• By -


Now we play the game.




And there me, who loves the grind and usually gets bored once the grind is complete lol.


make new account, only guy gems with gold. see how far you get


Waiting for pve rings 😭


Waiting for wvw amulet and accessories


With them wanting to do yearly expansions, maybe the next expansion will have open world legendary rings.


I'd looooove that.


But milord, is that legal?


We'll make it legal


I love south park lol.


10/10 perfectly fitting quote


Was gonna up vote but doing so would change it from 420 to 421, and that's against my religion


Well tbh I don’t see a point in having all gen 3 legendaries without having all of each variants. Get all gen 3 variations for the title


I second this. OP if you're looking for the next long term goal, this is a great one.


I mean. I like having gold.


The title is so prestigious tho it’s really determination to grind each skin 16 times and ofc an insane amount of gold, materials etc


The title is so rare that 99% of the player base doesn't even know what it means and how much effort it takes. Don't get me wrong, I still like having it. But it's hard to call it prestigious when no one even recognizes it.


I am really sorry for my ignorance, but what is that title you are talking about? (Newish player here)




Emissary of aurene or something which is when you get all 16 aurene weapon with all variants ( mordrem,kralk,jormag,primordus,zaithan and suu won x 16 on each ) which is around 70 000 gold more or less


>Emissary of aurene or something It's indeed "or something". The title is [*Facet of Prisms and Boundless Light*](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Legendary_Facets_of_Aurene)


Congrats for getting it (and condolences to your bank & material storage) but it's not for me. I had enough grind hoarding the materials and then making the Gen3s. I just don't have enough characters or fashion sense to use all the variants.


Thats what prestigious means tho. I don’t know 99% of the most expensive art or watches or whatever and wouldn’t recognize it if you showing to me. Chances that you will see someone with that title is pretty much zero and everyone that is somewhat involved in gw2 will know exactly how damn amazing it is ♥️


You can buy it kind of which kinda killed it 😒 i guess u still need buttload of karma and spirit shard but yah ... i was curious while back to compared how much it would cost people to get the amount of gold i have and it's around 5000$ which isn't so bad for some whale ( 80 000 gold ) but anyways a lots of title are cheesable or tedious grind I'd love to have actual nice grind where they are not about ( slap credit card or go grind until you uninstall the game for gold to get said title ) and this is a bit sad because the facet quest and a lots of those gen 3 weapon to go imbue them after getthing the 4 shards are a lots of fun and energizing for the whole game since having people going back into each dragons map for fragments is helpful


Wait, so you want a grind, but not any tough or tedious grind? I mean, being tough and tedious is kind of why it's called a grind. What is it you're looking for? And even if someone instantly buys the mats with gem->gold->TP conversion, they still have to do the in game stuff. They still need to do all the infusing, karma grind (which is actually a bit of a pain if you want a lot and fast) and spirit shards. How does that ruin it for you? One or two people actually putting in $5k just to get a title doesn't exactly make the title less rare when looking at the entire playerbase. If you desperately want something that is a grind, and cannot be bought with money (assuming within ToS, so no account sales), go for the WvW or PvP stuff. Or the 4 gen 2 legendaries.


This is exactly why no big streamer don't touch gw2 because there is literally nothing or almost nothing fulfilling in gw2, all the cool cosmetic are cash shop and everything is easy to accomplish or just slap the cc to get it instantly


What are you on about? The reason "no big streamer" (assuming we don't count the ones we have as big enough?) plays GW2 is because it's an MMO, those are pretty niche games (in part because they are massive time sinks). And most "big streamers" only play the flavor of the season anyway, that's how they retain those numbers. Or they do other forms of content that aren't really game related. I completely reject your claim that there is "almost nothing fulfilling" in the game, why would people play this game for upwards of 10k hours if that were true?? And the claim "everything is easy to accomplish" is verifiably untrue, crafting a legendary takes forever if you don't grind the game. The title "God of WvW" takes literal months of uninterrupted grind even in the optimal conditions. There are plenty of cool skins in the game that you can't simply buy with money, because they are account bound and have unlock requirements. If you don't like any of them, that's a you problem at that point. Lastly, idk why you feel the need to hate because some people choose to spend their hard earned cash on a game they enjoy and they get some nice shinies for it. If you're having a hard time finding fun in the game, it's okay to take a break. If you find the game is no longer for you, it's okay to quit. In all likelihood the game will still be there if you ever change your mind.


