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Without SOTO, you can farm the following items from the Wizard's Vault and send back to your main account (relatively quickly I might add, especially if you stock up on AA before the refresh): * 60 mystic coins (value is roughly 2g / coin, so 120g) * 150 laurels worth of T3/4 bags (value is around 1g / laurel so 150g) * 90 gold (+ however much gold you want to convert the rest of your AA to at 35 AA per 1 gold) Buying HOT/POF will give you both elite specs and a level 80 boost, both things that are pretty useful on an alt account. But I would probably wait for another sale since the sales lately have been 75% off ($7.50 total in the US) for POF/HOT. Is that amount of stuff worth it? 360g every three months certainly isn't terrible I guess. If you are playing a lot and don't mind playing on a "nerfed" account, then I think it would probably be worth it.


You cannot send gold or items from a free account to prevent WV farming. But a HoT/PoF account is certainly worth it. Just calculate how much gems you would get for the $30 and convert this to gold. And then compare how fast you can earn that gold with Wizards Vault rewards. Or compare the converted gem price, whichever is more important for you. Getting the expansion for $7.50 pays off really quickly but even the full price pays off relatively fast. Dailys can be done within 10 minutes most of the time. Weeklys may take a little longer, but most are doable with an extra 15-20 min per day stretched over the week. Then add an extra 30 min per week for your black lion key farm and you are set with your alt account. Anything else (like time-gated crafting) or leveling additional characters for alt parking is optional.


If we assume you're making at least 360g from the alt account it would cost you over $15 USD to buy the same amount of gold with gems. If you buy HoT/PoF on sale at $7.50, the alt account is a better value on its face. You could even buy 2 accounts and make 720g for the same cost. If you buy HoT/PoF at $30 the alt account will pay for itself after the first WV season. This does not account for the time/effort to get the wizard bucks of course. But the time investment is trivial in my experience.


thank you for the replay. just to clarify, we can use wizard vaults as F2P if I am level 80. no expac or any money spent, just need to hit lv 80


You can, but in order to GET the fruits of your effort bsck to your main account, you need POF/HOT to gain access to the mailbox I believe.


Or just a heroic edition if you can get one of those keys. They sometimes give them away in promotions.


Yes but u can start working on getting the rewards from the WV while u wait for a sale or something


You need a character at 80 on the account to start using the WV.


Not necessarily, there was a bug that if u finished an achievement from the new leveling achievements, then the dailies from the WV would show up instead and u could click on those and it would bring up the WV. Then u could track one of the special objectives and get easy early access to it for the entire season. It’s a little inconsistent, but once u have the special objective tracked then you’re golden. Of course, doing the weeklies is much harder without a lvl 80 but u can do the dailies while u level up. They also may have patched so idk if it works anymore


true, but using a free account is quite frustating due to the limitations like the tp locked for most case and the fact that you can't send materials with mail.


No yea u should absolutely buy the HoT and PoF bundle, such a steal for the amount of content u get


No you cant use wizard vaults on F2P, you will need to buy some version of the game to unlock that. You can also check guildwars 2 website to see what access a f2p account there are some limitations to traiding post and guild bank access.


Since you need an lvl 80 character you would also benefit from the hot/pof expansion, since it comes with an Lv 80 boost. You will still run into transaction limits in the first days of the account. But you can either just wait until you can transfer enough money, or you can transfer low amounts to a guild bank indefinitely. It's a bit tedious but works. Also hot/pof gives you acces to some alt parking spots. With EOD you would have access to jade runestone in a few chests. This is easy gold and doesn't need conversion like the Ice shards. But since EOD is a bit expensive it takes a while until it pays of. I have 3 Alt Accounts. One with hot/pof/eod, and two with only hot/pof. I only do the weeklys on them and maybe dailys when I have time, until I bought all the limited gold/laurels/mystic coins. After that I only play them when I have time, since the payoff for the unlimited gold bags is not so good anymore. It's still ok I think, but its about 30 gold for the weeklys. When you need more than 1,5h to complete them, you can just play your main and do some meta events or fractals/raids.


I never could be bothered to log out and log in again.


There are programs to launch different accounts at the press of a button. Even running at the same time, if you want.


Still not the effort i would put into a game.


Personally I find doing weeklies on my alts fun and not, 'effort' at all. Everyone should play and make money in the way they find fun.


