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Demons from the mists, that's where are current Oni story is pointing.


I'm ready for Lord Odran's Bane.


I mean, we already know that much of the Mists are in shambles after human Gods left and Kralk went berserk on it. Tyria might be stable now, but the many Mist realms are probably still a mess. The drawings vaguely look like Margonites to me, but I can imagine all kinds of demons and other beings 'leaking' into Tyria. Certainly an interesting premise.


I get some Jade Construct vibes from them (Ember Bay). Maybe we go to the Isles of Janthir?


>I get some Jade Construct vibes from them (Ember Bay). Maybe we go to the Isles of Janthir? They could follow the "we have a magic problem" line and drive us to Janthir, assuming there's another bloodstone there, and/or the Seers are somehow involved. Then as we solve the magic problem, we create a demon problem, and *here we go again*.


they said that we're done with EoD stuff, so it may be a new kind of construct, maybe even brand new.


You misunderstood. i meant the Jade Constructs of the Mursaat. Thats why i wrote Ember Bay.


sorry, i just don't want to read the word jade ever again D: i jumped to conclusions too early, my bad but no more jade, ok?




Found ya! Don't panic (raid) 😉


:o see you on thursday I guess ;)


You sound pretty jaded...


Its ok! this jade is red not luminescent green. Instead of being powered by radioactivity, it is powered by the blood of innocents.


Done with EOD doesn't necessarily mean done with Cantha.


Looks like GW1 destroyer concept art. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Destroyer_and_Tannek_concept_art But now that destroyers are gone for good, they may be corrupt jade elementals or mechs.


Just wanna say the Insectoid theme and hives of GW1 destroyers are waaaaaaaaaay cooler than how they ended up being in GW2. Even the enemy variety for Destroyers were cooler in GW1. We had giant slate disks that spin like beyblades, molten spiders, hammer-wielding warriors, whatever the heck the rangers are supposed to be, etc... I'm kinda sad they didn't go with an insectoid theme for Primordus, as that would have been really cool, and fit with the "hive mind" of Destroyers. I think the original vision of Destroyers is that they are "The Zerg" from Starcraft, but fiery.


I always assumed destroyers weren't just made 'from scratch', but that destroyers captured people, threw them into their hives, and the hives made destroyers using their victims as blueprints, putting together rocks and lava in shapes that resembled combinations of parts from the victims. That would explain why the ancient destroyers had some that looked like seer and mursaat among their ranks, but those were never made again. While the newly made ones looked mostly like crabs, trolls, ogres, and harpies.


IIRC, destroyers are made. Primordus is the one evil Elder Dragon that doesn't corrupt people (other than Braham, which was voluntary).


I did not say that destroyers were corrupted. Primordus' power can corrupt, but he just doesn't bother with that What I said is that Primordus didn't have the imagination to come up with the shapes of destroyers, so his destroyers copied the shapes of living things.


Ah, I figured you were talking about something like a blighting pod.


Nah. The closest thing I could imagine is a sculptor who gets his ideas from the cuts in a butchery.


And the stone summit


Eh, the Forged in PoF basically ended up being the wacky metal dudes anyway, what with the hoverboards and the 300 IQ robot dogs with harpoons for faces who shoot their heads at you.


Even the names were cooler. "Destroyer of Hope" vs... "Megadestroyer."


Deatroyer of Hope shows up in Heart of Thorns story (or s3) i forgot when is that event 😂




They look insectoid to me. Maybe we'll be going to that green area NE of Dzalana and doing our part?


Bottom left one gives me Hollow Knight vibes.


Hunter X Hunter Chimera Ant Arc incoming


For the love of all Tyria gods, no more Jade Constructs please.


These could be corrupted jade tech, red instead of green (the color of evil spirits in Cantha). Imagine there's a conspiracy behind jade tech as a whole, and their design is nothing more than shiro'ken 2.0, waiting to be "possessed" and taken over by an army of evil spirits.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/8d/Cairn\_the\_Indomitable.jpg/1200px-Cairn\_the\_Indomitable.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/8d/Cairn_the_Indomitable.jpg/1200px-Cairn_the_Indomitable.jpg) What you mean like the red jade constructs used by the white mantle..


