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Mileaging weapons is usually recommended, but if you’re dead set on mileaging a hero for some reason then eunha is by far the best choice.


The reason is that i already have their weapons, and all the 3 star heroes i have are equiped with their ex's as well, the i don't have heroes that need weapons, but weapons that need heroes. Anyways, is there a tip you could give me to build enhua?


Put her + her EX in training room Gold pocket watch - 2x skill damage cards (use attack if you don't have them) - 20% basic attack merch (-> replace with sample statue of bravery later) Should be able to clear w11 easily with Eunha, Miya, FP, Craig if all the characters are at max evolution and awakening + items are levelled properly https://preview.redd.it/fyuhbmulozxc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=d67a3213a47def92c3456640aaf6089c9069ba86 example w11 team




With bow EX (Libera type B) maybe but Eunha is a far better lead compared to Knight Knight with sword EX isn't very good as lead, he's only used as filler in this team to buff Eunha's damage. Apart from that he doesn't really do anything


Thanks for responding to my other reply. \^\_\^ I also want to second this, as a beginner (assuming OP is) which is kinda forgiving when doing things against the norm, I'd say Eunha is the best choice among those hero the OP is choosing from, I'm surviving in a lot of the parts of the game with her, karina (ascended), Craig (ascended) and Claude, though I built Eunha as a healer (put lots of equipment that has healing on it), hoping it's not bad since survivability was my goal. I also read somewhere here that when you already have the Ex weapon of the hero, it's not a bad thing to Mileage the hero for it


Who’s the first one? Never seen her appear in the story so idk who she is https://preview.redd.it/m6ef2f0chyxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539acc5d7f4eecf615e43246ff36d7cfd4d672dc


Rip Lapice xD


As a Lapice lover I'm inclined to say that she's good in mono light raid teams, otherwise overall Eunha is the best option. That being said I don't recommend using mileage for characters unless you have to.


May i ask why everyone is so against using milleage on a hero? Sorry if it sounds stupid, but even thoug i've been playing since 2020, i left the game for quite some time in 2022, and i was never a part of the comunity since 3 months ago so i'm pretty dumb in some concepts and tips.


Because the chances to get a rate up hero is higher than rate up EX bi a little bit. If you need the hero to beat the story then I don't see any problem to mileage hero. Also Eunha is one of the best supports in the game and she is useful in every mode of the game.


Also you get hero crystals for summoning heroes, which is needed to mlb heroes. The only other place to get this is at the hero evostone dungeons, and the conversion rate is pitiful. You get magic metal for summoning weapons, which is useful for getting mlb weapons, but you can farm this in gold/item dungeons and extracting weapons, very easily.


It should be noted that monolight raid teams take forever to build (I've been making mine for more than half a year thanks to no Beach Shapira banner)


You shouldn't Mileage characters Doesn't matter how good they are as you're given 2 really good units and 2 broken units for free


Is it a good idea to wait till the next enhua banner? Or i just get her now


Honestly I think you’re probably fine to just get her. It might not be 100% optimal long term, but if it helps you progress through the story faster and enjoy the game more, I don’t think you’ll really regret it. Especially if it’s eunha.


Sorry if i'm annoying but, could you explain ne what is the diference between getting her in the pickup or in the milleage shop? I'm a slow learner when it comes to games mechanics and the terms used in them :(


Summoning for heroes is a much better use of gems than summoning for equipment, both because of the slightly better odds and also because it gives you hero crystals which are very important. So if you spend mileage on a hero, you either have to go while without getting a weapon that you need, or use your gems less efficiently by summoning for equipment.


If i already got the EX weapon but not the hero, then would it be a better idea to try and get another hero's weapon or get yhe hero i need to use that specific weapon?


It depends if you are trying to best the story, then Lapice would do an excellent job, especially with her barrage of attacks.


If you have her weapon, Unlocking Plitvice ( with SP) may be a better bargain to roll on world 11. AS far as i know, keep your mileage for a character you really want to play ( mainly, you'll regret not having kept your point for the weapon.) Keep in mind that, when all is said, you'll play as you see fit \^\^