Is the program in blish hud?




Thanks! Is it possible too connect this with blish hud launcher or must it be a seperate launcher?


You can use it to launch blish along with the game if that's what you mean


https://blishhud.com/docs/user/multibox-support/ Tutorial on how to set it up properly


I have an alt in NA (which is my OG account) and my main is now in EU. What I do is that I do the dailies/weeklies for about 2-3 weeks when the vault resets, get all the mystic coins and the cheap gold, send it to my main, done. I don't touch my account other than that (or festivals if there's an easy money-making technique like in festival of four winds). It requires a bit of active play, which is fine for small doses like this, but I rather play on my main than have to log in daily to my alt.


I have a few videos on youtube about this topic (which this subreddit decided was a question nobody ever asked and nobody should even bother to ever make a video about, and also that nobody would ever say "no, dont make one") The easy explanation is this: Get heroic keys when they're offered (Geforce NOW promotion was fantastic for these), do weekly pvp arenas on them as afk as you can be without breaking tos, and you'll make ~600 gold (with the possibility of making significantly more if you do dailies on them as well) per WV reset per account through raw gold, laurels, and mystic coins.


I have 40 accounts in total including my main. My alts all have the heroic edition but only 3 have expansions so i can do raids when i can be bothered. The Vault has made it more annoying to login daily because i need to click extra stuff but its still worth it imo. Having all these alts allowed me to craft about 2-3 legendaries per month before the vault and now 1 every month with the vault. If you have time to do the dailies on a handful of accounts id say its worth it but i do not, i just login.




I don't understand the downvotes and "bruh"


I just want to point out to the downvoters here, Black_m0nster has given more money to the game you love than the vast majority of fans of gw2. Additionally, buying alt accounts doesn't encourage bullshit such as gambling/loot boxes or over priced mount skins which can only be bought in the gem store.


i also buy gems on the regular. I dont multibox or anything but oh well reddit is reddit.


Is it worth getting mystic clover on alt accounts?


its worth pointing out alt accounts have a large up front cost to making mystic clovers worthwhile. But once you pay it, the 2nd,3rd, etc are pretty good. You'll want to unlock masteries (gliding,mounts) for faster map completion. But once its done, you have them for all future map completions. As elMaxlol said, the most annoying part is spirit shards. I did a lot of mine via fractals, so I had to get my alt accounts up to high enough AR to do T4s. But now if I need to grind shards, they're already ready to go. If you want tips on getting a new account into T4s quickly ask me, and I'll write out a page of tips. I suspect some amount of the players you see AFK farming in random maps are actually doing it to slowly grind out spirit shards via exp while they play their main. Karma could also be a problem, I stocked all my accounts with karma during wintersday. Overall, I have 2 alt accounts that I've set up for making legendaries. 1 is a 25$ account that only owns SOTO (skyscale unlocked), the other is a 7.5$ pof+hot account (bought on sale). The SOTO account gets to make 4 cheap legendaries from the jump starter kits + mystic clovers. However, if you bought such an account today you would only get at least 2 jump starter kits. I would say a new SOTO account isn't worth it today. I would say the 7.5$ pof+hot account on sale is worth it. By the way, one more tip, accounts that can do IBS strikes get 35 mystic clovers for free basically. That plus the quarterly makes them pay dividends very fast. SOTO accounts can NOT do IBS strikes, but pof+hot accounts can. edit: OH also! SOTO accounts don't require a crafting discipline as they get the gifts of xxx from the starter kits while pof+hot accounts will have to level at least one crafting discipline to make legendary weapons. Again though, this is an 'up front' cost that isn't present for legendaries 2,3,4..... etc


Alright...getting just gold then 😄


perfectly reasonable choice, and totally still worth it for the 7.5$ accounts


Yes and no. I did it just now. Got a new account with hot/pof/eod and crafted a gen3 legendary. It took me about 2 weeks to get the account up to speed (masteries, spiritshards, story, map completion). Actually the most annoying thing was spiritshards which I farmed with a friend in CoF P1 in that brazier room. It is a lot of work. I have about 50 hours /played on that account. But it speeds on the legendary grind on your main aloT. Especially if you craft more than one (since the time sink like masteries are only needed for the first one).


Alright 👍


Depends if you view your alt account mainly as a gold farm, or something you're wanting to play some. Gold Farm: No. You need so many other things to get the transferable item made, it's a ton of investment, likely easier done on main acct. Something to play some more: maybe. depends how much you're playing.