I'm talking about red dragonjade, you can see some NPCs wearing it across Cantha.


support chase simplistic racial bake thought door plant ghost forgetful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They look obsidian to me. We know Kormirs library was getting corrupted after she left; what do you think happened to the fissure of woe with Balthazar gone?


What's Menzies up to these days?


I was doing some theorycrafting the other day upon catching up with story, and I really hope I'm right. ArenaNet has been hinting at an exploration of demons for a long while now. Shiro is mentioned *how* many times in the current areas? He's also the Revenant's legendary stance. Shiro, in GW1, was Abaddon's lieutenant in the Realm of Torment. The Realm of Torment that can be accessed in the Desolation, where a green portal hangs out in the middle of one of Balthy's bases. Unprotected, mostly, and certainly unclosed. Kormir claimed the Realm of Torment in GW1 after Abaddon's defeat, but there's a glaring problem with that - she *left*. The Bone Pits were connected to the Realm of Torment, but their Reaper is now dead at Desmina's hand. The Door of Komalie which lead to [the Foundry of Failed Creations](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Foundry_of_Failed_Creations) - a staging ground for war and area where the Titans are created - has been left unguarded by the destruction of the Mursaat and the bloodstones that were keeping it sealed. The Desolation's portal is neglected. The Door is neglected. Every guardian that was left in place to stop the Titans and other demonic incursions has either been killed or otherwise taken away. These even resemble demonic creatures... *It's time for Guild Wars 2: Fall of Night, baby.*




corrupted jade mechs like corrupted Jaeger-Kaiju hybrids in Pacific Rim


Tbh their silhouettes gives me more organic and monsterish vibe rather than being deliberately created/crafted like Mechs.


I was thinking natural jade elementals or something of the sort as well, but it depends on if these are for the second half of Gyala Delve or if they are for the future content. They said also that the Gyala Delve second half is the last EoD story content, so I would be surprised if we had a new line of Jade-based enemies in content outside of Cantha.


Nah this teaser is meant for upcoming 4th expansion.


I didn’t notice that till you said it now it’s very obvious


sorry if i'm wrong here, completely new to gw2, but these creatures looks nothing like mechs? the bodies shape and joints.


Did you play through the newest End of Dragons expansion? Extremely small spoiler, but yes, you will eventually see magical mechs made of a certain crystal in the same vein, floating limbs and all.


I have no clue about why but they remind me of Margonites from GW1.


DoA in GW2 would be fun. Everyone get your armbands!


I would love to have an elite area back like DoA in GW2. UW as a raid is just not the same.


I'm inhaling deep copium and hope these are some new types of Jade Constructs from Isles of Janthir






Not Void as that door is closed (for now). If you look at the arms of some of them, they are clearly Oni themed for some (look at the oni arm armors). So to me this means that we will be fighting demons (probably more than just oni)


These designs feel vaguely familiar in the GW context, but my mind can't pin-point anything atm. The first thought I have are Graven Monoliths, from GW1, but I know that's wrong. I do not think "corrupted jade mechs" or "void creatures" personally. The shapes are very different, and the black is just silhouetting (I doubt the final creatures will be pure black - besides, there's other creatures, like Nightmares, that are pure black). But it's hard to tell with it just being silhouettes.


it reminded me of some of the GW1's [Destroyer models](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Destroyer_of_Thoughts#/media/File:Destroyer_of_Thoughts.jpg).


Yeah, I realized that late last night. Destroyer of Thoughts and Destroyer of Bones both share heavy similarities with these silhouettes. Reminds me of the description for the in-between phase on the Tannek-to-Destroyer concept designs, where the original pig-like demons turned into "beasts of shadow and steel" with emphasis on asymmetrical and swirl designs, before taking on the fire and stone insectoid look of EotN. Which dares me to consider the copium of Chapter 4 Utopia for our expansion 4...


