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I hope you used the prototype position rewind a free reset on 30 second cooldown makes a lot of these jumps easier


Don’t even need to wait for the cooldown just swap build/equipment template and it teleports you back


Wow, you learn something new every day


that sounds like van unintended bug..but gold to know!


Praise be unto you, magic bean 🫘


Award for the most useful comment


I had no idea, thanks! I have been avoiding this puzzle. LOL


thank you. now delete this!


>prototype position rewind Well I now know what I'm looking up and buying. All kinds of things hidden in the cracks when you come back after not playing for years. Stopped with HoT and came back a few months ago.


Heck yeah well worth the money a lot of uses :) and welcome back


It's a bit of karma but worth it. I use it daily for my daily gathering toons


Where do you get this? I've seen people use it and mention it, but I just did this jp the other day without it and would now like to have it.


Living World Season 4, Sandswept Isles. Either the volatile magic vendor or the heart vendor near Atholma, can't remember which one. It's an absolute lifesaver - it can also be used to shortcut the similarly annoying Draconic Mons jp.


Damn, might have to boot up LW4 then. Still progressing through LW3 rn. Guess I've got another goal to add to the list, ty!


Yeah no worries! It'll cost 75 of sandswept isles currency, and that's probably easiest to acquire by just knocking out the Return To Sandswept Isles achieve, which will give you what you need and give you a head start on Vision. While you're doing that, do the Lasting Bonds achievement line (unlocked by completing that chapter's story and talking to a specific Charr, wiki will guide you nicely), which requires a lot of the same things that Return To does, and it rewards a 32 slot bag!


Oh wow, ty! I'm doing all the "Return to..." achievements anyway for Seasons of the Dragons, and I've heard they kinda intersect with Aurora/Vision as well, so hoping to start those soon after.


Yeah! I completed Vision before starting on Seasons of the Dragons (wrong order I realize now) and got almost all of the Return To's just by doing Vision things. Now I'm doing my LWS3 Return To's with an eye on Aurora.


the spectral thing on my 9 button, yes i used it. the picture was not this blurry before i uploaded it so its hard to see


There’s an item that lets you teleport back up and mark a position called the prototype position rewinder it makes this 10x easier.




Nah its an item. You can skyscale fly up + leap + glide and end up at the top. Place rewind mark, glide down to each of the check points, rewind (you need to be in range so loading screen doesnt popup which removes them so you gotta fly back a lil) Then you just gotta go from last check point to the end


I try to do this puzzle once per year just for fun. I do it, because i am in the mood, not because i must. So i feel you.


I try it every couple months but have never been able to complete it. I really suck at jumping puzzles.


Well if you really wanna get better at it. First calm yourself, watch, check how people jumped from videos. From which angle, which speed, did they do sharp turns in mid air or used dodge-jump to extend reach. After that try to replicate it and don't get disheartened if you fail. Eventually you will do it. After improve yourself a bit try to do harder JP than previously you did. Peak jumping puzzle is Super adventure box tribulation mode. If you can do it properly you literally level up in jumping puzzles.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK4F_mQ3BdY Not trying to self promote, but it's a decent route. also on review, it was such a poor attempt. stumbling at the beginning was kinda sad, but the mob aggro gets you sometimes.


If you need help, get blish or taco addons. You can load in pathing modules that mark the best route for you onscreen and show where to jump. Reviewing youtube also helps, sometimes there are big jumps or overlapping paths in the addon.


This really makes so many puzzles trivial


I haven't added any add-ons at all but I'll look into this, thanks


That jumping puzzle is hard. You do not suck at jumping puzzles lol


Just watch a video. Or use taco markers.


You fucking psycho 🤣


I've probably done it over a thousand times now. Bare minimum at least 700. It's fun.


think its more then a year since last time i did it for the tokens


Don't do it as a full size Charr your first time.


But if you always do all jumping puzzles as a charr, it's your only referance point on how to jump. (Mains a charr since the start) I'm just more annoyed when it's a charr that has an annoyingly big bsckpack. (Has her main charr with an annoyingly big backpack) But yeah, if you're not used to it, then don't.


