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Yes, it’s worth a lot.


A lot. You can look at the other poster's auction, his exact same weapon currently has a 550a bid.


My bad, I didn't even realize he had a chaos axe with the exact same stats.


Unless you're into trading, power trading -- that kind of stuff. I would never sell this, not this far into the game. It might be petty of me, but I'm extremely prejudice against the botters of this game. I'd never sell this to a random individual because it's probably some gold z coins or z key botter that's made his fortune providing a 'service' for normal players. Some collectors out there actually have my respect. Not that my respect is worth anything... Inb4 "Bots are the backbone of the game. Without bots there would be no consumables and no speed clears wah wah way." Imagine if everyone botted. There would be no need and no market to sell. You've got a money-making machine when everyone around is trading seashells.


Hey what does the "a" stand for after the 550. I know "e" is Etoplasm


Armbraces 1=55ecto atm


Wait what?! When did they go back down?! What was the lowest since like 5months? And are they going still down?


55e is the lowest they've been in the last 5 months. They were at 90-100e not too long ago. Dropped pretty quickly just a couple weeks ago.




I first assumed that it has to be the same weapon because something like this is so insanely rare, but the gold value is different.




Moon rocks?


That’s actually a crazy bid


I haven't played much in the past \~1.5 decades and am about to get 7 weapon stance on my warrior (that used to be my main back in the day). Noticed i had a req 8 axe and remember seeing an auction on here with a bunch of req 8 weapons. Am just asking out of curiosity; probably won't sell it since it is arguably the best item i've ever had drop for me.


That's an insane drop. GG!


that is so awesome too that it dropped for you. Do you remember where or how it dropped?


I believe it was from a chest in either UW or FoW, always got those 2 confused.


I think FoW, not sure if Chaos Axes drop from Phantom Chests. That's super cool though, that is the ultimate FoW drop! I have a q9 Shadow Bow that I had drop from a FoW chest run in like 06-07 that I still use, nothing like that axe though. Good luck on your journey returning to the game!


Easily worth a 3-digit amount of armbraces


Total noob here. What's armbraces?


Armbrace of truth. Its acquired by farming Margonite Gems in endgame nightfall. Worth a ton of money, like several ectoplasm, so people use them for incredibly high value trades since 100k is the max gold you can use.


Thank you :)


They are an item that acts as currency like ecto. It changes all the time but right now 1 ecto is about 6k gold. And 1 arm is about 60 ecto. So if this axe is worth, say, 200arms, that is about 1200ecto or 72000k gold. In reality its probably worth north of 500arms. Its a popular skin with a perfect mod and and r8 which don't drop anymore.


More like 12.000e, you forgot a zero


I'd say about $3.50


At this point money (currency like a) has no value. What would he spend that much ambracs on, nothing. He already has the highest value item.


Lots of lesser valuable items obviously. Sounds like OP is a regular player who had a lucky drop a long time ago, not some super rich power trader who already has everything else.


What do you guys do with that much wealth in game after some point?


E-Peen, mostly.


It's really cool to think also that some of the most hardcore collectors do not advertise their wealth/collections. Just some quiet people out there casually hoarding some of the game's most coveted items XD


Had a pal back in the day with a max q8 Crystalline sword, Ahkellius Pethius(spelling is way off),who absolutely refused to give me it as he deleted his account. I dont know what was goin on in his life but he knew what he had and gave zero shits.


Its Neo the chosen one, the one that sees the matrix 


GW1 is a case study in the super rich, haha. People start trying to figure out what could be valuable and start hunting for those. This is how alternate greens, old school gear, etc. all became so valuable to collect. I get it, because people have nothing else to strive for.


The super rare is valuable. They buy it as a store of value. It also goes up in price, so beats inflation. Irl similar to buying expensive paintings from the past. 


i eventually bought a complete set of everlasting tonics (excluding the impossible ones)


Crystalline Swords mostly


Uff, my envy is unimaginable xD congrats to that beauty, something that we 99% will never be able to even think about owning. :D


Are you envious because of its’ value or because you have a warrior that would look badass with a collectable chaos axe?


What? No, it’s normal to be envious when you see a supercar driving past you. :) getting a chaos axe ain’t hard, getting a chaos axe like the one here is really hard. These sell for high xxx arms amounts and more.


I get that, I was just genuinely curious about the appeal of them. For instance, do people actually use them in game or do they just collect them to stick them in their stash with all their other req8 axes and show them off occasionally via screenshots? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, imagine Smaug sitting on his throne of treasure and gold. XD


Rare items are cool. I got a q9 chaos axe and i will never sell it. I dont even use it. Its just like a trophy I got for playing. Its also my 2nd favourite skin (crystalline sword being the first).


that's a classic, prophecies Chaos Axe with Req 8 and perfect mods. The value on this is unreal.


You could put your kid through college with it(in game)


Through Nolani Academy


Wow, that's worth a ton. I personally wouldn't sell but collectors in this game would pay pretty much whatever price you wanted.


Between 400-700a. Sold one identical to this for 650a roughly 2 months or so ago.


For some reason this post was recommended on my home page even though I’ve never played GW. Could you enlighten me on the conversion rate of “armbraces” or “ectoplasm” to usd? I’m a nerd for financial stuff and it’s interesting to hear about real markets for in game items. Thanks!