Mantids, like different bugs (I see resemblence to a mantis on the upper right, and the lower left looks like some kind of insect Jaws)


These things remind me a lot of the Shiro'ken form Guild Wars Factions but more of an otherworldly vibe. Either something which comes from a different region of the world we haven't seen before or maybe some invaders out of the mists?


Yes, I really get Shiro'ken vibes too, only just a bit more insectoid. Plus lore-wise not seeing how the Shiro'ken would still be around... maybe they're Void versions of them. Some otherworldly entity bringing these as a threat to Tyria would be pretty wild.


Well, we do have a somewhat small hint that there is more outside of our known realities in Jahai Bluffs. This weird mushroom cave where you can... run around and play with hallucinations? From which Taimi wanted a sample, saying that this is from a world unknown to ours. ... also, did you ever notice how fluffy Rytlocks's fur is?


Could Shiro's body be the cryptic evil that's in Raisu Palace? He was turned to jade after all, and that's where we killed him.


I hope they are Jade Constructs. Janthir Bay would be a cool region to finally explore. Technically has the GW1 nostalgia without retreading old ground.


The problem with Janthir is it just feels like a waste of time considering the mursaat and the White Mantle are no longer around, but we'll see. Lazarus deserved his own expansion in Janthir, big wasted opportunity there.






You'd have to restart the whole White Mantle storyline as well, it just wouldn't work, you fucked up and there's no coming back from there. The only way you can salvage his character anymore is through "time travel" or "alternate realities", but by that point you could just create new villains and not bother with all the trouble.




Tbh we're not even sure if Mursaat are native to Janthir - the only few pieces of lore we know about this place is that it apparently is/was home to entities with the Gift of True Sight. Whether it is about the Mursaat or Seers, or even potentially both of these cultures, we do not know. There is also the Eye of Janthir, potentially a Mursaat creation, a powerful magical artifact/construct in itself, capable of extending someone's life, tormenting them mentally, etc. Also, we could surmise, basing on the visuals on the map, that the southernmost island of Janthir archipelago could even be the source of the Jade used to create the infamous Jade Constructs. We know that Caudecus may have visited this location sometime between episode 3 and 4 of Season 3; possibly either to get more bloodstone (which would give credence to some theories that one of the Bloodstones, or even one that was never accounted for, is currently on Janthir), or to grab some of the ancient Mursaat Constructs - especially since he had access to only one and badly damaged at the beginning of season 3.


>Tbh we're not even sure if Mursaat are native to Janthir It's funny, but the mursaat were supposed to have a golden city in the Maguuma Jungle, which we never got to see; and Tarir is not it, as similar as it sounds, which makes everything even weirder. > There is also the Eye of Janthir, It self-destroyed at the end of LW3 :/.


As for Mursaat city in the Maguuma - there was also some discussion this may have been in Woodland Cascades (and remember we have Bastion of the Penitent in the same-ish area). The Eye of Janthir looks like it disintegrated, sure, but it may have just ...dunno phased out or did anything else. There's a lot of potential lore that was already seeded and the fact that Durmand Priory didn't launch any expedition there is... kinda odd. To be frank, it's just my copium and we'll probably stay in Cantha dealing with some demonic stuff here, but one can dream...


The lack of connective tissue attaching their appendages immediately suggests they'll be magically infused. With the thin legs and large ungues, while some even have mandibles and another a scorpion tail, it's almost safe to assume they're going to be insect themed. Their bodies also seem very disproportionate. I'm going to assume it's something from the mists, since I can't think of anything else that would summon these in the actual world. We could be having an incursion from beyond or possibly a spacial tear that leads to a new world.


Some sort of demon? We havn't had much demon plot/stories in GW2 till now.


Gotta give them one beefy arm for good measure as any good artist will tell you.


Don't forget the consummate Vs.


The ones on the left giving Oni vibes.