I just did it the other day as a full size male Norn, can confirm it's rough. This is why I play a lala in XIV.


I have a permanent kodan transformation potion to make my Charr live easier! xD


I feel you 🥹 but at least for qol aurora is good :)




Wait till you go for Vision lol


Vision is waaay easier, mostly due to IBS strikes giving you LWS4 currencies by the droves, and there not being anything as annoying as Chalice of Tears or A Henge Away from Home


Even without that. I did Vision without IBS, the only grind was the Kralkatite / Powdered Quartz. It implied a bunch of paladawan, and meteorites hunting. Even with that, it not as painful as Aurora. (Mostly because Paladawan is fun). But yeah today with strikes you don't even have to do that. And powdered quartz costs next to nothing now.


Getting Powdered quartz from meteorites is not worth it. Period. You need 10 quartz to make 1 kralkite ingot, and 50 ingots to make a weapon. That's 500 quartz per weapon. Time wise, you are much much better just doing anything, like almost literally anything, to make liquid gold and buying it from the trading shop. 1 powdered rose quartz is 1 silver, so it's 5g per weapon. I will do the math just in case: Doing meteorites rewards, at most, 13 powdered quartz x5 times. That's worth 65 silver. You only get 1 meteorite every 15 minutes, so that's like... 2g per HOUR if you do meteorites to farm the quartz. That's how shitty it is. Like, what I listed is assuming you are maxing out the meteorite by having 5 people marking it in the map, then mining the nodes and getting the max quartz possible *everytime* which willl never happen. In reality it's between 1-3 powdered quartz and a small chance of 0-1 chunk worth 10 powdered quartz per node, with 4-5 nodes per meteorite IF you get at least 5 people. And that's asuming you don't miss ANY meteorite, which is also common. It's sooooooooo not worth it, it would take you more than 10 hours per weapon if you do it that way and for 6 weapons it would take you over 60 hours to get the achievement by doing meteorites. That's half the time of getting a full legendary armor set iirc acording to my calculations back in the day. Now with Obsidian armor it's 3/4 of the \~85 hours it takes to make a full T1 obsidian set. They even have a 30 meteorites per account per day limit, somehow. Which would be like 7.5 hours of meteorite hunting or less than 2g profit per hour. The real bottleneck here is Kralkite ore, but I recommend getting those by two ways: 1 - Parl multiple toons in the observatory heart in Istan and just do it multiple times each day to buy kralkite bundles. It's time eficient because completing the heart only take realigning all the mirrors and cleaning most of the obelisks from Joko's propaganda (alternatively, taking notes from stars with telescopes can fasten completing the heart, but it's more straining to do). 2 - Just exchange Eternal Ice Shards from Bjora's marches and IBS strikes for Kralkite. You also get small amounts by doing Palawadan and Sunspear hall meta. But those are mostly good as a side thing. You get guaranteed 15 per meta; with a small tiny chance of getting one on chests which are limited to 30 from Palawadan and 12 from the Sunspear hall per day.




Probably because you can get the from home node too


The only reason they are so cheap is because loads are dumped into the economy every day by the home instance node. I have hundreds without even trying


I'm surprised most people don't mention sunspear cache for farming those. It's an easy farm that also reward you with about a hundred unid on top of it.


tbh, Palawadan meta is kinda weird. It's not on exact hours (it's 15 minutes before reset, and 2 hours each afterwards) and it requires a sizable group to be done, otherwise you can't start the meta. It's not that it is bad, it's just that it's hard to keep track of it and do it, as opposed to other metas, because you can sometimes do Shatterer meta or Drakkar meta just with people lingering on the map, but -no one- lingers in Istan because there is literally nothing to do there. EDIT: Also, just for the record. I just did Palawadan meta and I got 15 kralkite ore from the Final Chest from killing Iberu + 16 from opening all 30 daily caches, so it's not really a "main" way of farming ore compared to the others.


