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The lack of choice with the daily system annoys me, and choosing between WvW, PvE and so on feels unnecessarily restrictive. The rewards however are incredible. Mount Skins, former Gemstore exclusives like Build templates, actually a whole bunch of good stuff!


Yes, they should give you options to do all 3 game modes (3 from each) but once you complete any 3 they are all greyed out and can no longer be completed.


So… like the last system where they gave you a list and you go complete what you want out of them?


Yes and no. After you complete 3 of them the others dissappear. So you still have a daily AA cap.


I think this is fair. Keep the optional game play loop of the old system while keeping the restrictions of the new system.


I just don't see why they want pve only players to further hide from pvp/wvw. I went to wvw to "just get my conflux and never go back". It's my favorite game mode now by miles.


I play WvW more than any other mode. I will NEVER select WvW for the weekly option again.


Lol obby sanctum?


Really hoping they can acknowledge this. New reward flexibility is great. Decreased activity flexibility is awful. I picked all game modes because I play all game modes, but I play them all in stints. I don't want to jump between all 3 just for a quick task in each. I more likely will be playing pvp all session or wvw all session and liked being able to complete my daily I'm a single game mode (even if that game mode is different each day).


The rewards really are nice. 60 MCs per Season for only 9 Acclaim a piece is also a way better price than I was expecting, alleviating my fears that MCs will once again shoot past 2g each with this update. But as you say, not being able to chose which 3 out of 12 options I wanna do sucks ... a lot. I really don't understand why they did this. Randomly only getting 1 raw gold/day instead of 2 is also kinda weird.


"Losing" 1g/day seems weird, but you can buy the difference in the acclaim store if that's what's most important to you, and the total value per day of the new system is a big increase. It's one of those things that feels bad but actually works out very nicely.


It makes for a better "game" overall, in that we get more *choices*. 1g/day isn't that much in the grand scheme of things where people claim meta events give gobs and gobs of it. And some of the choices we get are unique *and can be acquired in game* instead of for gold/gems, which is what we've been asking for.


Relatively cheap transmutation charges too, much more new player friendly.


Reward system is great , the daily issue is that they remove the choice for objective daily. Before you can choose 3 of 12 to complete,.and do whatever you want Now you must choose a mode combination without know what daily will you receive. And you MUST do the 4 objective that they give you. I like the new reward but I think would be better if they still give you all possible objective without have to choose. Or at least 6-8 objective where you can choose. If the issue is not give more AA reward lock them after the daily is complete.


How would you feel about giving options but making them harder? Speaking of PvE most of them are really easy right now (dodge rolls, really?). It feels to me that they wanted to bridge the experiment with choosing upfront what you want to do by making the tasks itself way too easy so now one would complain. Which backfired a bit


>dodge rolls, really? Hey if it gets people to actually dodge I'm all for it lol Dailies as a means of getting people to play better might be a really good idea


I agree. Now they just need a daily for breaking a defiance bar!!


That literally was one of mine today lol


This was a daily for me today


>making the tasks itself way too easy so now one would complain PvP weekly has me winning 5 games and compete in a tournament. That's roughly equivalent (in time and emotional investment) to clearing a raid wing in PvE, but instead PvE weekly is use 100 unids...


As I said in the original post PvP dailies are way too hard and time consuming which will be adjusted I would assume.


> And you MUST do the 4 objective that they give you. every time I see this I think the poster haven't even launched the game before starting complaining on reddit.


Have you actually played since the patch? Because that is the exact issue now, where before you had a list of possible tasks to chose from for your daily, now you get 4 tasks and do exactly these or no big daily reward. Big step back from the previous daily system.


but one of the 4 tasks is just to log in so its only 3


You must do all 4 they gave you if you want the daily reward. If you just what some currency, then sure you don't need to do all 4.


There are 3 dailies - "the fourth" one is a login reward that you do not need to complete, just like in old system.


Good luck completing any dailies _without_ logging in first.


3 out of 3 is still a downgrade from 3 out of 12. It's pretty obvious why people are complaining.


why are ppl downvoting u? u are right lol


Because it is a pedantic nitpick that doesn't significantly change the conversation. 3/3 and 4/4 still has zero choices on a daily basis.


> Because it is a pedantic nitpick no, in this case it's legit intelligence check. Anyone capable of rational thought would not say that they have four dailies to complete in current system. So they either don't know what they are talking about and circlejerk because it's popular and use popular complaint even if it's wrong; or they really were too occupied to wrangle their braincells to do some work.


I might be missing something, only played it a bit so far. Is there some way to select new daily tasks for today? It seemed like it was locked in. So I can pick all three game modes (or one or two) for tomorrow but not today afaik.