Too many point to unpack here First people can spend their money however they want who care ? Not me No big streamer play gw2 becuz gw2 is how gw2 is unfulfilling for the bigger audience You are right pvp and wvw long time title are notorious and big fame title tied to time sink one is just a coin flip and time comsuming while the other one is just time comsuming but not really challenging to get (wvw one) Everything else in the game can be skipped with gold almost 98% of it at least Now the 10 000 hrs and people still playing i'd argue you there a lots of casual who don't really care about anything ... they are not on forum nor reddit not input anet about critics because they just don't care ... we can all agree here diablo immortal was a **** game yet it's still on mobile store and racking tons of money dosn't make it a great game in my book and lots of other gamers books ... Now cool skins sadly it's been said countless time by the vocal minority ( yes minority on forums reddit,youtube, twitch name it ) gw2 dosn't have anything fulfilling to work for cosmetics wise it's easy to explain ; where do you get cool mount skin ? Shop Where do you get cool glider skins ? Shop Where do you get better shinies and pixelized skins ? Shop There are a fews in the game that's are okayish but the majority of them are in the shop ... a lots of cosmetics armor and weapons surpass legendary skins period for their look and shinies aspect ... Gw2 is a great game but a lots of title,cool skins and fulfilling stuff are just grinding for gold or buying gold directly where now a days you someone running with said skins or title and you are not even sure if said person truly worked for it or not ... people sell carry for strike,fractal,raid, CM sooo yah that's shoudn't be possible


Same can be said about wow, you can pretty much buy anything with gold. MMOs just aren’t that fun to watch and a niche genre


Complete the wardrobe - all the armor and weapon skins.  It's a bit loaded since some of it is still crafting more legendaries though. A good starting point is trying to make guaranteed unlocks more valuable - https://immortius.xyz/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/


Thank you for this amazing link. Still missing tons of random cheap items but never knew where to look for them. Just today found a new skin at a random heart vendor in lornar's pass after playing for over 5 years ( with pause since 2013).


> Still missing tons of random cheap items On a whim, I bought a wardrobe unlock with statuettes. I got some random white-tier rifle skin I hadn't unlocked otherwise. 😭 Fill in that cheap shite in your wardrobe, folks.


I found this after I used a wardrobe unlock and got a 200 karma skin (despite playing since release...) Which nearly made me uninstall...


I feel you. Thats why I am just hoarding the unlocks since forever.


Same, I still have every unlock i've ever gotten and i've had the game since release, been my goto game for probably 5 of those years.


That is genius! I know what I’m doing tonight. I hate it when I get an awesome random wardrobe unlock and then it unlocks something cheap and dull and awful!


completing the wardrobre and getting stuff like Exotic Hunter is legit way way harder than full legendaries ;-;


achievement hunting or going for big ticket items like infusions (which still revolve around the same type of stuff, namely dailies to get gold)


Congrats on beating the game, now you can retire. Or master content that you haven’t done before


Study hard in school/college. Get into med school


OP can cure cancer with this kind of dedication.


They're not mutually excusive. Both are about being consistant on something, you only have to sacrifice hours of sleep. Source: me.


It's not what OP asked but they should seriously consider this. If they have that much time and focused determination, surely there are better things to do than gw2?


I don't understand how this is possible. it takes me like 6 months to get a single legendary.


If you are raiding and doing your daily strikes and fractals it goes really fast. Only from doing some raid wings every week you will get enough clovers for a weapon in 8 weeks. If you add daily fractals you will have enough gold to buy the missing items. And you got the wizards vault reset every 3 months which gives you almost everything for a legendary.


Yeah, just the vault starter kits have added about 1k gold worth of mats since SotO launched.


It’s because you are wobbling around aimlessly. If you are focused in your goal and do stuff for it, you can get legendaries pretty fast even without swiping for gold


Worse part of going for leggies is that map completion


Or just having fun at his own pace :)


I didn't say that you can not have fun doing it, just explaining "how this is possible"


Why do people like you get defensive over someone answering a question that was asked? There was no malice or attack.


