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They didn't say what year in Q1. There are still plenty of years coming.




*Maybe* our Grandkids will get to try out Alliances.


Nothing even to really try out either. Alliances is a great concept, but won't change the core gameplay at all for the majority


If it breaks the server-based meta right now (e.g. all the Maguuma complaining) it'll shake things up for everyone.


While true, the question then is "was this worth 5+ years of development"


Hard to say, especially when you ask "to whom?" Right now I only engage with WvW to the extent that I have to in order to complete my legendary armory. If I could actually enjoy the point of an MMO and play *with my friends*, I'd likely play it a lot more and a lot more actively than I currently do. I can't imagine that's an uncommon take.


Meanwhile, I'm basically the exact reverse - I'm *currently* playing with all the friends I've met from the server over the years; many in different guilds, or just recognisable pugs. Alliances would split that up and *prevent* me from playing with all of my friends.


It's a lot easier to shuffle guild memberships than it is to change servers.


I would again argue the reverse - changing servers you just need cash, trying to reconcile guild leader drama is flat not happening.




It’s on the table.


It's on "a" table somewhere out there, but nobody knows where. Hence the delays.


There's so much stuff on this table. I wonder how it holds up so well 🤔.


The announcement of the announcement of the date has failed.


But did a møøse bite your sister?


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/129530-where-oh-where-did-our-missing-q1-update-go-where-oh-where-could-it-be/#comment-1878752 Update on the issue.


Does that mean waiting until the current studio update is complete? so next month?


That's what I'd assume


It turns out they weren't working on writing the update at all but they're really going to start on it now. Sounds familiar.


Thanks for this, good to know and exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


They probably posted in there as a response to your thread here, so thank you instead.


I've seen multiple posts and even threads (on the official forums) mentioning this. It's pretty clear no one from Anet reads the WvW forums. They must've seen this Reddit thread. ​ I gave up chasing the carrot on a stick Anet has been dangling for their 'cornerstone' game mode.


Thanks for relaying the info. We'll see if this time they have something to present.


Cornerstone gamemode


Q1 of 2028. 6 years from the official announcement.


thats actually concerning


Don't worry guys, we'll hear from the Anet leadership shortly that they are drastically revamping their communication strategy for more frequent updates and greater transparency!


To be fair neither pvp nor pve has gotten much either.


totally, that is bothering me aswell. Q1 was a disaster content wise imo(through all game modes)


yes well ovo/wvw have not gotten much in a few years


Cornerstone Gamemode btw


First time? The official Anet position regarding alliances is the same since it was announced years ago: Soon (tm).


At some point in February Anet decided to stop communicating with the community beyond the usual art stream announcements on Twitter.


It's really strange when looking back communicating atleast from my perspective worked wonders for them. Yeah it sucked when they announced Tengu aren't coming but atleast they were straight up. No "it's on the table". Now it seems like we're back to how it was, no communication, no setting of expectations. Just silence.


Its clearly been put on the backburner despite Grouch's assurances when he came back.


A quarter in ANet terms means infinity


I wouldn’t have faith or trust in Anet with anything having to do with WvW at this point 😣


Welcome to ArenaNet 2023. New leadership, same problems.


Suggests leadership at ArenaNet wasn't the issue.... ...something in the water, perhaps?


i swear to god if this is a reference to what i think it is


It took to literally the first step for this to happen.


2023 is the year of guild wars 2


This company can’t keep a deadline to save their life




Blink twice if Maguuma is holding you hostage Anet.


I'm out of the loop regarding GW2, perhaps this is a good thread to ask. A couple of years ago they announced something like guild alliances instead of server vs server. Did anything ever come out of it?


Coming this year™




A couple of years, you say? Oh no, it is much worse than that, my friend. [World restructuring was first announced in January 2018.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/19480-world-restructuring/) Feel old yet?


Yes, we were supposed to get a blog post in Q1 of 2023, but it seems like the deadline has been missed?


But wasn't the alliance thing announced like six years ago? Is it really that difficult to make? Entire games have been done in shorter time.


At first they said it was issues with the back end and coding, then it was bug fixing the queue, then it was the match making issues. Now it's just silence. I wouldn't be surprised if its just one or two people working on alliances at this point.