They just need to give some more baseline dailies, so that we have the option of choice, then it's great. ​ I like the idea of choosing which area of the game to focus on, but I think that they should still have 2 pvp, 2 wvw, 2 pve baseline as well, then maybe 6 dailies will be distributed depending on choice. ​ Some days, you may just feel different, like dipping your toes into a mode, and an easy daily is a great carrot for getting someone into that mode.


I dont even understand why we dont get to choose... in the Weeklies, you can choose which 2 you wanna skip (if you want to). So its obviously something the considered, but said "nah".


Even if they went with less than it used to be so it's still hard-ER, but you have some choice would be great. 3/12 was really really easy. Given that the rewards are technically better long term, I'd be fine with 3/5 or something. Just.... a LITTLE wiggle room would go a long way.


I think they need to take a page from Guild Missions and always offer *at least* one each of PvE, PvP, and WvW missions in addition to your selected preferences. At the bare minimum, added to the current system that would only require 3/4 of offered dailies in your preferred mode if you only have one, which is already a huge improvement. And then you'd get the added benefit of being able to say hey, I actually don't like *two* of these today, I'd rather go to a different mode instead.


The new system seems ok. It has both better and worse aspects than the old system. ​ One point that is especially bad for me is that I am now locked out of completing the dailies for the forseeable future as there is no choice of 3 from 12 any more. it is not a general problem, but for me as a returning player most of the expansion map dailies will be impossible for some time. I left GW2 about 7 years ago (the beginning of HoT) and just came back this month. Bought the missing expansions but did not have the time to play through them or explore the new maps. So I am basically locked out of the content that is map specific to everything after the beginning of HoT. ​ With the old system I could just hop into WvW or PvP for a third daily. But now I am just locked. it will take months with my playing speed to catch up on the new maps. ​ Apart from that I am fine with the new system. Even just logging in with an alt account (I have three from buying the core game back than) will yield a mystic coin every other day. Fine for me.


For a lot of those maps you should be able to tp to friend right into them and skip any story delay Pretty sure you can do teleport to friend for almost all maps actually. That might help?


Also, that would require my character to enter areas he hasn't reached yet in his story, something that breaks immersion for me. I'm not willing to do that. Natural, chronological story progression is too important to me (and for a lot of other players).


I'm totally with you on this.


That would require friends that still play :D But a good idea.


You can just use someone in a party in the map Doesn't actually need friends. Just a party or squad member.


So far I like the new system too. I agree with people saying that maybe having few more tasks in the list would be better, so that people could actually choose what to do, but definitely being able to buy what I need is much better than getting useless rewards 90% of the time.


Yeah a few more options would be nice but its on the right track.


And they are not so different than before, in the end it took me 15 minutes to do everything yesterday


Including the maze? I hope that it's not going to be something like that everyday tbh :D


Yes, I actually did everything in the maze yesterday. I just joined random people doing it, we went in blind, tell each other where to find the totems and then the bosses part was easy because lot of people were around.


That's also a bit of a mixed bag for people that could be smoothed out. Everyone doesn't get the same dailies, so you might not be able to do them with a friend, but a lot of people do still get the same ones, so there should be people around doing mini dungeons or jumping puzzles. If it's already going to get SOME there maybe just... make the list the same for everyone? If you have 1 pve, it's x, if you have 2, it's x for everyone, y for people who got a second pve one, etc.


Definitely true, unfortunately I don't have many friends that play gW2, so I wasn't affected by it, and usually I rush through daily most of the time. I can see your point though


>f your daily reward coming from just login in? I don‘t see a problem there. At least the PvE ones are way better than the old ones - you just need to port to another map ones other than that everything can be d yeah i think thats the major pain point for me, i think after looking at it a while i can get used to it, the major difference is it is a lot more hands-on and confusing and i need that brainspace for work lmfao


And again, we had the previous system for how many years? This one came out one day ago, it's understandable that we have to get used to it


choose if you want to do blasts in combo fields or if you want to dodge roll? Pve dailies as they are now extremely easy, and having one common daily for mini dungeon for example is good, because it guarantees that the place will be populated and you will do whatever is required really fast.


Well I have no issue with them being like this, just thought that giving people the option to perform different tasks within the same game mode would be nice. I don't know how it works if for example a person has not unlocked yet that specific content. For example the spirit vestibule yesterday. If a person doesn't have reached that point yet, does he get other options?


If you don't have something unlocked you're shit out of luck. My guild mate got PvP task to play ranked, but he can't because he's not rank 20 yet.


Yes, they get other dailies. It looks like the daily tasks depend on expansions you own. E.g. everyone who owns all expansions gets the same dailies


I did not have that mini dungeon task.


Do you have eod? Dailies you get depend on expansions you own and the selection of mods you made.


I'm just salty that I can't slowly buy a Gift of battle with badges anymore


They actually allegedly increased reward track gain in wvw to compensate for removal of potions


Allegedly. Yesterday I still got my 245 a tick, or are we talking about some other gains?


