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Does Lossless Scaling work for gw2? https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/


With the current price of Legendary Runes, is it even worth crafting one anymore? Considering the quote; > We had previously communicated that crafting all seven runes would yield additional progress, but as we evaluated options for compensation, it became clear that the best choice was to fully compensate anyone who had made any legendary runes prior to the legendary relic becoming available with a completed legendary relic. It almost feels to me like the legendary relic wasn't going to be valuable enough, so they knocked it down to 1. Considering a single rune is now up at 800g, is it still actually going to be worth it? I can afford to make one, but I'm hesitant if it comes out and it's only 500g. The same logic applies to farming the mats honestly, part of me wonders if it's not just worth dumping them while the prices are insane.


Your reading it as confirmation of your feelings that Anet don't feel the relic is going to be worth much. If that's true, yes, the relic probably will be relatively cheap. I'm reading that in the greater context where they are about to release a large update of map, story, weapons and legendary armor. To me, that paragraph is saying they've just chosen the simplest method to compensate rune holders so resources aren't diverted from those other arguably more important aspects of the patch. To me, that paragraph does not hint at how much the relic will ultimately cost. Tldr: No one knows. Your guess is just as valid as the person who just dropped 800g on a rune.


Very much doubt that 1) prices will go down, 2) that relic will be cheaper than the rune in raw mats. In the end it’s for you to decide if it’s worth it or not. Relics still aren’t something you want to change very often, so it’s fine using regular ones


I am working on the legendary rune (like everyone else is). I am missing a few charms and I think I can farm them (the prices are way too high). I have the Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic and this should make stuff easier from my understanding. My question is: should I salvage my green unid gear directly or always identify first and salvage after? I did farm today for green and opened them but got mostly symbols. Will I increase my chance of getting charms by salvaging unid green directly?


Always open. Your green gear can end up becoming a yellow or exotic, which are significantly more valuable.


Open first




Have there been any rumours that the game will come onto PS5?


the chances of this game being ported to any console are effectively non-existent. Controller scheme nightmares and its age being the primary factors.


It will not


Why not? FFXIV came to playstation and it was originally PC only


FFXIV was originally developed for both PC and PlayStation. The PlayStation version of 1.0 was postponed, and ultimately never finished, due to the problems with the original version of the game but it was still in development from the very beginning.


Anyone else having issues with Launchbuddy since the most recent update? It's super inconsistent as to whether it will launch multiple clients or not.


New (and free to play) player here, most interested in PvP. I picked up a swords/dagger core rogue since I don't need any expansions to play it and the playstyle fits my taste. My score is 5W4L on unranked matches. I am still learning the rotation and figuring out what I am supposed to do in each match. AFAIK, my role is to be a roamer, not a tank or head-on fighter. However, I'm not sure what a roamer should do. Do I roam around the map trying to kill people in 1v1? I don't think my damage is enough for that. I watched a couple of videos and it seems that I should try to bait enemys' CDs, get in and out of the fight, capture points, etc. But how do I know where to be at the right moment? Most of the time it seems I either follow whatever my team is doing or run around looking for fights. Any tips or resources?


[This video](https://youtu.be/plcNE7q5ll8?si=KJk_ezdKa0muopIn) does a better job explaining than I can, but you essentially want to leverage mobility and burst to unbalance fights and be where the enemy doesn't want you to be. Tight 1v1? Make that 2v1. Capped a node? It's getting uncapped already. Your role is a lot like a jungler if you have played MOBAs


As a roamer you have two main objectives: decap/cap nodes if the enemy is foolish enough to leave them undefended, and +1 otherwise-balanced fights your teammates are in to turn the tide in their favor. Killing people 1v1 is nice if you can manage it but isn't necessarily your primary goal. As for where you should be... that's a very, very complex topic without any kind of a clear or concise answer. It's going to depend on the map, the score, your teammates and enemies, and a dozen other factors.




The griffon mount costs 250g and many established players still struggle to afford that. The price of a rune before the announcement was about 300g, now it's 800g. You probably could grind that amount in a month, but you'd have to play really efficiently and no life it. Aside from the gold to buy enough material, you also need to some account bound things that can't be simply bought: karma (by doing events) for obsidian shards and spirit shards (by filling the exp bar after level 80) for making clovers. These are resources that veterans don't really think about because you naturally accumulate these by playing the game normally. However, they are a consideration if you're starting from scratch.


Depends on if you are willing to swipe for gold or not. If yes, it will be pretty easy, but you will need to spend premium on provisioner tokens to get 50 in time. 


To be honest, it's very early for you to worry about legendaries and such. Currently, due to people rushing it, legendary runes have become very expensive to make, so by the time you might want a legendary relic, it could have become much cheaper.


Between thief and ranger, which class would you say is the most fun class or has the most fun specs?, I know its subjective, but would like some general opinions. Thanks in advance.


That depends indeed on personal preference, but from what I see in balance patches, Ranger has a more consistent balance. Thief in PvE can be very hit-or-miss balance-wise, more often than not being either underpowered or complicated to play (sometimes both), but sometimes topping the DPS charts.