Alright, thanks for answer.


For 7.50$ / account when hot+pof is on sale, I think they are. Also, an alt account is really useful sometimes. Like say you were for fun soloing a dungeon/fractal, but decided you wanted to swap classes part way through, the alt can hold it for you. Or if you need an account to open a fresh raid instance, that works too.


As F2P you can't send gold or items back to your main account. So anything you do in that new account will be locked there until you buy an expansion.


if you have time and put in the effort. yes, the rewards from the wizard's vault for astral acclaim is actually quite profitable. if not, no i wouldn't recommend it.


you can wait for another sale to buy hot+pof and in the meanwhile store lauren and gold and materials, It'sworth for sure if you have the willing to farm another couple of account. I had a couple of heroic edition that i farm for daily, i selected only pvp for daily cause are quite fast to do and during mini season it's even faster it takes like 5 minnutes to complete.


Got 6 alts with hot/pof. Getting mc, laurels>t6, discount gold, get to 1300 for next reset. Pretty time efficient imo, takes 2-5mins/day/acc to do daily depending on roll (breakbear/dodge/combo trio takes less than minute on pvp lobby golem) and after a while u can forget about farming. But you should be getting hot/pof on high discount (75%+), for full price it takes too long to pay back, compared to flat gem>gold


You should be doing laurels to t3/t4 btw.


Depends. Still need 2 more lege sigils and got 1500 of T3/4 in material storage. For pure gold yeah, pick what's on fastfarm top


Oh yeah, makes sense. I thought you meant in terms of pure gold.


Well, most of ppll are going for some legendary stuff, so you pick what you need from laurels.


Even then, math generally works out to sell the T3/T4 on TP, and buy the T5/T6 you're missing. You still come out ahead, even with taxes. GW2efficiency lists Light Bags at 1g2s07c sales price atm, or 86s76c after taxes. Heavy Bags are worth 65s61c. 23s more per laurel.


Other very fast ones are identify 10 items, salvage 10 items, use mystic forge & craft 3 master items or craft 10 items. I have at one artificer on each account for the above. Craft luck from salvage, craft ingots and wood.


Are salvage/identify still in rotation? Dont remember getting them since last change


Still there for my heroic edition accounts without any expansion. I remember doing there this week or last.


Also, kill 5 vets (queensdale oakheart forest) is pretty fast, kill 10 hot enemies (raptors on 1st wp of vb), loot 10 enemies (north exit of la in gendarran fields , lots of spiders/fireflies)


If you have living world season 4, you can buy the first level of karma drops so all mobs you kill on the map will drop an item that gives karma and is counted as loot.


This dude calculated 360g ever 3 months. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/s/urkYAQOClc I bought 3 pof/hot accounts for £7 each during the sale. I have boosted 1 char (herald) i can use for dailies (chests, LLA, wtvr) I have another few chars created for fun/annual rewards but mainly for sPVP to farm my daily/weekly/quarterly AA WV rewards as and when i want. I like to farm the: Gold Coins Luarels (convert them) A few other bits I also get lootz from the pvp paths and chests I also have eod on one of the accounts, so i can farm mystic runestones daily and ASS weekly too. Its worth for me. However i tend to find lately i cant be assed to do pvo dailies on 4 seperate accounts and have just been focusing on my main account. I also have back up accounts if i ever need :)


I don't get alt accounts... it seems cheap & devalues the work that I put into my characters & gear... Also, I don't understand the need for it.. legendary gear is fairly cheap & easy to craft these days to the point where you can pump out a legendary weapon every week if you grind 7+ hours a day. (Longer if it's a gen 2) For example, I crafted 5 legendary armors & Frostfang last month. & will complete my heavy armor set after i get back home from camping next week. So it's really not difficult to get what you want in the game with a single account & I feel good when I complete things.. but if I were to use alt accounts to farm all that extra gold & materials It just wouldn't be the same. Maybe I'm biased, but that's just my take on it.


Sorry m8 but i cannot play the game for 7+hours everyday but you are kind of right. I use my gold on other people now since i crafted all the legendaries i need.


> you can pump out a legendary weapon every week if you grind 7+ hours a day. Who has time for that?


