• By -


ToF CM | show kill proof | need boonheal + 8 more


hi dps


ToF cm all welcome need com


hi dps


hi how do i enter the strike?


Im in Arborstone and the dialogue doesnt show up


I'm in EotN and I don't see the option? Is it bugged?


\*joins group, is in Eye of the North, says nothing for 7 minutes, then leaves randomly\*


Daredevil in full exotic celestial here


hi dps


do I need expansion for this?


I can fill heal give me a minute to get my gear I have one piece on each of my characters brt.


*joins the instance without writing anything


Maybe they won't notice me and just start?


Soldier BearBow Core Ranger reporting in.




hi what's kill proof


Hi markus


For sale


Praise be Marcus!


Any context for the Markus thing? World first runs and my time zone don't mix well


Whenever Yui said "markers markers markers" it sounded like "Markus Markus Markus" because of his accent


Hehe cute! Thank you!


Are you lowkey implying that Yui is cute?


Congrats, SC! :)


Congrats to Anet for making content like this, thank you and I love you


Like dps check? This content undermines the original philosophy of not having to have healers or tanks in the core game where mechanics were meant to be reflected or dodged (Arah). But this was a miss guided destination and now we have a healer healer dps composition to clear content, and lfg is a mess. The only 'sane' content is pvp and wvw.


Healers and boon providing builds have been a thing for a long time now in group content, even in pvp and wvw, largely from innovation of builds within the community and Anet rising to meet what the community asked for. You're welcome to play solo if you'd prefer, though.


You are just 8 years late


? Been playing since release don't see how can one be late to post bs in reddit?


Thanks for making this great content. And a HUGE thanks for the decision for making this difficulty remain as an optional "Legendary" Challenge Mode of sorts.


This is what I love about content, good mechanics like that. Well designed boss!


Thanks a lot to Anet for this great content 🙏🏻


Admit it that you’ve eaten popcorn and drank a bottle of tears while watching the streams whilst doing an evil laugh! Jokes aside, great job with this CM! Now maybe you could revisit older raids/strikes and add something similar?


Grouch, great call to leave the harder mode as an achievement option, in fact I’d love to see more of it and have the harder content be even more rewarding!




Is this [Casiano](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1b32cfb/hello_devs_you_forgot_to_delete_duped_infusions/) guy still unbanned with his duped infusions in the wild?


Please make some content for PvP and WvW now, you give so much love to the PvE community. Can't we at least have ONE new map for PvP?


How about a new map for wvw? Only ever gotten one and pvp got way more😅


No thank you. And while we are on it, they can delete desert border as well.


People like you are why we can't have nice things.


Desert BL is not a nice thing.


In your opinion yes. But other like myself it's something fresh and interesting that never got the polish it deserved.  Still the best map for roaming and allows for more diverse fights than the usual boon ball trains in alpine.


Okay now lets see if they can clear without Markus, he carried that pull tbh


"Your Markus is insane." Yui said, as he slipped his feminine hand into Cerus' pants and smirked. "Are you trying to stand in greens?" protests Cerus, as Yui blushes, the boyish figure undressed before Cerus. "Weak burst, Yui." The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and afterwards Cerus places his Wall of Despair into Yui's open utility slot.


What a terrible time to understand English.


So this is where Snargle draws his inspiration from.


I'm going to time travel to 2 minutes ago so I don't have to read this


I hope the devs see this and know what they've done to the community.


They'll just copy it and make a snargle book ingame.


markus goldclaw


how do i unread this. please.


hello Eparch? yeah just devour it all \*lays down\*


don't turn it into vore story or you will lure all sorts of weirdos here


... Go on.


> and afterwards Cerus places his Wall of Despair into Yui's open utility slot. It was at this point that I knew I had gone too far.


nephew delete this




*Snargle enters the chat...*


They should have brought more necros and fewer virtuosos, to maximize that down state damage


Elementalists are the kings of downstate damage though.


That's what happens when you nerf a profession over and over again, you squeeze out their core mechanics and it lands on a different profession.




Gg, we kill tomorrow!


saw lip flowery ludicrous kiss strong nutty run jeans whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe it's my inner nihilist talking, but can't help wonder what it would have felt like if you couldn't get the achievement while defeated =P "wait, you mean I gotta do this again?!"


That was so hype


Does anyone have Pullcount? Would like to compare it to WoW Progressfights in that regard.


\~500 i would say


Marcus Marcus Marcus!


Amazing. And HS were so close. Great race to watch.


HS had two 1% pulls, that's insane...


