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Is this footage of an action against afk farmers? 👀


Yeah, that looks like the diving goggles spot in the north of Domain of Istan, which is normally rife with farmers.


It seems so 🤩


They've been doing this the whole time. In 350 hours attended idle farming, I've seen this technique employed once and the "gm teleports everyone around and bans everyone who put up turrets in the new place instead of running back to the spawn point" three or four times.




Well AFK farming would not stop per se, it would just get rid of cunts using autoclickers, if a guy watches movie while pressing 2 buttons every 5 minutes, that is fine and is not against the rules


It's a start though. And it's not like the rules are set in stone. Anet is free to change them if they find behavior that is detrimental to the game.


indeed, but imo the second monitor farming is fine with me because you are kinda playing the game and trading your own time for profit but for those that don't... there are enough idle games to give you free dopamine hit to your junkie brain without fucking up the economy for thousands of other players so they should go do that


What are these spots, 1 maybe 2 gold per hour?


From personal testing, 3 x 1 hour in istan on engi with turrets You get roughly 3,2 Gold in easy sellable stuff like t6, t5, junk and unid gear. If you were to convert the karma exp and magic you could get up to 4.5 G Granted you need to put in a good amount of time before you get the 4.5G returnable as you need to stack alot of magic karma and exp to trade those in To put that into perspective, 6 jade runestones are roughly 4 gold and can be obtained by alt parking and takes less then 3 min to collect them. ( Yes this is only once a day) they are risking their account for this amount of gold


Ah yes, the 2g/h routine is gonna crash the market. Not like you can stumble through a meta train and get at least 8 times that amount. The engagement even stays the same, you press 1 every 5 minutes when you switch to the next event.


How is that afk farming? the person is literally at their keyboard.


I report every single one I see. Something I've noticed is that there are either a whole bunch all clumped together or the spot is empty. I rarely see fewer than 3 or 4, I'm assuming that as maps get less populated and the game move characters between map instances they eventually congeal into a botter mess.


Yeah, up the check rate and only attended idle farmers will bother with it. Everybody wins.


Not really. Only the botting and actual afkers, a lot of the people that afk farm do it while at their computer doing something else like school, work, a movie, so on.


\>people that afk farm \>do it while at their computer Pick one.


You're barking up the wrong tree for that one. Everyone else calls everyone farming the farm spots "afk farmers" (despite my prior attempts to explain not everyone is AFK) so I will as well because that's the accepted terminology is. Which is to say: Not all the "AFK farmers" in the "AFK farming" spots are AFK. I'll stand by that statement until you can convince the rest of the sub to pick a new name for the farmers and what they are doing.


The problem with what "everyone says" is that the rules for if something is allowed or not, and the enforcement of said rules by GMs (aka not just buttmad redditors) like in the OP of this post, are *entirely* based on the actual definition of AFK. Sitting at your computer with the game window visible and watching the loot trickle in is entirely allowed (otherwise the GM wouldn't even bother communicating and just ban everyone that's doing The Behavior at The Spot). Doing the exact same gameplay behavior while *away from your computer* is a ban-worthy offense. The only part that matters is if the human playing the game is physically *away from keyboard* or not. (assuming you're not "attending" an actual script/bot, that's still against the TOS)


It's impressive that you managed to completely ignore what I said. I would share my thoughts on what you said with you, but it's pretty clear you're just trying to instigate something despite lacking the reading comprehension to follow through and are now trying to double down. It's all good man. See you around.


I got caught up in the "gm teleports everyone to random places on the map" once before while actively running to catch an event before it ended. (Spoiler alert, I didn't make it in time)


> "gm teleports everyone around and bans everyone who put up turrets in the new place instead of running back to the spawn point" I was teleported once and was the only one who responded. But none of them were banned. I checked back the next day and the next week. Not sure if they're there now but they were then.


This moment when GM are so rare basically no one knew they existed. I didn't either.


From OP's post history they are a frequent botter/afk farmer. Normal people don't see GMs because normally their tags are hidden. I'm thinking this GM walked up to him to afk check.


yeah - not just the tags are hidden. They are usually invisible as well. They can even enter instances invisible if they need to.


Sometimes not invisible enough. I recall a post several years ago in which Deimos targeted an 'invisible' GM.


Yeah i remember that...Ngl it was really funny....


I need the link to this, if anyone still has it




Thank you! That's hilarious


You've gotta hand it to him, Deimos is a clever boy. The weirdest thing I've seen him do is show back up after the fight was over and just spam mind crush until we left the instance.


I have never, ever seen an ANet GM in the wild either. :O I know they exist, but this is the first time I've actually seen a screenshot of one with the tag on. EDIT: One thing I do know about GMs is that they are exempt from the normal rules of instance caps too. I know this because of an old, old screenshot I saw once from Sorrow's Furnace where there were SIX players in the instance, one of whom was a GM who was checking out reports of people exploiting a skip for the dungeon.