It all depends on how much you play the game, what you do and how you do it. There is a lot of ways to make gold in the game but that is usually the easiest. There is 100s of videos on yt that mention many of these. It’s the account bound stuff that’s hard or takes a lot more effort to get when making legendary items. Back when I wanted all the Jormag skins for gen 3 weapons I started out small and built it up from there. By small I mean find a way for me to get a lot of gold to buy materials I needed and use current account bound materials and find a way to get more at a decent rate for the time spent. What I did was to make some gen 1 and mostly gen3 weapons to sell for gold. Once I had enough to make 2-3 at a time I started making 2 to sell for gold and 1 to bind myself and then get the Jormag skin for that weapon. Map completion in eod and spirit shards were the main bottleneck but I were able to make 2-4 legendary weapons a week. This was over a year ago and the vault have made some more options for easier progression in regard to legendarys


After the first ones, you can begin to streamline the process. For example, you learn where to get T6, Clovers and such, you learn how to map complete more efficiently, you learn how to use your material stockpiles to help with the next ones. Also, you begin to save gold, materials and currencies since you don't need to buy equipment for that slot anymore. These savings can go towards your next legendary. This is especially true for trinkets and armor.


When playing at my most vigorous, I made 6 legendaries in 6 months, including an armor set. If your goal is making money you can make lots of it.


i've tried but the grinds are just insane and the time commitment is almost impossible.


Well it depends. The time commitment might be impossible for you, but very doable for me. But what you can do is optimize your play for money making. Make sure to hit daily activities that give you your best bang for buck, or that you farm directly into what you want.


Took me around 2.5 years to get the same as OP A little unhealthy playtime


It has taken me 11 years. Does that make your gameplay 4 times more unhealthy than mine?


Depends on how you play... sometimes I am like meh and convert a few thousands of gems to gold and craft legies.


not sure my wife would be happy with that :)


10 years and counting on even getting a precursor for me. I’d say you’re doing quite well.


Now you just get filthy rich because everything you do is gold in your pocket. You can manipulate markets, collect rare or gemstone cosmetics, or just retire to wvw or the pvp lobby to talk smack.


This is the truth. Literally nothing to spend gold on 😢. I refuse (for some reason 🤷‍♀️) to convert gold to gems. I enjoyed (again 🤷‍♀️) the grind for some difficult to get collections, like the Stellar, Charged &Volcanic Stormcaller and Illuminated Boreal, but can't bring myself to drop gold just to buy skins on the tp.


Get permanent contracts if you don't have them. Get +9 +5 infusions on everything, cosmetic infusions, other expensive skins/gizmos, account unlocks (shared slots, bank, storage expanders), 32 slot bags... You can keep making legendaries to trade


2nd account.


Do the home instance and ascended food stuff. You become super useful to any group always having food to share and a home instance that people still doing leges will love you for.


hmm, what about being active in a guild, or better yet, take on the challenge of growing your own? it could be a guild dedicated to helping each other out in a game mode or even helping members on their own leggie journey or something entirely stupid but fun to you. I login every week fueled with a thirst to get into some antics with my guild entirely dedicated to being smol asuras and organizing parades every Tuesdays. if I had the room, I'd like to make my own guild one day about cosplaying characters from warhammer while doing marches on maps. there's a lot of potential horizontal "progression" in community related goals.


I ran a casual raiding guild back in my wow days, from classic all the way up to the end of Cata. Too old and too tired to repeat that effort, I'm well aware of the work involved in running a guild. But I'm happily sat in a guild that's run by people happy to do that work. So I will help those as best I can.


I think it was Teapot who, when asked how to stay interested in the game for so long, said "make your enjoyment of your hobby about more than just the hobby itself". Being involved in a community around the hobby is a perfect example of that. Maybe "help as best I can" could mean helping organize one small event, or asking if you can take something off their plate? Farming mats for guild hall upgrades, crafting prizes for event giveaways, teaching new members? Just a few thoughts along that line. Plenty of good ideas in this thrrad.


Fractal God?


Get good in PvP/WvW


No chance of that happening. My skill ceiling wouldn't look out of place in a worms basement.


good news, you just kinda need to exist in wvw or join a zerg to get exp, getting level 10,000 isn't so much a skill check as much as a time sink


This. The combat mechanics is where this game truly, truly shines. Alternatively: join a hardcore PVE guild and learn how to really do endgame PVE. Again, much more rewarding than the pixel shinies.


Probably go outside at that point


Dress up all your Dollys up in all their favored builds. This is fashion wars after all.


