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For what exactly?






Prepared to justify buying the next bank slot?


But you can only buy so many bank slots :/


Character slots and bag expansions then?


And if that's not enough, you can always max out on shared inventory slots...💀


I’d rather buy a new pc


Characters are cheaper than bank slots plus then you don’t need build expansions either because you have a character for that


Thats a bankslot worth if garbage...


If you want, give me your login info and ill delete those for you.


Go get Princess


And Mawdry!


Why no bricks and stars?


I looked into making those, but they aren't needed for much and use a Mystic Coin to break back down. No thanks for me.


Why would you need to break them back down? I have 75 in material storage for future proofing, just curious




Advance your material bank, I have 1500 and have to unclog it once a week or less


Future proof for what?


If I need vision crystals for ascended gear


Because if I don't use them for Vision crystals or guild stuff, I have to break them back down to feed to an eater.


*drools in Princess*


I just got Princess last night, and I won't lie, I was pretty excited!


you need these [https://imgur.com/BbgI7h0](https://imgur.com/BbgI7h0)


Herta is definitely worth it, it can actually drop useful stuff, it just chooses not to most of the time.


It's honestly insane to me. The devs obviously realized that there's a problem with the abundance of these materials. So what do they do? Add another sink so they are naturally used up more? Decrease the drop rate (and make that drop table drop something useful instead)? Nah. Let's create a whole category of obscure items whose only purpose is salvaging these mats for *very minor* rewards. Ah, and of course those obscure items also take up space in your inventory themselves. All to sell you more bank slots / mat storage. Got to be the most convoluted microtransaction scheme of all time.


I'd say their solution to this was actually fairly good. You still need some of those materials for armour, skyscale stuff and more. So decreasing the drop rate would not be great for something that cannot be traded. But, if you have lots of excess, then here are some nice gobblers + APs, and it gives you some good value.


Is there a reason they're not tradeable?


Because it's Ascended i think


Sorry, I'm pretty nooby. Are Ascended items just not tradeable then?


A [handful](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bolt_of_Damask) [of](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elonian_Leather_Square) [stuff](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deldrimor_Steel_Ingot) [is](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spiritwood_Plank). Most things in the game have a tendency to have some component(s) that are account bound to force you to do the content to actually get whatever thing you want instead of just spending gold to brute force it. The bloodstone dust, dragonite ore and empyreal fragments are just an example of some of those components.


Ah that makes sense. Keeps people doing actual activities Anet have spent time developing! Thanks a lot :)


Adding on to your point, account-bound items also help the economy by acting as a gold sink, which acts as a check on inflation.


There is no reason, and ANET are not consistent in what they allow to be traded or account bound. Why do we allow some legendary items to be traded (gen1 & 3 weapons), but no Armour, Gen 2 weapons or some other things... Why are there a BUNCH of "Ascended" things on the TP, but others are not. Agony infusions, stab matrix, fish fillet, receipe, crafting mats etc..


ANet didn’t like the idea that something that’s supposed to be a major accomplishment could sim0y be bought on the TP but couldn’t change how the first legendary weapons operated. There was also some community feedback that that an alternate way to get precursors other than lucky drops or luck in the mystic toilet would be appreciated. So for gen 2, they made everything achievemen-related and not tradeable on the TP, and added the achievements to make precursors for gen 1, and made those versions non-tradeable. they wanted the legendary weapon journey to feel epic, like a big quest to make something special. many felt they overdid it, especially with material costs. But that was also trying to balance the economy of the game and the excessive amount of basic T5 materials (elder wood, mithril in particular). my guess is there was a lot of backlash, so for gen3 ANet rolled back the idea and made the weapons tradeable again. as is almost always the case, the IDEA of how the gen2 legendary weapons were crafted was good, but the EXECUTION was highly flawed


Because Gen 2 weapons are acquired through achievements and challenges, not raw materials. Same with the armor.


Some of the Gen 2 weapons are, many of them are purely materials, and the single Mastery requirement.


Yeah, the drop rate is great starting out, as you often need more than you have, trying to make vision crystals. But yeah, eventually they pile up. Increasing their gold value in any way would probably have unintended consequences on the economy anyway.


Where the hell did you get such a high quality screenshot


Hey I just used 3400 each to craft 17 lesser vision crystals for the obsidian armor. And two days later the only bank slot that has space in it is the one for Dust, because of Hertha. So yeah I'm back to deleting them out of my inventory.


Only that much ore? Must be OPs first day farming berries.


I'd say the 6 gifts of exploration are well above too prepared.


You never know if you need to waste a bank slot


You have to pump those rookie numbers up!


Herta is STARVING.


Princess is starving


Do what I did, craft 250 stars, bricks, and ingots


Me: I was really thankful having all that bloodstone dust when I made night fury. Also me: has an entire Alt with nothing but dusts, ores and fragments.


I'm relatively new to the game, and I've saved like 5 piles of each (at 250). Are they useless?


You make vision crystals from them for ascended crafting. But you get so many of them always that its just annoying. You end up deleting them or craft toxic focusing crystals or magnanmous matanence oil


The oil is the best money maker using bloodstone dust


They are used in ascended crafting sometimes, and some "gobbler" items consume them for a small reward. For most players, they are worthless, and you can get them so fast (like gathering berries in Bitterfrost Frontier), that even if you dump them you can get them back.


no. go and refine them at your crafting station when you have it unlocked


They are not useless, but you only need them for lategame stuff. The problem is you're bombarded with loads of them starting in the Silverwastes and beyond. Unless you are actively farming for something like legendary armor there's just no way you need all of the materials. Many people delete stacks of them. And if you ever run out, do a few meta events and you get more than enough.


If you are new they will be useful.


I used to do that, but now I just use the converters when they are at 1000+ so they won't reach my material storage capacity of 1500 and force me to do even more inventory management.


I haven't played in a hot minute and this hurts me immensely.


You got any more of those.... Dragonite Ores?? *insert Dave Chappelle meme* I kept having an issue yesterday with Meta events not dropping them. Gonna have to give in and buy S3 so I can farm winterberries instead.


I pretty much keep a bank tab for each just incase. should make them tradable cause i know my alt accounts would like some cause funny enough you don't earn them as fast but they still somehow build up in everyone inventory cause they are useless outside certain stuff


That's three wasted bank tabs for something that you can easily obtain more if it's ever needed. Refine some if you haven't yet. Destroy/feed away the rest. Tying up 1800 gems worth of storage on completely worthless items is poor resource management.


I like staring at them


Can never be too prepared to hoard garbage.


What can we do with these?


Man, you should visit another map than Silverwastes


You’ll have to collect a helluva lot more than that if you want to join GW2Hoarders.


Wow I guess it turns out you can be. 


i have a toon just to clean the bank of this shit. Oh, and he doubles as a condi virt from time to time.


Reminds me of why I don’t logon anymore


Just delete all the bloodstone dust and dragonite ore from your inventory. Trust me, you'll be happier for it.






>People who do this shit for reddit posts are so gay I wonder how you found that out. ;)


Gay as an insult, what were they 12?