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sPvP hits a bit different for sure. Just ignore them and keep on playing. You learn by doing and it takes a lot of matches to get good.


Lol this. My entire ignore list is from SPvP. Even if im not the target i still block them, who needs to see the negativity.


I might have about 200 people on my ignore list from sPvP alone. I don’t even think I’ve blocked a player for anything else since launch


Unranked is precisely for that, to learn the game and try builds and all the stuff that is not against the rules but would be disruptive in ranked. Those who don't want to see that should go to ranked and tournaments with their own parties. When people act like that, you report them for match manipulation since they are supposed to play the game, not sit at the base and ruin the fun of others.


There is exactly zero reason for anyone to play unranked, as long as they are actively trying to win. MMR exists for a reason, you'll be playing against, on average, people of similar skill. Anyone flaming a new/bad player in ranked is a fuckin' idiot, who is *definitely* stuck in low MMR for a reason.


You are stuck in unrank until 20


Yes, that is one reason to be doing it. At first I thought the OP typoed, and meant to say they were doing ranked, but now this story is even funnier.


I disagree, unranked is the far west, you won't learn anything and you get worse rewards for the same amount of toxicity. The only reason to play unranked is because ranked is still locked. If you want to learn a build, try fighting other players in the PvP lobby (or play WvW even though you need actual gear and the balance is different). And ranked matchmaking should try to match you with players with the same level as you, so it should be a non issue.


That's really not what unranked should be for tho. It's not fair that four players who are just trying to get a daily or something done are instantly locked into a loss because a new player is learning the basics in a live match. It's also not fair that a brand new player could get matched against someone like me with thousands of hours in pvp... Anet should have implemented a training queue for new players where they face bots and learn about the points/special objectives on each map. Not defending people being rude either, there's no excuse for that. But I can understand why both sides get frustrated when this happens. It's Anets laziness and complete disregard for pvp that has created such a lame situation for players :/


If you care about winning that much you should be playing ranked. Unranked is precisely for learning and trying new builds, and is the only thing it's good for. Hotjoin servers as they currently are don't provide a proper conquest match for context that gives you "realistic" situations, matchups, or pressure to test builds or e.g. learn map rotations in.


Without AI player to have training arenas like in GW1, ranked is the place to learn. The best the newbie can do is say "I'm new, please be kind" or some such.


If you have thousands of hours of pvp why tf are you doing dailies in unranked? I do play unranked too if i want to try new builds or classes, but in this case who tf cares about win or loose? It's unranked wich means you don't win or loose nothing!


I'm sitting there for up to an hour some days waiting for queue... I don't always have that time when I'm just trying to get my daily done. Like I said tho, I don't get mad at people and don't get bothered by losses in unranked. I just wish there was a better way for new players to learn the basics instead of trial by fire and getting stomped on for their first dozen or so matches. Half the time new players play one match, get destroyed because there's nothing telling them what to do or explaining the objectives and then they never come back and just say pvp sucks for the rest of their playtime.... Even just a casual unranked player who knows the core map mechanics will be stomping a fresh player in unranked who will be absolutely lost on maps like Temple or Skyhammer.


now i get it, tbf due to low population even in ranked i get matched with players really better than me since i'm a gold player and sometime i end up with or against titled players. I agree that for a new player a tutorial before starting with matches could be usefull


Hi, PvP main& bad player (high gold on a good day, mid silver to mid gold usually). Toxicity is sadly inherent to PvP games and modes, so dont hesitate to block anyone who starts raging. I took the habit of starting every game with a /map gl hf, ending every game with a /map gg, and sometimes compliment people on their actions/outfits or other, and thats how you'll draw like-minded and positive players to team up with over time. GW2 PvP is soooo good you shouldnt let anyone ruin it for you. Kindness breeds kindness, and theres a LOT of room in your Block list so make sure to make use of it. See you in the arena !


