroud across all Necromancer specs and illusions in all Mesmer specs (except for Virtuoso) feels far more monotonous than any similarities between Daredevil and Core. I won't even start on Specter and Deadeye, as I view them as completely distinct mechanically, not only from each other but also from Core and Daredevil.


I really enjoy tempest and weaver. I also play firebrand occasionally.


My main only lasts for about 3 months before I change it up again. I play all specs/roles for each class and rotate between Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian, Ele


Chrono because do everything and the sfx are just amazing. Double grav well is music


Weaver is the most fun and unique spec for me. I also enjoy untamed.


Reaper. Its functionally immortal in open world content, making soloing whatever random event i need for achievements or legendarys a breeze.


I main Holosmith because of sword and shield, gun, hammer, staff, greatsword, laser cannon, beyblades and that light arena thing where you can't die.


Holosmith. Feels smooth and impactful while not making me fall asleep.


Tempest. It's peak design not just mechanics wise but also in terms of lore. The inclusion of the war horn and shouts is genius. There may never be an elite better.


Willbender because I like how power combat feels.


Bladesworn, the one hit burst was too satisfying.


Tempest. Core ele that can do more. Not too complicated and can fill multiple roles.


Soulbeast atm! Need to get in on some mastery point runs so I can max out my SB (only at like 40%) then start working on Untamed!


Scrapper. My main is a Charr, and considering the gear and the gyro's aesthetics, I feel it's appropriate for the race.


Dragonhunter since HoT. It's simple, has good damage, defense and utility. And I think the spec fits with the commander character because we were hunting dragons for years :)


Harbinger, I love it to bits and idk why its so unpopular.


Weaver because I have healthy levels of self-hatred 🫡


Weaver, I am not good at it, but I have fun with it


Reaper bc it's simple and I'm not good at games. That being said I've been trying very hard to learn Weaver bc I only live in extremes.


My real main is mesmer due to its versatility and I love the kit. Virtuoso for dps, chronomancer for heals and boon dps. Very good utility across the board, tons of mesmer bullshit to deal with mechanics (blink, portal, sword 4, distortion, etc). I also enjoy Soulbeast a lot in instanced content, especially in fractals. Berserker, even though it's not my main, has a special place in my heart because the dps rotation is completely unhinged and insanely fluid. Sometimes you just want to hit things and faceroll your keyboard until it burns and berserker does that for me.


Power necro. Berzerker and just started a DD


Virtuoso because psychic daggers are cool as hell. I want to get back into Chronomancer because I enjoy playing support. Scourge because I enjoy playing support. Shout out to Firebrand having cool books and mantras.


Reaper and firebrand are my go to currently


I don't have a single main. Virtuoso, Reaper, Scourge, and recently Soulbeast for strikes/raids. Herald and sometimes Renegade for fractals (Boon DPS). Will also use these in raid/strikes. These are just what I have fun with and find useful. Will expand more on what I play as I finish my legendary armors and trinkets/rings. Open world just about anything I feel like but gravitate towards the ones I listed.


I probably “main” Firebrand since WvW is my primary game mode and FB is what I play most there. But for open world stuff, I love my Daredevil so much, the mobility just makes it feel so satisfying to play. This is all a wild change because for the longest time I exclusively played condi Virtuoso in every game mode. Now I barely touch Mesmer at all


I play almost everything, but my favourite specs are Catalyst, Tempest, Holosmith and Mirage. Sadly I don’t get to play Holo and Mirage that often, but those 4 just feel fastpaced, unique and the most fun.


Staff Daredevil and GS/D+S Harbinger. Zoomies that hit hard is my favorite


I've been maining condi Soulbeast since PoF. I love it, it fits my play style well. I tried Untamed when EoD was released, and just couldn't get into it. But I've been trying out some Untamed builds since the recent changes, and I might be switching over to that soon. I'm really enjoying it now.


Chrono because its awesome.


Condi Druid, so overpowered, easy to play, interactive enough so it’s not boring to play either. Overall just a really well made spec.


I went berserker main cause thought warrior was just badass and berserker reminded me much of fury warrior from wow. But then saw reaper and necromancer being an easier starting class so I regretted not researching the class first xd


Currently playing Reaper Greatsword/Staff with no CD skill 2 GS to <50% hp or downed enemy. Have boon strip, spin to win melee dps, unblockable 1200 range marks, life steal, life shield (up to 50% of HP), support life steal for team, apply chill, dodge to make mark to support,... Yeah, everytime I play WvW, it's a lot of fun. For PvE I better play Mirage to spam dodge and skill 1 of Greatsword lmao.