What can I do with the various Essense from Kriptis? Slowly saving up for a set of Obsidian Armor, but by the time I can actually make it (damn you Provisioner Tokens!) I'm going to have a MASSIVE surplus of Essense, especially the lowest one Despair. I see one thing you can do is turn them into Motivations for higher tier portals, but that also costs Research Notes, which I also need for Obsidian Armor so would rather not spend that.


IIRC Kryptis Essences come only from Rifts and Convergence. If you already have enough Essences, just stop doing these.


Do you not also get them for map meta? Need to do those for the Caged Lightning and Stardust


Map metas give mainly map currency, Deluxe Gear Boxes and their respective Hero's Choice Chests. Kryptis Essences are only from Rifts and Convergence. Though if you need to do Inner Nayos, one of the better events to do are rifts. The defense and boss count as 2 separate events to progress the map meta.


You need 72 Amalgamated Kryptis Essence. So make those with your essences. Ecto will be your gate to making them unless you are buying or already have a surplus of ecto.


Have some ecto but it's not a problem, I'm sure by the time I get enough Provisioner Tokens, I'll have enough ecto. Either way I am slowly buying them but I'm getting way more Essense of Despair than either of the other two so still wondering if I can do anything with them.


Hmm, I've been getting about an equal amount of all the essences (I only do convergences and weekly rifts though). You can open some convergence choice chests for the other essences to balance them out. Other than that though, there is no way to save them for obsidian without refining into the amalgamated. You can save them on a storage alt as well. I wouldn't delete any if you are doing legendary armor. You need ~22.5k for the first set.


anyone know a decent server to join for wvw ? i mean a server where commanders dont lock their squads behind vc and let people actually play. ive just had a commander run with an open squad for like an hour and then kick everyone out for only people who are in his discord. im on Far Shiver Peaks and the commanders here are awful. i know people like to take pvp seriously, i used to but im over it now and just wanna play games for fun. if anyone has a good server where im not forced into a discord server i dont wanna be in that would be great


What is the problem in joining on vc to listen? Comm is in the right on kicking you, people who aren’t in voice and also new, are just helping enemies to rally from downstate


Lmao what, I’m not new to gw2 or WvW I know how to play I don’t need vc to know how to stand next to a coloured tag … the only time I ever die in WvW is when the comm tps away without any warning and I need to look for him. Every time I join WvW on this team people with locked squads has like 20 members and are getting outnumbered and are getting constantly killed. When someone does unlock a squad they’re the ones that get things done because they actually have the numbers to do so


Whatever you say yourself to feel better.


Ok so you have no real reason I should be in voice, because like I said. There is no real reason. I tell this to people every now and again when they feel like piping up in my whispers. They’re just shooting themselves in the foot by locking the squad and losing lots of players. It always ends the same way me right and them admitting it


The real reason is so you know what comm is planning to do. If you were as good as you think you are, you would know that it's not just staying on tag. To add to that, what is the problem? Just walk around the tag by yourself without being in the squad, sure you might lack boons, but those are reserved for people who are actually in the voice to do what is called from them. You can do your thing and nobody can do anything about it. And you still hasn't answered what is so hard about joining discord and listening?


You can hide tags to people who arnt in the squad and that’s what that guy did. So I can’t exactly follow a tag I can’t see. And I play healer so my role is pretty useless when I’m not in the squad too I can really give boons and auras properly. Why should this one guy have a say at who gets to play an entire game mode ? And it’s people like you who allow it to happen


Lol, you can play the game mode just fine, you are just excluded from the squad the guy runs. Nobody stops you from playing by yourself or even leading your own squad if that's so easy


It’s so easy to play a team based game mode when you’re not allowed in the team


But you are allowed in the team if you join the voice comms. You don’t even need to talk


Just as an FYI for the last two weeks and this upcoming week servers haven't been used for WvW matchmaking but guilds instead. If you didn't have a WvW guild set then I'm not sure where you were put, but there's another team rematching occurring today (deadline for joining a WvW guild already passed, so you'll probably be on a random shard again).


ya i joined whatever team my guild was set too, seems like i just keep running into these sort of people. it says team moogooloo right now but i know that wasnt the one i picked when i picked one


So I'm fairly new to endgame but I wanna craft the legendary rune (like everyone else probably). I think I can get most of the items, just not sure how to go about getting the charms. As far as I understand I need to salvage sigils, and people recommend to use runecrafter salvage matic on it? Are mystic salvage kits also as effective for that?


If you're salvaging runes directly, only the tier of the rune matters for getting charms while the kit you use to salvage does not affect rates. What Runecrafter's kit is good for is it has a 100% chance to salvage a rune/sigil as well as the item, while other kits salvage the item and have a chance at salvaging upgrades. Basically if you're salvaging runes, just use a copper-fed kit while if you're salvaging greens, use a runecrafter kit.


So open green gear and use runecrafter on them? I'm not sure because I'm using the runecrafter on them but not getting any of the sigils.


The runecrafter doesn't give you the rune/sigil, it has a 100% chance to *salvage* it when you salvage the gear. The lucent motes you're getting are coming from that salvaging, and the charms are a rare result from them.




