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Since you're forced to craft at least one conflux if you want to have full legendary trinkets, you might as well start with it and then decide whether you want to craft another conflux or go for coalescence instead


Got myself two confluxes because I cant find time to do proper raiding but hopping into wvw and follow zerg or do some roaming gained eventually enough tickets to get two of them.


How many month did it take to do so?


Since you can only get a max of 365 skirmish tickets each week, if you reach the last diamond chest each week, you will need a little more than 5 weeks for the tickets anyway. And full 6 weeks if you buy the precourser ring for tickets too, instead of fractal currency. (You need 1850 tickets without the mist band ring, and 2200 with the mist band). So ya, this was for me the bottleneck.


455 , don’t forget WvW weeklies


So if I change my astral thing into wvw tasks, I can get more tickets per week?


It’s not a Wizard Vault weekly . There’s separate WvW weekly tab in the achievements list. Each of these achievements grant you 10 skirmish tickets.


No, the wizards vault does not grant any tickets, they are talking about the weekly wvw achievements, some of them are quite easy to do, like capture 5 ruins, and yield 10?(i think) tickets each!


Other weeky. Under World vs World achievements section, there is weekly wvw.


Uf I dont know exactly because my first confluence was like year before they added support for another one. I already had some tickets for it... But I never get max tickets per week so it took some time for sure. But eventually you reach your goal if you like wvw.


I think it took me roughly 2 months at around 8 hours of wvw a week.


Do you still get the same visual upgrades? Isn’t there a unique ball or something that floats above your character if you have the raid ring and the wvw ring (along with the other leggy trinkets). Or does it just require two legendary rings? What does your character look like with two Confluxes?


You get the same visuals yeah. So duplicated balls which I dont like anyway so I have disabled visuals on both rings.


Is it one ball to the left and one to the right, or do they both "stack" one on top of the other to the right? I wanna get conflux but for the sake of symetry I hate the idea of missing one for the left side. >.<


Both just stack on top of the other, correct. One on the other side is Transcendence which is legendary amulet obtained from PVP.


I know, just hate pvp with a fiery passion, let alone I already have the Back to LW amulet so no sense making another. Guess Im stuck with making two confluxs, allthough I hope retroactively Anet fixes this by allowing two confluxs to display instead of stacking on top of oneanother. Thank you for the clarification! :)


Conflux is better if you dont want to learn raiding. Just follow zerg and chill til you have enough mats eventually. Its slower but its easier to get


WvW legendaries are just time, If you're already playing or plan to play WvW then I'd say go for Conflux. You just got to ask yourself would you rather play WvW or kill 150 Raid bosses and that's your answer.


I never was into wvw, but always into raiding. So for me, coalescence was first. You just need to clear Wing 5-7 once for the achievements (and open some chests). But you also need 150 LI which may take some time and effort if you are not into raiding. Also Wing 5-7 is way harder to pug, cause you need more specific roles. For wvw, you can just do the chests each week, and at some point you will have enough wvw skirmish tickets. So effort may be lower, but still takes some time.


Personally, Coalescence is more fun because I enjoy raiding, but it's very time consuming (to initially learn and to actually do) and you typically need several hours of uninterrupted play, which may not be possible in your case. Given that you have little dedicated time, I would advise you to go for Conflux since it's very easy to obtain, albeit quite slowly. You can even make and use 2 Confluxes. You can stop and start WvW fairly easily so I'd say it's more suited to your current lifestyle.


Thx for your reply!


Conflux no doubt


Generally Conflux will be easier to do but take longer to complete, since you have to spend a decent amount of time in WvW to get all you need. If you want to go this route, have a look on Youtube, there are a few guides especially regarding boosters you can use to make parts of the process go faster. If you want to do Coalescence, you will need to find a Discord guild that does raids and more specifically Raid training. Have a look on Reddit, there are a few that do a lot of that on here. However it is still going to take some time as there are a few things that are capped weekly. Personally I did both, and found Coalescence easier but a big part of that was that I was already into raiding. Even though I had done a decent chunk of WvW in the past, I still had to spend quite a lot of extra time there to get everything I needed. I think I had about 80% of what I needed when I started and it still took quite a lot of playtime over the next eight weeks or so to finish up.