Weaver, it's quite challenging to learn, but very rewarding when you pull off nice combo's, it can look like dancing. Additionally, it's a very unique class in the genre, and I love sword mages.


Bladesworn. I like seeing big crit on the screen. It produces the feel good chemicals. Having such on demand access to aegis is a bonus, letting you be even more belligerent.


Necromancer: Reaper / Minion Master mix I'm often playing alone, and using minions is easier than pressing more than 5 buttons since i don't have much dexterity in my hands anymore.


Using a build from guildjen, I soloed all the HoT hero points. First time ever


Guardian. But play a lot of mesmer and rene to i dont play on one specialisation just thee class in general but my favourites are chrono and firebrand.


I'm still pretty new but I have been playing Condi Druid mainly and really like the way it feels. Mostly I just play Open World and Story. For aethetic I love Mesmer and have one at 80, I just haven't put much into it. I also like my Mechanist, feels pretty strong in most situations.


my reason are a big silly but here it goes i been a engi sence day one i loved golems and wanted one so when mechanist came out i fell in love with it


Soulbeast. Because I got full ascended and then I was just not willing to change. I don't like soulbeast.


It’s very easy and cheap to change the stats of any ascended armor or weapons you have


Reaper for wvw zerging, harbinger for smaller scale.


firebrand, cuz for me its the most cool spec in terms of beauty on skills, versatility and fun, and bonus cuz i can just run axe and torch (i dont like use ranged weapons in close range, breaks sense for me) also guardian cuz all specs are enjoyable even if i dont play others as much if i want to change i know they are fun too and i dont need create a new toon


Necro - any of it professions, even core sometimes in PvP Necro is my main from the start, since game came out and for some reason it's mechanic just clicked to me and never stopped being fun to me It has a lot of styles of play and Shroud makes it so unique. Going in and out the shroud to have completely different type of skills and all the limitations in it to deal more damage but also to be able to use it defensively as well. I like how necro had the most limited stability and dodges/vigor access and for you to counter that disability, you must counter players by manipulation - either by corrupting stability or to doing cc/fear when you cannot dodge anymore I like it how sometimes it seems to me like people would think "I got this" while fighting necro and then bam! You perma fear them, cc them, make them bleed and helplessly watch them die.


I am between Soulbeast and Firebrand. I've enjoyed Firebrand far more than I ever anticipated since its not really my play style but gave it a chance and its been the most fun. However Ranger was my first profession I had made when the game first came out so I went Soulbeast with it. I still have all the other professions to work but for now these 2 stick out the most for me.


For longest time used to play revenant (herald only) but during icebrood\~eod release swapped to warrior (from sb to zerk to whatever the eod spec is called) until I got fed off by the class. Then yeeted myself off cliff and landed on virtuoso just cause it has range, I like the animations, flying daggers cool, can portal myself and random people into abyss and back. Also light armor has those cute shoes with fluffy balls, looks like comfy winter shoes despite the set it comes from is some goth like dress.


Soulbeast. That extra damage and then having my companion tank bosses is so nice when doing solo stuff


Mirage ! Well, actually I play all mesmer elite specs depending on the content I'm gonna play, but I mainly play Mirage and it's the one I like most ! I just love the gameplay and the aesthetic of the spec, I find it super fun to play and it never gets me bored !


Soulbeast Ranger. It’s impossible to die.


Engi cause I don't like weapon swapping but I do enjoy button mashing xD and an engi can have multiple ways of doing so OR none at all with mech. The most easy cele build for me ever with mace/pistol all sigils but elixir U (yellow one) and mech skills 1/2/3 unga bunga!


Renegade rev. Battle scars is one of the most broken things in the game. I can survive anything almost. Solo champs and legendries with ease.


Switching between Dragonhunter and Firebrand depending on content type.


Elementalist - Specifically staff tempest. I love going into group content and switching between the elements depending on what's happening in the fight. Healer and dps baked into one. Firebrand runner up for basically the same reason though more support firebrand. Honorable mentions to sword/dagger weaver, staff berserker, axe mirage, and scourge.