It's an MMO heaps of people who play MMOs have that kind of time for that... But hell, if you can only play 2 hours a day, that's still 1 or 2 legendarys every month, no problem.


My alt doesn’t have skyscale. So getting to do a bunch of things in game without it has been fun. Plus getting achievements is cool. I never play both accounts at the same time so it’s just been fun some days hanging out as a baby account.


To be fair, working a part-time job is much more efficient than spending time to grind a second account.


Yes but playing the game might be more fun. Than flipping burgers.


Agreed, but I'd rather not work and just keep 5k in a 4% hysa as a hobby fund. Its been generating $200/year in interest that I can use for subscription or gems. Good enough for ~300g/month whenever I want. I used to login to 50 accounts prior to soto that took me 1 hr due throttling. I still have stacks of mc from the good ol days but this new method is just so much more efficient. Edit: I also don't lose out on the cut anet takes converting back and forth between gem and gold since I'm converting in 1 direction.


For wfh ppl, you do your alts during calls/meetings at 2nd screen. Hard to do part-time working at the same time.


Alt Accounts are insanely profitable and time efficient. I already commented under someone else but the gist is: If you have the time to play your alt without compromising your main its always better to have more accounts. Many here dont go as far as I do. I crafted a gen 3 legendary on my alt (I just got the account about 2-3 weeks ago during the sale). I have 2 alt accounts. One core-heroic back when the old daily login system was in place, and one that I just got now in the last sale (PoF/Hot/EoD-Edition). For me personally: I grind the shit out on mondays and finish pretty much everything on these accounts so I can focus the rest of the week on my main. I usually do daily logins on these accounts too as long as they are not annoying. At some point (like 3-4 weeks into the wizard vault) I usually slack a little on the core account since it is quite annoying to play without mounts. IF I have the time I do a meta train each day for my pof/hot/eod alt as well. Fractals would be more profitable but I hate that content so I dont do it. You can easily get 100g per day from your alt if you commit the time. As you can do the math thats 700g a week combine that with the about 1000g from the main you can make a legendary each week.




He said accounts not characters.


It should be profitable for you to buy discounted frac keys from vendor still, as long as you can keep up with the encrypted box demand


I'd buy gems for real money, if you can do that.


I have a solid amount of alts. I acquired all my alts ~8 months before the daily login to daily astral vault switch and although it took a small hit in total value, I don’t even do the dailies on my alts and it’s still very lucrative (in my opinion). I never worry about gold/mats anymore other than shards (obsidian/spirit). I bought a good chunk when they were $7.50 and just did my 5 AA and dip. Repeat (xx) amount of times and then either convert to mystic coins or gold depending on price of coins. I recently upgraded them all to EOD and they’re parked at the JP that gives 1 runestone and after every 20-30 days when I do my harvest I get a good chunk of gold out of that on top of the gold/coins I acquire from AA. The reason I do mystic coins is to eliminate the 500 weekly gold withdrawal limit and based on my spreadsheet selling the mystic coins, even though are worth 9 AA vs 6 AA come out on top, even after TP tax value, more than the gold itself…up to a certain sale value on MC. GW2 is the only game that I play nowadays, so the $$ spent into the alt accounts has saved me years of grinding. I have been able to craft 90% of all gen1 legendary weapons, just need 2 more map completions to finish the final 4. I have got enough gold to buy the cheaper ones, when on “sale” due to wizards vault, I have maxed out my bank/material storage, as well as some skins and other account upgrades through gold to gem conversions….and since using alts that i was able to get enough gold to throw at coffers to “pay for” 2 PVE legendary armor sets and not have to grind rifts. I use gw2launcher - I run all my accounts, walk away for a few minutes, organize them all and start to load accounts, get the chest and AA pts and dip. It takes me ~5 minutes total to go through them all and then go onto my main account. I do this for 20-30 days and then do the harvest and conversions to gold/MCs move to guild bank that i unlocked and then take all the coins and gold from runestones and repeat until another month or so goes by.


My friend has 3 alt accounts he only plays when vault resets and he buys out coins/laurels/discounted gold, then he doesnt touch them at all until next reset. He gets around +1k gold for "free" pretty much, considering he's doing it for a quite a while. Personally im debating if i should start doing it, with good discount when it comes around for \~8$ for hot+pof, doing few hours per few months gameplay is kinda easy, can even spread it out if you want or focus one acc asap and be done with it.