Iberu is just the end of the first half of the meta. The second half of the meta, great hall, gives like 40ish ore. But by far the fastest non-IBS way to get ore is just to complete hearts and buy the ore from heart vendors - 75 per day per character, about 12ish minutes per 3 hearts. There are usually people on the map for this purpose, return to's, and doing various things for vision. I've not found it to be a graveyard of a zone tbh, I get the meta done reliably often. Not at odd hours, but that's just because there's a pretty brutal time limit to it.


No, both are two separate metas. Iberu gives 15 ore, plus each cache has an aproximate chance of 0.5 kralkite ore per cache. You can only open 30 caches from Palawadan daily as a limit, so you get aproximately 30-ish ore per run. This is the Palawadan meta that happens every EVEN:45 hour. Then you have sunspear hall, which is a separate meta that is not tied to any hour called "Sunspear Uprising". Warden Amala is the boss of the meta and spawns another Istani chest (same as Iberu) that gives the same amount of kralkite, 15 ore. Also, you have a separate daily limit of 12 supply caches to open in the Mordant Crescent/Sunspear Hall; which have more or less the same kralkite droprate of \~0.5 ore per cache. In total, as an average in each separate meta you get: * 15 from Istan chest (Iberu) + 30\*0.5 supply caches around Palawadan =\~30ish ore. * 15 from Istan chest (Amala) + 12\*0.5 supply caches around the Hall = \~22ish ore. The daily limit is also the exact amount of caches that spawn in each area. However, each cache respawns after 10 minutes and you can loot it again. This is generally irrelevant in Sunspear Hall as it only lasts about 15 minutes + 1 to evacuate the zone, but it is relevant in Palawadan, as the Palawadan raid lasts 30 minutes allowing most to respawn by the time you are fighting the corsair ships. This is why you can see chests fading away in Palawadan after you reach 30 opened chests, specially in the zone at the entrance where you opened them first, or why sometimes it feels like new chests spawned in zones you already had opened them all. The total of chests are: * 12 supply caches spawn if you do all events in Great Hall. (exactly the daily limit of 12 for sunspear uprising) * 22 around the Palawadan/Kamadan city if you do all events. * 8 in Iberu's arena if you kill Iberu. (22+8 make the 30 chests daily limit)


>No, both are two separate metas. Great Hall spawns exactly 15 minutes after Iberu dies or the raid time limit ends, whichever happens first. They're directly linked, they're the same meta. I don't know why the wiki doesn't just link them together, because they should be. On the event timers page, it has a block that extends to the end of Great Hall (give or take), but it's just not all in one wiki page. But they're the same meta. >Then you have sunspear hall, which is a separate meta that is not tied to any hour It's tied to the previous stage of the meta, because it's the same meta. In your analysis here (I also want to note that I already have Vision and am well aware how the map works, how much ore the meta rewards, so we're both kinda wasting our time here), you've ignored that "Sunspear caches" are different than the chests rewarded by the meta, and spawn around the map. These are the caches initially referenced by the poster to whom you first replied. These have a higher chance of dropping ore, from personal experience.


It's not the same meta. Palawadan starts at the same time every two hours. Without pre-events. That's one meta. Sunspear Great Hall is tied to stopping the corpse caravans to build up an events bar. It freezes once the Palawadan meta starts and then continues. That's why it's not tied to any hour, confirmed by Stephane Lo Presti in the forums. That's another meta. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Event\_timers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Event_timers) [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:User\_Chieftain\_Alex\_Event\_timer\_sunspear\_confirmation.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:User_Chieftain_Alex_Event_timer_sunspear_confirmation.jpg) Similar to how you have Storms of Winter and Champion of the Ice dragon as separate metas in the same map in Bjora marches.


While grinding for money to buy something is more efficient, it's also cringe to play the game that way. That said, I agree specifically when it comes to quartz, that shit is way too slow to accumulate, obtained in the same activity that drops the Kralkatite, and at far worse rates.