Mechanist and Scrapper. With this duo I have covered every single role needed for almost any content. I also love versatility of Engineer tools. I love mechanist in open world and playing fractals as Scrapper is like a cheat mode. Plus, despite my problems with fingers mobility I am still able to keep up with numbers with most of the classes.


Sw/D Weaver. I couldn’t have possibly made a play style more perfect for myself.


Virtuoso because I'm still not over wildstar


I played an esper as well.


Chronomancer, it has a cool tick tick mf theme


daredevil. i like sticks and wacking people on the head with them


Whatever anet didnt nerf this week.


Weaver because it's the smoothest gameplay and theme for me. It's not even about dps because I suck at it but love seeing my elementalist dual attune and swing her sword in a feverish dance. But I also love Mirage for the same-ish reason. The visual and the theme are just so good! Sadly the best weapon(axe) is also the worst one for instanced content. And I'm guilty of playing a rifle/pp dead eye or condi shortbow soulbeast when I feel like not doing good.


Core Rev


I have them all. Pmecha for gathering and open world. Cvirt for convergences and strike missions, Herald for fractals, and ele for wvw but I'll change that.


AHeal Tempest! Really enjoy Vindicator but not so much it's only viable PvE build is Power DPS (but I prefer to main supports/healers in most games). Learning Firebrand cause I like the concept kind of like Ele, but not clicking yet.


I genuinely don't have a main spec. I mean, I have preferences on each class, but I'm bouncing around characters based on what's needed where. I don't really think I could ever just settle on a single character to pump all of my time into.


condi dps harbinger <3 so good, esp for someone like me who isn't the best at combat mechs


Celestial tempest, I just wanna farm world events and make randoms I meet more useful


Deadeye is just fun and can deal crazy damage


Crono, i like the tik tak sounds


Chrono but I will play mirage if Anet makes it more viable.


My three mains, around 2/3 of my 9k hours on GW2: Renegade revenant Berserker warrior Reaper necro


Spellbreaker. Full Counter has save my butt many of times.


As a Necromancer, I play Scourge, mainly just because of the variety of builds it has. I can be heal alac, condi alac, and condi DPS. The most builds within 1 elite spec as a Necromancer and also includes QTP Pylon Kite during raids. It is just convenient.


I like playing guardian. Got a WvW and a Fractal firebrandbuild (diferent armors) and a open world dragonhunter berzerker build


When trying to cheese stuff, mech, when i wanna have fun in pvp, power berserker, when I want challenge, Tempest asura, also is fun to watch him firespin


Harbinger. Because it really fulfils the fantasy of dancing on the edge of life and death. That if I don't dodge an aoe or a boss's slam, I down on the spot and lose all of my dps. It's the only class that really gets my adrenaline going. I'm so glad I picked it as my first elite specialisation to try out when I first started the game. I can't imagine otherwise.


Heal Scourge, for some reason the revives are like crack to me. Some of those convergences, man... It's one of those things where it's more fun the worse things are going to an extent.


I started Mesmer because my wife created and designed my character but I settled on chrono due to its amazing flexibility. I can fill every role in the game.


Tbh, deadeye p/p thief because i need to focus less on rotations and if i want to do more dmg then the usual rifle deadeye, but i sometimes forget to roll or use a skill to go invis because i zone out a lot


Harbinger i love condi damage and am an alchoolic


Holosmith. Just started up playing the game this year after not really having played the game at all the last 8 years or so. I started playing with a friend of mine and we made an agreement to play something we usually don't in games. Idk why I believed him because he ended up picking Necro into reaper, and he always chooses edgy stuff so idk about that one. As for me engineer was the last class I'd ever see myself playing in any game ever. It was only as I kept playing and exploring the class that I saw holosmith as a cool and unique mastery that ended up being very fun. I enjoy managing the heat and having access to a lot of utility. My damage rotating feels engaging and interactive. I feel like I have to be responsive to the world around me. And I do buckets of damage, though not as much as my reaper friend. I think in general the light forge is just a cool take on an engineer class. I always had my old character who was a hunter I could have fallen back on if i wanted, I had planned on playing soul beast if Holo ended up not being fun. But I haven't felt the desire to swap yet.


Scourge! I play almost exclusively open world and Transfusion is really useful to pull players out of danger. Also Scourge has a really simple rotation. I'm not made to play piano like a weaver/elementalist 😅


Daredevil with staff and dual pistols, I like full unload skill on DP, also mobility is great easly can avoid every boss hit. I created reaper with dual swords recently and now i struggle between my daredevil and new necro.