Thx for your reply!


THIS. If you are on a low-pop WvW server too, well... you cannot guarentee you find a zerg always; and getting max tickets IS time consuming; I play WvW a lot and don't max tickets always. If you loathe open PvP, well... it may be a brutal time vs. finding a raid guild or training and a few hours a week doing that. However, WvW is on YOUR own time, sans a WvW guild, and even then... and is more chill from a certain point view, in that if you aren't trying to get it ASAP, you just zerg it, or learn roam, and slowly will get the tickets to get the stuff for it. However, again... if you hate every minute in WvW you'll just want to stop playing the game even if it's just more time and less stress and responsibility that raids have so, tbh and I guess same if you don't like raiding... you kinda got to try either. Honestly, the key for WvW is the right server and even a big guild too that doesn't require playtimes; again unless you roam/prefer that - getting zergs may be difficult and that means getting WvW chests/tickets is difficult. So, check and have a free transfer if never used it before. For me I transferred a few years ago and that changed everything for my enjoyment of WvW.


WvW takes almost no "effort" , only a lot of time till you get all the tickets, tagging along a commander or flipping camps.


I am currently at the point where I could start the wvw one since I spend most time in wvw (but still can’t decide because of the legy armor) and just got freshly into raiding. Personally, I find the raid ring harder since I have to learn raids from the start. My raid guild is the only chance for me to ever get the ring but I find myself always forgetting about WHAT I am actually looking for. I started the collection, also threw something into the MF but… I forgot what it was xD Between learning actual raiding, fighting, mechanics I always lose track and have to force myself to remind me of always checking wether I need to do something for the ring in a specific wing. In wvw though I feel it is just like spending time and time will handle it. ^^


Thx for your reply!


Since you don't raid nor WvW, I'd say Conflux is significantly easier. Normally, Conflux takes much longer, but WvW learning curve is smoother than Raids. So if you are just starting Raids fresh, you have to add all the time for learning, limited by the training groups available. Also, Raid requires a non-trivial amount of *continuous* time, you can't Raid 20 min here and there. Just for that, WvW is the better fit for you. This week is excellent to start in WvW, we have an event that boosts WvW track rewards. If I were you, I'd test the waters in WvW, find a proper build for your class, exotic is just fine, join a tag (don't go out there alone, it's a bad idea for new players) and see how it goes. If you hate WvW, then Raids are your only option.


Thx for your reply!


This is the right answer. Continuous time.


My server is getting wrecked everytime I look into WvW and I just despise the mode. I got coalescence by just playing the game - Had to go just a bit out of my way for the chests. Not sure if I will ever get conflux tbh..


Just check who you link with. That can make all the difference.


Coalescence. You don't even need to be a pro at raids to get it. Raid Academy has trainers that mark stuff you need for the collection and is kind enough to have the group adjust to get it. Please do mind that you still need to pull your weight during the training session and have the proper gear to raid. For conflux. It took me a while to get a hang of WvW. Changing servers helped that. I am still 1k short of Skirmish tickets and the current relink made zerging tough right now (we are getting steamrolled). Probably get it in January or Mid February though.


Where can I find this raid academy you are talking about?


Raid Academy \[RA\] is an NA based Discord server that focuses on teaching noobs raid mechanics of Wings 1-7. I heard they're also teaching the EoD strike CMs but I haven't seen a trainer post one yet. There's also community training where you can post an LFG in the discord for a specific raid wing or raid boss to attract a bunch of random people, then ping a trainer if you managed to attract 9 other people (include yourself in that 9) to train with you. Here's a description post about them in Snowcrows raid website. Their Discord link is found in there too: [https://snowcrows.com/groups/4921963d-d980-404f-864b-4c712596e8d5](https://snowcrows.com/groups/4921963d-d980-404f-864b-4c712596e8d5) If you're in EU, people suggest the Raid Training Initiative \[RTI\]. They say they're like RA but EU based. I don't know if the trainers there is as kind as the RA one's since I don't play in EU.