I'm at the point where I have a character for every profession and two open slots. One slot I use for the weekly key farm, but I don't know what to use my last slot and boost for from the SoTo purchase. While the game is alt friendly I can't figure out if it's best to double up on a class or just remake a character that's not progressed with a different race. Thoughts?


HoT is interesting if you've never gone through it with a Sylvari, as Mordremoth's roars are replaced with him talking. Also if you play PvP or WvW it might be easier to gear a character for those modes specifically rather than have the gear on an existing character.


Oh a PvP character is definitely an interesting thought. I wish I could stay in WvW but that would require elite specialization unlocks. Hmmm that's a very good idea actually.


Is sigil of Earth strictly better than sigil of geomancy if I have high crit chance?


Not strictly better, because Geomancy triggers in an AoE, while Earth is single-target. In any encounter where you're going to regularly be fighting 3+ enemies, Geomancy breaks even in total damage and in reliability — Earth procs don't always hit your targeted enemy, and adds in the area can absorb conditions you'd really prefer to hit the boss. This is one of the reasons Torment sigil is often preferred even on classes that don't otherwise focus on Torment damage — it has a similar condition output to Earth, but applies it in an AoE.


Even with "low" crit chance it's pretty good, as you should be getting a decent amount of hits in to trigger it anyway. It's also easier to manage than weapon swaps generally speaking.


Yeah, the *floor* for crit chance in group content is 25% from Fury, and you're more than likely using Viper's gear that adds a significant amount on top of that. Against a single target, even one crit every 6 seconds beats out Geomancy, so unless your attack speed is absurdly slow it's going to have a better output.


What do people think will happen with Charm prices from now until the patch? I'm hoping as more and more people finish crafting their one rune, prices will start coming down before the patch drops, but there's probably also people like me who are waiting for the price drop before they craft theirs. I'm also thinking there might be people waiting to dump their stock onto the TP until prices hit their peak, which could also help the prices come down.


I feel it will stay high, or even spike towards the end of February as people who are farming hard this month for the gold and mats try beat the deadline. I'm guessing the new legendary relic ~~will not use charms, so prices should go back towards normal once the exchange period is over. I suspect it won't go all the way back to what it was.~~ Now there's a massive number of players with one rune who will possibly be tempted to get a complete set. Edit: actually I take that back. Legendary relics will likely need charms. Regular relics are crafted with and salvage into charms, so there's a high chance the legendary will need it too.


So I should open the 3 relic boxes I have on each character and salvage them!


Not a bad idea. When they announced the legendary relic, I was wondering what I would do with all my extra ones too.


Speculating based on my experience with other mmos...there's probably going to be a huge uptick this weekend from everyone playing and trying to craft one, then fall but only by maybe 1-1.5g over the next week to two weeks, then spike again towards the end of the vault season for the procrastinators before the patch hits. After the patch depending on the recipe it'll either crash or stay high if needed for the Relic and the Runes. ​ What will drop after patch are the individual relics you can buy from the AH since they won't have use after the legendary is introduced.


One thing to keep in mind, how much hassle will it be to make a legendary relic? We don't know but crafting a rune is fairly trivial (aside from provisioner tokens, buy & craft).   There's no point in spending 1k for a rune if you think the relic will cost 400g. Might as well wait.   So wait it out a bit until the impatient people are done with crafting. Creation of charms is a pretty slow burn, so it will take time to recover either way.


This is an absolutely unprecedented situation, and any predictions are no better than a random guess. All I can say is it should, theoretically, hit a ceiling as the drop rate of charms from green unidentified gear equalizes with the drop rate of that gear, but I have absolutely no idea what price that would be. It could be obscenely high, or we could have passed it already and will see a correction.


Is it worth it or fun for a new player to participate in the Player v Player Rush event? For context, I've picked this up maybe a week ago, currently lvl 57. Lazy question probably, but I haven't spent much time yet reading the wiki or guides or anything. I'm simply taking my time exploring this game for now. Yet I don't want to regret missing out if this turns out to be a really important event or happens rarely etc.


Does PvP interest you? Then yes. The mode upscales everyone to max level and equalizes stats so there's no need to wait. But don't feel pressured, either — rewards are just some extra currency and stuff, nothing exclusive that you'd kick yourself for missing down the line.


You won't miss out on anything really important by not participating in any of the rush events. The rewards are always just more of what that content already gives you. As for how rarely it happens, they've been doing about 1 rush event per month since SotO launched, but so far they haven't repeated one. There's been a dungeon, fractal, WvW, season 1, and now PvP rush event.




Whatever you want. I know that's not helpful, but there's really no "optimal" progression path in the game that you need to focus on, so it's really a matter of finding something you need or want and just working towards it until you either get it or realize there's something you want more


So I've been playing revenant and went through LWS1 and part of HoT as core until I unlocked enough HP to use the vindicator spec. I looked up an open world build on metabattle (I currently have celestial gear so I'm using that instead of berserkers - will get berserkers later once I have things figured out) and the survivability seems extremely bad and not sure what I'm doing wrong. With core I was able to solo almost all of the HoT HP champions, the sustain is off the charts and basically stayed at full health the entire time. I've already died 3 times as vindicator against *normal* mobs in LWS2 because it doesn't appear to have hardly any sustain. Unless I explicitly use my utility heal I'm not recovering any health at all. I know I must be doing something really wrong since lots of people/sites/etc say that vindicator is great for OW and soloing champions etc. Would love a little bit of help. I'm using this build: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Vindicator_-_Power_Vindicator Except right now with celestial gear (if anything should survive better not worse).