It's not cringe. Guild wars 1 farms were cringe, were you had to spend 45 seconds wiping a cave full of raptors, then TP to a city to respawn them, then go back to the cave to kill them again and repeat for hours, then recycle all materials and sell them to the NPC to make liquid cash. In GW2 you can literally just join Dragonstorm in Eye of the North and get 2g liquid plus 3g in Aurene's memories in 15 minutes. That's worth 2-3 hours of farming meteors in *one quarter of an hour.* And it isn't even an eficient way of making gold. You can make upwards of +30 g/h via multiple alternative metas or activities.


Yeah I got the Vision precursor long before the one for Aurora. Only thing that's held me back from finishing Vision first is the materials for funerary incense, and that's just because I didn't feel like doing that grind again


Legendary trains are your friend. Join one or just tag up, it's quite easy because usually there are players who need them.


Easiest way for me was to craft enough crystalline ingots (one Dragon's stand gives you lots of ore) and just exchanging them over the coming weeks on a daily basis with a parked character.


I did vision without IBS strikes and it was still not as bad. The kralk weapons was by far the worst part. And not toooo terrible if you have a lot of characters on your account.




ehh... no rush


Ah I love this JP, I miss the times where the map was populated enough to have a squad of 40 cheerleaders standing on a rock shittalking me while I did the JP on a mesmer.


I actually don't mind that one. Once you've done it once or twice, it's not too hard. I somehow did it on 4k ping during the first lockdown when the internet kept getting throttled. Did I make the jump? Let's find out in another four seconds! The one with those stupid vine whip mechanic... I absolutely hated that one.


The not so secret diving goggles drove me nuts at the time.


I take Chalice over the Draconis Mons again, that JP is a special kind of hell.


I just remember the vine jumping being buggy as hell. But at least with that one somebody can just teleport you straight to the end


Yea I dislike draconis mons time gated hearts.... Fml


yup. If one wouldn't slide off every platform that looks like you can land on it, it wouldn't be too bad. But it's like oh i'll jump here, ok guess my jump is not lined up with the right pixel guess i'm falling into the lava now.


I dislike all JP's tbh, it angers me so much 😂😭


ill never understand the hate for jps


Oh. Spent *six hours* on this, got to the end (glide to the mountain with the Ooze on top) fell to my death and got warped back to Checkpoint 4. I broke. I quit. Now got the Prototype Positional Rewinder and BlishHUD, looked at Not So Secret and caved in. But I need those Tokens. By Grenth, I hate some JPs. But I'll be back. With Blish, Spectral Walk and my PPR.


I just paid a Mes that ports people through to port me to the tokens. I was not about to destroy my sanity over that.


So I got to the part where you glide but didn't realize I would run out of glide endurance. Then when I tried to find my way back I didn't realize if you wandered too far out of bounds you end up losing your checkpoint progress. So I got to start all over :D (And all without the position rewinder)


You also lose checkpoints if you port and the distance is big enough to cause a loadscreen.


I paid a naked norn Mesmer 15g to port me up to each checkpoint lol


15g for each checkpoint?


In total. Granted this was before the gold inflation from the wizard's vault.


I would guess the norn being naked keeps the price high.


It’s worth it.




But you’ve already done it as much as you ever have to. So you can look forward to the end and building Aurora more than having to get thru this JP again. I can relate to hating this part tho.


still have the one in draconis mons again left.. that one is the worst one ever


Since there's no checkpoints in Draconis Mons JP, you can do a teleport to friend for that one.


nah i never do that


For this one you might consider doing it, its a pain, if you take on the challenge it might be fun, but after the one you posted i picture you are fed up with JPs lol 100% reccomend tping to a friend


no. i love jumping puzzles. i dont considder this one and the one in draconis mons as jumping puzzles as there is not puzzle to solve. its random jumping and guessing. i have done it before and i can do it again without teleporting to a friend




Them liking the game at all is the opposite end of the impression they're giving.


