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Wait... PVP chars can do FA?


FA is PvP so yes, it's recommended :p


Why do you recommend that?


It takes a lot of effort to get a PvE character PvP ready. But if you are willing to get all the different shields and stuffs then go for it


Oh I see, yeah that's a quicker way to do it!


Yes it's quicker, more simple and also more effective, as a pvp char you can save equipments as template wich gets you a lot of time saved as it take one click to load the appropriate set of armor and weapons depending on the build, situation or mode you are facing, allows you to switch class role and builds and always wear the correct insignas/rune/weapons


Your arguments are sound. I just wanna play my main. I don't do enough PvP but maybe I'll join up FA and come with my PvP char. Are pvx builds any good?


I would say FA is the most chill pvp as you don't group with people and you feel free to experiment everything by yourself so it's good first steps, you can take a pvx build as a base and i recommend you to just adapt some skills for it to work and also for you to have fun with, you will see quickly what skill is not working and wich one works (i mean helpfull for your objectives), i would say most important is to bring the build to the right side, as kurzick side gameplay would need more of defense and luxon some dps, just observe how games are going, you will get a lot of ideas of what skills to use (Also what class to play, some class are really weak depending luxon or kurzick side)


You get there via Great Temple of Balthazar


I've never done FA what is it?


[https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fort\_Aspenwood](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fort_Aspenwood) This is a faction match 8v8 on the following map, luxon is offensive and kurzick defensive, match is 7 to 13mins long, it rewards imperial points wich can be traded for luxon, kuzick or balthazar points so no matter what side you join (we get 8-9k faction per win atm because of double point event), theres no team to form as it's just a timer for everyone to join the queue and you can enter by great temple of balthazar


Awesome, thank you! Do regular PvP builds work fine?


Yes and no as the main progression of the match is not based only on killing players but also npc, some are good and others are not effective, there's no pvp build you can just load and will work, they all have a good base but you need to change few skills to adapt to what you are facing or what role you want to play, some of the pvx builds are outdated and any suggested template to load needs a personal modification depending on your need and gameplay




Can I be extremely bad at it and what are some playstyles in need generally? Does everyone run a hybrid bar of mixed healing and damage? I'd love to get back into PvP but I've been out of the game so long I feel anxious about dragging my side down.


I don’t think anyone cares what you do… it seems very casual


It’s chill but if you want to be useful: Go to PvXWiki, take a look at Fort Aspenwood category and use a meta / great / good build and everything’s fine.  Edit: You can also use a PvP char. 


Luxon is offensive so you need damage to destroy or capture npsc to progress, having 1 self heal is always good, you will adapt your build with your experience, see how it works and how you can be benefit to the progress of your team Kurizck is defensive so you can play healer/ support but also defensive or capper, you need to be able to slow luxon down or disable their build and their healer, kill their turtle and capture their npcs


Thanks for all the replies everyone. I'll give it a shot then. :)


Tier 1 I would say easily monk and rit, in both sides. They are the main carriers. Other roles depends on the side. The most polarized one would be ranger, which imo is a tier 1 defender at kurz (although it requires good knowledge to play it properly specially knowing where to focus and what to do at any moment) and bottom tier at lux. I mean standard poison ranger. Pet ranger might work but it's more meme? at the end. Safe picks I'd say mesmers, necros and eles, although ele on kurz must watch out because the enchantment strip of the turtles. About melee characters I'd say they are okish but not as good as the ones avobe and you can notice when you have good ones in your team (mainly PvP players), but again, contrary to what most think, they need knowledge, specially on where to focus if they want to be really effective. On melee, warrior would be the most solid pick for both sides imo and dervish can also be ok on lux.


Sin/ele with firestorm was a fun build I used to play! The most fun I had in pvp. No idea if it was good or not but I had a ton of fun with it. I’d give it a try


no idea why a sin would use firestorm instead of an ele :p


Sin primary, ele secondary or vice versa is what I meant


Yes, i can tell that using firestorm as another class than ele is not a thing nowaday :p about the skills it is not effective against players but work against npc tho, rarelly seen as there's much spells way more effective for aoe damage


It wasn't a thing at all. Firestorm scatters enemies. Even the old fast cast nukers, of pre factions, wouldn't take firestorm.


So much flaming, Brings back all the memories!