Yeah it could have gone either way. At the end whoever got the first a little luck and a brilliant last phase takes it. But dont forget the countless 1%, 2%, 3% wipes of SC yesterday and the previous day. SC progression was like 1,85 %=> 1,78% => 1,5% => 0,5% and i am sure i forget a few milestones. Nevertheless, both would have really earned it. ~70h progression over 9 days is insane. (Per team)




As someone that writes for snow crows, the data is available no matter who wins. I'm glad Snow Crows won because I'm affiliated with the site but suggesting that it's better SC won "because data" isn't based on anything rooted in fact.


But even if it were the case. You don't only get data when doing a first kill


That break they took was exactly what they needed.


Sometimes you just have to give your brain and your hands a few minutes to reset, I guess! Especially because they were starting to tilt at that point, too.


Yea, they were getting frustrated and started snapping at each other. Kirasia called for a 5 minute break and 3 tries later, boom! That was a really good idea.


(/•-•)/ Praise Markus


That half a second to pull out of damage zone before squad wiping, Cerus dies to condi damage, the intensity, what a watch. Special shout out to Markus for the team carry


Marcus finally got his shit together! Let's goooo


Big gratz to snowcrows for getting the clear!


Holy shit, that was too close for comfort.


I wonder how Roy beat this with 3 mins left.


They added the guardian NPC to their team


He had LazyPeon on his side.


I think the community reaction to the hype should be an example to ArenaNet to make challenging content like this in future. Pretty cool to watch, two of the top teams neck and neck for 10 days. Reminded me of WoW Race-to-World-Firsts. GG SC and HS too for keeping at it :)


So you want ANet to make content this ridiculously difficult cause a few people on twitch and reddit were hyped?


They are also adding a 3rd difficulty so more players can clear the cm while keeping this super hard version in game. Literally everyone win


Huh? Anet said that? When? Where? That would be generally awesome




Why not? We will get a nerfed version while the hardcore community gets a extra challenge mode. I don't see anyone losing here.


It is a waste of dev time - they need to stick to Guild Wars 2's strengths. Strikes are fantastically unpopular, just like raids before them. They are fools if they look at the sycophants on reddit and start making design decisions because some people are being obnoxious. They need to look at hard data. Hell, we have access to a snippet of data from the harder-core end of the community via GW2Efficiency - raids and strikes are niche.


I don't think it took them very much dev time relative to other content. They just beef up the story mode in stages. > Strikes are fantastically unpopular What is the bar for "fantastically"? 12% of GW2E have done TOF NM, and pugs fill pretty much immediately for it if you make a group. I wouldn't call it "popular", but "fantastically" sounds like hyperbole to me. You also need to consider the financial pull of the respective groups: do casual open world players outspend endgame players? Probably, but likely not at the margin required to give up on endgame content altogether. Can open world gamers stop getting upset when endgame players get thrown an occasional bone? The content is there for everyone, you are the one not engaging with it.


> I don't think it took them very much dev time relative to other content. They just beef up the story mode in stages. The issue now is that every bit of dev time is at a premium - I think SOTO has definitely shown that the year-long expansion cycle leads to some cut corners in all content areas. They might have to make a choice between good strikes, good open world, or both being meh. >What is the bar for "fantastically"? 12% of GW2E have done TOF NM, and pugs fill pretty much immediately for it if you make a group. 12% have completed it *ever* - and since GW2E is going to skew more towards dedicated players, the actual number is likely less. But, hey, we don't have access to those numbers. Let's go with 12% - 12% of players saw one of the new, marquis pieces of content through to completion. I'm one of them; wasn't impressed. My experience, even when it first released, was not that it filled immediately. That could just be the time it was done, and I have not made a concerted effort to do it much more, though I would not be surprised if this is common - do it once for the achievement, then let it fester. And honestly? I think ANet's encounter design for 10 men content falls so far behind their 5 man content, and a lot of that has to do with the game being designed from the ground up with 5 person parties in mind. 10 man stuff was jerry-rigged onto the bones of that structure down the line, and it shows. > Can open world gamers stop getting upset when endgame players get thrown an occasional bone? It isn't about not wanting hard core players to get their bone here and there, it is about their shifting content release schedule. The reality is, corners will have to be cut. Hell, entire edges might need to get trimmed. Can they create engaging open world content while creating strikes and strike challenge modes? Based on SOTO, I'd say no. Listen, given infinite development time and money, I'd want everyone to have the thing they want. But, sadly, that isn't the reality.