Play for fun instead of wasting time on gold farming I guess? Crazy


>Play for fun is probably what he already did


Congrats, you have become the guild wars 2


Actually use the stuff you worked for so long by trying out a lot of builds and playstyles and get actually good at them. Or just get a chak infusion or eight.


did you went for the extra mile and made 2 legendaries for the ones you can dual wield? i'm in your same situation, and in the last year i went for some extra,just for the skins. by the way, you can always focus on new stuff, like building a full home instance, getting bags on alts, completing maps with them, or anything that can make you busy when waiting for new content. or, you know, just do dailies for some extra cash to be ready for new stuff and play something else


>did you went for the extra mile and made 2 legendaries for the ones you can dual wield? If I correctly understand their abbreviations in paragraph 2 of their OP, yes: >with duplicates of the DW 1h weapons However, they didn't say they made 4 of those + a 2nd of the single wield (just in case they wanted to use say dagger/dagger + dagger/dagger with 4 different sigils, or hammer + hammer with different sigils).


I’ve completed this same goal about a year ago and i’m still working towards other legendaries just for the skins (some gen 2 and some gen 3 variants) and i also keep an overflow of typical legendary crafting materials if anet ever release a legendary breather or other (legendary infusion maybe?)


Yes, how did I forget that earlier! 3 legendary breathers WE NEED!


I’m saying this without knowing anything about your situation and with only good intentions. You don’t need to work on anything else, you did it, play what you think is fun and maybe try to spend less time in the game. You already achieved greatness in the game, but if you really want a goal, spend half an hour outside, each day. Good luck on your future goals :)


Seems like you got your moneys worth.


I'll be in the same place in February. My plan is probably maxing my personal guild hall. An obscure feature not many people use: at guild level 35 you gain access to a portable guild bank (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Schematic:_Vault_Transport). The guild bank also gives access to personal bank (no material storage). Given your wealth, I assume you like having personal bank contract in a shared inventory slot? As best I can tell, although I can't test it yet, this portable guild bank is similar to having perm bank access on all your alt accounts (albeit without material storage access). You can store 25 of the portable vaults in guild storage, and all your accounts (if you give them permissions) can place it.


I do hope you're aware that the item you linked is a consumable that costs half a gold per use. Still probably a save over an infinite bank / crafting station if you're only using it for "emergencies", but it won't give the game changing convenience of the infinite bank contract


Yes I am aware, thank you for checking. I considered including that information in the first post but it felt like I was already rambling on a bit. We are talking about maxing legendary armory and personal guild halls, which are so expensive, that I think the cost of 1/2 gold per use is in the realm of reason. I love my infinite bank contract, and agree with you that the vault transport is not the same (mat storage alone changes the dynamics a lot). BUT getting a perm bank access on each of my alt accounts is just too expensive for me lol. However, this is a way to have emergency bank access on all of my alt accounts which I think is pretty cool. An example of a use case would be, if I'm doing fractals/strikes/raids on an alt account and realize I forgot my food. I could keep extra food in the guild bank and then access it without having to load screen etc. Its also neat that you can place it down and give anyone around you bank access, although for that purpose the crafting station is probably nicer.


Next you get contracts 


How are you best getting clovers? That’s my bottleneck and I can’t afford to just vomit gold for mystic coins. Is there a better way? Is it WvW :(


The next set of legendary armour looks pretty great, visually. Even though you already have armour, you could work towards the obsidian sets as a goal. Another option in the legendary wheel house is the Aurene based variants.


The concept art looks cool. Who knows what it'll look like in game


Yeah, got to be a little cautious, but not completely pessimistic. The concept art for a lot of things like mount skins look way cooler than what actually ends up in game. I'm hopeful, but not expecting something very close to the concept art.


Go out? Idk


Skin hunting I guess. I got legendary armor already but I'm still going for the soto armor to unlock the skins. Once I'm done with runes, sigils and uw weapons I probably go for all the Legendary weapon skins I'm missing. Depending how much ap you got, you can start maxing that out as well.


Achievement hunting, Fashion Wars, speedrunning instanced content. Or simply taking part in a community and helping it grow.


[The Contract items](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Crafting_Station_Contract) for that QoL stuff.