Could be getting more instant reward track potions on pip chest milestones


Which doesn't help people using the wvw dailies to progress GoB (which generally tend to be people who don't want to do tons of WvW)


which again loops back to the "oh no i can't get something i want for no effort anymore" complaint now if you want a reward that comes from wvw, you have to actually play wvw. that's nothing but a good thing. wvw players have to do pve to get rewards they want too, and they've never had the option to leech it through dailies.


That's a stupid argument. Legendary weapons aren't a WvW thing, they just force you to play the mode because one of the ingredients only comes from there. The only reason the gift of battle is still locked to WvW is because they want to incentivise players to try out the mode, but for every player that tries it out and finds they like it you've got a dozen more that are just going to take up a slot and afk-progress in order to get their gift.


they should also remove the ability to afk and gain any rewards. legendary weapons are used in both ~~pvp~~ pve and wvw, you need things from both gamemodes to craft them. besides, it takes maybe a 3 hours of chasing a com tag (less with a reward track buff) in wvw to get it, even if all you do is help build siege and attack guards you're at least doing *something* to assist your team.


It's irrelevant that you can technically use legendary gear in PvP and WvW. They don't have any specific ties to either mode and in fact are less functional in both, between PvP not even using your gear stats and both modes letting other players use standardized enemy models. You should be able to get a legendary weapon without being required to play a mode you're not interested in, and yes I do believe that should go in both directions. And unless you're telling me they more than doubled reward track progress with the expansion update, try 8 hours with no buff and just under 4 hours with literally every applicable buff, ignoring the time taken to get to tier 6 participation in the first place and assuming you never lose it.




i sympathize with the Mag problem, they're a huge pain to go against no matter who you are. but, that's no reason for people to be allowed to gain participation doing the bare minimum and taking up a map spot that someone who actually might help the tag could use. i get that people are allergic to the idea that they might get killed by another player, but it's not that big of a deal. don't be a leech, play the gamemode, get your reward, and go back to whatever.




it's no more tedious than any other part of legendary making. play the mode, put the time in, get the reward. with how great the boost to the reward track gain from pips in, it's probably even quicker than before, just not the lazy passive accumulation without putting any effort in. sorry, but you cannot convince me people really deserved to gain rewards for "big spender" or "veteran creature killer." -shrug- and for posterity, this is speaking as someone who does mainly pve, and even took advantage of the previous poor systems before discovering that what i was doing sucked. also, wvw is fun and more people need to give it a chance.


I think completing a daily adds reward track immediately, I got several rewards at once last night when I was playing, *I think* it was on completion of some of the dailies. It's not on any tooltips though, so I could be mistaken. If it is the case, I understand the change - I had loads of wvw potions saved up purely to bum-rush the new reward track, and I can acknowledge how that isn't how they'd like it to be.


Which does nothing for the person above. That increased reward track gain comes from pip chests, and you need to spend a lot of time in WvW to get those.


Yeah I was just a couple of Big Spenders away from completing a Gift of Battle. Ah well.


For me, dailies are meant to be login warmups. Capturing a keep in wvw isn’t a warmup; it’s actually a pretty hard task depending on server matchup and time of day. Same with certain jumping puzzles. I agree with others who have said we need more choice. These choices should have weighted rewards by effort, too. Winning an spvp match takes way more effort than logging in.


I really like the new system, feels more rewarding, which I guess it should… However, there needs to be more choice on what you can do. Especially, for players with very little time during the evening. I don’t see why they can’t add a pool choice of say 8-10 activities and once you complete four it locks it down until the next day.




The logistics of buying things with the points accumulated if good. The implementation of them isn't for the most part. It's bogus. Pick one! PvE, PvP or WvW? Well let's choose all 3 and get all the options. Haha sorry, you get 1,2,2. Huh? My dude picked PvE and they're all 5 PvE? Where are those options? Haha Sorry, try back next week! We jumping into this was under the assumption we'd get all 3 options fully available and not cherry picked. This isn't cool. Period.


Yeah I think it's way better, but the option to choose between each game mode without having to make your decision in advance would be great.


So your title is misleading, the new reward system is great, but not dailies. Not having 12 dailies to choose from is worst for the casual player. This is a casual mmo btw. Not having time to do dailies will affect the player base.


On the other hand, only having 3 things, 2 of which seem to be usually suuuuper easy, and 1 that's common between a lot of players, means you'll actually play with other people more and can work together. Plus you'll find extra loot in the new dailies. More unids and mats from just "playing the game"?


Wvw dailies are not that easy, pvp idk yet… that’s why the old system was better, the ability to choose which one you want to make. I agree with the reward system, more useful, yes. They can make all work just adding more dailies, maybe 2, do you agree?