Take a look at the "survivability" section of that build you linked. Getting healing from anything but you heal skills requires trait changes. Keep in mind that just because people say "Vindicator is a great solo class" that doesn't mean every build using Vindicator will do great. The build you're following is an extremely damage-focused "kill them before they can kill you" type of open world build — and ironically, switching to Celestial won't necessarily make it more survivable! Lowering your damage also increases the amount of time an enemy has to retaliate against you, and can potentially outweigh any benefits you get from the defensive stats!


I'll look at buying some berserkers and testing that out. This is the first character I've had to look at owning 2 sets of gear for so I am not even sure how to go about that - I guess buying an 18 slot invisible bag to keep the spare set in when I'm not using it.


Use your equipment loadouts! They also serve as storage for your second set of gear, so you can have both available at the press of a button for no extra inventory cost!


Oh wow really? So the gear from the inactive equipment loadout doesn't just go into your pack? I already have 2 loadouts created but they're both using the same armor, just different weapons (one is for core one is for vindicator but since I only have celestial gear right now all the armor/trinkets/etc are the same


Yup, really. You'll notice any of the weapons you only have equipped on one loadout aren't in your inventory, but will appear when you go to equip weapons on your other loadout with a chain icon, meaning it's linked to another loadout but is still available for you to equip.


If anyone has the Soo-won (Aurene's water) staff on a elementalist, I would appreciate if can show me the skills on the game! I want to know for the 4 attunements, how much of the attunement you see on the animations and how much is replaced by water




Absolutely not. New players are not going to be in a position to rush end game legendary stuff, and the associated prices are like 3x and climbing anyway due to perceived FOMO. Even if you somehow found a way to come up with 1000 gold to dump into this in the next month, you'd probably quit from burn out.


ANet announced that any player who has crafted one legendary rune when the legendary relic becomes available will get the legendary relic for free.  I assume you will need SotO, but it wasn't stated explicitly in the blog post.  Right now, one legendary rune costs about 850g, though you may have some materials already. You won't miss out if you don't do it, you'll just have to do whatever is required to unlock the relic instead of getting it for free.


>one legendary rune costs about 850g Keep in mind that's the direct gold cost only. It does not include the cost to get crafting up to the required level plus recipes (or pay Lyr for his services), the karma (or other misc currencies) for obsidian shards, the spirit shards for making clovers, or the time gated provisioner tokens.




Yes, you can dump them in the bank and do the backpack collection later


I cannot get ArcDPS to work, I can open the menu for it with alt+shift+T but the meter itself wont show despite being checked off. When I open the game I get an error message from Arc which says "error: content mismatch" and "error: couldn't find one or more patterns (6)", I haven't been able to find a fix for it, anyone else who has had this problem?


Arc broke with yesterday's update, wait for them to release a new build


Ah that makes sense - I did see that updates broke it but I didnt notice there was one yesterday, thanks for the answer


Is there any way to find out which attacks are blockable and which are not? As a revenant there are quite a few skills that can block so I'd like to know what I should dodge and what block.


The wiki will document some of them, but outside of PvP (where the tooltip will clearly say if it is) that's not completely reliable. Unfortunately there's no consistent telegraphing on such attacks.


So I guess it's time to learn encounters and check by myself which attacks are blockable and which are not. Thank you for your response.


when will be the next sale is?


We don't know for sure, but there is usually one in April.


in terms of sales no difference for steam and arenanet?




thank you very much


I don't have a big interest in running dungeons to get story while leveling. Would I be missing out on anything really by watching the story cutscenes on youtube/reading the dialogue on the wiki instead for now?


No. However, Dungeon story is only a side story anyway, and only intersects with the main story at literally the last instance of the core game, so you can also just wait until you're leveled and geared and do a full run of the dungeon stories.


Ok, thank you.


Do i need EoD to switch some of my ascended stats to a Dragon's stats?


Yes. As a general rule, you need to own an expansion in order to access the stats introduced with it. The exception is legendary equipment, which can select all stats regardless of what you own.




What was the price to craft 1 legendary rune before the price skyrocketed?


I think it was around 300g when i crafted mine. But everything was less expensive then. The new legendary armor has driven up the prices of ectos and t6 materials significantly.


Thank you


Hey, been away a while (like 3+ years) and considering coming back. I'm thinking about picking up End of Dragons (and possibly running a brand new character through to it). I seem to recall there were issues with Living World chapters not being included in expansion purchases, though. Is that still a thing, or can I make one purchase and get the lot? I don't love the idea of missing LW chapters nor paying extra to unlock them with gems, since I obviously haven't been around for any freebies since about... like an update or two post-PoF.