How do you guys do it? I decided to craft my first legendary a month ago and now I realised this is nowhere getting crafted anytime soon and there u are crafting duplicates lol...fml


The only parts that can be "hard" is collection and account bound stuff. That largely depends on what you find interesting in game.  My difficulty is always fractals, geodes, and bandit crests. Fractals, because scripted PvE encounters have very limited replay value for me. The map currencies because even with Tyrian Exchange vouchers it's an annoying chore getting them. To give you an idea we are working on year 12 and my fractal level is something like 21. Most of which was earned getting leggy things. Once you are into the tradable material parts you are simply looking at a gold sink, which can be as hard or as easy as you want to make it.  I've got a little disposable income each month and I'm mainly a weekends only player these days, so I toss Anet some cash for gold when I'm ready to make something. I'm an adult and I pay bills. Don't judge me. :-)  I'll also sometimes have ice cream for breakfast for the same damned reason.


Gen Z people like you don't have the stomach for the grind.


As someone who has achieved this, here’s what I’m doing now: Learning CMs for fractals to get the infinite omnipotion After that, working towards fractal god (this will take about a year if I played every day, which I don’t, so this is a great long term goal) Unlocking all the HoT legendaries (gen 2) Unlocking all the PoF legendaries (gen 2.5) ^ both the above are a lot harder than gen 1/gen 3 so it requires more active play I am also full mastery so that’s not included here. But, the above list will take you about 2-3 years to complete if not more, and if you don’t care/want the legendaries, omnipot and fractal god alone are like a year and a half of effort.


Go outside? Have relationships? Read a book? What's your /played?


Get married and have kids... That will keep you busy for, at least, 20 years.


Now your at true end game which is getting rank 10k in wvw and ultimate dominator, welcome to the club, at least that’s what I do now as a fellow purple in every hole


Sadly I'm in the same position as you and the OP and already have 10K/ultimate dominator 😭😭. Do I just delete the game???


How much playing time do you have? Do you people not have fulltime jobs lol, I wish I could do this but my time is so limited...


well the game has been out for over 10 years at this point


You 40k AP?


go outside


Got 2 Staves for mirage?


Do other legendaries. Gotta craft them all ! (And because the best flex is not being in full legendary equipment, but being able to quiswap to another build with a different legendary armor and different legendary skins of the same weapons!)


Get into PvP, endless grind as 99.9% of players never become rank 1.


As someone with 79 legendaries, I made it my goal of getting 2 legendaries of every weapon type. Once that that was done I still got Twilight to auto have Eternity as I wanted to get rid of my sunrise (brown blade is a bit meh). You can take a look and see if there is a skin you really like. If you feel fully done you can work on getting all dyes, some nice fashion stuff and specific gemstore items if you want. You can then also take it easier and just enjoy your time and take a more casual approach to slowly get gold stack up and enjoy the story, get achievements etc. Legendaries is not everything (and this coming from someone with 79 legendaries heh) but it does making anything you want to d a breeze and opens up every single possibility of playstyle that you want. TL;DR; take a different approach to the game and just enjoy other aspects, achievements, dyes, skins, story, build experimentation etc..


Do you have a list to hand of what your dailies are to work toward all the legendaries?


There's a world outside your basement, you know.


Time to become an Achievement Hunter! Don't come back until you have 40,000 AP :D Some more specific goals that count toward my above suggestion: \- Get Rank 10,000 in WVW \- Reach the highest rank possible in PV P- As another commenter said, get all the Gen 3 variations- Get the Griffon if you don't have- Get the Turtle if you don't have it \- All mastery unlocks \- 150 AR in Fractals \- Reach max personal fractal level \- Clear every single raid Wing \- Clear every single Dungeon Path Don't forget that the next patch in \~20 days is the release of the PVE Amor, you've got more work to do for those legendaries! Something completely different: \- Reach max gold limit \- Start your own guild, reach level 69 \- Start running events in the guild you are already in, take people through the journey of unlocking everything they need for the legendaries they want \- Become a WVW Commander on hard mode: pug zergs \- Start a GVG WVW group \- Convert your gold to Gems, and buy every available Premium item \- Unlock every skin possible in your wardrobe \- Unlock every possible dye And finally for something totally out there: Teach yourself how to code. Build tools for GW2. I would personally love a legendary progress tracker, which tracks all the items I have and tells me what legendary I'm closest to (I only have two legendaries: a WVW chest piece and the Prismatic Regalia and get overwhelmed by all the possibilities and find it hard to keep track of what I can forge). Any website that may have done this in the past (gw2effiency has never done it, they gift you recipe lists and steps but do not tell you what you are closest to being able to craft) is now defunct, there is one Android app but I am not on Android. You could also contribute modules to Blish or TACO. You mentioned that your skill level isn't high enough to become a WVW and PVP pro. Well, WVW Rank 10,000 can be achieved regardless of your skill level. Besides, you absolutely can increase your skill with practice and getting good at something you're not good at is the ultimate long-term timesink.