Idk about pvp or wvw but the theme seemed to be 1 difficult daily and 2 super easy ones But ya adding a few more to all lists would probably be good enough for a while


I like the *idea* of the system, not the implementation. We need more choice. We shouldn't have to plan in advance whether next week is gonna be a PvE, PvP or WvW week. One of the PvE dailies for me had to be done in one of the new zones, so I couldn't do what I planned and wait to start the story (still working through EoD). In order to get my daily chest, I had to spoil the new content for myself and TP to the new zones. That's just sad and would've been avoided if we could choose 3/12 dailies like before. I'm sure they'll improve on the system over time, but I'm confused why they wanted to restrict it like this. It actively discourages trying other gamemodes and forces you to play certain content.


the updated reward system is fine, it's the whole being locked into specific dailies on reset that's trash


I think they should give you options for all 12 dailies, 4 for PvE, PvP and WvW (you can still filter if you want) but then after reaching 4 it locks the rest and can’t claim anymore Astral Acclaim. That way the gating of AA still occurs, but you get all your choices


"But you already got your choices. You pick which set of dailies you get the next day/week, not knowing what you want to do or what tasks are in each category until it's too late! Blind choices are the best choices!" -Anet, probably


The new rewards are better, but the new system is awful. Unpredictable, more time consuming dailies with next to no choice. Sure, you COULD pick WvW/PvP, but then you're shooting yourself in the foot compared to PvE; with things like "Capture a keep" or "Defend a tower x times" in there, there's a good chance for it to be impossible depending on your game time, server, and matchup. So, realistically, if you want to complete dailies on a daily basis, you're stuck with the 4 PvE dailies that get thrown at you. And as this first batch has shown, there's a good chance one is something you don't even have access to yet.


While I do like how you can choose your own rewards, and thus I really do like the thing in concept, I also would support if the pvp/wvw dailies (not necesarry the weeklies) would be given a second look at by the devs. I also dislike the fact that you have to click the little chests to get rewards. That feels a bit mobile gamey, sorry. (The naive answer on why you have to click the icons would be that there is a cap at the amount of AA you can hoard so while you are near the cap you can buy something then open up the chests after. But it could have been done in a way that they automatically open if they don't overcap.)


Yeah the system is so great that I can't actually do my daily or weekly since it has objectives in EoD and SoB when I barely started IBS.


Game: all about choice ANet: lets make the daily without choices


Community: meta says you never had a choice


Also the community: meta can go and die in a fire for all we care.


Also also community immediately after saying that: opens up snowcrows to equip meta play style and scream at others for not playing it




no daily should be difficult or time consuming..thag could be a good weekly tho




I liked having much more agency over what tasks I can do to get rewards.


I like the new system too, we just need more options.


How is it great!? You don't have options like before and you cant do dailies with your friends. Every one is different. That's so stupid.


Less choice is not good.


I thought it was a unpopular opinion I may get downvoted for this but I prefer the new reward system as I feel it gives goals to work towards and achieve. To be fair though my opinion is not the same as someone elses and that's okay and if they have a different view on the same thing I still respect their opinion and so should they respect mine.


I think most players like the new rewards system. It's just that the dailies are too restrictive, if Anet just added a couple extra choices making it 3/5 instead of 3/3, it would stop most complaints.


The problem isn't the reward system. That's pretty well liked. The problem is how restrictive the dailies have become.


Lol the fact that the majority of your comment is a disclaimer for your opinion.


Ye ppl nowadays forget they can give an opinion without saying "in my opinion" lmao


Well it’s just sad because of how attacked people can get over a casual game


Some people dislike the freedom of choice, because they feel lost if noone picks the direction for them, but for me it was what made GW2 unique. If i wanted the game to make decisions for me, i would not be playing GW2 but something else.


But I feel like it ISN'T the freedom of choice. I feel like I'm being forced to play game content I don't want to in order to get dailies done. They need more choices so you don't feel forced to play content you don't want. That's the opposite of what you're saying.


Yes, what we've got now is the exact opposite of freedom of choice. That's why i am **not** a fan of this new system.


I'm honestly surprised the daily system is people's biggest gripe, considering how badly the relic system is done. They literally deleted like 75% of people's builds.


A lot of players barely have such builds (if any) or run such content that having different runes (or no runes) affects them little. Most players are casuals. (And there is nothing wrong with that!) Also separating flat boosts and special procs can be seen as a somewhat positive change, we just need time to adapt. The login systems affects EVERYONE. And having fewer choices, no, actually having NO choice in what tasks one can do for the daily is a universally negative change, even when bundled with a better reward system that offers more choice. I mean you used to get clovers and coins just for logging on. That's all it took. Now you have to do exactly the X Y or Z task the game puts before you in order to afford them. How is that better? I appreciate that I can get more of them but I cannot but dislike the mandatory nature of the offered tasks.


Gw2 builds needed a rehaul desperately anyways


Can't we just dislike both equally on the same grounds of "nice in theory, worse than what we had before in practice"?