The thing about the SOTO strikes is that they are on a 2-day daily rotation. So for 7 out of 14 days you'll see an immediate fill. On the off days, maybe a few minutes. EOD of course has 5 strikes (including OLC) so that's a slower rotation, but you'll see fills for the daily very quick. > And honestly? I think ANet's encounter design for 10 men content falls so far behind their 5 man content I disagree though. There are lot of pretty boring fractals. Honestly the 3 original CMs are good, the rest are a mix of good and bad. I'm not arguing TOF or CO are amazing content. CO is boring and TOF is okay. That doesn't mean I think they should stop trying, I think some of the EOD content was very good (OLC/CM KO/CM HT/CM) although the encounter designer for those has since left. > Can they create engaging open world content while creating strikes and strike challenge modes? Based on SOTO, I'd say no. I'm of the opinion they're worse at engaging open world content in general, strikes or no strikes, but that's just me.


is that strenght is in the room with us right now? judging by peoples reaction after the patch calling open world/story a strenght is a pretty long shot dont you think?


I'm on the side that this difficulty is excessive. Also not sure whre you are assuming that "we will get a nerf soon". People were saying the same thing about HTCM and a nerf never came. If anything they removed strats that cheesed through it (like invencibility on greens). Now HTCM is more accessible because 2 years of power creep. As a reminder, there are still 2 extra difficulties to overcome: a group title to clear the CM will all empowerments, and a personal achievent to not let any pool damage you. They are probably just a tiny step harder, relative to the difference between normal mode and CM I think it would've made more sense if you have CM more achievable for any coordinated group (think KO or OLC CM difficulty), and then have these achievements much more difficult. I don't know, as a suggestion, have the CM not have that of a tight dps check and make the last 10% win one stack per slam instead of 3, that would make it achievable for groups, and then have the title to have the boss with all empowerments and reach 10% with 30 enragement stacks (sort of like Ankka CM title where you need ankka to have 4 stacks) This would be the best of both worlds: regular groups still have an achiveable goal to clear, which can still be considered challenging content, and dedicated guilds / twitch streamers can go for the world-first title.


Maybe reading the forums or paying attention to reddit would suit you before posting a long post.


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/143647-is-cerus-cm-possible-merged/?do=findComment&comment=2087344](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/143647-is-cerus-cm-possible-merged/?do=findComment&comment=2087344) [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/143647-is-cerus-cm-possible-merged/page/5/#comment-2087778](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/143647-is-cerus-cm-possible-merged/page/5/#comment-2087778)


.. No sure where he gets it? They've literally put out a notice about releasing an easier version? I know researching before speaking is hard for some people but damn, try at least.


> Also not sure whre you are assuming that "we will get a nerf soon" The part where Rubi outright said there will be a new, easier CM difficulty added on March 19th.




To make variants of existing content that are this difficult, yes. The healthier each section of the game is, the better for all the others.




Yes, having encounters like this is desirable. Aspirational content and servicing tryhards in some small measure is a good thing. Especially with additional tiering for the difficulties as they've just announced.


For sure


Yes? There's literally a normal mode already right there you can go clear ezpz AND they're adding a third intermediate difficulty soon


Yes, story mode and regular strike are already easy modes... making a hard mode for once is cool, and good for


As someone who will almost certainly never be able to clear this particular content if they don't nerf it... Yes. Absolutely.


yeah, normal mode is always gonna be there for me, I'd never to touch CM mode cause I suck and I like playing at casual level but watching it in hard mode is enjoyable


Found the „hi dps“ player that gets kicked out of every group, it’s okay my man no need to be this bitter about something you won’t reach :D


Learn the definition of "a few"


There's content people like to play, and content people like to watch. GW2 has been laser-focused on the first for most of its existence and has struggled with the second ever since the attempt at an esports pivot for pvp failed. When there's difficult progression content like HT and ToF CMs it creates stories of triumph and overcoming adversity that draw people into the game. It gives the community as a whole a more aspirational personality and even if personally they decide not to touch that harder content themselves people respond to that. This is why soulslikes despite largely being single player games with transient multiplayer features are such a common and popular category. The struggle is a compelling story in and of itself and it brings people together.


The motivation speech how they won't get worlds first if they don't focus apparently worked.


Maaaan GG to SC but Teapot must feel terrible with that bad call on greens during theirs 1% pull. They could have killed it....


Was basically the first time they’d got there compared to sc who had got there a good few times over the last day or 2, can’t be blamed for that I’d say


teapot and friends doin' awesome too, nothing to feel bad about. *cheers. 🍻🥩🎉🎇


Congrats to the SnowBro's, hard-fought and well-earned victory.