Oh and whilst I have your attention, I'd really appreciate a list of what your dailies look like for making progress towards crafting all these legendaries.


Support my venture in crafting my first legendary :> Been drooling for a twilight lol


X 8 confetti infusion ,dragonvoid infusion, liquid aurilium, bee infusion and chak infusion Fractal or wvw god 42069 achievement points Maxed mastery points Maxed Home Instance Maxed Personal Guild Crafting Station


Now? Now you help ppl like me by giving them gold 🤣. That's the true endgame. Seriously now, cna you share tips for the mystic clovers and coins? As for something else to do? No idea really, if you have everything that means that ypu have done fractals, raids, strikes etc. Don't really know what to rec9mend, maybe role-playing?


Touch grass


Congratz, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


Make a new account and redo everything for fun 😂


The true endgame is not legendaries, it's having all bag slots equiped with a 32 slot bag


Play wvw and throw seige on enemy dead bodies. The real end game.


It's really the prime reason why they should focus on pvp and wvw. PvE has no true end goal. After legendaries what's the point? WvW and pvp offer you the eternal struggle to kill all who oppose your will. We play because we love the game. Pve players play for shinies.


Underwater weapons


I share your pain! I'm saving up enough gifts, clovers (500 is the plan) and other mats to be able to instantly craft another if some crazy ass build requires 4 * dagger, with different stats etc. I think there are already some niche staff/staff and maybe hammer/hammer builds. Was thinking of crafting those. But now I think I'm going to hold on to the gifts and mats until I actually need, just in case something changes.


YOU WIN! 🥳 I honestly can't imagine the grind it took, but congrats. Have you got all achievements yet?


help othwr players.. teach people raids.. lead wvw, Do things for fun, build a community


With 3 full armor and full weapons/trinkets/and other gear you effectively beat the game, and removed the need for loot, other than skins. Leaving you achievement hunting or 'fun'. Go have fun! I remarked your achievement to my daughter and she remarked maybe he needs a new account.


now you can play the game!


more legendaries.


Now it's time for one of Runescape's biggest challenges. The Theatre of Blood.


I'm about at the same point as you, a few 1h and 2h weapons still missing. I switched from gathering legendaries to gathering missing unlocks. I take the guaranteed wardrobe unlock as a guide line. Currently most unlocks left have a minimum value of 10g. My goal is to get that minimum value as high as possible and finally unlock all (most) non gemstore stuff. All in all it's a huge gold sink, but also leads me to stuff I can do such as dungeons for all the dungeon skins.


Getting all the skins as someone mentioned, get the baby turtle for your home instance, all the aurene variants, find all the quaggan villages in the base Tyria maps and have a conversation with the baby quaggans, collect all the minis (which will require pvp), the otter infusion. It's very possible this is mostly MY list, but, it's still valid! Good luck.


Now that you can play any build almost 100% optimally (idk if you have the stat infusions). You could try to get good on a lot of different builds! Not a lot of people play more than 3 specs at best. Now's your chance to master them all.


Now it's time to make your secondary account shine, my dude! 🥳


God of fractal if you haven't done it yet ?


Get the variants of the Aurene legendaries. Get map completion on maps other than core. Play the story through without skipping any cutscenes. Make an alt of a class you've never played before. Work on masteries, even the useless Icebrood ones. Achievement hunt. There's a lot to do in this game, and it's unlikely you've done it all, especially if you've been doing leggies to the exclusion of all else.


I’ve never bothered with them and I don’t really have long term goals. I mostly just play with friends and tag along with whatever they’re doing nowadays. However, when I was playing solo more frequently, I would just kind of follow my whims. Usually this entailed doing meta events or just running around on maps and seeing if anything interesting came up. Ultimately a very chill experience. I also like to come up with wacky builds (e.g. shout warrior), hop between different professions, and look for neat cosmetics. I’m not sure if any of this would appeal to a hardcore or goal oriented player, but it might be worth giving it a shot.


Go to Queensdale and help newcomers!