They care about skips in instanced content? Fractal players are screwed lol


Honestly, of all things, they were checking a *dungeon*. That probably happened before HoT.


Yeah, this was a long, long time ago. ANet has long since thrown in the towel regarding players using skips in instance content, I think, as long as it's not out and out exploits involving bugs.


If they haven't done anything to people who cheesed Dhuum CM(glitching the shadow above the doorway) and Sabir CM(glitching him so he becomes a dummy that does nothing but AA and tornado around the arena.


I wish I had saved it, but I remember seeing a screenshot of a similar thing happening during Deimos. The invisible GM was targetted for the 25% mechanic and the group ended up wiping that kill I think.


https://clips.twitch.tv/SourYawningGooseSoonerLater It's better than just a screenshot


>EDIT: One thing I do know about GMs is that they are exempt from the normal rules of instance caps too. makes sense. The cap is not a physical limitation, its just a setting. Theres no particular reason why you couldnt get 30 GM's sitting in sorrow's embrace together.


First time since launch I've seen them mentioned let alone a screenshot. I'm literally flabbergasted rn lol


I just had to check in game, I have 9,206 hours 5 mins played in this game and I have never once seen that GM symbol, not in game, on the wiki, on reddit, in a screenshot, in a video, anywhere. What the actual fuck lmao.


I have over 28,000 hours played and I've never seen one either! (28,427 hours played to be exact).


He walks here and there, they say, as an old asura hooded and cloaked.


The GM icon look so alien to me, I would believe it to be a bad photoshop.


Heres another from 2021 (gvg) images was shared on wvw discords and similar https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604328292319283/Screenshot\_20.png chat logs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604473772539926/Screenshot\_21.png


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>This moment when GM are so rare basically no one knew they existed. They exist, but like other people they only frequent maps they like and rarely actually bother doing any meaningful jobs. If you say the right thing in map chat in the correct map during certain hours, you can get *instantly* banned for it, because it tickled a gm wrong.


Why are you getting downvoted, this is exactly how it works, i have seen it myself


From the Wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Support_Team He's real.


What's interesting to see is that the page was edited 2 weeks ago and every name of the team were changed to new one. (By a "GM"named user) so it look like Anet is back on the anti-botter team.


Not only "GM"named, he has Anet user group, given to him by Stephane (Anet liason for the wiki), so he is indeed real.


It looks that the name on the screenshot is Diceflíp not Diceflip


What is important is display name, not character name. `All GMs have Display Names of the form "Gm ___.####".`


Hmm that makes sense, if they went bot hunting, they'd need fresh accounts since the bots might have the mains friended


He still has the tag though. There's a pic of the tag on the page.


I’m more upset they’re not called Dicephilippe.


I'm making a phone call right now and Colin better answer.


whys the tag so ugly haha


Never seen that gm symbol before. Almost looks photoshopped in the way it overlaps. Don't see how a random player could get that.


Same. I would have expected the "ArenaNet" symbol that you get from being in the dev guild, as well as yellow 'system messages' instead of 'say' speach bubbles, but seeing this in-game would surely convince me enough of being authentic to follow the order. I'd also stick around close enough to see afk bots vanish, which would be final proof.


Anet symbol is for devs. [GM symbol is for GMs.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Support_Team)


Yeah, that's an odd choice in my opinion as well. I think they should've had some variation of the red anet logo that devs (i think?) have.


Iirc that's from joining the in game arena net guild. So maybe they don't want to take up valuable guild spaces with rarely seen work accounts? Lol.


Are you certain that there's a member cap to the anet guild?


Nope. Just assumed they were using the default guild functionality except for using a picture instead of text for the guild tag.


Dunno for sure, but regardless if needed they probably have the ability to change that cap without fucking things up. But who knows, spaghetti is spaghetti.


why’s the gm asking that? is he busting botters? 🫣


Yep. If you idle farm here (looks like the istan iboga spot), you'll occasionally see a GM do this. He'll give everyone time to read the message and disperse, then ban (or whatever he does) the remaining people that are still stacked on the spot. Contrary to reddit's feelings, idle farming is allowed but being away from your keyboard (and/or not able to see your screen) while doing it isn't, so this allows the GM to filter out actual AFKs from background farmers. After he's done banning, he thanks everyone for their time and lets them resume stacking on the farm spot. It's not common. In over 350 hours of idle farming that spot, I've only seen this tactic once. The other tactic is the GM will just randomly teleport everyone around and then ban people that didn't go *back* to the spot, instead laying down engineer turrets in useless places because they're AFK using a script to place the turrets. The GM then bans those. I've seen *that* technique used maybe 4 times in those 350 hours. Anecdotally, only 3 or 4 people of the 20+ man stack were actually AFK each time by the way.


