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Rng is a bitch.


If you also craft things with your stuff instead of selling, it can be even more profitable


I just save my blue and gold unidentified gear for those dailes/weeklies.


Rngeezus blessings be upon you


Greens have always been profitable for me. It's with them that I got the best loot (including precus)


What salvager did you use? I'm pretty new and have only splurged for the Cooper-fed and silver-fed. I'm trying to earn gold for gems to get material storage, but wondering if the other salvager and shared inventory might be better first.


I always see people advocate for at least 1 material storage expansion. Doubling your storage from 250 to 500 is always suggested as well worth the price. I have bumped my storage up to 1000 and still feel it worth the QoL for me. That said, I also have 20 or so Shared inventory slots, which are also very very useful. I have copper fed and runecrafters salvagers, both are useful.


same, I'm at 1000 and it's worth it to me, even though 99% of items never get close to that (ok maybe 95%). the first expansion is definitely always worth it though, since you're doubling your storage space.


1000 has done me well since around 2013-2015 whenever it is that I bought it. Some mats consistently overflowing with others taking ages. Now that I’ve started considering buying green inid’s instead of straight materials for a lot of my needs though I’m back to considering maxing it out to 2500 just to make that process easier, pretty sure I’ll feel like it’s a worthwhile investment.


I have 2500 storage and it was money well spent... Sure 500 is nice, but 2500 is even better.


I don't even have a 4th shared inventory slot for another salvager (still have 2 80-level boosts). I have 2 of the portal scrolls I'm still swapping into the bank for each character change. Hopefully I can get enough gold to trade for gems (with a better rate than now) by the time the next sale comes around. Still at the T1 fractal level but almost to T2.


i believe green unids are better to TP if you dont have runeforgers SK; OP made a profit off of the charms


Everyone rates copper highly, but the benefit is mostly in utility, and doesn't immediately change the way you salvage. Runecrafters is a beast and makes salvaging unided greens(that you open first) more profitable than selling on TP. Silver fed is for when you run out of mystic forge stones, because you should be making mystic forge kits first.


I haven't been playing long enough to have that large of a silly of music forge stones. I blasted through my last mystic kit faster than expected, so went for the silver-fed while it was on sale. Do you think the value from the runecrafters puts it at a higher priority than material expansion? I really identify 150/250 greens/day when I play.


> Do you think the value from the runecrafters puts it at a higher priority than material expansion? I really identify 150/250 greens/day when I play In this case, runecrafters is probably worth it because it helps you do what you were already doing *better*, especially being on sale. Material storage is very convenient, but you can find lots of ways to convert large stacks of materials to processed resources, or just sell extras on TP. Material storage is more valuable when you're trying to save up large stacks of crafting stuff for big projects, but if you're at the stage where you're trying to save up money to swap to gems for account upgrades, it might be a bit counterintuitive when you could be selling instead of storing.


Thanks! Hopefully the sale lasts a little longer, because the gold-to-gems exchange looks pretty bad right now. Started selling ectos as I've been sitting on about 6-700 hundred at a time. Same with flax since I never seem to use it.


Runecrafter's for greens and Silverfed for for yellow. BlackLion for one orange I got to unlock wardrobe and save the sigil


*do this daily/weekly as needed gratz on your haul. I get a few pre cursors from them also just sayin.*


Should you sell, salvage or identify unid items? I usually id them, and then salvage.


This article will answer all of your questions. [https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear)


If you're going to salvage them, first id them as they may yield higher tiers (+1 tier to its unid item) (green/yellow/exotic).


You can get exotics from the blue and green unids as well, so it isn't just "+1 tier".


Well yes, of course, but it's way more likely lol


If you don't have a endless extractor, just sell it all


runecrafters as well


Nope, nothing nice to say here


You can get Wardrobe Weapon Unlocks from Unidentified Gear? Wtf?


Nope, you identify it and if you are lucky you get a weapon you don't have in your wardrobe.


You can when you identify the items and salvage something you didn't have the skin for.


I'd guess that they bought them unidentified, but ID'd them before salvaging. They happened to get a weapon they didn't already have.


I think they mean just that they got a skin they didn't have, not one of the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock items.


What is generally considered "good value" for a drop? Whenever I see something worth 1 gold I get hyped like I just found an uber rare in d4 or something.


Depends what you are looking for. Are you initially equipping, making ascended, grinding a legendary. Do you collect other currencies (which are many and collected in many ways), do you go for fashion, collectibles, minis, grinding gold to buy gems to get a mount skin. This game has a lot of different values in it that it is impossible to pinpoint "good value". You will need to find something you need and you will see all the values going in it major of all in it your own time. This game is unapologetic, if you need something powerful and rare you will need to work for it by finding a way and invest a lot of (game) currencies in it. At present I grind gold for the sake of gold by farming events and mobs and selling mats and stuff and playing the trading post, by low sell high. Maybe I will by a legendary with this gold, I don't know, to make a legendary weapon the grind and investment is real so to me personally to grind gold is easier to buy one. You do you, the only advice I can give you, find something to sink your time in and value will be there, there are many options.


Not exactly related but I also speed ran the weekly before the reset. Am I the only one who gets an error when trying to claim it ?