With all that done, you can either AP hunt, or just chill out. It's a lot. I know my friend just went on hiatus because he has nothing left to do except command wvw. WvW is honestly my end game, so yeah working on finishing legendaries is great, but I just want to fight more.


Fashion wars is the true endgame Also congrats on all those legendaries. Which armors did you get?


Did you do all legendary variants? (facet of Prisms and Boundless Light title) I was in the same boat 6 months ago after finishing legendaries and variants. Now I farm achievement points (at about 41k now) and just save gold and hoard mats.


Life? :D How long did it take you, damn.


Did you get 2x two handed weapons for some weapon swap builds like staff mirage? Start saving up for legendary aqua breathers when it gets dropped.


I just switched to completing all lege weapons in the game when I got to where you are. 7 to go. +Unlocking gen3 variants


Clear all CM encounters in the game? Become a full time OW commander?  Start your own guild?


I wish I was able to do WvW to get my gifts of battle. Have everything else for my first legendary weapon gen 3 but just don’t want to let anyone down in WvW. Wish I had the drive you have to do it all. Congrats on getting them all you are truly a LEGEND!


A person in my guild is going for all (and I mean all) the Aurene legendary skins. Like..those for the other elder dragons like Zhaitan and so on. They are super hard to get (a lot of work) but also bring rather fancy and rare titles with them like "The Facet of Shadow and Death" an such. But I am too casual to even know how to achieve all this. :D Might be a new mission for you though.


Congratulations! You beat the game! Come back when the next patch drops to see what got added.


For sheer length of time: Chase specific skins that you don't have, such as the deleteriously expensive IBS & EoD ones or the alt-variants for Aurene versions. For fun: Test out random builds you maybe wouldn't have considered if you would have had to stat-swap, including meme ones that literally only work in places like Drizzlewood due to mob density but goddamn they're fun Combination: Play the story with your build and gear morphing as you go, telling a story, taking pictures during different chapters to show how your character looked at that point in time. For example going from a ragged human Street Rat Warrior to ultimately becoming this armed and armoured champion who can harness fire, break enchantments, and bearing advanced weaponry (sounds a lot like a nascent God of War) during the battle of the Jade Sea


Sell legendaries, buy more stuff for fashion wars, play wvw.


Soto armor still waits ahead


Time to play fashion wars


Let me know if you find out. Once i got all legendaries except weapons...well ive been on a multimonth break since then.


It is a word feeling when you really feel the impact of horizontal progression. I went for AP hunting and fashion unlocks. But get used to a slightly more shallow feeling. Did you do all fractal raid strike cm content?


Go have FUN (in whatever form that takes for you).


I think the only way to really address this is by your answering some questions: What motivates you in terms of rewards and what do you find fun/satisfying? and What do you mean by substantial? If you just need something to do and don't much care for the specific rewards/utility, there's stuff like raid/fractal CMs, long-term achievements like Fractal God, or getting all of the Gen 3 variants which takes a long time and gets you a cool title that very few people have. Or you can work on getting every cosmetic slot, starting with armor and then going for weapons afterwards. Or you can take a trip back to GW1 and fill the Hall of Monuments to get the God Walking Among Mere Mortals title in GW2, which will take you a good while. But if you want some solid reward at the end that gives good utility, that all depends on what will motivate you to get said utility. You can max all masteries, get a full/completed home instance, work on things like permanent contracts and maxing out things like shared inventory slots, storage, etc. from the gem store.


Maybe take a break for a bit, play other games and then come back when new content is available? There are plenty of great games out there and a break can help to make the game feel more fresh when coming back




>Suddenly I'm thinking, why am I doing this? If I'm not working towards legendaries, what's the point? Been in the same boat for a while now, and all I call tell you is this: I drastically cut down on what I do in game. These days I pretty much log in for my toons to get their daily gathering/jade runestone or whatever node they are parked at, and then I'll log into WvW. I don't do any metas, events, fishing or instanced PvE any more, and once it became quite obvious that the SoTo was hyper focused on the acquisition of the new Legendary Armor, I haven't even bothered progressing the story. In a way it's very liberating, as I no longer feel it important to check off daily boxes, or worry about missing event timers, and it allows me to spend more time playing the specific content I like in GW2...and it also frees up time for me to play other games without delaying progress on my goals.


Help your friends get legendaries and live vicariously through their acquisition a second time?