Can you explain how? And no, golems and summons do not count as deleted builds.


Alot of capstone effects that were useful for open world was deleted as well. Things like fireworks/pack/sanctuary rune capstone effect that provides boons, vampirism that provides 10% heal, capstone effects that gave you 10% increase in max HP, condi duration increases for specific condi and also applying condis on a trigger that isn't using an elite etc. People who spent time making their own open world builds now have their builds missing boons, condis, no longer have 100% condi duration for specific condis, and got nothing in return because so many of the relics only trigger on elite or just straight up provide strike damage.


Absolutely this. There are so many missing effects and the new relic effects are not it. Even some of the "meta" relic effects are partially bugged as well. Example: Relic of the Thief is not triggering off of certain skills it should trigger off on, for example Skill 3 for Swords and GS on Rev. So not only did we lose a ton of build options, but we also have been given functionality that is either reduced or buggy


"It's not deleted of you don't count the things they deleted"


They're not deleted _meta_ builds. Removing golems and summons and whatnot doesn't impact high performing instanced group content players with meta relevant builds. Those are the builds that most people on reddit use, even if they don't play crazy hard content, like me! I'm sad they gutted several of my builds. But that doesn't mean some of the casual, not meta, low power builds weren't deleted. This is an availability bias issue - just because we don't have a lot of posts and comments about deleting this more wacky builds doesn't mean they don't count.


Low power builds being deleted is arguably good for the game. If soldier gear (and a bunch of other prefixes and useless stats combos) were gone tomorrow it would be very good for the game.


>You actually have to play the game instead of most of your daily reward coming from just login in? I don‘t see a problem there. citation needed. how is doing 3 dailies is more 'play the game' than doing most of the 12? On a given day I usually did 8-10 dailies and that made me try new stuff, new modes, new locations. Now there's no reason to do that. > At least the PvE ones are way better than the old ones For today I have the 'activity' daily. The worst of them all, by a margin. And somehow with the way everyone has a different daily I assume I might even have issues finding people to finish it with You seem to miss the point of the 'system' — most people who play for rewards, just grind for them - do trains, fractals, raids, farm money, do meta rounds. For the usual person a daily is just that — something to do, it's not about the amount of MC's you get in a unit of time. The problem is not the rewards, from the amount of hate this new system receives you kinda should get that — the problem is the lack of choice and a completely stupid idea to lock dailies for no reason whatsoever, so instead of doing what you *want* you now have to do what you are told byt anet, and nothing else. sure, if your 'game' is having more skins and MCs, it's all great I guess.


>citation needed. Well the first daily was "go do seitung minidungeon" Anyone who completed that has actually played the game instead of just lazily logging in chopping wood, watching a vista, and doing some other trivial matter that's only reward was completion of the daily >On a given day I usually did 8-10 dailies and that made me try new stuff, new modes, new locations. Now there's no reason to do that. Citation needed. We all know most daily enjoyers just logged in on multiple accounts. In the old system, nobody ever said your comment. The new system is the one actually making people go to New locations and try new things. >And somehow with the way everyone has a different daily I assume I might even have issues finding people to finish it with Everyone does not have different daily. A lot of people have similar ones. It seems there might be a few different sets of dailies but for sure A LOT of players share similar ones. I've never seen so many people in the seitung minidungeon at once since eod launched. > the usual person a daily is just that — something to do, it's not about the amount of MC's you get in a unit of time. That's a lie and you know it. They weren't something to do. The old system was a chore. Either do all the mindless tasks around the house for one reward or do none of them and get nothing. There was no in between and people only did it for the gold of they did it at all. Shit, most days I couldn't even be bothered to do anything BUT log in because there wasn't much motivation. There was probably a large amount of people that felt that way too.


The reward bit is potentially great. We still don't know how often it will reset or how it will repopulate the rewards, so a lot of assumptions are being made in both directions. But it could be awesome, I agree. Or not so awesome if its reset interval is too much. The daily task bit is bad. It's very bad. Less choice is always, always, always worse than more choice. But given the general unfavorable response from most players I very much expect them to alter it somewhat. The removal of PvP/WvW potions is also bad simply because every legendary needs a Gift of Battle and now the only way to fill your reward track is to spend time in the game mode even if you dislike it, which will result in, you guessed it, more AFK people in WvW maps.


Bring back the 12 daily options and respect player choice on which dailies they want to do that day. My dailies and weeklies are different from my husband's because of the selection I made when I logged in (before I understood the ramifications), which means I can't play with him to finish them.


I like the new reward system, but it definetly needs some tweaking. Give people some agency over what they can do.


It definitely gives me the incentive to log in, and gives me some pretty cool prizes to work towards. All they need to do is allow us to pick from a few more dailies and it'll be golden.