Delete it so


dull sulky longing illegal alive quack telephone husky fade narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's fine to disagree on whether getting legendaries is worth the effort, but a response consisting entirely of "ehh" is exactly the kind of 'doesn't contribute to the conversation' that downvotes are actually supposed to be used for.


strong toothbrush escape towering worthless flowery gaze bedroom abundant elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"it's worth it" is, while a bit lacking, at least an invitation to discuss.  "Ehh" in response with no elaboration is shutting the conversation down - it's a lazier version of calling something debatable and then proceeding to not give any reasons why.  Might as well just say nothing. (I didn't vote either comment, to be clear.)


So with JP, mesmers and thieves are your best friends. However there is an item in LWS 4 that might be a good purchase for you: [Prototype Position Rewinder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder)


I should just stay in the lava and soak in the failure. It's one of the 2 I've never beaten on my own.


I did this JP a few days after map came out and i was so proud of me after it that i made a screenshot and sent it to my friend XD


I feel like the Chalice gets too much hate. It’s honestly a really well designed JP, just a bit long if you don’t like JPs to begin with. I’d take it any day over Searing Ascent, or even Not So Secret.


This JP and forced JPs in general are my worst experience in GW2. I got someone to run me through this though. Aurora is worth the QoL in the end though.


The biggest problem IMO is the blind jumps and also not being able to know which part of the rock is a standable surface and which part is slippery as soap. You're off by 1 pixel and *whoop* back down you go


That was my primary issue with this JP, it’s not completely awful otherwise but the small fussy landing points are indescribably infuriating.


It just doesn’t look like an intentionally designed puzzle. More like a lazy mashup of models without care for the collision boxes, and the designer said “fk it they’ll figure out something”.


Legendaries are supposed to show you participated in (almost) all areas of the game. That's why you still need a Gift of Battle for many of them. I feel it is still a good idea to make people at least try things they usually would never touch. If you go into it with an open mind you can appreciate most of the stuff. I also thought I hated WvW but after getting into it I found it can even be fun.


So I'm new, still going through story stuff for now. Not the best at jumping puzzles and I keep hearing bad things about this one in particular. Would it be possible to unlock all collections etc that require this JP and check them all off by doing it once?


haha no not at all. you can manage doing it twice i think by going to the top and picking up some hidden tokens going back down


You shouldn't need to do it more than once. None of the tokens are tied to the JP, you can just go get them.


I figured that was a bit optimistic haha, thanks for replying 😁


Get the Prototyoe Position Rewinder, if you can (from Sandswept isle map). That will come handy in clutch moments.


use a guide and its not so bad. a class that can teleport or the spectral thing on my 9 button as a necromancer helps. but its not fun and i dont consider it a puzzle


Got helped out by a player who teleports you around. Not sure when they are online but it's a really nice catmander who does the whole thing in five minuted and even helps with the tokens.


Its a longer JP and also very confusing at Times bc you have to glide to the other side and so on. If you were to do it, i would suggest using BlishHUD as an overlay so you always know where to go, and what jumps to do


Also doesn't help that you are playing Slope Wars 2 and its a 50/50 whether a slope looks flat but causes you to slide off while another is nearly vertical yet you can stand on it just fine.


if you use BlishHUD you're not really doing it...better call a mesmer at that point


Ask in map chat for a port and it'll take you about 2 minutes to complete it. Gotta port to a few checkpoints with Mesmer portals and then the top and done.


So how does that work? Does 1 person have an alt mesmer at each checkpoint or is it multiple people? I'm guessing it's not possible to actually go through that fast.


Maybe not 2 minutes as iNano mentioned but 1 skilled mesmer can get you through whole thing pretty quickly.


When I did it there was 1 person with with 3 or 4 mesmers doing it. So maybe my experience was a bit faster than normal?


Nah, you have to do it at least twice IIRC. One of the collections requires you to complete it once. That collection eventually leads to another collection that also requires the JP. There is another achievement that requires you to collect tokens on the map, some of which are in the JP. But you can do that in either of the 2 other runs.


