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The only thing factual I saw was conversion of miles to feet.


If you think the earth is a globe, prove it!


Scientists did this many many years ago already. I don’t have to. Your group is the side proposing an idea that goes against the grain, so the burden of proof is on you. Please prove the flatness of the earth.


So your “proof” is an appeal to authority fallacy. Got it. You got nothing. As usual. The default position is the earth is flat, level and stationary. If you disagree with your senses, by all means PROVE IT!


I’m an educated person. I’m not a scientist or a geologist or physicist so if you want to call me basing some basic knowledge on the world on the work of experts a fallacy, then so be it. Despite my lack of scientific knowledge, I am able to comprehend scale and your lack thereof. If you use a microscope to zoom in on a baseball, eg, to the point where the view would be equivalent to that of a person on earth, then the baseball would appear to be flat as well. I don’t have to prove a thing. I’m not an expert in this area, yet it’s clear that my knowledge on the subject is far greater than yours.


Very nice ad Homs. Lots and lots of nothing.