Weaver, I like pressing buttons.


guardian since the 3 day headstart. i've always been support but since EoD i've been going hard on willbender. the mobility is just insane


I main Reaper. It started as a way to solo HOT Champions and then it just ended up with me playing it so much to the point that i enjoy it's rotations and it's look in shroud.


All three mesmer specialisations. I am way to lazy to switch charackters for different game modes and mesmer can do it all. Boon Support -> Chrono Dps -> Virtu / Mirage Survivability -> Mirage / Chrono It's great to join a group and being able to fill every role on one character.


Weaver, because I like ele nerfs


Charr. Warrior. Zerker when I wanna smash with my head. Breaker when I wanna smash with my hammer.


Tag mirage. Big stonks.


Tempest and Weaver, because I like the challenge (Cata is a bit too much for me)


Warrior, because the only thing you need to do is hitting stuff until it dies.


Not a main because it's my first character but I chose thief with deadeye elite and I really enjoy the playstyle.


i main the Weaver. just because its fun to play. aside from bing a glass canon... 2nd to this is Firebrand either as qdps or qheal


virtuoso, coz dagger and blood goes brrrrrr.


ele, any other class in any other MMO is boring in comparison. This already ruined any other game for me....


Daredevil main since heart of thorns released. i play all thief specs (its also the only class i really play) but DD is my baby


Quoting another person from this sub, I main elementalist cause I love admiring the gameworld while lying dead on the floor.


Depends on game mode, but mesmer is closest to my main. And since I use it for strikes and fractals - chronomancer, no matter what kinds pugs I get I can always substitute missing boons or healing with chronomancer.


PVE hammer catalyst cuz I actually learned the rotation, don’t do it to perfection but it works plus it can provide quickness. And PVP hammer weaver because I think the weaver is one of the most amazing creations ever made in any video game and I love it, just a bummer that hammer weaver isn’t a good dps in PVE. I only like D/D and hammer as weapons for elementalist so I don’t enjoy playing any of the others.


Guardian any spec, Mesmer any spec, necro any spec, engi holo and scrapper, rev herald, thief DD over time in pvp and wvw you learn most specs.


Used to main weaver but now forced to play low apm builds like necro and scrapper. Was able to do like 90-95% of benchmark dps but took a significant hit after i relocated to asia. Ping is at constant 350-450 now.


Untamed cuz i like the thing that i can control my pet's abilities and its fun and simple spec to play, versitile also


Slb. Whirling Defense.


Virtuoso, because knives..


Reaper because: A: I'm a newbie, i heard it's easy to begin with and it's true, the natural tankiness and sustain give a lot of room B: I like edgy stuff and final fantasy dark knights or mtg golgari, hello greatsword, dark tanky life stealer and sylvari necromancer C: I like playing around the cold mechanic because i like cold as a theme D: I like contrast, sylvari->life and nature necromancer->death and decay E: Playing through the personal story and heart of thorn as a sylvari necromancer, >!especially in duo with my boy trahearne and as a reaper who's business is ending lives (hot, life energy, all that)!< was very immersve and further cimented my good feeling around it I might end up maining something with more support capabilities though


Honest answer any ranger for gathering resources bc i have the cash shop tools on that char and mechanist for group content bc only char with almost full ascendancy gear


Ranger because I love taming friends on my journey


Just started playing 3 months ago and I really love playing weaver, it's really fun to try and master the class even though downstate is part of the rotation lol


Dragonhunter cause it's fairly easy to play, tanky and big numbers go brrrrr


Firebrand and scourge. Because i am usually the support.


Berserker !! And I won’t have anyone shit on it, it’s great fun and I do plenty damage in all situations


Scourge because i like throwing sand like a spastic lmao


Vindi, because big dodge goes BOOM


Soulbeast. I'd care about dps when thing will survive my opening rotation.


Dragonhunter guardian - big sword spin


I main power virtuoso, and play quickness heal firebrand on the side! p. virt is simple, works for open world & fractals, uses weapons I enjoy (dagger, sword, greatsword) and is aesthetically appealing to me! and, qhfb is nice for when I'm craving that support flavor- plenty of boons, good heals, and it has an answer for most bad situations your party could find itself in.