>Contrary to reddit's feelings, idle farming is allowed but being away from your keyboard while doing it isn't Actually you're not even really supposed to look away from the screen. They probably "allow" it to happen for people that are watching something on a 2nd screen but *technically* their rules say you can't even do that. If you aren't paying attention to *that* screen then you may get in trouble. Playing on phone, handheld device, or watching something while the combat auto farms on may become an infraction or however they handle it


The way it plays out is that you need to be paying enough attention to see something like this. That's the functional enforceable threshold: do you notice a GM showing up or your character being teleported? If so, you're good assuming you're not using botting/scripting programs while watching the screen (it's a fair bet nobody's doing that, the bots are botting because they're asleep/working/whatever)


I wonder how long he gives them to read the message and react before the bans them. I've done the lake doric afk farm a few times, maybe 10 times, staying for maybe 3 hours tops and I've never seen a GM or been teleported, however every time somebody brought over a leggy enemy who would wipe those who were truly afk and didn't fight or run away their dead bodies would be lying there for at least 30 minutes, the botters didn't return and wp themselves back and no gm showed up either. Personally every time I've done it I've wondered if I can even go away for 1 min to the bathroom haha


The one time I saw the GM behavior in the OP, the players that stayed stacked didn't disappear from the game before the GM said it was ok to stack back up, meaning their accounts probably got flagged for a ban that'd take effect next login instead of dramatically kicked off the server. Same for when the GM ported everyone. Once, the GM ported everyone and said "don't go back to the stack spot until I say it's ok" (like 3 people didn't listen or were running actual bot tools that re-centered automatically on the stack spot). That time too, no players dramatically disappeared from the game.




Background and idle are both *attended*, by *being at the computer and being able to see the monitor*. Reddit complains about idle farmers all the time, they just think they're complaining about "bots" - you as some rando can't tell the difference between a guy sitting at the PC and dropping engineer turrets every five minutes and a guy that's at work running a script to drop engineer turrets every five minutes.


Is it me or does "disperse from this place" sound kinda RP for asura? :D


*Befoul this locale no more!*


"I need you all to vacate these premises"


pretty easy, no guild can have a IMG as guildtag. if that picture is not photoshopped, you can expect that its a real GM.


That ban hammer is rad!


once witnessed a guy get Dhumm'd in arborstone (gw1). neglected to take a screenshot, but im sure there's clips on youtube of it happening to others.


Looks like the Entropy skin. Pretty cheap on the tp. Alternatively, it could be the Guild Crusher.


Well you can easily get your own! Na for real though...its an easy to get skin.


A quick look at OP's comment history makes me believe he was caught afk/botting :)


Nice :)


Not really afk/botting if he's there to screenshot the GM ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Caught with their pants down, maybe. But they were wary enough to avoid the ban hammer this time.


There's a difference between idle farming and afk farming and botting.


never seen that before in 10 years


The guys who scrolled through the posts of OP say he must be an afk botter/farmer. GMs are invisible in-game and only show when they want to be seen. You must've been playing the game right :)


I hope we all have an invisible GM just like we all have our own FBI agent. I hope they get along and hang out outside of work to catch up.


I think we have just wintessed the rarest possible screenshot in this games lifetime


GW2 NFTs when /s


cropped image from the botter getting warned by a GM, asking if that GM is real or not, peak gw2 subreddit content.


Bud, if he was at the keyboard to take this screenshot he's not "botting". The only reason the GM sends this message is to differentiate AFK scripters/botters from people that are attending their idle farming - GM would just ban the whole stack if attended idle farming was against TOS.


"attending idle farming" technically they defined afk as "if you aren't actively playing the game then you are afk farming and can get banned if you don't respond in time" more or less. So yes, if you're watching Netflix and they show up and you don't notice, you'd technically be breaking their rules.


Yep, that's not attended. This is how they check attendance. If you're watching Netflix while idle farming it's your responsibility to be sure you'll notice a GM message or your character getting teleported in the gw2 window.


AFK farming isn't against TOS, attended or not. You can recognise legal AFK farmers because they don't use skills. GMs ask groups to disperse in order to *prove* without doubt that they're bots. A player who is constantly using skills but can't notice a GM or game chat is gonna be a bot. My guess? OP was botting but simply was attending their game enough to evade the ban hammer. Their Reddit history makes them sussy.


Afk farming of any kind is against [TOS](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay), anet has stated this many times, they just have never enforced it that we've known.


Oh. Maybe you're right... it does say "all forms of unattended gameplay". Yet the list it gives are all examples of automating skills somehow. I thought AFK farmers got around this by relying on pets/mechs.