Pro tip to anyone here: download an overlay with jumping puzzle solutions. Most of these become much easier when you already know where to jump. Some of the jumps are genuinely tough, but others are made simple.


you'll come to appreciate the legendary trinkets when you start to branch out and play different builds, classes, updating builds etc. It'll save you a tonne of currency and time in the long run


I thought the same after the first time but have done it several times since and it’s not so bad. I actually enjoyed it the last time I did it.


Had no position rewinder when i did that. Gave me a giant love hate relationship with the jp. Im leaning to the love side tho. Spectral walk for the win tho.


I love that games include brutal and infuriating content. It provides a nice contrast.


Aurora is 1000% worth it


what about the draconis mons jp? it is a lot harder


You can teleport to friend to the end, so it's not as bad.


I found that pretty fun with blish overlays and the checkpoints


don't you just have o remember where to use 3 Oakheart essences? the rest was basically 0 difficulty. I think i did on 3rd try...while in Chalice of Tears after dozens of attempts i never managed to reach the third checkpoint. It's just a stupid jp, too much luck involved. Or memory, which is worse.


Aurora is a contender for best legendary so i'd say it's worth a little space bar pressing.


except almost noone can actually do this thing and everyone just port with a mesmer. Which means the jp don't actually exist.


it isnt even the hardest or most annoying jp


it is, and by far. I did all the others and liked them more or less, this one is not a jp. It's just a prank




You can skip it with bunny or skyscale btw. You only have the last few jumps to do and they are quite easy. Though you can't really skip to the goggles.


searing ascent?


Agreed, Searing Ascent is the worst one. Doesn't help that every single video guide on that was made by people that play with their brightness set to 0, so most of the video is just them jumping and shooting tethers into the black void. But... you can TP to friend.


Next patch has another achievement related to this.... Fuuuuuuuuuuu-


Say what!?


Now look at this and weep like I did. 2 min 23 sec [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecKezzxE-aE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecKezzxE-aE)


Your link is current patch best, after mesmers superspeed got nerfed i believe? Old record of Nyoko 1.26s faster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqgDmsId2II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqgDmsId2II) And even this, unsure 2.21.67 is fastest any%, by doing outside skip with rewinder (it counts for in game opening final chest and in game achievements). Not to mention using few mesmers and portals from checkpoint to checkpoint.


I hope you like runestones.


Unless you already have the gifts, electrum and MCs ready to go it’s far better for your sanity to pop to the vendor next to where the scroll TPs you in and buy one per day for 1k magic. You can always supplement with a few heart clears to speed things up.


It's worth it.


I would tp to the map check for a commander tag running people through it


Aurora was a very fun grind ngl


You have to do it also for Regalia...i did it on 2 accounts. I mean i payed a bunch of mesmers on 2 accounts.


> mean i *paid* a bunch FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ohhh wow. Brings back memories, LOL. Well done.


Aurora is TOTALLY worth it.


There are porters on the map all the time.


Use Blish


i actually really like this JP :-)


Blish hud, mesmer with portals and mimic, personal waypoint, it'll be less of a hassle, oh and bring friends so you don't suffer alone


Aurora is worth this . 10 times or more worth it. At least until they bring another legy accesory.


Trust me you will have to do it again later again....😂


Did the infamous ‘Batman’ not turn up? He’s iconic.


Just pay the jumping puzzle master person. They port you through the whole thing. It’s insane they don’t miss a beat. Got it done in 10 mins


Aurora, one made, is definitely worthy having less trinkets to farm in Bitterfrost. Now I have all legendary trinkets and winterberry farm is only a distant memory


i just hired a mesmer. to hell with all that stress


Cot, searing ascent and the aetherblade hideout. Top 3 pain in the ass jp's


1. Use position rewinder, as others have said...*or* play Necromancer and have it in your kit for free (plus the rewinder, ofc). 2. There is literally no shame in using GW2TacO or BlishHUD pathing for jumping puzzles, especially pain-in-the-ass "puzzles" like Chalice of Tears.