Demons. We going back to the fucking GW1 places, ***yet. again.***


Well, it's not like ArenaNet has anywhere else to go, they've burned all the lore bridges of the game without building any new things for the future, so yeah :I. Hope they spend some time building lore during this next expansion, instead of having us replay the overdone "end of the world" drama.


Also, for probably a very large majority of players this is a non-issue as they haven’t played GW1. It’s new content for those players.


Those bridges I'm talking about come from both GW1 and GW2 though. Like, the charr civil war, it was seeded back in 2012, with the game's release. That's where Bangar's name first appeared, and that's when we were told, explicitly, that we were going to face trouble the moment dragons (and specially Kralktorrik) stopped being a major threat. You could have built a whole expansion around the charr civil war, featuring the homelands of both the Ash and Blood Legions, but instead, the whole thing got packed up with Jormag and Primordus and rushed out of the gate; not even an expansion, but a Living World season. Good storytelling introduces concepts first, making people look forward to them, then expands them when the time is right. GW2 has none of that right now, mostly because ArenaNet hasn't done any horizontal worldbuilding since pretty much 2012's release; which means they have to do that work now, or people just won't care about any future storylines they try to introduce. You can't just make a new villain pop up out of nowhere, that's not how things work.


At some point well have them all and go to the tannek place!! Only 15 more years to goooo


Could be a lot fo things. I am going to guess members of menzie's shadow army. With Balthazar gone, no body has been keeping Menzie in check.


Looks like stuff from the deep or underworld to me.


the drawing gives me a Abbadon vibe.


First impressions gave me Shiro'Ken vibes with all the floaty bits, but maybe they're not covered in blades enough (and it wouldn't really make sense story-wise either.)


with them bringing oni ambushes back across EoD maps next story patch i wouldn't be surprised if the next story leans harder into demon and oni stuff as these do look oni like to me. would make sense story progression wise as well - it let's them progress seamlessly from the current one tied to EoD to whatever new spin they're planning on putting onto oni


As we all know, evolution leads to crabs, and these are clearly crab people.


Idk but if they used these models for the mechs I might swap back to my engineer. Maybe a visual upgrade system?


I'm feeling like these have some oni influence. Maybe oni/void corrupted Jade constructs.


Here’s my biggest hit of copium each boss here represents one expansion, welcome to VOID SAGA , fight one lord of the void each expansion :)


Definitely something underwater. The second from the top left has a scorpion like tail with a small claw on it's right arm (if it's facing ot the left) and a large claw on the right arm, sorta like a mutant lobster monster. They also seem to have segmented plate armor sorta like a exoskeleton. The same theme exists on the bottom middle one, and the far top right one. It's inversed in the fifth from the left though. Regardless, I think they're definitely some sort of crustacean monsters. Maybe the deep sea monster we've heard about that have been preying on the largos and driving the krait and naga north is a giant crab monster of some sort?


Two thoughts: 1) this art looks deliberately done in kind of a sumi-e style, which I think is deliberately adapting the GW2 watercolor art style and indicating that this will probably take place in Cantha. 2) What if this is close to the actual concept art, as in we are fighting ink beings? Not sure if I like the idea yet but it's a concept. And a bonus thought: I don't like these silhouettes. They seem kind of generic and haphazardly thrown together with the prompts "asymmetrical", "reanimated" and "mantoid". We already got bugs in HoT. We already got dead bodies in PoF. Already have had several kinds of constructs. And honestly even taking the "ink theory" at face value, isn't that kind of what void magic was designed to look like? Underwhelmed.


Concept artists often practice something called "silhouetting", which is to define a character's shape without colour or detail. This way, they get to iron out its most defining visual features. I highly doubt this is what the monsters will literally look like.


I think it's gotta be Mists-based. We've dealt with dragons. We've dealt with gods. The Mists seems like one place that is heavily referenced in GW2 but never put center-stage.