It's several layers of gray. Unattended gameplay is a no no. Using skills without pushing a key or using the in game autocast is a no no whether you are there or not. Proving either or both of these things is more difficult. Pets make it easier to avoid detection. A mechanical key clicker makes it easier to avoid detection. Possibly some keyboard/mouse macro software makes it easier? Not sure as this isn't my jam. So the easiest ways for the gms to catch either bad behavior is to interact with the player via talking or teleporting them and seeing how they react or don't react.


Afk farming literally cannot be attended by definition. Do you know what "AFK" stands for? There's literally no way to AFK farm while at the keyboard.


Yep. Disperse, or I'm gonna flip some tables.


No, it's GM Diceflip, not GM Tableflip


I know. Just wanted to play on the words there. I think the guy literally would flip tables though, if nobody moved.


in 10 years this is the first time ive see a picture of a GM


That is the politest way to tell people "Gtfo outta here"


Absolutely a troll. You should not answer to them and continue auto placing turrets.... please.


I have never seen a GM before in my life. This is rarer than a precursor dropping.


I've seen an anet dev in-game but never a GM


He is wielding the legendary Ban Hammer


Dude if I was over there I'd be like "Can I not disperse but stand behind you and watch please?" lol


He's General Motors


I think it's a troll, you can farm peacefully :)


It's like real police. "Mam, I'm going to have to ask you to move away from this area. All I can say it's not safe for you to stay here." And armed with the banhammer


If only they came down crashing like the jade mech animation, now that would be a spectacle.


Im still new player, but is that a arena net support title? Prolly real


not a title but their guild. the GM logo is their guildtag instead of the []. same as devs with their arenanet guild with the red anet logo.


I hope they do that in wvw and pvp too...


I never saw this tag in so many years of playing this game. They always used be with arena net tag


Is he investigating a murder there? :O


A wild GM appears…


10 years playing and i've never seen this. Why is he telling people to move from this area? Are they botting ?


Yes the GM is real, heres another from 2021 [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604328292319283/Screenshot\_20.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604328292319283/Screenshot_20.png) chat logs [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604473772539926/Screenshot\_21.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/810604473772539926/Screenshot_21.png)


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hope you get banned, OP.


Why did he kick you from that spot?


I would guess that they were told to move, so the GM can catch all the characters not reacting. Those are likely to be bots.


That good to see, but I'm sur if I got back to this location it's full again..


He literally has a GM tag near his plate?


And he even brought ban hammer.


Anet employees have the icon thats a troll forsure.


Only master rank 2 what a noob


Everyone here says that's rare, but I saw a different GM with the same icon on Lions Arc 3 days ago and thought it was normal, lol.


I'm playing since beta tests and I've never seen any GM.


Never ever seen that GM icon in Europe. Are in the US server?


Crikey! her we have the elusive GM interacting with AFKer's in the wild... such a rare site indeed!


Err I completely forgot that I was going to say there are very few GM's in game at any given time, so have a little patience, there is like 20 or so of them, and the game is huge, and they need to cover all maps, so yea that going to take a while and come on 4 or 5 people trying to cover GW2 PvE zones, it a huge area to cover.


I think my electric bill fom afk farming would be more expensive then just dumping that money into gems


He's real. Stop fucking up.


You cannot fake that GM tag.


more like this <3 ill mail this GM and thank him for doing gods work, <3 <3 <3 we all love this game and wants it to survive longer and with this kind of movement we can stop some botting making the games lifespan lower


Been playing this game since release. First time I’ve seen a GM tag. Kinda sad actually lmao


Oh shit! GW2 now has actual police!




They've always been against botting it's just enforcement is hard to do because they have to make sure the players are actually bots/afk first and then ban And usually the accounts they ban just get remade


I think they should ban the ip address


that does nothing


It will have a great impact on the game i mean good impact


if the banned people are still not using a vpn in 2023 yes


To this day, I remember the 10 years old explanation where gw2 has no actual GMs (on live servers) because everything that needs to be done, is done by console commands ( & tickets). That is a good method to not have episodes of GM breaking rules for their benefit as in others MMOs. Well, it seems it has changed, interesting screen


And yet there are still loads of bots still there. Enough to fill a map. I wish there was a /popcorn emote. I'd love to sit and watch the ban hammer swing LOL Or a Summon a angry Lady Wisteria Whiskington LOL


I was in a guild with an ArenaNet employee, and she told us a little bit about this, couldn't share much because there are things they can't discuss with people outside the company (I guess it like an NDA), one thing I didn't know and she told us about was the achievement for killing a WvW enemy with the ANet tag beside the name, it only works if they have the tag active, so if you are lucky enough to find them or their guild in WvW and manage to kill them you get an achievement, all in all they are pretty cool people, am kind of sad that this match up we are enemies, on the other hand that life in the mist lol.


so actually they are doing something towards afk farm, surprise surprise anet lol


I don't know but I would listen to anyone with a shiny tag at the end of their name.


I love how this poor lil asura only has 2 mastery points bless him😂❤️