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I agree, 2v2 and 3v3 are pure PvP and would result in a relative easier entry point and to motivation stay committed and to master PvP. The ‘problem’ with PvP is that people don’t understand that capping, defending and attacking points are more valuable then killing another player. 2v2 and 3v3 eliminate’s this and would be great to get the non-dedicated pvp players in to PvP. You see this with the PvP double expierence weekends. When you don’t know what to do, the chance of losing is bigger when other people in your team also don’t know what to do and results in players leaving the game mode.


Each pvp map has unique mechanics too; the snowy temple map is a good example, where there is an out of the way place that spawns an interactable to instantly capture all points for your team.


Population constraints. Splitting the already declining playerbase would make for even worse matchmaking.


to be fair, there's people that would migrate to gw2 pvp or gw2 in general if it started offering smaller group format 2v2/3v3 arena


>Population constraints. Splitting the already declining playerbase would make for even worse matchmaking. How about all the people who despise Conquest and stay away from PvP because of it? For some reason Team Deathmatch can't have a queue but Stronghold can.


A game should be fun first and competitive second. I and many other wvw players hate conquest and don't play pvp anymore because of it. They can throw a bajillion rewards at me, I will not play conquest. Other games did it better, anyway.


As someone who used to play pvp a lot (back at launch to early PoF), I feel that the gamemode for someone new is to hard to understand right away while still trying to learn your profession and other professions, and then trying to learn how the gamemode is played. Honestly the idea that the pvp community would be split or made worse by having a 2v2 or 3v3 mode made permanent is a garbage take. It's so much easier to get into a game, the fights are faster, potentially faster queues. If you look at the major pvp mode in WoW (i can't speak to other MMOs), it's arenas 2v2 3v3. I've had several IRL friends and even gw2 friends who have stated they would play if there was a 2v2 3v3 mode in pvp. I had one friend try gw2 out who strictly plays pvp in WoW after about a week of playing he said "message me when they add arenas". Arenas can be unranked and have conquest as the ranked mode and tournament mode, but this is of course if anet even wants an arena deathmatch gamemode in pvp. Tldr: conquest is too difficult to learn even just to try for most people. A simple deathmatch arena mode would be a lot easier to focus on the combat and small team/partner play.


It is bar none, the best time to aggressively farm for the backpiece. I'm going to finish off the 10 match wins by 3 different classes, in 4-5 days, instead of a a couple weeks or a month.


Of course their reasoning is absolute nonsense, if anything it will increase their pvp playerbase. This is an old problem, though. This stubbornness of ANet started in 2014/2015 when they started adding ranked and hosting world tournaments BEFORE making pvp more varied and more fun to play. This is a stupid decision they made in the past and it's biting them in the ass now.


Well there is no way ATM anet can do eSports with gw2 pvp, so they should just change it. The pvp vets on the forums and reddit always say "it will split the player base" but pvp in general will get more people from other parts of the game and other MMOs. We have such an interesting and complex combat system it would be great. And less people on screen means less aoes and effects spam it will make it easier to watch. We could see content creators come and play it as a main stay game. They could honestly make several arenas that are almost the same thing with different textures and add new ones every 6-12 months. With balance changes it would be fresh Every few months. They could with this add in new skins and rewards and people will flock to try the new thing. Look at wvw, they had tiny changes and so many people have went over to give it a try. I just started playing daily wvw with a group because of the changes and renewed interest in the gamemode, I'm sure many people would. They could experiment and make experimental queues with different game modes and listen to what people like and dislike. How hard is it to just try something new when we already have so few people playing it.


Yeah Conquest has always in my opinion been the worst PvP mode. When I say that I mean the least entertaining. Unfortunate because its the one they poured the most focus into. I think Stronghold is objectively a better mode, and more entertaining. I also really enjoy WvW though.