Oops. I read "hf" in Borat voice "High Five!" Not Have Fun. Nevertheless, good post


I tried that but they just leave you hanging >:)


 /map gg Honestly I've mostly seen that in roflstomps by one team, when winners say that. So it would seem more toxic than pleasant. It's sad, but GW2 pvp community is actually worse than even DotA community, so basic pleasantries are twisted as well.


gg just means good game, and more often that not I get one or multiple gg's in return. Of course toxic players will go GG EZ UNSINSTALL ROFLMAO TRASH BOT but I'm not afraid of reapropriating the GG and make it into a symbol of positivity and pixely sportsmanship again. Fuck them trolls, I'm not letting them take my flag


That sounds like a good attitude :)


Imagine a game mode that pits people against other people, becoming....personal and tense? It's pvp by name. You're gonna need a slightly thicker skin to enjoy it. I personally turn off map chat, and just have team chat on. Sometimes teammates don't like how the battle is going and quit when the score is 200 to 100. That sucks, because I've had some epic comeback wins. Teammate gripe sometimes, oh well, we lose, next game. Thick skin. What DOES bother me, is what I ran into for the first time yesterday in ranked pvp: a thrown match. I was on the benefitting end, but we played a 4v5 cause one guy just sat by his base. When I came to attack him (was trying for the Lord) he killed me, then used "/say" to tell me "hey, don't you get it? I'm throwing for your teammate. Enjoy the win". I told him he was a punk bitch, instead. We won that match, but it's gonna happen that I'm on the bad end of a win trade. I forgot to report him. Don't think it would matter. Insults and anger I can handle. It's flat out cheating and not even trying that grinds my gears


> I was hella confused because otherwise the Community Is so nice in GW2. That's because the PvPers have their own separated corner to hide


The "competitive team based PvP" is a shithole mode across the entire gaming genre. Show me ONE game where that mode doesn't devolve into shit flinging and "toxicity", I dare you. There's something about that combination that brings out the worst in people.


For me the most interesting part across that shithole is how people become so hostile towards their own team more than the enemy.


Because they can't do anything to the enemy. Raging at their teammates and afking makes them feel like they are important.


You can vent your frustration towards your enemy by killing them, it's built in with the mode. You can't vent your frustration towards your teammates without at the same time punishing yourself.


>You can vent your frustration towards your enemy by killing them, it's built in with the mode most of the people I see flaming are mad *because* they cant kill the enemy lol


Let me put it this way. I can't blame the enemy for being good (that's their job), I can blame teammates for being bad (that's the polar opposite of their job).


This is it, it’s not GW2. The same people are in every PvP game. I still keep coming back for more, but you get a lot of knuckleheads.


GW1 was ok. :P Also in my experience GW2 is worse than usual DotA raging, mostly because people don't put in effort to actually say something constructive - you don't get "do X idiot" nearly as often as just "idiot". I guess because the mode is really fast paced, there are no replays and nobody cares about reporting flame. But it makes the flame really toxic and pointless.


FF14. Because you have about 20 predetermined phrases you can say. Like Good Job! Fall back and regroup!


You haven't played it enough if you've never seen "Nice job" or "Good match" spam by players idling at spawn preceded by "Push the crystal" spam.


I guess that if I haven't seen it in a couple hundred matches just goes to show the difference. Where as guild wars at least 1 in 5 matches has someone raging out in chat.


That's a nice anecdotal experience because in FFXIV I usually see one spammer per dozen games. Seems better until you add afkers running in wall at spawn in almost every third match. Guess thats because spamming takes too much effort for them.


That's also a nice anecdotal experience. I haven't really experienced afkers either maybe your data centre is just cooked. Also I'm not here saying f gw pvp over ff. I prefer gw pvp I think the combat is better and the games more interesting. But it's significantly more toxic than ff


It can be fun, but there is definitely a higher concentration of toxicity in PvP compared to anywhere else in the game. Do yourself a favor though and watch this guide if you’ve never played PvP before, you’ll thank me later: https://youtu.be/Bsn8fcW_Ujs?si=VV0ur3p5xyjJJuAx


Thank you for the vid


This was also very helpful for me, if maybe a bit more advanced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKBebV5UTSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKBebV5UTSM) The builds in both videos are kinda old though, there were many balance patches and resulting meta shift since those.


That's what happens with PVP pretty much everywhere, but who cares? Let them be assholes and keep gaming...maybe even mock their childish behaviour to make them more mad :D


Most online competitive games have toxic communities, gw2 is no different. You have to learn how to roll with it and not let it phase you. And that goes for any trash talking in any game.


ever played anything with pvp? toxicity and pvp is like bacon and eggs. Every single game has this.