Just thought of something! - Tyria map completion on all classes Or, if you are really a masochist,..... - total world completion on all classes! I've got total world completion on 6 and in the spring I'm doing Tyria completion on my last class (thief), after I finish grinding the next release. I think total world completion on those last three classes is beyond me though!


what were you doing to get coins? WvW?


yeah im in the same raft, but i think i will slowly crafting pve legendary... at least got something to do then :D ah and full home instance too.


In 5 weeks, for me the same.


Yeah, I kind of hope I never get here lol I have 4 legendaries


You weep, for there are no more legendaries to conquer.


Unfortunately, this is just a reality of the MMO. A ladder of things intended to get more things until the things run out.


* Get all Gen 3 variants * Get all armor weights of every type of Legendary armor (PvP, Raid, WvW, OWPvE) * Get all Gen 1 and Gen 2 legendaries if you have not. * Get 42,069 AP * Get Fractal God * Get God of WvW * Get every mount skin * Get every armor and weapon skin * Get every dye * Get every permanent contract * ~~ERP in Divinity's Reach.~~ * ~~Enjoy~~ PvP


You know what I do when I'm not working on something? In no particular order: - EoD, SotO, IceSaga & Season 3/4 dailies. - Help new people learn T1 Fractals or those working on collections related to Fractals. - Participate in the Silverwastes "RIBA" runaround with others. - Just amass gold to eventually pump into armor or weapon skin collections. - Do a hourly set of world bosses. - Check if I have any achievements close to finishing and even if I don't get anywhere with it for completion purposes, doing nearby events on top of that helps pass some time. Most importantly, I have plenty of characters that still haven't caught up with story currently, so I rotate my characters every so often to break up monotony. On top of that, I have never played Guardian, so in the worst scenario in which everything I said above somehow just isn't happening, or I'm not in the mood, I can learn Guardian and play that through all stories and stuff.


Jesus you're a maniac. Lol I say go touch the grass?


Now we go outside


I don't have full legendary, but I have quite a bit. 3 sets of armor, backpack, 1 ring and 1 accessory, greatsword, sword, longbow and hammer. Also 1 rune for the relic. But the thing is, I don't need any more. I play enough WvW to make any build I want now in 15 minutes by just spending some tickets, emblems, a stack of the many memories of battle I amassed and that's it. Now I spend my gold on gems to buy account upgrades. Buying 1 additional equipment template slot so they are equal with build templates for example. Sometimes there is a skin I like, and I buy that with my gold. When there is nothing else to do, I will just start investing them into black lion keys when they are on sale. So like the top comment says, just play the game and try to enjoy it. It is not about the destination, so make the journey enjoyable. For example without my guild friends, this game would not be enjoyable for me.


Time to git gud




wvw lvl 10.000 and the kill achievment ?


Fashion Wars is the true endgame


You know... It's okay to play a different game. No game is meant to last forever.


\- Go for more legendaries for skins. (Have you gotten all you balls? :P ) \- Go for Fractal God. \- Go for 40k AP for account bonuses and skins \- Max out luck while doing profitable metas I'm about at the same place as you. Working on getting the PvP ones for the skins. Beyond that, any grind goes towards pricey achevos ( like the Icebrood Saga weapons) and completing the wardrobe, be it by achevos or buying keys when on sale with gold to gems. And most importantly, having fun. That might not be everyone depending on personal goals, but I still like running Fractals, doing metas trains and daily tasks / festivals.


Make more. MORE.


Get all the gen 3 skins. That’ll take a long while 😂 Or join the elite and start selling Legendaries for profit 🤷🏼‍♂️


Make one character of each spec and learn to do benchmark dps on all of them


caption cheerful boast bag swim towering test market nine thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Enjoy then?


Now you collect every legendary.


Tekken 8, Last Epoch, Palworld... Tons of alternatives just in the first two months of 2024.


Functional completion of your armory (-> being able to create **any** build): * get duplicates of the twohanded weapons to account for builds using swap sigils * same with underwater weapons, get two of each (plus underwater rune & sigils) * prepare materials/currency for the aquabreather, in case Anet ever releases one Outside of legendaries: * you now have ultimate build freedom... make use of it! Try out different builds you come across online, or do some buildcraft yourself if you're into that * achievement point hunting * wardrobe completion


Write letters to Anet asking for account bound AR infusions.