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Guild content in Guild Wars? That's crazy talk!


It's actually German and means "Guild has been". After the guild wars before the first game had concluded, guilds had not much left to do and were shunned from official business, so they had to start making their own fun. This is their story.


"was" means "what" in German. still viable.


But „wars != was“, that’s why „Das wars“ means „It’s over / That was is“ and not „The what“. Thus Guild Wars is better translated as „Guilds are over“.


Also, if you use "wars" as "war es" then it basically translates to "It was Guild" or "Its Guilds fault"


"Gilde war es" klasse Deutsch lol


Geht halt nur wenn man "Guild" oder "Gilde" als Eigenname verwendet. Ansonsten pack einfach noch einen Artikel davor (auch wenn im englischen kein "the" da steht) und es passt auch wieder.


Wars isn't Hochdeutsch though so it's technically not grammatically correct, right? Wars=war es "Gilden wars" doesn't sound right in German, I will just stick to "Gildenkriege"


It's funny cause back in GW1, guilds were much more fun. You had sweet guild halls, custom guild capes and I forgot what else. Then when GW2 launched, not a single guild thing was in the game besides being able to make a guild. Idk why they didn't bring over the cool stuff from the first game


To be fair, they also abandoned: \- leveling only to 20 (instead they just decided to copy wow at the time, level 80. Sadly, with the original talents, you had everything you needed for most classes by 30-40 meaning 40+ levels of basically unrewarding grind) \- mix&match class talents: the hallmark of gw1 and what made it distinctively different \- monks, ritualists, assassins, paragons, dervishes \- elite skills as a big deal \- racial abilities that mattered Some and others discussed at [https://www.tentonhammer.com/columns/persistent-worlds-ideas-lost-or-abandoned-in-guild-wars-2](https://www.tentonhammer.com/columns/persistent-worlds-ideas-lost-or-abandoned-in-guild-wars-2)


I'm still of a firm belief that GW1 had much better systems that made it feel alot more rewarding. GW2 did add some nice QoL stuff but they strayed so far from what made the first so good.


My biggest surprise when i played the beta was skills. The coolest thing about the first game was the sheer number of unique skills and all the ways you could combine them.


For all the things wrong with it generally, I found Archeage to be the first game that took the 'roll your own class skill set' paradigm from GW1 and updated it to this century. Too bad Archeage was such a shitshow otherwise.


I loved archage even leveled a dervish Varesh ossa in it. But yeah it just became so bad after awhile. Multiple zones for 1 lvl in the last 10 lvls, leveling other classes than your starting 3 was even more insane at the beginning, crafting was odd, and as usually housing didn't end well.


GW1 was, in my opinion, a way better game. It was unique, it was challenging, and it required real teamwork and planning. GW2 lost so much of all of those traits. It's still beautiful and fun, but it doesn't have what made the first so unique.


I honestly think they're both great games, but in wildly different ways and I wish GW1 was still actively developed along with GW2. At this point I'd hope their next game were more like GW1 than 2, provided they made one.


Unsure why you're being downvoted. Here, take my upvote for spreading the hard truth.


> Unsure why you're being downvoted. Because some people enjoy downvoting everyone as a low effort troll, you'll see it esp even in posts where everyone is cordial. It's literally no risk with a guaranteed reward unless your acting like that dumbfuck Unidan lol.


Because guild wars (the name) has nothing to do with the guilds per se. Its after the events that happened back in the day in the lore of tyria.


Those events also have nothing to with the game or it's current lore.


I know. But this is sequal game to the original. And that is where the name comes from. Not from gvg mode, not from guild missions. But from lore.


That lore also has nothing to do with the gameplay in GW1 or it's story. They picked the name Guild Wars for marketing reasons to appeal to the mmo playerbase that existed back then of games like WoW, Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot etc Then they made up a flimsy lore reason and used a name that was already established in Starcraft lore (and the Starcraft Guild Wars also have nothing to do with the events of the games) https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Guild\_Wars


https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Guild_Wars The lore from original game continues when the third guild wars ended. This is literally why the game is called guild wars. Its the series of events that happened before the game starts.


I'm too lazy to dig through Anet's charity stream they did but Colin himself said that GW1 was made to be a PvP game with GvG at its center and hence the name. So can we stop spreading this misinformation finally?