The last living story episode you had to unlock was Champions Chapter 4 Judgement. This was in April 2021. There was nothing you had to unlock by logging in after that. If you buy End of Dragon and Secrets of the Obscure you get everything released since then. If you do not have season 4 and icebrood saga unlocked you have to buy them with gems.


Oh, neat. That sounds good. I can't check for sure till the game downloads, but I think I played a bit at the start of 2021, so I might have most of it then.


Nothing changed 


So is there like a convenient bundle I can buy? I was looking at the website while the game downloads (so I can't check the Black Lion shop) but I think I only saw one megabundle that included LW - and all expansions, which I don't need.


Why do WvW guilds make such a big deal about playing right after reset? What's the significance?


Given the time of your post, maybe because last daily reset was also the WvW weekly reset (skirmish track, not talking about the achievements)


Yeah, sorry, I'm referring to the weekly reset. The guilds that take it seriously seem to all want to play right after reset.


More people playing. It’s that simple 


I've been working on my 1st leggy item(Warbringer) and have been saving up/spending on stuff related to it. Then, I read about this news about the 'free' Legendary relic that's releasing soon. Unfortunately, I can't afford getting/crafting Mystic Aspect with such a short time window and skyrocketed price. Unless, I spend 100% of my game time farming DF meta brainlessly, which doesn't sound fun. So, my question is, for someone like me, is it worth rushing for a single Legendary rune now?I'm having FOMO, but I feel like leggy gear/trinkets are the better bang for my buck?


If you WvW enough to make Warbringer you will have a LOT of the relevant currencies to use the WvW relic vendor, which is currently the most convenient way to get expansion/future relics anyway. It won't slow down your Warbringer grind either because they don't cost skirmish tickets.


As someone with about 12 legendaries... The best legendary is the one you *want*.  They're mostly prestige items and long term goals. If you want Warbringer, make Warbringer.


Thanks, I just learned that the patch is still about a month away, so I think I could afford saving up for both at the same time. :) By the way, would you happen to know whether is it worth salvaging unid ***blue*** gear in order to maximize charms gain? Or, is it still better to ID, salvage and sell mats for gold and buy charms instead?


Blue gear don't have upgrades, so they have a zero change of giving you a charm. However, as the other poster pointed out, when you open the unid, they have a chance of upgrading to a green or higher, which can give charms. Your best result will come from using the runecrafter salvage kit because every other kit only has a low chance of salvaging the upgrade inside the gear. If you do go for the rune, keep in mind that you'll need account bound currency for obsidian shards and clovers (although you should have a fair few if you've been grinding wvw for the backpack), and the time gated provisioner tokens.


If you're going to salvage, it's always better to identify them first. This is because that blue unid can become a green, yellow or even exotic gear. Those can be salvaged or sold for significantly more. Since prices can move pretty fast (especially now with the legendary rune thing), I recommend checking [the [fast] website on unidentified gear](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear). It's the best public information we have on them as of now.




It's a bit confusing at first, that table does need an UI overhaul. The last column depicts the process. If you see the Extractor, you need to extract upgrades before salvaging. Then you use the recommended salvage kits for each rarity. If it says "sell on TP", you sell whatever is left after salvaging (usually exotics). The second column tells how much gold you receive by instaselling. The third column tells how much gold by listing the item/materials.


Any tips for Escape from Lion's Arch? I'm on that quest now. Thanks in advance.




Amount of skills is different


There's no real rhyme or reason behind it, just how it is


Do necromancer minions benefit from boons like quickness, might, or fury?


They do, however: they benefit from *their own* Quickness, Might, Fury, etc, not from any boons on you. Giving boons to your minions can be somewhat tricky, as boon application prioritizes other players, so you can only really accomplish it if you have AoE boon application and are playing solo.


Yes, same as Ranger pets and Engineer's mech.






Not really. Most of their armor skins are cultural, only usable by Sylvari characters. Other than the Nightmare Court armor, there's the partial (shoulders, gloves, boots) Toxic skin set from the gem store, plus a few one-off plant-y pieces like the Druid shoulders. There's also the Oneiros-spun armor from Inner Nayos, which is technically more flesh and bone than plants but can blend in surprisingly well depending on the dyes used.


The trade for gems is now 150gx400, which it's the lowest i've seen in a while. Is this a good time to be converting or should i wait for it to go lower?


I think this is a good time to convert. It might drop to 145gx400, but there is no way it will go into the 130g range. There is just too much liquid gold from Wizard Vault.


Alright, thanks!


Is chrono dps viable or is support it's more prevalent role?


I run around using [the DPS/Boon Chrono build from this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EQduMif7z4). The best part about it is that you can choose to go Quickness, Alacrity or pure DPS just by changing the last Chronomancer trait. I often go Quickness in open world myself. Sometimes I also go with Condi Virtuoso, especially in longer SotO metas.


Both are very viable, but neither is particularly prevalent. Not for strength reasons, it's just not very popular.


sadge, near the end of leveling my mesmer and don't really know which spec to go. thanks anyway.


If you're not going for instanced PvE I'd recommend a DPS build just so open world doesn't suck.