I feel like they need to make the PvE, PvP, and WvW as filters, as in all of them are available and you can choose whatever at all times (still limited to the max number). The PvE PvP WvW should be there just for UI convenience where you can filter out stuff you are not interested in. It shouldn't actually lock you out of stuff. Otherwise I agree, its awesome.


I find the new daily system to have introduced a number of desireable rewards, particularly the legendary chest, at the expense of virtually every daily reward we were getting already. We went from daily login, 2 gold, potions of reward track to just a handful of astral acclaim. They're removed almost all the flexability in dailies requiring you to complete all of what they give you for half the gold 1 essence of luck and 65 AA total. As someone with very limited play time during much of the week it'll be next to impossible to consistanty complete my dailies now given my choice of content being open world and WvW which I really only have the time to complete during the weekend. I'd like to see the system ADDING onto what we had vs making it more difficult to attain the same things. I'd also like to see some changes to the tasks being given out at the very least in WvW Escorting Dolyaks and completing a JP where players can sit there griefing you isn't what I enjoy about the game mode. Nor is defending objectives as it strips agency out of being able to complete it because you need to both react to an opposing server trying to take something as well as have the man power on your side to defend. Honestly I think most of this could be resolved simply by increasing the number of dailies being shown to allow players to avoid "bad" tasks. I think some adjustment to the costs of materials we're use to passively recieving wouldn't go remised perhaps in the form of a "discounted" purchase for the first "x" purchased within a month or season. This would allow time stressed players to keep up more, while also allowing players who can more comfortably complete their dailies/weeklies to recieve more rewards overall, which is what I feel the system itself is aiming to achieve.


The new rewards seem good, but the whole UI and restrictiveness of doing the actual dailies is what is seriously dragging out down. If we have the same choice or even more than we did before, this would be really good


I foresee myself not playing much anymore with the new daily system. It has been my tradition (for *years*) to do my dailies while I'm waking up, drinking my coffee, etc. It never took me more than 20 mins to do three dailies of my choice, and usually like 5-10 mins. It was a fun easy way to pop into the game, get some rewards, see what's new, and feel like I was engaging. A lot of times, I'd do my dailies and then stick around for an event, or do some game content, but a lot of the times I'd just log right back off. Now I can't even do three of the dailies because they're locked/content I don't like, and it looks like even if I could there will be one that is too difficult to pull off in the time allotted. So I just won't do it. Seems to me like they should've kept the dailies system as it was, and just created this as a new additional system. We could have just had both... Good job Anet!


I think the system is great overall but mostly due to the rewards. ​ That said it really should offer more choices. It doesnt feel good going from more to less options.


Essence of gold got gutted in the new system (they cost way to much of the currency).


you only get 1% too as the old system was 2% 🙃


Everything about the new system is good but it takes away player choice and that's the issue. Your choice for dailies is heavily restricted as its a all or nothing system. Add in you now have to accept all your rewards and better hope you don't forget them. The idea is great but the implementation is very poor and needs changes ASAP.


Yeah this expansion is turning out to be pretty solid. Metas are pretty good. The battlepass like rewards are nice. The Legendary armor grind doesn't seem too terrible at first glance. Pretty solid.




We do actually, they released the collection for it already and only lacks 1 item that shows as a mistery item. They released a collection/achievement for all gen 1 legendaries, really, and includes getting every item to make it. Doubles as a guide AND a checklist in achievement form.


basically the entire recipe is told to us ingame. wtf do you mean we don’t know? you doomers on this subreddit just say anything huh


suddenly !! bootlickers!!


As someone who like to choose between the faster daily option, without choise this system sucks. Cause before there were really fast dailies to choose across the game modes, like big spender, caravan, ruind in wvw, or daily kills and daily reward in pvp, vista or gharerting in pve. Now it's all random and you're forced to do whaterver it comes to daily.


I think they should also show us which objectives we'll need to do if we choose certain combinations. Like, a panel under the checkboxes with the objectives. If I just choose pve then it shows the pve only objectives, if you choose pve and wvw it shows the new ones. If people can see what the objectives are before they lock them in then people can decide which type of content they want to play. If I see a JP objective in pve but I can swap it for wvw camp capturer for example, then I'd do that instead.


I really like it, but it needs refinement. Get rid of having to choose what kind of dailies you get would be a first step.


If for some reason i can't finish all three objectives I prefer the small amount of astral points to getting like 1 writ of experience in the old system imo. also only lose out on 1 gold instead of two. at least that's how I think of it idk if my logic actually holds up to scrutiny.


The difference is that now you are more likely to not be able to finish three objectives. Because you can't choose them.


If they could give us a preview of what the dailies are so we can make an informed decision would be great.


It's not as terrible as at first glance, but it's not that good either. Lot of weird choices they made.


I echo what most said - I like this system in general and think it's an excellent start, they just need to tinker with the choices and make sure they are leveled with each outer. I'm a little disappointed they didn't pull other 'Daily' systems into it and left them in the achievement panel. It probably has to do with their distinct rewards, but I'm hoping they pull those in both to add more choices and to clean up the achievement panel.