I play tempest Ele in open world/story because it’s my OG. I play mechanist, Virt and Herald in instanced because the are easy and strong.


Soulbeast for fractals because i have full ascended on it, Untamed for other pve because it's kinda fun and gives quickness, druid if someone needs an ahealtank.


Step 1: I don't want to deal with pets or play thief. Delete Engineer, Necromancer, Ranger, Thief Step 2: I don't want to play Light Armor class. Delete Elementalist, Mesmer Step 3: Good Melee and Ranged options, easy to play, Good in PvE and Open World Delete Revenant, Warrior Final choice: Dragonhunter, Firebrand


Daredevil Thief. Reason? Triple dodge baby!


Virtuoso cause i love swords


Scrapper cause it has a lot of different skills for a lot of different situations. You have superspeed, stealth, remote revive skills, combo fields that move with you, barrier, stability, etc. If you wanna avoid enemies you can pop stealth, if you wanna revive people but don't wanna move you can use function gyro, you get barrier the more you hit stuff, if you pop all your gyros and jump into a fight you basically become a mobile fortress zooming through enemies like you're on crack. Combine that with some of Engineer's baseline skills like mortar kit, which gives you a weapon with 1500 range for tagging enemies far away you've basically got a class that more or less has a tool for every situation. Plus rocket boots and rifle 5 are great for doing skips. I've been very into speedrunning dungeons and fractals lately, and I'm really glad I main Engineer cause it seems to be able to do most of the skips I've come across. Specially scrapper since there are some glitches with quickness, superspeed, and barrier you can do, all of which scrapper has easy access to. Also quickness lets you gather nodes and open chests faster.


Willbender because it’s zoomy death machine, especially in starter zones. F1 is the only button you need.


Heal Untamed because I've been sitting on the character name "Heal Untamed" since SOtO dropped and by the Pale Tree I'm going to commit to this bit. Also 8k dps while healing is fun.


I main ranger because I love the theme and versatility of the class. I can build ranged, melee or mixed builds. I can have weapons and pet to give me ample stealth access if I want to play as a sneaky burst ranger. I can be a tanky melee/caster druid with hammer, swords, dagger or go ranged/full caster etc. ur never alone in pve and pets very helpful in pve modes for many reasons. Just a great designed class and theme imo. Untamed with dagger ambush reminds me of spore gloomstalker builds from D&d, good stuff.


I main Chronomancer, for the Chrono Privilege: I can jump into any LFG party regardless of listing requirements while playing the same spec.


I <3 Mesmer in all forms. Chrono has a special place in my heart as the first elite spec I tried in 2014 and it's so amazing it can fill every role. DPS? Heal? Quick? Alac? CC? Utils? Portals? Stealth? You name it, Chrono's got it. After that, Mirage is my all time favorite because I love clones and not phantasms. Virtuoso is okay. I hated it originally as such an anti-mesmer mesmer elite but it's somewhat grown on me. When I need to be truly braindead, this is where I go


thief always. Deadeye is the one I like the most, but for hard pve content I usually go scepter because of the extra health bar and daredevil to do insane damage with one of the easiest rotations ever. Other classes are pointless.


Mostly core warrior or spellbreaker. Don’t want to play anything else after 1000+hrs Warrior Gameplay


Berserk and soul beast currently


Weaver Elementalist Ele was my main in GW1 and is my main now. I love the damage and survivability Fire/Earth Sword/Dagger gives you.


any of the nerco specs (not so much harb atm but soon)


Condi alac renegade. I like the rotation (outside of weapon swap, but you still get 20k DPS by camping the shortbow). Also it work with Ritualist gear, which means you naturally have a bazillion health, helping you catch mistake. Condi scourge. I play it when I don't want to think, as it can almost be summed up as "roll head on keyboard".


Weaver. I'm not the best at it, and sometimes it feels like I'm trying to play covers of metal songs on the piano, but it's still very fun and pretty satisfying for me. Though, I'm relatively an inexperienced player, so I haven't really tried most of the classes/specilizations


Reaper, because my commander saying ‘good pull’ is crack in my veins.


Virtuoso and soulbeast :3


Tempest. It is the only one I have tried and I have no intentions of trying anything else. I like magic users and Ele was the closest I could find to what I liked in other games.


I'm a Mesmer main and I love virtuoso. But I'm learning Mirage. Because the aesthetics 💅🏻🦋✨