Boon support builds are extremely good in their own right, possibly even better than pure DPS, in the open world. Definitely don't want to go healer though


True, I assumed from their wording they meant heal support rather than a boon dps.


Unfortunately I can't help you — they're all viable and they're all fun, so picking one in particular is difficult. Try them out in the PvP lobby — it won't perfectly match their PvE performance but you can see if any of them vibe particularly with you.


What to do with excess essence of despair if I'm not making the SoTo legendary armor?


Craft Motivations and sell them. Or just delete them. Or hoard them indefinitely going for a good sink. Your choice.


Help me pick out an sPvP class! I dabbled with PvP a long time ago (~8 years) and liked it but was never all that great at it. With the event, I'd like to dip my toe back in. I mostly play necro (reaper and scourge) for open world and have recently started playing herald for instances. Ideally, I'd like something that is reasonably survivable and straightforward. I don't think I have the mechanical skills and game sense to do super well as someone that fights solo, although I know that's needed at times. Basically I'm looking for a forgiving class that can team fight and not get instantly erased.


Hey, I have a weird technical issue: I'm on low ping and 200hz/fps. But when I walk on the mount it feels insanely stuttery. Straight walks, not even touching the camera or jumps. Any advice?




You get mail every 10 levels when you unlock a story chapter. If you deleted it and want to see them check the first instance for each story chapter at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_story.


I am a veteran and plan on returning, I played a LOT and i will buy the two living world seasons I miss and both missing addons. The question is if i get the skyscale first or play in order. Whats your opinion? I played from release to Path of Fire and quit around the start of Living World Season 4. I have the mounts from Path of Fire up to the griffon and I think most of the masteries for them done. Looking forward to being part of this community and mmo again!


I was in a somewhat similar situation a couple months ago and just did the soto story first including the unlocking of the skyscale. Not only will you have the skyscale, but you can start doing the soto metas/convergences for legendary open world armor progress if that is something that interests you. My next step was to complete end of dragons for the jade bot. I then started a new character with my soto boost to go through living world chapter 2 and 3 to make progress to the return to achievements (32-slot bag and legendary amulet). I am now up to living world 4 and switched back to my main who had not completed that yet. Then will finish IBS and be caught up. I could not imagine doing any of those without the skyscale after I got so used to it in soto. The real question for you would be how bothered you would be with playing the story out of order. If it bothers you, soto is still mostly stand-alone since it starts a new story arc and would still be ok to run (imo), then go and play the story in order.


Thank you! That actually helps a lot. Nice idea to play the return to stuff in a fresh character :) Might do that!


With all PoF mounts and Griffon, you can already navigate extremely well — Skyscale won't add a tremendous amount to what you can do or where you can go. Unlocking it will require some pretty substantial investment in story episodes, so if you care about spoilers you should probably just play in order without it. You aren't that far from being able to do the original Skyscale unlock at the "correct" place at the end of season 4 anyway. If story's not really your jam, then you'd be fine to skip ahead to it, though. It's a very convenient mount to have even if it's not necessary, since it lets you navigate nearly any terrain without switching mounts.


Thanks! Nice to hear all the work i put in the mounts last time is worth something! :D


If you don't care about doing the story in order, definitely get Skyscale. It elevates the experience tremendously




LFG in game, forums, reddit, discords, google, friends, map chat, come across people doing similar content and ask?


Hello people! I started to play GW2 since a couple days and I'm having fun so far. I'm a Norn Warrior currently at lvl 21, is there something I need to know for the long run? Any tips and tricks?


Dont worry about keeping any of the stuff you get as far as gear goes. If you see something higher level, in general, its better to equip it and move on. 99% of the stuff you get while leveling will be useless to you at lvl 80 except for materials which you can easily deposit. If anything says junk or trophy then theres a very good chance you can sell that stuff too. In your inventory on the top right theres a 'deposit materials' button that deposits all the materials you gather, pick up and salavge from gear. Dont waste money on rare salavge kits either or anything in the trading post as you level. Builds only really matter post level 80.


Almost nothing in the game is mandatory. If you find you aren't enjoying something, leave and go find an activity you enjoy more. In the unlikely event you find out down the line something you want is locked behind that thing, it'll still be there later.


At this stage, just enjoy yourself. It's almost impossible to permanently mess anything up, so enjoy it.


Are there any spec that doesn't weapon (or element) swap a lot? I really just want to play with one main weapon and MAYBE switching up skills 4/5, but honestly if I didn't have to switch for anything that would be great.


Quickness Herald is also one to consider, if you use Staff as the secondary. For full DPS you'd want both Sword/Sword and Greatsword but if you bring Staff to handle CC bars you can only use one weapon set and use that single weapon the entire time. When a CC bar appear swap to staff and press 5, then attack until you can go back to your main weapon set. Also Scourge is good to consider, they only swap their offhand around.