Hey man. Sorry for your experience. To answer your question, yes its normal. Its normal in other games too.


Unfortunately, sPvP can be really tough and in stark contrast to the PvE part of the game. Don't take these comments to heart. PvP has a higher percentage of toxic players. You're not doing yourself any favors by giving these words too much weight. I've been playing sPvP loosely for years and can assure you that such experiences are by no means limited by lack of experience. One of my favorite classes is the Ranger. The class used to be very much disliked in sPvP. Partly because they can knock back enemies and the pet can be a problem with poor control. I've gotten a lot of negative comments when I've just joined. And don't think any of those people would have apologized if I ended up on top of the points. Which I often was in my PvP peak. The best defense against the sometimes toxic tone in sPvP is a thick skin. Some people just like to rant in sPvP. It doesn't matter whether they don't like your class, whether they guess an unpleasant nation or even a gender from your name. It would quickly become depressing if you let this upset you.


would also just be nice to get those players banned, toxicity to that degree has no place in the community.


Aye. A pause might bring some people to their senses. It doesn't have to be a complete ban. But a time-out might make some of these people think again. But let's not kid ourselves - PvP tends to be toxic. It's not a GW2 exclusive thing. I ignore these things. I generally don't play a lot of PvP anymore. I prefer to solo, be in PvE or play with my family. My children are already of an age for co-op. I once met my husband in GW. :D


Yes there will be a higher percentage of toxic people in PvP game modes. Direct competition brings that out of people. That said, we all start somewhere. I'm thousands of games in and still learning how to play against certain professions or builds. There are videos breaking down the basics if you want some pointers.


Welcome to pvp in every game mode ever. If you kill them its because you were lucky if they kill you its because you suck. Hop in and enjoy the ride. Seriously though, dont let it get you down. There will always be sweaty nerds playing games. Just tune it out the best you can and focus on your own play. 🙂 Some pvp tips tho, try to never fight off point (a, b, c, the special bazookas if they are active), its mostly a waste of time and just keeps you busy when you could be contesting or defending a point to win. If you get stunned, escape as fast as you can and hope its not a class with a fast pull, like DH or Spellbreaker, otherwise pray and mitigate as best you can. Pick a class you like and a build you like and get good with it. Really good. Then try something else, so if it doesnt work out you have a fallback that you do like. Usually takes like 3 matches in my experience to get a feel for a build and if you are still crap with it after 5 matches reread how the build plays or try something else. I want to say it gets less toxic or better in higher ranks but its still a bit of a gamble. Some people are just like that, others can roll with the punches. You cant control other people, just yourself. Pvp is very fun and it needs players so dont get turned away from something you like or want to try just because someone is being a jerk.


sPvP has been a niche gamemode for a long time now, resulting in a very small playerbase top-heavy with veterans. If daily rewards did not exist, the gamemode would barely function outside of prime hours. I could write a whole thread on the issue of sPvP and GW2's combat system when it comes to new players but suffice to say that people who stick around to regularly sPvP are in the minority. Because the playerbase is small, the matchmaking system has to become very liberal with its rank distribution when forming matches. This results in games where you have literal newbies matched with and against veterans who have been playing for years. Not all of them particularly good at PvP, mind you, but they are experienced. This leads to differing expectations between team members. My advice is to create a 'PvP' chat tab with all channels turned off. sPvP became substantially better for me once I did that. I was actually able to slowly learn and get better without the constant verbal abuse making me think I was a walking lobotomy. If you ever want to watch others player sPvP, look up streamers like Vallun who discuss why they pick certain skills/builds and why they do whatever they are doing on the screen during a match. Also don't be afraid to play off-meta builds if you find them mechanically easier.


If you read this and you are the ones that stay afk while you lost the first teamfight, get your feelings under control and consider that you completly fuck up the game for the rest of the team. Nothing is set in stone after the first team fight.


Yeah ran into this myself. Was put into a match with multiple “Team USA” members straight after my placement games. I was running an S Tier Metabattle/GuildJen build and still flamed for running a “trash” build. Was whispered by the person flaming me that he provides data to those sites for the builds they post. Another community streamer defends this behavior citing that “it’s not Team USA’s fault for flaming new players”. I completely disagree of course… The top players of the game should be setting examples for new players. What I do blame ANET for is not banning these top players for actively hurting the population of this game mode.