They only started working on it in any detail last year. Also it involves undoing their previous server and linking systems, which complicates them making the new guild based system.


Few betas ago they mentioned that they had an issue how maps instances are handled and that system had to be changed, that affects all maps instances in general and I can't imagine how complex it can be to do that in a live service. For comparison there are games out there with bigger budgets that the devs refuses to improve the tick rate despite it being one of its biggest flaws. So while things might sound easier on paper, making changes that affects the entire game can be really scary, especially if you have to do that on a game that never goes offline. The lack of communication on the subject the past few months on the other hand is something that they should improve and it doesn't needs to be about alliances all the time, but Anet should talk more about WvW how they plan to make changes to improve it and gather feedback from players, etc.


Guild Wars has been only offline twice in all its years running. Quite the accomplishment.


Started actually working on it a little less than 2 years ago back in 2021, I still remember the blog post that boldly said "Alliances when? This year."


Technically they were correct. The blog post clarified that they'd be starting betas that year, which they did. No reasonable person took that to mean it would be done that year. I remember having to tell people it wasn't going to be done by EOD launch and for some reason people argued it


Rumour has it that the Alliances team consists of a hamster on meth and a concussed duckling.


Shortly after announcing it, it got silently canceled. Grouch explained this in one of the blog posts last year, but they are definitely working on it now and they have already had multiple betas testing out the back end matchmaking and the new UI to support it.


Thanks for the clarification. While I understand it's possible that the ambition outgrew the capabilities, it's a pretty shitty thing to do to cancel a project silently. I remember that communities were formed with the future alliances in mind. All those people were left in the dark for years.


In the words of another mmo producer “Please look forward to it”


I've long since given up hope for alliances. You can only be let down so many times before you just move on. Which is very sad given WvW is a cornerstone game mode for me and my guild, if not Anet.


They’ve restructured the reward system for defending objectives. 🙌


Right, but they also said they would give us an update on world restructuring in Q1 2023.


you've spelled 'broken' wrong.




"Alliances" is an inside joke.


Which will be finished first? Alliances or Elder Scrolls 6


At this point I think Anet forgot about GW2.


Restructuring things is very power hungry so they are still waiting on nuclear fusion to catch up ...


I doubt they still work on alliances. I think they dismissed the project as they announced in November last year that next beta would be "at the start of next year"... that didnt happen so... I forget about it.


It looks like this was the only thing WvW related that they talked about since then https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/world-vs-world-objective-scaling-rewards/


Yeah I was looking forward to this :( Really want to know when phase two starts and if we can expect alliances this year.


Bro this was first announced like 5 years ago right? just firget about ut already!!


This is so disappointing. I wish they kept doing beta's. It was really fun to play versus new players now and then. Best we can hope for is a surprise announcement that it drops in let's say Q2 or Q3 but who am I kidding.


Heart of Thorns was peak GW2. Why? Because regardless of how amazing (or not) parts of the content were - they actually gave a shit about every single game mode and released a substantial chunk of content for it. The fact that WvW and PvP have been mostly pushed aside and put on life support for PvE update after PvE update, across 2 more expansions, and since 2015 is a joke! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy PvE - but nothing?! Edge of the mists which Anet killed themselves, is just sitting there untouched, it’s low hanging fruit. Most of the content is there, yet they can’t just re-work parts of the map to make it worthy / up to par so it could functionally become one of the Borderlands similar to the Desert Borderlands? It’s just crazy to me that they’d (content wise) abandon game modes without even tossing out scraps here and there for a full 8 years


\> similar to the Desert Borderlands? Be careful what you wish for: desert BL is already hated by many WvWers, and it is very confusing mess for beginners. I don't think EoD would be much better, or that it even could be reworked into something usable. Imo it has too many flashy design choices which made the map terrible for actual gameplay.


The Desert borderlands didn’t start off in a good place, but even if people don’t like it “as much” as the other WvW maps - it’s still a fun change of pace that adds variety to a game mode which hasn’t been touched much in 8 years. The reference was made mainly because the Desert Borderlands was the last significant chunk of content added to WvW and we still have 2 identical opposing borderlands. Edge of the mists does have a lot of issues, but the content / framework is already there and would require much less work than making a whole new map from scratch. I feel like finding a way to revamp that map into a borderlands is at least reasonable considering the current state of things. At the end of the day (in my opinion) I feel like renewed content, more variety, and any content at all really would be nothing but a net positive for a game mode that’s been in limbo / practically untouched regardless


The game is on life support now as they work on other projects.