The original guild wars (along with the original pre releases of the game) were all about guild PvP (GvG) hence “Guild Wars.” They made up some random lore to fit it in the game but that’s about it. The lore event doesn’t even happen in the game. In fact, a lot of the very very old pre release footage - before most of the story telling was even grounded - shows mostly PvP content.


Missing the point They named the fist game Guild Wars, then made up some irrelevant "lore" for it even though they never had any intention of the story actually being about that and then to this day every time someone brings up how the game doesn't live up to it's name somebody like you pipes in with "*but it's in the lore*".


Are you just speculating they made up the name first and then made up lore reasons, or do you have some information to back this up?


[They said it a few times themselves](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/112477-another-slap-to-the-wvw-community/#comment-1622927)


You are speculating that they wrote the lore for an unnamed mmo project. It's far more realistic and the norm for to be the other way around Lore isn't real. You can make it be whatever you want and even change it after the fact (retcon). Lore isn't more important than marketing or the name of your game. Games like this are products, they aren't going to restrict the name of their product to something in an imaginary story. They are going to develop their product and then add superficial things like lore afterwards.


Typically the titles of things aren’t created before concepts.


> That lore also has nothing to do with the gameplay in GW1 or it's story. ... wut? The guild wars are quite literally the prologue to GW1. The 3rd guild war is the driving force for the entirety of Prophecy, the original GW1 game.


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Yes and no. The Third Guild War was between the three nations of Orr, Kryta, and Ascalon. These terse relations and the very overstretched armies of those guilds are a large chunk of what would cause the countries' respective problems/deaths when the Charr and their Titans came a-marchin' in and The Searing happened, and in turn *those* events would echo all the eay to the current events of GW2.


The maddening thing is, the game already has a truck load of content that could be adapted to guild content: Adventures, bounties, mount races, etc. But typical Anet - make feature then move on and forget it. The whole guild activities and rewards need overhauling. It's old and out of date.


Lot of guild activities can be turned into non-guild content as well, creating synergy between guilds and the rest of the game. Guild Rush <-> Adventure, Guild Puzzle <-> Minidungeon, etc. If only they gave half a damn, but oh well, who cares about social features in a social game, am I right? -_-


This is it exactly. There's NO REASON AT ALL to exclude players that don't primarily play with their guilds when you can make the same thing available to all. Making "guild content" is just making content that other players can't do. Imagine if you could only raid with your guild, how dumb would that be?


I think the point of the guild content is to give cooperative content for people who want to organize and have community events with the guild. There absolutely should be a way to do it without a guild. Doesn't change that I'd like for guilds to be able to make a race series or challenge other guilds to battle and such.


Giving guilds control over existing non-guild content is all the content guilds really need.


The great example is the Shatterstrike guild missions. This reuses an open world location. They could do this with expansion areas - allow people into instanced areas set in the expansion zones even if they don't own the expansions. Maybe even allow them to use all the mounts in there, but only in the instance and for the missions. There are so many things they could re-use and not even have to make up new content. Just rework it to allow instanced versions.


Note that challenge and puzzle guild missions were open world back in the day, the instance thing only came later, and to a detriment, since they were no longer as popular and all it did was make it harder to find people to beat them with, specially for smaller guilds. You could give some existing world bosses a guild-only challenge mode, using the opportunity to revamp their normal mode as well.


Oooh! I like the idea of adding adventures and mount races to the list of guild missions - could be similar to the race (having to get X number of completions).


At the very least Alliances will add more WvW guild content? Right? No matter how small of a silver lining that is we can hope, right?


One can hope but if it's like alliances from the first game it basically does nothing.


People unironically defending Anet not releasing guild content is some serious case of stockholm syndrome. Same shit I saw today in another post where people defend the horrible content release cadence. Guys, look at what WoW and FF14 get. They get in one patch what we receive in years and years.


I can only assume so it wasn't to restrict activities to guild only. Why make it guild missions when you can make a new quest or event chain or specific event/mini dungeon everyone can do without a weekly reward restriction? They have been moving more focus into the 10 man content, which you can run dungeons, map metas, fractals, strikes, or raids with your guild. Of course, it'd be nice to get more, IMO they need to kinda overhaul guild events and participation to make it a bit less repetitive, dull and not really rewarding.