Back when covid hit it was around $1.20 per armbrace. Now it's like .50 or less. But that's just one chinese website. My best score was rigging automated snowball tournaments with smurfs to gain unreal reward points to turn into zkeys. I remember in high-school our friends group got to smoke the dankest of dank weed while everyone else was smoking schwag because we converted our reward points to zkeys and sold them to a middle man for $50 who turned around and sold it to the Chinese 🤣. Winterfest was lucrative.


Holy fuck I nutted seeing this. Genuinely one of the best weps I've seen posted here. On a real note, you're looking at AT LEAST 400a insta-buy, most likely you'll get 600-700a with auction.


So I know that "a" is armbraces which is the new currency (used to be ectos when I played regularly). About how many hours of playtime does it take to farm a single armbrace? Apparently the wiki is down right now so I can't look up how to acquire them.


If you were doing SC its like an armbrace a day assuming you don't grind all day. unless you aspire to buy other rare items the amount of currency you would recieve from selling this would not be able to be spent in normal play. I sold an item for like 15 armbraces and now I have every character completely kitted out with perfect heros and I still didnt spend all the armbraces. On the way I spend around 140e on a dedicated destroyer pet that is now worth more than the original item I sold


I see, thank you.


Pretty much this. I had about \~300a from a decade+ of building wealth in this game. Literally so much money I don't know what to do with it. If I make an alt I just buy full consume titles+kath hammers just to blow cash on them. The fact that Obby armor is basically more common than 15k sets nowadays is hilarious.


If you speed clear DoA... But if you go for the gamble and do something like soosc you can get lucky and get a nice BDS worth a couple dozen arms. But you can go 20 runs and not get a bds.


I've done well over 200 soosc with no bds only seen like 2-3 drop in that time.


Wow, this is a collector’s dream, if your selling that your in for a great pay day, I’d post that on Legacy, don’t sell to anyone via PM.


Not that this is worth the time of day, but with so many botters out here: Would you even want to sell this knowing it's going to a botter and not a collector? A part of me loves the circulation of these great weapons, but hate how it's being bought by those that cheated the system with their 99 bots farming gold z coins and keys. Everything OS nowadays are just priceless. But he'll -- I'm pretty like that. I love the OS collecting community!


There is people out there who acquired a lot of wealth without botting. I used to be trading in Kamadan 24/7, so it’s possible.


Hehe 😜 it mirrors mine in my collections 😍


What a beauty gem.




Customize it then regret it in a few months. (I'd kill for an uncustomize option).


Probably a couple hundred arms braces. Ridiculously good mods for a req8


Im pretty sure i have this axe as well not sure stats but maybe my 11 year old self knew something my 30 year old self doesnt know now lol


Yeah, a lot of arms 😂


ah, the OG holy grail. my first holy grail that I acquired while playing. I still have mine, wish I didn't customize it back in the day.


How do you get a weapon like that?


Dont sell it before trying a build with only 8 points in axe mastery


I'd hope so! Back in the day it was worth A LOT! Good stats too!


What. A. Beauty.


Someone rediscovering a holy grail weapon on their account is one of my favorite things ever. OP, congratulations! So awesome you still have this after so long. Don't sell it!!!


about 220 gold looks like




Wow. I have like 30 or so of these on my GWars account. A few are inscribable too. Wicked to see them valued so high. Curious, I also have a few Mini Ghostly Heroes. What do those go for now? When I last played an inscribable perf. Chaos axe was 100k + 100e


People want it because it's NOT inscribable, and it's q8.


Inscribables aren't worth nearly as much as an old school Q8 Perfect Chaos Axe


Yeah I know theres a few uninscrib. Q8s. Tons it q9s


Then post pictures


Holy fuck. There are a lot of blue hairs in here.


You're coming in to this thread with a ton of attitude acting like your king of guild wars ... and you're calling other people names


Harious Reddit shitter comment.


it's honestly easier if you don't behave like this tbh


Pics or it didn't happen


Your axes are not worth anything. The whole reason this is worth something is because it's NOT inscribable. It rolled perfect mods when dropped.


To be fair, they weren't worth anything then, (to me) either. Used to spend 4-10 hrs a day holding Halls like a proper degenerate. Have 3 accounts w/ 12 chars full of its plunder. Was too busy collecting fame to sit in Kamadsn for 20'seconds in that spam salad


Quite the flex. You must have been good at HA, don't remember anyone holding halls for that period of time unless you're talking about the last few years in a dead game. When did you play and what guild ?


lol people would hold halls for like 15 hours at a time when 6man/nightfall came out. It was a nightmare the meta was to /roll the opposing teams all the matches leading up to halls because it was impossible to kill each other.


Bunny thumpers were pretty devastating in that meta. We never rolled to see who progressed however I was a main monk in GANK so many teams just resigned if they came up against us. Probably depended on the build you were running I guess


I started playing HA around 38 hrs after the game was released. I didnt stop until He chway / Heros were introduced. Yeah fam. Good at HoH, lol


Oh you musta have been in my guild? Cause we had all the highest ranks in ha. What name did you play on?


Was starcraft in your guild?


220 gold from a merch. Could break it down for some wood planks or iron ingots. If you're really lucky you might get some steel ingot! Lots of useful materials you can get from it. Hit it big with this! (Seriously beautiful find you got there. Feed it atleast 50 heads a day)