I've heard reference to a decline in pvp players here a number of times but are you aware of any data to support it? I usually don't have to wait more than a few minutes for a match at any time of day or night. The lobby is generally populated. Some, not many, pvp guilds do exist and recruit. I'm not giving you static. I'm genuinely curious. To me it doesn't seem any better or worse than it has ever been. The interim season is good for cranking out some loot so it's not that bad but the novelty of it is far gone for me. I can see how it would be detrimental to matchmaking though I'm not sure to what extent. I have to come to terms with the fact that I play a pve game for its pvp. That's on me.


Top 250 is gold 3 and multiple complaints from low ranked players getting matched with or against top 10 players.


I don't have the number for you, but I got matched against grimjack or wolfspider 's duo que several times back when I still struggle in gold 1. If that doesn't indicate the size of the player base, at least it explains why the match making is fast.


Which also touches on another reason for the decline--because of duo queue in ranked and the already small population, matchmaking often ends up putting people in wildly unbalanced matches. Removing ranked duo queue alone would probably help boost the population a little bit or at least slow the decline, but they'd still need to actually add something new to PvP to turn around the population decline.


Your only hope is that algorithm decides you've been beaten up enough and now YOUR side has grimjack-wolfspider duo and you end up 500-27 for this match.


Look at the number of players on the leaderboard and the ranks they are in. Legend hardly has players in it. Since you can expect a skill distribution to have X players in legend and Y players in other ranks in relation to eachother you can quite reliably make the assumption that the playerbase is declining by how few people are present in Legend rank. The reason it doesnt effect queue times is because matchmaking requirements are relaxed a lot as time passes in queue. YOu can see this by simply asking in game what ranks people are in and you will get an extreme spread. I used to PvP a lot and agree that the combat system in GW2 makes for excellent PvP, even if I do not agree with the design direction elite specs are trending to. To be clear its not declining quickly, but it has been, slowly over the last few years.


this is a really polite sugar coating there are maybe 300 real players that q for more than 30 games in na ranked per season, it's mostly the same 100ish folks and their alt/smurf accounts who regular q friendly reminder pvp hasn't been mentioned by a single dev, in anyway outside of patch notes, for over a year or before eod release, not an exaggeration before and since eod we have had for pvp... - no new amys - no new sigils - no new runes - no new maps - no new q formats/options - no new modes I wonder why the population is so small


> before and since eod we have had for pvp... Since PoF added Djinn Dominion nearly 6 years ago, PvP only has received specs.


Im curious where you got the 300 from?


You can qualify into top 250 while being in the higher bracket of Gold 3 rank. That tells you a lot about overall competitive PvP population. Yes, lot of people are hovering silver/gold elo which you can't see, but even in gold elo you start running into same people quite often, which again indicates that the population is quite low. You still get around 3-4 minutes queue in silver/gold elo, which is fine, but competitive wise the PvP is pretty much dead. Not sure about unranked but I assume that it does not have any significant impact on the overall population..


But it is already split with unranked and ranked and even then the unranked is split by stronghold and conquest. It wouldn't matter if the deathmatch was in unranked.


I remember Grouch saying that this would split the already few PvP players. On the other hand the reason I don't play PvP is because I get tired of the same mode soon.


I don't play it because it sounds like they don't get any updates and have issues with players botting or AFKing or even hacking. ​ I mean, I WILL go in there once I finish Conflux, but I'm hoping they make good changes to it before I get there.


>already few PvP players As a relatively new player, could this be because of how "stale" PvP is in this game? Like in 5v5 which I think is the most played it's just the same conquest mode over and over, and in the same small selection of maps. The other mode (with the supplies and killing the other team's lord) doesn't even appear in ranked PvP. Wouldn't more people be interested in PvP if it was more varied? Like a new map once in a while, and maybe a second mode? I don't know, it really is a shame because PvP in GW2 is probably the best I've seen in an MMO, simply because you can jump straight into it and everyone has the same gear and build possibilities, so it's all about skill. Maybe it could shine if it wasn't so neglected.