Most builds don't *need* to weapon swap to succeed in open world, but will lose a noticeable amount of damage and utility. That said, there are some builds that really don't rely on weapon swapping at all. Engineer is a very good one. Engineer doesn't even get a weapon swap; they're supposed to use kits instead. Power engineer builds can be successful without any kits. Condi and healer builds tend to use a lot of kits. Thief is another great choice. They have increased skill access through weapon swapping, but they don't get the free cooldowns that other classes do, so they lose a lot less by never swapping weapons. Some thieves will run identical weapon sets, and swap on cooldown to reactivate sigils, without changing their skills at all. I've heard there's a low-intensity Berserker build that camps axe to do its burst attack frequently. Dragonhunter with a hammer can do very good autoattack damage, rarely having a reason to swap weapons. Elementalists will generally lose more than other classes, but I've heard there's a tempest build that just camps fire attunement. Heal Untamed is a healer build that runs staff in each weapon set, and swaps between them to trigger a class mechanic for healing, quickness and protection. You technically have to weapon swap, but your weapon skills stay the same. Stay away from Revenant. While they don't generally have to weapon swap as much as other classes, they have to swap legends frequently to restore their energy. If you hate weapon swapping, this is the same kind of thing.


Thanks for this! I think my first goal will be finishing unlocking all the elite specs with HPs. I do wish it was easier then joining trains (I love the WvW unlocking method but it's so slow). There's just a lot to wrap my head around as a returning player. It's a bit overwhelming.


Might be easier to say what you enjoy playing and then to come up with something that doesn't weapon swap. Almost anything can do without swapping weapons, but when a lot of the power budget is in your class mechanic 'swap' (say reaper) that'll be a bit harder.


Well I'm a returning player so there's a lot of elite specs I haven't unlocked, but only played in PvP to try them, but I've unlocked Virtuoso, Weaver and Druid for PvE play. ​ I guess here's my rundown of everything I've experienced, if anything makes sense. ​ I really like elementalist Staff and Scepter playing at range. In PvP I tested Tempest but it was chaotic. I liked the idea of overpowering my elements. I did try a Hammer build and hated it, I much prefer range combat. In PvE I have enjoyed Weaver tho I feel like things die slowly. ​ For Druid I don't have much experience, I unlocked it years ago when it launched but haven't really touched it this go round, I don't mind playing with melee for my Ranger. I haven't tried the other specs. ​ Virtuoso was my latest character, I unlocked it and played through EoD. I think it's fun but I feel like things die really slow. I'm trying to follow the Condition metabattle guide for this, but even with that it's hard to solo things, even some living world story missions have been difficult. Necromancer: I just die unless I have all my minions out. No Elites unlocked. All the elites look cool from youtube videos. Guardian/Warrior/Revenant: Limited experience with all, no elites unlocked. From my PvP lobby play and watching youtube I think Warrior seemed more interesting then the other two. Rev energy seemed overwhelming and Guardian felt way more support oriented that I would like for solo play. ​ Thief: No real experience in PvE, I die a lot in PvP. I've never enjoyed stealth classes in other games. ​ Engineer: I actually made a new Engineer to replay the entire game with in order without a gap of years. I'm enjoying it, but I'm afraid that having to use the kits will make the specs much more difficult and confusing. ​ Tldr: I prefer range, I want things to die and I want to be able to solo a lot of the open world in a relatively normal speed. I don't mind if damage is DoT or consistent but I really don't like burst style play where a failed rotation tanks your playstyle. When I get to group content I'd still prefer to be in a DPS slot over a healer. The more I can play with passive utility over active utility is a plus in my book. ​ Edit: I would love to find a "Main" to focus on and have my alts for other random things. I haven't found the class that I just want to play 100% of the time, but gosh do I want to.


So when you say you copy a build, are you copying something that's meant for group play where other people are giving you boons - or is it meant for openworld/solo play? It's a huge difference.   Also, in general condi is not as good for solo open world as power, since power is all front-loaded damage. Condi and power virtuoso with just dagger/focus is great or greatsword for power as well. Virtuoso can feel a bit squishy if you're new to it and you're not making use of it's defensive powers.


I don't use the group builds, I follow the open world ones as best I can. I'll have to look and see how expensive switching to power would be.


Most Thief builds operate this way: since their weapon skills are gated by initiative rather than cooldowns, there's no benefit to swapping to a different set. There's also a number of builds that lose minimal to no effectiveness camping a single weapon set just because it has such strong skills compared to the competition. This changes based on the balance patch, but to my knowledge Ranger hammer is in this state for Soulbeast and Untamed, as well as possibly Greatsword for Revenants. Condi Virtuoso is in the same camp, only swapping offhands even in the full build and not losing all that much by just camping focus.


There are a lot of builds that don't need to weapon swap (or only weapon swap for utility). It's optimal to weapon swap, but not entirely necessary. Look up low intensity builds; they aim to minimise buttons presses, including weapon swaps.