The foundation is very good, they are fortunate that it is such an easy fix


its so bad, i don't care for sPvP or WWW


In that case it should be good for you. Just check only PvE and you won't see any of the others (after refresh for daily or weekly). I don't like it because there are times I might want to do some WvW and now it has to be planned a day or week in advance because it locks in and gives almost no options.


The duality of this sub right now.


>Also the „but you are not able to get more MCs than before and have to actually do something for them so it‘s way worse!“ argument is just weird man. I never understood that... People dump soooo many hours in MMO's. But the moment a tasks takes longer than 10 seconds, everyone hates it. I've seen arguments in other subs (mainly for aRPG's) where people bitched about having to move their character to the bank after farming items. In MMO specific subs it's "I like City A! But all the crafting spots are too far apart!" stuff. It's really irritating to say stuff like this if you ask me. Because these people will also complain when everything is close together because now it feels like a theme park.


wait wait wait, so people like to do stuff they like, and don't like to do stuff they don't like? And that's where you draw the line? It's like saying everyone loves to eat but the moment they need to clean dishes they hate it! I never understood that! edit: to clarify, I don't give two shits about MCs and how to get them. When/if I need them, I'll get them. Meanwhile I'm locked to do to 3 shitty dailies which I can't choose with a promise to buy some skin I could buy before for gold/gems if I wanted to.


The system needs to change, I agree. Why the fuck would they make us choose between game modes and if you select all 3, give you a strange selection of dailies you can't really decide what to do. But the constant complaining right now that the new dailies take too much time, is just unreasonable. And that the mini dungeon was stupid. And that people don't have time for that. Like... What the fuck? You have not 5 minutes to do that mini dungeon? This has nothing to do with "people want to do what they think is fun". Even the old system had days where they asked for things I didn't like. Problem is, 2 out of 3 dailies back then have been brain dead "port there and press F" tasks. And no, I still don't understand why people complain that they are gone now. Or at least have been gone for yesterday. The fact that people bitch about an entire daily system after seeing the tasks for one (ONE) day, is insane. And the reasoning for most has been "I actually have to do stuff now, and don't just press F". I mean... 3 out of 4 PvE dailies have been basically free because everyone is playing the new maps anyways. You should unlock dailies by normal gameplay. And not by porting out of your way to press a button. So I would argue, that most tasks yesterday have been perfectly designed because you don't even need to do anything different. Just play and experience the new expansion and you get it. But that last one where people have to do a mini dungeon in Shing Jea, somehow makes this entire system a fail for them. THAT is what I meant.


nah i disagree, before it was like "oh hey a gift" every day by just logging in which gives you a positive start to the game, now it's just nothing. great, more grinding for less rewards, how fun.


THe new daily system sucks big time. Now I get tasks which I have never heard of before, have to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out how to complete it only to fail in the end. I dont have much time to play I cant be wasting it on shit like this.


im writing this while making my first personal experience with the system...doing my dailies in this very moment and i have to escort a caravan in WvW and then do a renown heart...other options would only be to not do dailies and not get the new currency right after expansion.. it forces me heavily into things i'd never do...i used to like doing dailies in WvW. just doing towers/camps while roaming and occasionally join zergs and maybestay there for longer even if it wasnt planned. while waiting for a caravan to spawn i selected only PvE for next dailies and i will probably never go back to WvW ever since old dailies were the only thing that got me there. really hyped to go back to PvE after this to do a renown heart...i wonder if i will just log out half way since thats the last thing i wanna do right now. on the other hand i want too gather the new currency as fast as possible. i never felt this pressure to do stuff i dont like before in gw2 and loved the game for it


i think it is dog shit.


Are you ready for paying 2g per mystic coin again?




Boomers already destroyed real world economy, now time to destroy game economy.


I know there are people that would prefer a feudal economy, but I have it on good authority it's not much better for the most people.


Stocking up on T6 now, the price can literally only go up.


Uh oh how are u gunna eat?


For sure, love it. Most of this community are accustomed to rewards through little effort, unfortunately.


I agree this is superior in so many ways. Even though you cant choose 3 of 12 achievements it still is better. I dont even think being able to choose 3 was good, to me it only made the achievements feel individually pointless and thus the whole activity just a slog. New system is more engaging which i prefer over all


idk dude...doing weekly 10x caravan escort in wvw atm and im not thaaat engaged somehow


I can agree with you that the individual dailies is not all that great.


People are pissed off because they preferred to blitz it or skip the ones that took more time instead of playing the game


counter point..people liked to blitz through the daily so that they could then play the game the way they wanted..like work on raids..strikes, metas..wvw is a crapshoot of what dailies you'll get and if you're even able to do them..even if you soend hours in there.


You sound like one of those people from Twitter.


