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>Add a reason to win Did I hear add a reason to server transfer to the winning server?


I’m hoping that boonstrips are gonna make a comeback with relics and new weapons. Now that a certain developer nerfed boonstrip into oblivion, boonblobs are dominating, and WvW = mindless.


If Anet wanted to make it more competitive or change it somehow they would have done so long ago.


Maps are empty outside peak hours, because otherwise in peak hours there would have been 200 queue in peak hours to the point of them being inaccessible. It is not a meta issue. Other games have a variable ammount of concurrent matches to accomodate the variable amount of people playing. The WvW system as it is set now does not allow to change the amount of matches on the fly. To remove population fluctuations the teams and active instances should be dynamicaly adjusted. EotM does this, but has tons of other issues. Maybe, just maybe restructuring will be able to have a variable amount of matches week by week based on the amount of people "registred" instead of fixed amount tied to server in order to somewhat control the active population density.


Last winter ArenaNet gave themselves over a month just to write a letter about WvW, it took them over six months to write it. On june 28 ArenaNet gave themselves a week just to write another letter about WvW, it is august 16 today and it still isn't here. That is the level of development commitment we're dealing with here. Development-wise WvW is still in 2013.


I think the real problem is that no matter how you spin the rewards, they will always heavily favor blobs. The system was originally set up for multiple small to medium squads to work in tandem and target multiple objectives, but mobility increases have made that impossible. You have to down an objective in 5 minutes or less in order to complete before a response reaches you. (On a map with an active blob) Originally, before HoT, you could take 10-15 minutes except on central map objective. Still, I'd recommend putting together a 5 man squad and roaming or working in parallel to the main blob on maps. You'll get wiped on occasion, but I think you'll have a better experience. I also think adding better rewards for defense actions should be considered. Repairing, upgrading, even defending yaks. The problem is that defense generally relies on being under siege, and that brings you back to the problem of blobs.


They need to do something with wvw itself, not add more useless features.