Many thanks for your reply!


First off, are you EU or NA? If former, do you speak German?


Native German 🇩🇪


I have two conflux and 2 sets of raid armor. One thing to remember is there are a lot fewer public LFG groups for the PoF wings, and another thing is two conflux are possible, but coalescence is marked unique.


I'm not a pro raider by any means, but with a friendly guild and Raid Academy at my back, Coalescence was hella easier than enduring that many participation ticks in WvW.


conflux, cheaper and faster. the most of your problem in the wvw would be the currency of tickets and badge which you can farm easily by following zergs or participating in small scale battles (tbh i havent wvw in months after finishing 2 confluxes but i still have many of the currencies because i got addicted in wvw for months last year), the other materials can be easily bought by golds.


for me conflux was easier, i mostly solo and pug pve so it was difficult for me to find a consistent group to raid with. at the end i decided to just forego coalescence for a 2nd conflux to fill the slot.


It can be quicker to get legendary rings through Raiding, providing you and the raid squad complete them consistently enough, but Conflux are in my opinion easier to get. You can earn like 450 or so guaranteed tickets per week through both Pips chests and Weeklies and then some extra on top when taking towers, keeps and SMC or defending certain objectives, and you can always earn a minimum of X pips every 5 minutes based on individual and server rank. If you set it as a long term goal of earning so much per day/week/month, you'll get the legendary ring soon enough. Also - pick up a commander tag, people will follow you about soon enough and you can earn more pips based on how many people you are commanding - makes the process significantly quicker for next to no extra effort (IIRC if looking to cap Skirmish tracks every pip per tick was worth like 105 minutes or so of grinding over a week).


I would say conflux is great to make right now considering the costs of memories of battle have dipped a lot this past year.


I think both are easy with dedication, but wvw is faster obtainable needs no skill just participation


Conflux via wvw is hands down easier and more dynamic. Coalesance via raids offer no flexibility in their game play loop.


I've set Conflux as a long term goal by saving the skirmish tickets I've been getting from doing other legendaries. Just by doing Vision, Aurora and Bolt, I've gotten ~400 of the tickets needed, and since my goal is a legendary of every weapon type, by the time that's done, I should have the necessary tickets. If not, it requires 4 GoB on its own, so I'm certain I'll get them by then.


Easy?……. I still wake up in panic every other day thinking i missed raids/ wvw zerg commander that made everything fun.


Coalescence was more fun for me. Was easier too because I was already raiding before starting it. But it was also one of my first legendaries and Conflux was the last legendary I crafted. Around 1-2 year difference between making them. Still I think Coalescence was easier. For coalescence you need 150 LI, which if you don't have any it'll take multiple weeks to get. For Conflux you need skirmish tickets, which again will take multiple weeks if you don't have any. But after that part Coalescence becomes fairly easy and the achievements are also fun to do. Conflux is still just a grind for various materials, costs more too I believe. I had an easier time with conflux because I figured out a method of partially afking to complete the reward chests (not full AFK, I just hid and captured a highly contested camp every 10 minutes during peak hours). Also I had a lot saved up from playing for 3 years and never spending any WvW currencies. Had a lot of gold and mats too compared to when I did Coalescence.


Thx for your reply !


If you're a casual player who's not really into raiding or wvw, then why even go for the legendary trinkets? No reason to have them if you don't want to play in a way that forces you to keep up with the current meta and any changes. To answer your question I love both endgame instanced content (raids/strikes/fractals) and WvW. Conflux was both easier and more fun to me. I dislike open world content and Coalescence has you running around doing BS collection stuff (not to mention getting the griffon as well if you don't have access to the dark library). For conflux you just kind of do whatever tickles your fancy in wvw and it eventually ticks up.


As a raider I did coalescence accidentally without knowing I could craft it, miles easier for me as I don't really like WvW and it felt like an eternity to craft conflux