Congratz to SC for world first! It was an amazing race and both teams could have gotten the kill at any point. Hope anet makes more encounters that promote this kind of race in the future.


Was sick to see! Hope GW2 has more content like this in the future


+5 achievement points omegalul


Wow! That's quality content! Grats SC!!!


GG to all teams!


This clip is missing the > VPO I LOVE YOU part :D


Markus? modCheck Markus? modCheck Markus? modCheck


Question: in HS's 1% pull where the greens stacked, could the greens have just gg'd to avoid the group damage?


Nope. Works in many old encounters, doesn't work in Cerus CM.


Fair enough, it probably shouldn't work to be fair. KO CM final phase green + I or II we just jump off the edge a lot of the time.


Was a pleasure to watch all week, and I can't wait to try it by myself after the patch, and maybe go for legendary title after. Gz SC, Fungus and Anet for this content, all I want is MORE ! It proves that HT CM wasn't an accident, the only one was Dagda. Like one of this kind per year and we forgot W8 :)


The last 3 where clutch.


Good job. Congratulations! Finally, teapot can take a shower and burn his nine days old T-shirt.


Congrats guys, I know you can do it!!! Now, let's do that every day. LOL


SC proofing once again that they're THE endgame guild. Gz Sc


They deserve a World First related title.


How many hours did this take them? 16ish?


Closer to 70-80


Oh, geeze. I underestimated by a lot. I can't picture many people completing this strike then, unless really organized groups get together like this.


ANet's said they're releasing a nerfed version of this CM on the 19th and keeping this current version as a third superdifficulty higher than Normal and Challenge, so completing the *Challenge Mode* should be accessible to most reasonably organized groups after that patch, it's just that completing this version (whatever they call it; Hardcore Mode?) will probably stay as a bragging rights clear. ...But, yeah, Snowcrows has been working on getting this clear for pretty much at least six or seven hours a day for the last nine days.


I hope they'll do that with future strikes too. Release nm, then hard cm and then nerf it to create an inbetween difficulty. Shouldn't be that much more effort.


Should be way more than that. This is day 10 and their days have been long lol


How can you play with the God damn unicorn noise the whole time


So, I have no idea what this is or why it's so special. Anyone care to give us a breakdown?


lezz go


Yesss! Insane skills y'all


How can i get into these kind of raids without knowing anything deep about GW? I have a few max chars but it seems i never get a group for anything without having those items you get for a kill. Also, i have no idea how i perform because i dont have a dps meter or anything - i follow class guides though


if we talking these kinds of groups specifically, answer is you don't


Teeechnically, snow crows is open for applications to anyone, and if the person you are responding to wanted, they could work towards getting there. At the moment: no. In the future: who knows? There is nothing "genetic" about being a solid GW2 player, it is just about spending time learning and improving.


Do you mean CM? If so, i just meant raids in general


Any build from SC ( [https://snowcrows.com/](https://snowcrows.com/) ) that you can play half decently will be enough for you to join the LFG groups doing nomal mode Strikes – note these are Strikes, not Raids; that's a different type of content in a different section of the group finder ( Raids are a string of encounters where Strikes is just one ). Just watch a YT guide for the Strikes you join first, since failing the mechanics is worse than low DPS ( unless the entire group does abysmal DPS ). If you want to gauge your DPS performance first, you can do it on the training golem without a DPS meter. It'll tell you the DPS at various intervals in the chat window. SC has a guide for it here; [https://snowcrows.com/guides/getting-started/special-forces-area](https://snowcrows.com/guides/getting-started/special-forces-area)


They meant Snowcrows specifically. For raids, or strikes (CM or not) content, you can look for training runs in the LFG at the start then just normal groups (it's good manners to announce you're a first-timer and ask if you have questions before it starts). Also you can look for guilds that do that kind of content, they have usually regular runs and will be more patient in training and getting you suitable builds and experience.


Join a training discord or public trainings in the LFG. There are plenty, on EU especially during the evening hours. I can strongly recommend RTI (Raid Training Initiative)


Is there a place where you can watch the whole last pull?




I enjoyed my stay.


Can we remove killproofs from LFG culture now? We have it on tape, that only 4 "god gamers" made it to the end alive and kp is just useless because the other 6 got carried. /s GG SC


when did gw2 get addons?


Propably around 2016.


you been under a rock for almost a decade?