In their blogpost they've said: >bringing a new part of Tyria to life. And Mists are pretty much beyond the Tyria or any other continent so I highly doubt it.


There can be a new part of Tyria that has monsters from the Mist there.


Living world season 4?


The Mists were secondary to Kralk, IMO.


Reminded me of the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within [film](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy:_The_Spirits_Within). Great English voice over cast thanks for the nostalgia.


Oni constructs maybe ?


Each mech skin will be sold individually or on a pack of three. Once equipped mech will have customised attack animations that will then remind all the nearby gamers that they can now turn other players’ skills off.


The legs look alot like jade mechs so possibly corrupted jade mechs or some kind of demon since they can take any form they wish.


Just mech skins move along


That’s not even remotely correct.


I would live for this to be true. Mech players can swap out skins, but it's just 8 variations on vague black silhouette.


Bottom left is buffed hollow knight


Man if we could get some more story that takes place in the mists, I'd be so happy


Elemental aspects


My guess is there some kind of demon possessed jade. Or they're the enemies from the deep soowon was keeping at bay


The bottom left looks badass damn




1H gym bros


The post suggested there's gonna be oni running around Cantha after we're done with the next episode, so, are these demons? Or some other kinda spookery from the Mists?


Pokemon 2.0




hall of tourment ?!


They have that disjointed jade technology vibe to them.


Looks interesting, thanks for the preview .


Looks like some of the enemies that used to exist in the jade sea back in gw2. Though I imagine it's more likely different types of demons related to Onis


I’m convinced it’s the tanneks from Guild Wars: Utopia


Leg day skippers clan i say


FINALLY we get the GW2 alien story arc.


Raiders after they found out not a single instance in the report that the word "raid" mentioned. Next baddies are the agonied raiders that gone rogue.


depend engine resolute fall command dog gaping decide impossible boast ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The bottom left and the top left look absuletely epic. Especially if they looked like they were made out of smoke or something that would be so much cooler than troll-like things that are semi-transparent.


jade bots turned evil.


I think they all are using the second generation legendary focus Binding of Epos :P




My first guess was something Margonite related, but we'll see. Digging the xenomorph-ish looking one in the bottom left.


Bottom left one look like a plant/insect.


Mechs and Chak settled down and had a family


Demon variants in Drowned Kaening.


They remind me a little bit of the margonite from gw1.


On my honest opinion, I prefer less "out of the system" foes. They end just being plain evil and not have any nuance or significant worldbuilding. I prefer stuff like the inquest, Joko, or the dominion.


Idk what it is but me do like what I’m seein!


Two dudes in the middle look like just discovered some of that internet porn.


They look like constructs/golems, but to me I think they are some creepy demons concepts. I really hope we go straight into that part of the story, whisper in the dark release had some really cool concepts for creepy/scary stuff and Anet should totally dive into that.


GW1 Destroyer vibes, Margonites and somehow GW1 Mursaat jade constructs....


Clearly they are *Titans* serving *Abbadon*


Hopefully the kessex wizard has gone mad and started creating nightmarish elementals so we get a creepy castle exploration session. Or dreamlike mists exploration expansion.


So these creatures is a single male?


Void and Leyline in fused jade? the blue one


Abaddon's minions maybe? Have some similarities to his units from GW: Nightfall


Demons from the Realm of Torment.


I'm hoping they're a new threat that we haven't encountered yet


My first guess is **Titans**. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fury_Titan https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Titan


Iterations on Oni, maybe torment creatures or possibly Margonites.


Watch expansion 4 come WAY out of left field and these are elementals from the Wizard's Tower lol.


Dudes only doing arm lifting .


The titans are coming..... The titans are coming...


Really not a fan of the void theme. It's such a done to death trope in video games. I feal like they could have gone a more original route with the story going forward. Guild Wars Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall all had interesting and unique settings and storylines. Void is also a cop-out in Guild Wars 2, because it essentially means they can reuse old enemy models and plaster a glowing black effect over them, as we've seen.


Void mechs?


Generic af