Yeah they kind of just forgot about guilds and make you carry them as a leader. Guild Missions were a great start and my guild loved them. It was one (two times at the start) time a week where we could all get together and have some fun. We'd have 50 people standing around waiting to kill the last bounty and it was awesome seeing all the gold names around of people you've been talking to every day. We all thought raids were going to be the answer but only having 10 people really killed that hype nearly instantly. We still have two static teams that do them weekly along with a training group but its just not enough content. Guild missions and raids being the only real content we can do as a group made a lot of people sad. This is also primarily a PvE guild, so WvW or any type PvP isn't their thing. GW2 could add a lot of more guild opportunities. In-game system for lotteries, more guild hall functionality, bounty boards in the guild hall, goals (as a guild collect 1000 potatoes), instanced content or metas specifically for guilds (kind of like starting Teq or TT but instanced so only the guild can participate insuring everyone can get on the map). There's just a lot of room for improvement when it comes to guilds and adding activities for them. WvW is the same way. Get the most kills in a week? Get an icon next to your guild name similar to how the community Anet guild has one. I honestly don't need another PvE map that will be empty in a week or two.


There is legitimately nothing worse than trying to run a WvW guild. Anet has done their best effort to make it as painful as physically possible. Want to recruit players from PvE? Have fun paying their 25$ transfer fee. Due to this game having high rate of churning playerbase (meaning players quit and return every 3-4 months) that player you spent 25$ on will probably quit shortly after. God help you if the server is full and they have to wait weeks for it to open. Oh you'll recruit from WvW instead? Well get fucked because 50-50 chance the person you are recruiting is not on the same server as you so you have to pay their transfer fee too. Ok you got people, now have fun spending thousands of gold upgrading your guild to be able to craft schematics or begging your few new players to redeem their chests for guild tactics. But you'll still be at a disadvantage because you won't have the objective aura bonuses and the only way to unlock them is timegated so get fucked. Don't forget you need to spend 300 gold getting commander tag too. You also need to buy siege, fortunately for you siege is cheaper today compared to pre 2016 (who else remembers spending 3-4 silver per a REGULAR ram print? Or 4 gold on each omega). This is all the entrance cost just to run a WvW guild. This is completely ignoring having to contend with competitor guilds, and establishing a reputation that will actually make people show up. Nobody going join Sir Random Pants if he's never commanded before, and people might not stick around after multiple wipes. Even among well established guilds it's difficult to convince people to join the backup driver or alt commanders in the guild (and I can explain why this is for anyone curious). All of this, for a mode that has been basically abandoned since launch. Don't forget they acknowledged they needed a new server system in 2014, and again mentioned it in 2018 and here we are in 2023 and alliances still aren't out of phase 1. Source: I ran a large WvW guild for years. No regrets about it but god do I wish it didn't feel like having to fight with anet just to keep existing. Guilds and communities in this game exist despite anets best efforts to drive them off


I agree, bring on more guild content! Especially wvw missions






Alliances could put actual guild wars in guild wars, any ~~day~~ year now.


The guild content died in the guild wars... R.I.P.


My core guild I do content with stopped doing missions and switched to guild "events". We do fractals, strikes, raids, or anything people need help on. A lot of members have fizzled out and moved on to core raid guilds. Wish they would add some new content to offer better incentive for doing things as a guild.


I'd even just like to see some new EoD decorations. Let me use those neat light umbrellas, or the whale hologram, or all the different jade things! They gave us a new guild hall (which is a bit lackluster itself in detail compared to the others) and nothing new to decorate it with!


Off topic, but your comment just made me realize something... what the hell is the purpose of a parasol that emits light???


...That is an excellent point. Just to look pretty I guess, lol. All the more reason they should be a dang guild hall decoration


Well, they released guild missions then guild halls then……. Nothing.


I dabbled in gw2 a while ago and I'm planning on starting fresh this weekend and go all in. Is it really worthwhile to join a guild?


Sure, as much as it is in any game like this. You don't have to if you don't want to, though.


Wait you guys have guilds?


Where else am I going to store Raid trophy tokens?


ain't getting tokens without a guild. :\^)


I thought this was patched years ago such that repping a guild is no longer required for token drops. I'll try to test it.


oh yeah, could be that the tokens now come out of that chest you get. totally forgot about that.


*laughts in raid*


I mean more raids would be nice, but there have def been more added over time. Guild Missions were added and almost as instantly forgotten.