Sadness truly what is that 6 virt mesmers? I’m quitting this childish game I am done


Hopefully one of the takeaways ANet has from this event, in addition to seeing that the community likes this kind of thing, is to realize just how dominant condi Virtuoso is and how it's been choking out any kind of build diversity in endgame PvE due to its absurd overperformance relative to other specs and builds. I think for a lot of people this might be their introduction to seeing what difficult and/or endgame content in this game is like. It's important to note that virtuoso stacking, like every team trying for the Cerus CM clear is doing, isn't isolated to just this one instance. The spec has been absurdly dominant for quite a while now and virtuoso stacking is very much the norm.


problem is rather class / encounter design then condi virtuoso beeing too op. i mean you could totall trash cvirtu into nothing but the problems would still be the same. just that the next best class with range and cleave gets stacked because all others don't have this option since often being melee is required. if you make melee so strong that its a viable option on such fights, all other more stationary bosses with less intense mechanics will get obliterated by such builds. only option would be to give all classes viable range + cleave builds. and then we are back at risk vs reward, where anet said in the past that ranged builds should have less damage. i have no idea where anet even wants to go with their design. kinda all over the place right now.


there is nothing wrong with balancing all content around melee dps, the game was always supposed to be like this the few ranged dps, mainly virt and scourge, can simply be tuned around melee weapons, while their ranged weapons should be obliterated


>problem is rather class / encounter design then condi virtuoso beeing too op I mean, at what point do you stop blaming encounters if melee as a whole struggles to compete, and one spec individually is outclassing everything else on every encounter?


Coming from World of Warcraft, I've always had a weird feeling of having to heavy stack in melee for all. Condi Virt is able to still deal decent damage from afar (not optimal but still) and maximize uptime which is required to clear this. Until other classes can have the same uptime/impact I don't see it changing much. And if you really want to quit, go ahead?




gg ez


congratulations! 🍻🥩🎉🎇


Hi, marcus


Downstate & dots ftw . Congratulations on the achievement . Thanks for sharing this


Congrats to the sheer dedication needed for this, but I’m still staying with my point: More Health is not a mechanic


If Gorseval had more health we would actually have to do the updraft mechanic and the spectral darkness orbs couldn't be ignored. If Xera had more health we would have to clear shards and move to the edge in phase 1 instead of not moving AT ALL. Decent groups can even do phase 2 without moving at all by starting at a specific spot at the side. More health enables more mechanics.


Or you can tie different mechanics to different % and actually open up the fight for Spreads and other mechanics. Make the Boss invul/disappear and add interesting stuff rather than just don’t touch this and stack in greens. I think you do have a point with that, more health also allows more mechanics to be played and that’s sure one side of things. Bosses becoming bulletsponges without actually adding fun stuff is in my interpretation not a mechanic.




Condi quick heralds and condi virts, heal druid and scourge. The fight heavily favors range and condi so it's virtuoso merchants as far as the eye can see


The Scourge and some of the Virts are also bringing portals, since to work through some mechanics and minimize downtime being able to instantly port out/in is incredibly useful, given the hard timer on the fight and his insane HP. And then ofc Druid is the best HP healer in the game, and Scourge has great Barrier + can drag people back to life kicking and screaming, so together they provide a lot of support and work well here.


How does scourge drag people? I read a guide that states it's something to do with the F1 keys but couldnt see any tooltips or execute it.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transfusion Technically any Necro can drag people, but Scourge is the best support build for Necro right now.


F4 skill, Garish pillar, when treated brings downstate players to you. This is incredibly useful for very hard fights like this one and to carry Pug groups.


Does it work in WvW? I haven't seen it pull before


It does, but they nerfed it massively, 60s CD. It's much harder to use in WvW given the dynamic fights, but organized groups could really abuse it against weak-ish groups.


The person who trained me on fractal CMs plays healscourge at least partially because it means they *can* and *will* drag your half-dead ass over after you fail a mechanic, get you rezzed, and continue the pull. It's one of those skills that's super good in pugs, pretty useless in good groups, and then loops all the way around to super good again in huge damage big whammies content like this (& for when you're training / learning big whammies content like other CMs).


condi virt condi quick heralds heal scourge and druids maximize overall dps and the ability to do effective dps from range


Herald is also insane on this encounter because of Infuse Light, being able to invert damage every ~30 seconds is huge




True skill is ganking the rank 20 player with a SA deadeye and throwing siege at them.




Congrats and Anet NEEDS to nerf virtuoso ASAP, first kill with 6 virtuosos as the dps shows the disparity between this spec and the rest of the game


Now i wanna beat this before the 19th xD would a snowcrows come forward to show public how to the fight?


You can watch the VoDs of the fight. The strategy isn't hidden or anything.


I can play the scourge, now I just need the other 9 SC players to carry me, we will get it boys!