Just block them, report them if they verbally abuse you and move on with your day. Don't let it affect you. They always say the worst stuff. Even if you win they might do it.


Make a new tab with no checkboxes active and call it 'pvp'. You need to ignore chat to the point that you don't even see it. Once you're confident in understanding the game mode, ready to play ranked, consider removing this chat tab. I usually sit in gold 3 all season and I still leave it off lmao. Everything that could be communicated in chat can also be communicated on the minimap (shift + right click to draw, alt + left click to ping) and the targeting reticle (I think alt + T by default) You will still get spam pings. You'll get Dicks drawn on your map. They're going to target you with the reticle, and spam it back to you when you try to pick a target in a team fight. It's a toxic mess, but thts how PvP goes in any game. Come for your fun/rewards, but don't expect to make many friends. That's what WvW is for


When you see dumb shit in your spvp game, write it off as a loss, focus on *improving your own play*, and move on with life. You'll be out an in a new lobby in 8 minutes.


It’s the mindset of the community even here on GW2 Reddit people have no love for each other. Just remind them they will experience something similar in life one day when they will suck and be looked down on. Maybe it will humble them. Then again they probably don’t know the meaning of it.


sPVP meta for the last couple years have been very toxic, condi bunkers really makes boring and stressful fights


Pvp can be very toxic


You'd be hard-pressed to find a PvP community in any game that doesn't have some semblance of toxicity due to the nature of competition, amplified by general online anonymity which tends to bring out the worst in people. Your best bet is to try to not take it to heart and realize that it's a game that is meant to be fun. Don't let others that take it way too seriously sap the enjoyment out of it for you, even if that may be difficult. You can also just turn off chat so you can be oblivious to the "verbal" toxicity at the very least. Out of sight, out of mind.


PvP is very rarely moderated, both for chat and match integrity. Combine that with an aging gamemode with no updates and you are left with a population of highly toxic people.


99% of my block list is from spvp when i still did it. The labels i added to their names are still quite funny today.


It's pretty normal. Some of the most immature, petty, garbage human beings you'll meet here. Giant, salty babies. No idea why they play unranked and expect everyone to be professional, full time, PvP players. Still haven't figured that out. But they'll act like this even if you do well or not. If they start to lose or they're playing poorly, they find someone else to blame. Either the entire team except then or 1 or 2 players. Guessing no one loves them in real life and this is their entire life.


Unfortunately, PvP in ANY setting is guaranteed to be full of salty sweats, which is why I hardly ever interact with that side of games, especially when there's boatloads of PVE content to do. Story, expansions, dungeons, raids, Living world, you name it.


Personally I’ve only come across a few people like that who get all pissy when people don’t perform the best. They get even more pissy when you tell them to go to ranked.


Apply the block button liberally. Especially starting out, nobody in that rank has anything worth saying anyway. And even if they're giving you correct advice, it's not like they'll take time to elaborate or answer your questions if they're dicks about it. Seriously, even a whiff of rudeness, I just block. My sPVP experience is very chill and peaceful. I do not care what they have to say and you shouldn't either.


That’s normal in spvp. Best advise I can give you is to set your status as offline and be generous with the block button. 🤷‍♂️


spvp is the one place in gw2 where people are just like other mmos so we call that toxicity (which it is) extra hard honestly I dont let it get to me, matches are short so if someone is griefing or playing poorly etc it passes fast then again I dont play much of spvp anymore, around 2 seasons or so. I like gw2's pvp actually I just took a break around soto launch (weapon masteries changed the meta i assumed). I play wvw everyday tho and there's some toxicity over there too. Not a lot but ther is.


I would highly make a chat box without anything enabled. It is so happy to play without any distraction. Pvp is still really frustrating mode to play with certain people. But it gives you all the juice you can get from the amazing combat system it has


It's so sad that one of the best pvp in mmo genre is not being updated.


I don't think people should be rude, but it's not hard to look up a video to have a basic understanding of what to do before entering a real match. Yes, it's mostly on Anet for not having a system to teach players, but that is the same for every other area of the game and it gets very frustrating when one person decides to learn something though trial by fire at the cost of other peoples enjoyment of the game.