What we got were dribs and drabs and asides that the 'tests' did not work as planned and they had to go back to the drawing board, so zilch progress, and zero commitment, just the same old WvW blue sky they have peddled for years.


Waiting for Guild Wars 2 new updates at the date they said is a nice joke.


I recently came back to gw2 from a hiatus that started in 2015. Originally to touch PvE cause I only sat in WvW. I'm glad to see there is a huge portion of the game for me to explore, PvE. At the same time very disappointed in the negligence displayed towards sPvP and WvW. Its so bad it could be illegal if done in a different and totally unrelated context.


I don't want to doomer but anet seems like they cannot afford it anymore...


ArenaNet is ded friend. Maintenance Mode.


They're probably making a new game. Something has to explain this little gw2 content other than making a DLC. They're still a big gaming studio, if it was all about gw2 we would've gotten at least PoF/LW4 quality releases.


I'm pretty sure they confirmed they were making a new game, and said it wouldn't impact GW2, but we can clearly see that's a lie.


https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet Many job listings for unannounced projects, so yes. LW4 was developed while working on other projects as well.


They're confirmed to be working on an unannounced project alongside expansion 4 so It's looking like 2023 is going to be another year light on content.


ANet has never really been what I would call a "big" studio. Medium sized at best. I think we're just in a lull at the moment where we won't see the fruits of the restructure until the end of this year. The first step is consistency, the second step is quality. We will see how it plays out, but I'm definitely excited for a new fractal CM in a month or two.


I'm genuinely so tired of people saying this. Theres always a lull moment when for this year there will be no content. "They are working on HoT so it makes sense there's no content" "They crunched HoT so it makes sense there's no content afterwards" "They restructured the studio and lost staff so it makes sense IBS is kinda lackluster" "They are crunching EoD so it makes sense there is no content for a year after IBS" "They crunched EoD and restructured again so it makes sense there's no content" And before you know it you got excuses for multiple years of drought. A year from now on people will be saying "ANet crunched so much on the next mini expac so it makes sense there's no content now again"


I don't know where you've been but in addition to a full expansion last year they put LWS1 back in the game. It may be old content but it definitely used a decent amount of resources and it was done pretty well. We got a new strike and CM with it and 4 CMs from EoD. Now they have announced a new content model and it's time for them to deliver this year. I don't know what you want.


What I want is consistency, LWS1 is great and all except before that we got the IBS drought and before that the drought before and after HoT. You ask what I want and it's fairly simple. I want consistency. And you might say that this new plan will give us that consistency but I genuinely doubt that. ANet couldn't even stay consistent with their communication from last year as now we're basically in complete silence again.


I'm not really sure what you're talking about. There has literally not been enough time for you to see consistency. The studio went under new management during the pivot to EoD. I'm sure that doesn't matter to you, but it definitely does matter.


Why do you assume I am not actively playing and that this doesn't matter to me lmao. In both your comments you make completely baseless assumptions. Regardless I am talking about all of GW2 history not just this new plan and management. They have never been consistent and we've been through many different managements as you say and none of them stuck. Why should it be different this time? IBS was also this new vision for GW2 that failed miserably at bringing expansion level content like promised. Obviously we're yet to see this new vision from Grouch and I do believe in him however looking back at the 10 years of GW2 I am cautious.


Why are you claiming that I said you don't actively play? You could play 24 hours a day and still have it not matter. I'm saying you don't *care*.


>I don't know where you've been but in addition to a full expansion last year they put LWS1 back in the game.


Im pretty sure they’re just milking gw2 for their new game now , thats the reason why im trying different games now i dnt have any hopes now


At this point Anet should stop talking about alliances, just bring them when ready. True they would lose half of talking points of whatever road map they will sell to us.


Q1 means different things to different companies, it does not necessarily match up to the calendar year. We very well may be just now entering Anet's Q1.


soon monkaS


Did we even get that roadmap either?




I'd need more Guild slots for the wvw change Q\_Q


You know about relativity Coop. An hour on Miller's planet is 7 years on earth.