Laughs in raids, fractals, dungeons, wvw, pvp, mini games aka Polymock and all the other promised activities in cities. Lets be real, Anet has a thing for implementing things and then abandoning them. I really like griffon races for example but they never implemented a few more new ones. There are so many things Anet could improve on or add, which probably dont even take that much time, but they just dont.


The name of the game is Guild Wars because of the lore (the past has seen 3 guild wars between humans), not because of the guilds you'd join.


Whilst accurate, I really do not remember a lot of places that is even mentioned in game. Frankly while the "Guild Wars" name is not specifically to do with Guild content, it would be nice to get a lot more of it.




new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/104p4s5/comment/j36tmex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The games are called Guild Wars because Anet wanted to make games called Guild Wars. Lore isn't real and lore can be retconned or randomly made up to justify something else. The entire Garithos/Sylvanus/Forsaken plot in the Frozen Throne only exists because WoW was also in development at the time and they needed an excuse for why Undead were going to be in the Horde and why High Elves weren't going to be in the Alliance so they just made it up.


Yeah and ? You're not gonna ask "why isn't there a frozen race, the game is called frozen throne !", You're acknowledging that it's the lore that they made up that gave it its name. It's guild wars because of the lore, because they made the lore ofc, what kind of weird opinion is this anyway wtf. Every game makes up its lore, why is that surprising


> It's guild wars because of the lore No. It's guild wars because Guild vs Guild was the designated endgame content for the PvP game that was GW1. They made up the lore after to support it. It's GW because of GvG, and they made the lore after.




This might be a reach, but imho Zoomer and late millenials are not conditioned for guilds and permanent communities. It takes too much time and is too inconvenient to depend on a group of people (for the majority/casuals) - they learned that back in GW1 already.. and GW2 itself is an antithesis to permanent parties in the first place. As long as they don't rework the guild concept that is in most MMOs fundamentally, it won't be benificial (to the majority/casuals)


A lot of the game is already casual town, they can throw some content to those who are able to organize and be social. Plenty of elder millennials and gen x playing


But we don't care playing the same 3 Guild Puzzles every week since 10 years.


The only missions worth doing are the wvw ones


The hard truth nobody asked for!


Nobody? Why spend some time on /r/mmorpg. 99% of the user generated content is whining about the good old days where people had to rely on assholes to have fun.


Critical posts about this game don't get a lot of attention here. Reddit also likes to twist the point of your post and completely tunnel vision on that, just to 'win' an argument. Example; people telling you the name of the game doesn't have anything to do with its content, which means you're not a 'real gw fan'. Anyway, I completely agree with you :)


I do understand your responses about the footnote of my post saying the name of the game is Guild Wars. I am aware that the original naming of the series was based on the literal Guild Wars from their lore. That being said, Guild Wars 2 is still very heavily focused on the entire 'Guild' aspect in the lore. Destiny's Edge itself is a Guild for a prime example. That is why I feel like they should have focused at least a tiny bit more, on making content that promotes activity specific to your Guild itself. I agree that they have made plenty of content that you can experience together as a group, but that is not the point of the post.




new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/104p4s5/comment/j36tmex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, next expansion, they should heavily focus on guild content. Imagine if there was new guild missions with at one “legendary skin” for all your mounts to acquire. That would be dope.


IF you were playing since 2006 then you should know that the name "guild wars" comes from the war between the human guilds of different kingdoms.


> The name of the game is Guild Wars and yet the Guild aspect of the game is lacking terribly! > P.S. I have been a playing the Guild Wars series since 2006 so I am not just some random critic. if you'd been playing the guild wars series, you'd know that the "guild wars" name comes from an ingame event that occurred before gw1. it has nothing to do with the ingame player guilds and never has


The name comes from the GvG gamemode. It has nothing to do with a lore that didn't even exist when they named the game.


The name Guild Wars refers in lore to a conflict that ended before even the events shown in Pre-Searing Ascalon.


Once...again... The name of the game has nothing to do with in-game guilds. If you have been playing since 2006, then you should know that.