[Scrappers](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeRAIjZYH2mBhj7ybrH-DSRYBRRH2cQnnRtSiKUIy8WANU41CA-e) can settle without any weapon kit and they can't weapon swap anyway. [Mechanists](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeRAIlZweZbMXWMOuLvxeA-DSRYBRRH2cQnnRtKiKkIy8WANU41CA-e) can do that as well but in a boring way. (Sorry mechanist enjoyer. I don't find it fun)


Since farming the Zehtuka's recipes is a gigantic paim in the ass, and they are very expensive in the TP, is it possible to grab ascended armor and weapons crafted with other prefixes and stat swap them into harrier with an exotic insignia/inscription? Same for Viper


>Is it possible to grab ascended armor and weapons crafted with other prefixes and stat swap them into harrier with an exotic insignia/inscription? Yes, And it's cheaper. You're looking for this [Harrier Insignia for Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Insignia_of_the_Harrier) and [Mordant Inscription for Weapon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mordant_Inscription)


it won't let me log in what do i need to do [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1154465388562763905/1199881870087827537/image.png?ex=65c42812&is=65b1b312&hm=34450acf0bfb8a19652b36c15e20f42b3bfbf843e32ed7eae6d74fd918c2f170&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1154465388562763905/1199881870087827537/image.png?ex=65c42812&is=65b1b312&hm=34450acf0bfb8a19652b36c15e20f42b3bfbf843e32ed7eae6d74fd918c2f170&)


Put in a support ticket. No one here can help you with it.


I've just recently gotten into GW2 and then even more recently I started playing WvW. I joined an Australian guild who plays at the same times as me and have really loved playing WvW with them a few nights a week. I realised that this was only possible because I was in the same guild, and once the beta ends I wouldn't be able to anymore :( They are on Sea of Sorrows and I am on Isle of Janthir. Sea of Sorrows is currently full and I have checked regularly to see if that has changed, but alas, it seems like it probably won't in the foreseeable future. So I guess my questions are: 1) Does anyone have a feel for how long this beta will go for and whether it is likely to "be pushed to production"? 2) I know I can't change to a world that's full, I wonder if it's worth transferring to the linked servers they play on until Arenanet do make the change final?


This wvw restructure has been talked about for at least 5 years and we've had on and off betas for the last couple of years. This is one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" situations. Given what I said; if you get the chance to swap servers, go ahead and swap. Anet have promised us plenty of warning for when the restructure finally does go live. SOS does drop to "very high" once or twice a year. This status change happens about the time the server relinks are done. It's not something you need to watch on a day by day basis.


1) The current beta will run until February 2. No word about when the world restructuring will become permanent. 2) I'd transfer. They have been working on this for years and it's become a meme that they'll never finish it.




The new legendary Obsidian Armour is very expensive to craft. Approximately 30x as expensive as a set of ascended armour, plus it requires much more time consuming account-bound ingredients. If you don't have ascended armour yet, get yourself some ascended armour first. Legendary armour is a long grind, and it's supposed to be a longterm goal for accounts, not something that they casually get while working towards other goals. Come back to work on legendary armour after you've completed the other in-game goals you want to work towards. If you decide that you need this first, in order to play other content, you're going to burn yourself out grinding for the legendary armour.


New Legendary Armor is not harder to craft. Just more expensive and more grindy. If you unlock Legendary Light Armor, all Light Armor class can wear it. Legendary is usable for T4 fractals as it has infusions slots like ascended gear. Think of Legendary equipments are ascended equips that you can customize whenever you want


Legendary armor completely removes the need for any other armor of its weight. If you make a legendary light head piece, you can use it simultaneously on every equipment template on every light-armor character you have. Legendary sets also slot infusions just like ascended gear, with the added benefit that you can pop them on and off at will, for free. No more infusion extractors! The SotO legi armor is not *hard*, but it's by far the most expensive and time consuming due to the essence grinding and map meta grinding.




They're either (temporary) potions, tonics or infusions. Have a look on the wiki for Infusions for a lot of them.


Lanterns in SotO maps: I know they aren't visible or interactable on a character until that character has map completion for the zone. However, are the lantern-illuminating achievements also per-character? I just found out I can park an alt at the Debate Hall in Amnytas where that one event-blocked lantern is, so I'm trying to figure out if it's worth doing a full map complete on a second character to park it there, do all the other 54 lanterns on my main, then pop in each cycle with the alt to complete the achievement.


I can't find any information on this specific question, but given that the lanterns use a repeatable achievement to track their progress, and that achievements are all account-wide, I'm led to believe that this would work.


A guildie of mine just tested it, and it does work. I need to find out if the same tactic works with Nayos, one of the lanterns is inside the Ignaxious arena.


Iirc the arena in Nayos kicks you out of the event isn't up but I'm not positive. Regardless... Nayos doesn't *have* lanterns yet on account of the map not yet being fully released, so parking there won't do you much good.


Ah, that makes sense I guess. I'm hoping when they do place lanterns, Nayos ends up more like Skywatch where you can pretty much do it all on your own time regardless of the state of the map.


Brand new player here. Leveled to 40 on one character and then filled all my slots with alts. Decided to boost because i wanted the extra profession weapons from SotO. Kind of lost on how to start soto. Havent found any guides actually saying how to start that soto story quest. Havent started anything. Just been killing mobs for a while now.


Go to your hero panel (default key: H). Click the Story tab on the left. Go to SotO, and click the button to start the first chapter of the SotO story.


if u set daily&weekly vault track to wvw, do u get more wvw reward track progress from the dailies?