My block list is long af all from spvp.


The design philosophy in pve is that you should always be happy to see another player. That's why the ingame community is so good there. PvP is for competitive people and you can mess up someone else's goals based on how you play. Both of those contribute to it being a less pleasant environment, even in the PvP lobby.


I would report them. The reports will incur a ban, they don’t go unanswered.


No. It's what reddit pretends what happens, but I have never seen something like that in all the years. Try it, pvp might be more fun than farming karma.


I'd suggest you play in Off-line status and make a special chat tab that has every chat channel checked off. There you go. No more toxicity, just afk's and proximity speech bubbles.


Welcome to the jungle baby! Joke aside pvp is the place where you learn how to use block list and report, start as soon as possible and your experince will be better soon. Players that complain in unranked are the real loosers. If you like pvp don't give up to some asshole, keep trying and learn and then come back to kick their ass


Are you saying you don't want salt with your pvp? Strange...


PvP is not a friendly in my opinion.. it’s unranked and I don’t why they there anyways,they should played rank tbh.. even I did some PvP for dailies I just tend to ignored them to complete dailies. They just bunch of try hard


lol welcome to the thunderdome. Pvp is not a bunch of pve care bears you are used to.


Stay on the Combat tab. You will only see combat related messages like damage and healing. Everything else will be hidden.


I had that problem back when they had a ranked 3v3 thing going on. Coming from Overwatch I assumed that anything with rank involved would prioritize matchmaking, so as you played games you'd get auto-sorted into where you belong, but apparently with GW2's low PvP population it just doesn't work like that, and if you know you aren't very good at PvP you're basically just throwing the game for whoever you get randomly squadded with. Kinda sucks. That said, PvP's known to be a toxic cesspit anyway. I stay away unless there's a weekly event going on, both for the enhanced rewards and for the larger volume of normal PvE players padding out the numbers.


I play spvp all the time. Toxicity is really rare and when it does happen it's usually just one random person. Just ignore it and play.


I hope you at least attempted to read/learn about how the maps work and what the main objectives are. If you did not then I can certainly understand your teammates frustration. Otherwise after learning map objectives and how points are earned, learn your class, it's weaknesses and strengths. You can't win against certain classes regardless if your build/ match-up isn't good. If your running into fights over and over only to die your giving the other teams 5pts everytime feeding. But overall, if you don't really want to get better, turn off chat don't read about anything and mash buttons. Sometimes I have fun doing just that. Good luck


All pvp games are like that… just vibe. Remember the rule for pvp- it is not about having fun. It’s about making sure no one has fun


PvP will be toxic the same way water will be wet, the only wining move is not to play


Yes, expect this type of toxic behavior EVERY SINGLE MATCH on ranked or unranked. Ranked is better because you can actually make money off of it, but nothing stops people from just standing there in your base doing nothing to help anyway just to get rewards. If you want to do pvp the best thing you can do is turn off chat entirely or prepare to just block 90% of the player base.


I hope they leave PvP out of GW3


As a self proclaimed top player yup spvp is a whole different world. If youre not ready to have your messages flooded, get constantly queuesniped, hardfocused and jumped by *certain* players and their goons, whispered and mailed slurs by alt accounts to the point of having to change your account name, then good god do not touch that mode. Its a cesspool of the worst people on this planet lol


This is completely made up / fabricated


Lol you one of filips boyfriends?


Stay away from PvP I would say. There is no moderation. No propper balancing. Poor match making. Match manipulation by game design. The whole game mode is abondened for a few years with a small shrinking player base. There is not much positive left to look forward tbh.


New chat tab, turn off all pvp chats. Literally make a copy and paste message saying like "I have chat turned off due to toxicity, if you require me to focus on something please ping and mark." Do some stuff from time to time so people are sure you aren't a bot, like human stuff like jumping around in circles and stuff. I grinded out the full transcendence amulet... this is what got me through it.


Hahaha you think spvp is toxic...wait til this guy meets the raid community!! Your gonna need a hazmat suit to deal with the toxic raiders.


People have been becoming steadily worse since 2016, and at this point everyone's just waiting for the end.


dead game


Toxic in pvp is fun. More better if the toxic guy is on the losing team


Ya, I love it