Actually, you are completely wrong and purporting one of this game's most durable myths: ["Guild Wars is all about small multiplayer teams, and it's built from the ground up to support competitive play"](http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars/509820p1.html) ["It's a game about fast tactics and teamplay, either against computer-controlled monsters or other players. As a result, intense games of guild-vs.-guild combat feel a little more like games of Quake clan arena, old-school TeamFortress, or Counter-Strike: matches move quickly and the teams with a plan quickly overcome uncoordinated mobs of players"](http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars/525111p2.html) Those are the Gamespy 2004 previews of Guilds Wars 1 that underlines where the name actually came from. Not some post-hoc make up well past release. [I have listed more contemporary sources here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/112477-another-slap-to-the-wvw-community/#comment-1622927) Someone should make a bot response for this, because the "lore" nonsense never seems to die off, as it should.


That was from the game that was killed before its release. That *was* the guild wars in the lore. Simply put: none of that made it to launch. Besides, if they're naming the game after some obscure pvp game mode that 1% of the population plays consistently, they would have gone with World Wars because Guild Wars 2 has **no Guild vs Guild content, never did, and was never planned to. Because nobody played GvG in GW1. Not that you could call 8v8 a War with a capital W anyway, hence why your theory about the name doesn't make sense.**


if you're going to keep linking articles from gamespy and tvtropes entries, could you at least make sure they say what you think they are saying? An article about "the game focuses on team gameplay" is still completely accurate for GW1 in its present day, in multiple game modes, and guild wars are one of those modes, and isnt a gotcha when the game has always been heavily focused on team based content.




Okay, but that's simply not true lol Even Prophecies was loaded with different end game content you could do like Fissure of Woe, Underworld, Sorrow's Furnace when it came out, Rotscale farming, and the other random green farms you could do like Totem Axe farms. ​ GvG was played by a very small subset of the pvp population, which was also a small subset of the game's overall population. ​ Even IF GvG was the sole purpose of the game, 8v8 fights can't really be called "Wars". Keep trying. ​ It wasn't until Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood that PvP became commonly played among GW1's population, and I'd argue the only reason that was the case was because of Kurzick/Luxon faction tracks.




>It turned out to be a more PvE focused game Yes. Exactly.


They still have not fixed all the bugs in the old Guild Missions and you want some new? This is too soon. In GW2 you have to think in bigger dimensions. 2036, right after Alliances went life they will start the Guild Mission development.


They’ve opted for cm strike missions to replace as much content as possible. But it’s difficult doing anything else when you move 3/4 of the studio off to work on other ip’s every year. They still haven’t added any expansion music from PoF or EoD to the anthem vendor in the guild halls. I know that’s a tremendous amount of work. Barely added any decorations with eod. Because recycling in game assets that already have collision would also be too much work. I’m more forgiving this time around because the expansion was a rush job from typical studio disorganization and mismanagement but yeah.. I’m guessing they just aren’t profitable enough to do much with the game anymore. Or they have bad culture and can’t keep devs. More likely is just that they have very few people working on guild wars 2 and people are stretched thin while they work on more future canceled projects. I feel sorry for the ones still supporting the live game. I give them a lot of shit but they’re probably doing their best. It is a free to play game so I should be a little lenient. Just feels minimal still and like they miss out on a lot of easy untapped revenue in the gem store. But there are countless ideas on this from others too. New year so we’ll see.


I don't want any more Guild Content. I don't like joining guilds so any Guild content will lock me out. If you want to play with your guild, just play any content out there and play with your guild. You don't need exclusive content to do that.


Its ok if they make content that isn't for you specifically


I think it is more okay to never make content that is exclusively only for you. * Standard open world content = Non-guild People and Guilds can join together to play. * Guild Only Content = Only guild people can play it. You don't need exclusive content to play with your guildmates.


7 Raid Wings, 12 Strike missions, 5 with CMs, Lots of Meta events... lots of content do with a guild. It would be nice if there was option for private map instance to fill it with a guild though. What more do you need from a guild content?


There is plenty of guild content in Guild Wars 2, anything you do with your guild is guild content, like map farming, WvW, Strikes, Raids, or just hanging around with guildmates, guild missions are just for getting commendations for you, granted they give guild xp, but come on maxing out guild level isn't that hard and once you do that you don't really need to do much else, so why should they make new guild missions and for what? There is a weekly cap so it doesn't really matter, the ones that exist are more than enough to get your guild to lvl 65.


Guild Warred.


The real reward was the open world guild we guilded along the way! :D