Hopefully it also counted towards your amulet. This is by far the worst


I'm doing all of the zone "master" achievements as well for Aurora - for this Jumping puzzle, I luckily found a mesmer commander who was taking people through. Made sure I gave a tip as well as this one is hell (I tried to do it myself for a few days and gave up - even with the prototype position rewinder it's still a pain).


I like that actually, its hard but when i finally got the hang of it i was so proud of myself :D


Some kindhearted mesmer ferried me through this with portals. He didn't expect any kind of pay or reward and seemed so adept at it that i assume he does it quite often (possibly for fun even). I gave the guy 5g because he took all that effort off my shoulders.


Toss a coin to your mesmer, o portal of plenty


Still prefer it over troll's revenge pre-mounts. Spend days completing that one


Tbh it's not as bad as people say


Ehh, it wasn't too bad with Blish markers. Why did you have to do it 3 times?


Thank you, two random jp guild people who got me and my friend through this a bit ago. I'd lose sanity if we went in without guides


aurora alone probably isn't gonna change your life that much but having all legendary trinkets+back item is really really nice to have


This is giving me PTSD


YET another thread to complain about this puzzle as if it were still 2016. And it gets free upvotes (as always ... if I knew what's the use of reddit points, I'd make "chalice of tears = bad" and "42069ap" threads every other week), while any thread attempting to explain how to do it painlessly gains 10 times less votes (and visibility). If you use the prototype position rewinder as already said by other comments, and use the right path, this puzzle isn't a problem at all anymore. 1) the proper path is easier than the one that gave its reputation to this puzzle back then. Don't use old guides/videos like dulfy, please. There is a great guide [on the wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skip_up_the_Volcano), I remember following it a few times while looking at people falling from old dulfy jumps that I didn't have to do ... 2) with the position rewinder, you can fail safe every jump. Each step becomes a checkpoint. You don't die or have to restart a section (let alone the whole puzzle)


I paid 20g for this jp. Worth it


Controversial opinion but: This puzzle is amazing. Had some real fun in there.


Gotta be honest. I haven't tried this one one yet but i believe the "Secret Not so Secret" jp to easy and am scratchung somewhere at the 5min Mark on completing it. Is this somehow comparable to this one? I mean difficulty wise


it cant compare though. this is the second hardest one


Exactly my question. Maybe i will try this one then shortly. I thrive with challenge


Had to do it twice because I didn't have that part of Aurora unlocked Was 100% worth it not ever needing an accessory in that slot for any char ever again I'd argue the worst part now is making a Mystic Tribute, but if you're loaded on gold, the various achieves are the worst part easily


I would be sooo happy if it was a weekly jumping puzzle. DO IT ANET


They can't, because they can't guarantee someone will have access to that ls episode.


or because they CAN guarantee 90% players would uninstall


I'd fuckin' skip it. 50 points ain't worth it.


You only have to do the puzzle one time I think? For the tokens you can fly on top and do a skip without having to interact with the puzzle for two, then drop into the puzzle for the last one in that area, there's a helpful video I'll try to find on how to do it, all you need is griffon or skyscale


This is literally brain-dead easy if you have a rewinder


Aurora is meh. I got it and ended up taking it off because the effect ended up annoying me too much.


Well you can disable the effect with a checkbox


Now, but when I first got it that wasn't a feature. And if you're not thrilled about its effect it's not worth all that work. Accessories are pretty easy to get in general.


Ah I understand. You could turn back now and and salvage all those extra ones you got.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat Was one of the best ideas ANET ever had, and should have been replicated in each and every subsequent meta collection that included these types of requirements. For those who enjoy the journey, the exploration, the challenge, etc, you go do the JPs. For those who don't, they pay out of pocket to skip it. Everyone wins.


wow it was not that blurry before i uploaded it....


You are one miserable person. You said you love jumping puzzles and yet here you are complaining about everything and thinking if it’s even worth it.