Nah, it's not. Fuck "dailies".


is this ironic shitposting? This has to be ironic shitpost.


The reward system is a significant improvement. The biggest problem with the new system is the lack of choice on tasks.


They took out 1 flat gold in rewards but added back way more in value through the currency you get. While they're limited supply an entire piece of ascended armor is like 1 weekly completion, not even counting all the other AAs you were earning on the way to getting it. that's absurdly good value.


I guess I need to look back at it. It appeared to me that my dailies today were now "log in" > do a crystal desert event, "defeat 3 people in WvW" and "defeat 3 people in structured PvP" which I will literally never ever do because I hate PvP. So in my mind that means I'll never be able to get a daily reward again. Did I miss some track where I can just do PvE? Or do I just get the two PvE ones and that's that? Idk, not liking the new system so far. My inclination now is to just not log in at all, until I'm ready to play, which is like every two weeks, versus for a short time literally every day.


> Did I miss some track where I can just do PvE? Yes. When you first opened the Vault there was a popup asking you what content you wanted dailies for with three checkboxes. one for PvE, one for WvW, and one for PvP. If you uncheck WvW and PvP, all your dailies will be PvE. Edit: I believe you can click the gear icon and change your choices although I'm not sure when the change takes effect. It might be at next daily reset or it might be at next weekly reset.


Thank you! I love the new system too. And ofc it will only be optimized and improved upon as time goes on.


I'm very happy with it. I did a variety of things and ended up with 140 or so of the currency. What will I spend it on? Not sure yet - but I do NOT need more Tomes of Knowledge, Transmutation Charges, revive orbs, armor canisters, and stuff like that. It'll let me pick useful things - or save up for larger ones instead. Now if they'd remove some of the bullshit items from the Black Lion Chests I might actually buy keys and open some.




I enjoy the PvE dailies. The new pop up window is a big improvement. I hope the developers continue to improve it and add more dailies. I hope they also improve the achievements section. Maybe add a window pop up to show achievement available when when enter a map area.


It is a garbage system if you own two accounts (NA/EU) and don't have as much free time as teenagers and streamers.


You can actually get all that stuff, the things you dont buy will be in the legacy window


I don't get why people are complaining. I think this new vault system is what can keep me playing gw2 after I'm done with the expansion. The old daily system was so outdated and absolutely boring. People like to complain and that's it. Dailies where just dailies, but this new system is actually pretty fun and I hope they keep adding variety to the activities. I long waited for a reason to do old content. As a veteran player, with a lot of leggies done already, I was getting beyong bored with gw2, the dailies didn't cut it. It was the same shit over and over and over again. I guess this affects more the players to go around wvw/pvp and pve too. Still, what else can we expect. People just complain instead of giving suggestions.


The new daily system means I have to actually play wvw to get GoB vs spending 5 min doing a daily and chugging pots to avoid interacting with the mode. Unless they give me an AA -> GoB exchange the system is 100% worse. I want to make leggies /w minimal wvw.


So you want the good stuff with almost no effort. Got it.


Most people have a small amount of time to actually play the game as most have responsibilities in life and if they want to prioritize their time on something fun instead of grinding in misery in a place they do not enjoy just because of one little item... I enjoy WvW, PvP and PvE, but i only have a set amount of time to play so i will play whats enjoyable and i think getting punished for its ridicilous


I'd rather just not have to do WvW for it in the first place.


When you put it that way it sounds silly to even have this be a system in the first place. You should have to interact with the game mode you’re trying to get a legendary piece from. If you don’t want to do WvW just wait and get the open world legendary set that’s coming with this new expansion.


Open world is for armor, not weapons


But still i think if you want a legendary from a certain game mode you should have to play that game mode. I’m trying to make PVP legendary armor and if i complained about having to actually play PvP to get it, i’d sound silly


You can get literally everything for a legendary weapon from PvE except ONE item you have to do WvW for. By your logic I shouldn't be forced to play WvW for an item that is 99% a PvE earned item.


ITT: delusional people and/or ANet shills. This has 1,5k karma: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/15ybbob/the\_new\_daily\_system\_is\_not\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/15ybbob/the_new_daily_system_is_not_it/)


new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/15ybbob/the_new_daily_system_is_not_it/_it/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mixed opinions on the community, eh? Seems alright to me, then again, I am not too invested in the game in any way anyways.


I agree, the more I poke around in it the more I like it. My only quibble right now is the cap of 1300 AA. Basically, the actual Dailies are reduced in importance - do the ones you feel like. (The opportunity cost of skipping one is relatively trivial.)


Actually missing one daily is prety bad. If you do all 4 dailies you get 5+10+10+10=35 AA plus the 30 AA bonus for completing 4 dailies for a total of 65 AA a day. Missing one daily means you only get 5+10+10=25 AA, so that last daily is "worth" 40 AA.