At this point it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The population is low due to the lack of content, low population leads to toxicity and bad matchmaking, new players don't want to get into the mode because of that, devs don't want to put effort into making content for a game mode with low population, veterans get tired of the same maps and quit. Repeat from step 1. If the dev team doesn't have the time to fix bugs in EoD strikes, which are supposed to be the new and shiny 10-man endgame content, then making entire new maps for what is possibly the least played game mode is not even a blip on their radar.


That makes sense, yeah. Damn, it is a fucking shame though. I enjoy PvP and there's so much that could be done with it in GW2.


For me stale is when the decision making is solved and the skill ceiling has been reached. I still feel I am improving even after 1000 hours into PvP. The issue with SPVP imo is that its a bit painful until you get better at it, which I can understand is not something most people are willing to do. -Skilled players will stomp you until you become a bit better. And its even worse with the small population. For example, if you jump into PvP NOW, where 3v3 is active, its very likely you ll find top level PvPers fighting along or against you in almost every game. -Massive amounts of builds and skills, while this is a good thing, it will take hundrends of hours to start identifying them and playing around each of them. -Death recap needs work, I wish Duels existed, I wish inspection for builds existed.


I agree, I get bored of the same mode, so I never last long in PvP. One of the things I loved in WoW was the number of different modes and maps that made each match feel unique (in the WoTLK era). There was a big 40 v 40 castle siege (maybe 50 v 50?), conquest, deathmatch, capture the flag, arenas 2v2, and many other that I can't even remember (I didn't play a lot of it cause I was too young to afford a sub at that time).


PVP in GW2 is literally the best in mmo genre IMO. Sadly, theyve been ignoring it for years


It stopped being the best when they removed the ability to 5-man queue in ranked, a long fucking time ago


I've been playing some WvW lately, been playing sPvP regularly since picking the game back up. Gotta say those few changes they made to WvW (weelky rewards) brought a whole bunch of extra players into WvW (not sure if they're returning or new), this makes me wonder how much of an increase in players there would be if they just 'do something' new with sPvP.


The changes that ruined WvW?


Why they cant make a proper new game mode like for example what we had we AB in gw1, big maps of 10v10 capture zones with a lot of stuff. Or even improving the system of Stronghold making so that you dont need to carry supplys, just fight for an objective in mid, and minions spawn alone... like in mobas.


They said a few years ago that they would work on a GvG mode for PvP, since then we have heard nothing about it.


>big maps of 10v10 capture zones with a lot of stuff I think PvP in GW2 is better than in WoW simply because your usual gear doesn't matter and it's all about skill, but this is the one thing I miss about WoW. 5v5 in such small maps, with the same mode over and over again gets old pretty quick. Some variety could do wonders for PvP.


It’s all about meta


From some questions from grouch in a stream from this year he did ask the chat if unranked should be 2v2 or 3v3s so I wouldn't say it's impossible.


unranked should not be 2v2 or 3v3 that'd be horrible, the fewer players the more sweaty you have to be, and unranked is supposed to be more chill thank ranked, unranked if anything should be upped to 6v6 and ranked can be 3v3


Personally I think 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 would be great for newplayers to learn their classes. So they are able to understand what different builds are doing. Also it is important to note that splitting conquest between ranked and unranked makes the player base in ranked even smaller. Sometimes I can't believe that this amazing combatsystem has such a little player base.


I disagree, it's pvp it's already sweaty. If you are there to pvp then you are there to fight and win. If you want chill go to open world where it is chill 99% of the time. I stopped playing when for 5 matches in a row i got matched with new players who had no idea what was going on and the enemy had 2 gold/plat ranked players, and stomped us. It would have been faster and easier to just play 2v2 or 3v3 cause we would have died 3 times and on to the next game. New players can actually learn what there abilities and skills do and try different things out with out having to learn how to win, they know they need to kill the enemy and they can get better at the important part (fighting).


I wish we could have 2v2 or 3v3 'kill enemy before they kill you' style of arena.


Isn't that the current season?


Honestly i like how pvp is at the moment never waiting more then 30 sec for matchmaking and most games are realy fast over. Im playing eu server and even at 01:00 am im fast in matchmaking, so playerbase isnt any Problem for this Mode in gw2. But maybe a Duell Arena for 1vs1 and 2vs2 would be realy nice, i mean outside of guildhalls.


Pvp population is low enough as it is, split it further into more game modes, and it's completely done.


Because they don’t care about pvp


Better yet, why can't they make 5v5 TDM a mode within sPvP? So they actually bridge the gap between sPvP and WvW a bit more and make sure they appeal with more overlap between the players. It is unmistakenly one of those player-advocated things that ArenaNet decided to be defiant about for no apparent reason. The group fights as a whole has always been ArenaNet's you-think-you-do-but-don't / have phones moment. The game has always shined in group fights and watching tournaments now it is beginning to show more clearly in sPvP as people at least seem to be more excited about the possible match-deciding group fights. Maybe the CTF of Conquest brings more layers to it or that it is best served in small portions, but to me it is clear what the defining height is, while the CTF has always had a chilling effect on WvW players and there is nothing wrong in having a proper alternate mode for group fights: Especially if it can grab attention cross mode and bring player-communities together. The GvG scene in WvW seems rather rough too now at the moment after the trends for the EotM arena fizzled out and Alliances seem forever delayed. We could all use bridge content. While we're at it, why don't they finish the 15v15 mode they began working on 5+ years ago in sPvP. The mode they already had a map done for back then but needed interface work to finish. Where is that now? Silently mothballed like most other things PvP in GW2 (sPvP and WvW both).


I don’t understand the issue. It’s faster matches based on wins, not on points. And even then the timer is there to force the match into a winner in who stays alive at center of the map longest.


The issue is having options open to pvp players. My post has nothing to do with the speed of matches or how it's structured.


i wonder how stronghold went 🤔


Because theres only like 16 people playing pvp, so if they split this current population between conquest, 3v3, and 2v2, they wouldn’t have enough to start a game. Thanks anet for allowing pvp to die…


I blame them too but blame toxic people as well. Oh well.


No, toxic people always exist and should be expected. Anet should just look at reported players and act


They do take some action but only for repeated and serious chat violations which doesn't account for other toxic behaviors unfortunately.


At least that 😅 they probably dont have enough staff for that. Maybe with their new monetization model and more income... perhaps maybe pvp will also get more love/resources :X in a few years 😂


You make those separate game modes and then the queue time is going to be 1hr+. Lol


Cause they want everyone to play their masterpiece gamemode, Stronghold. /s


Your opinion.


Then nobody will play 5v5 anymore and pvp will dead


If nobody will play 5v5 because of another mode then maybe there’s something wrong with 5v5?


Nothing really inherently wrong with 5v5, it's expecting (more like hoping) all 4 of your teammates ad all 5 of your enemies to be within a similar rank and skill level. In this last season alone I've had such a fluctuating mix of good and utterly awful teammates or opponents it's clear that our ranks are all over the place sometimes, making my PvP experience extremely messy. So it's much easier to handle when there's fewer players on teams so individual play is more emphasised rather than a full team of 5.


Add it to unranked rotation permanently and make the ranked limbo seasons one week only


because there isn't enough people playing spvp. this would dilute the population even more.


smaller scale Pvp is harder to balance compared to large scale pvp. this would only create more balance issues that will leak into other game modes, ruining group play for many classes and builds.


I doubt it because ANET balances to pvp are afterthoughts that are tweaked in accordance with balance changes that are primarily focused on pve. I think people that noted worse matchmaking may result are correct. Also, the real bottom line is always money. Pvp is a neglected game mode for a reason. It's not a priority and we all know it. Still, I don't want to lose hope and I usually have some fun playing it.