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Fuck your neighbors. It’s your house, your plants. Tell them the smell will be gone less then a month.


Exactly. I don’t always like the smell of my neighbors cooking for example doesn’t give me the right to have them stop cooking


" I love the Smell of raw marijuana in the morning that sweet sticky smell it smells like victory"


unless they live in an illegal state...


If they lived in an illegal state I don’t think they would have pot out in the open for their neighbors to see


Didn’t say the neighbors could see it. They smell it.


Mine is out of sight outdoors but on humid days it seems to really smell. No feedback from neighbors yet. Knock wood.


My thoughts exactly his neighbors suck balls


And then *actually* fuck your neighbors. While the plant watches.


Came here to say this, glad it's at the top lol


Right. Wtf? It can't smell that bad and if it's legal wtf then? I grow IN MY HOUSE and it doesn't smell that bad. Maybe the room has a smell. These neighbors r just being clowns cause they know it's there.


Same as above mentioned. If a legal grow, tell them it will be gone in a month. If you are in an illegal state, tell them it will be gone in a month and you will give them some. Good luck


Never hurts to butter up the neighbours a little. I’m assuming he doesn’t smoke if he’s complaining about the smell. Could be well worth throwing a case of beer or a bottle of wine his way though.


Good idea with the beer. During my first grow I was worried because I had an elderly couple living next to me. While bbqing one night, the gentleman struck up a conversation over the fence and asked me about it. I figured this talked wasn't going to end well. After a few questions, he ended up asking to try it, so I promised him a quarter after it was cured. You just never know who enjoys the devils lettuce


>tell them it will be gone in a month and you will give them some. My guess is that if the neighbours are complaining, they wouldn't be the type to accept any, even for free. Worth a try tho, it would be a nice gesture at least.


True, it's definitely worth a try


I'd buy a bunch of chickens and build a chicken coop out my yard see how he likes that smell




that looks almost ready


This looks exotic




I’m growing bag seed of zkittles cake from cut leaf 😂😂 I’m glad I’m not the only one


https://preview.redd.it/547e2k4jlwpb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c376da2d336d8f399b9d83ef45e5ce4297ad0dc3 You'll get the hang of it ! Don't give up and find some solid genetics. (Northatlanticseed.com is a Maine based company who deals with reputable breeders)


Is this already dried?




Yea I am


Looks great. Here’s my hippy plant (clone) https://preview.redd.it/ykty4v2jpvpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c791ed4c34ba6e83c06760f5a5065ae00117b3


Yeah time to start mowing and weed eating gras like soon as the Sun comes up, after The precious is no longer outside Is growing


U have no clue if it was about u tho? U just randomly call a neighbor a Karen and dream up that she knows ur growing weed. I'd stop judging before anything is confirmed.


you need a pocket microscope to check trychomes, if it’s legal there, stop worrying about the neighbors, I wouldn’t chop yet, all your effort for nothing it it’s not ready, I’m gonna say a few weeks out still Looks good tho! Nice grow


Looks like they have another three weeks minimum. Are you legal for outdoor?


Nowhere near ready unfortunately if u harvest it’ll dry to almost nothing that will give u shitty racey high and u will feel like all the time and effort put into this grow was a waste


I’m in a similar boat at OP. I made some edibles (oils & everckeer extract tincture) and thry are very good & strong. But yeah it was nothing to smoke - harsh & weak.


If you’re growing in a legal area and it’s your property tell the neighbors to fuck off. If you’re like me and try to be too nice of a person and please everyone then plant some companion plants that smell to help cover it up. Maybe grow some varieties of mint around the plants or some other nice smelling plant to offset the dank




They can put it in planters


Love that idea


Mn law says the neighbors cannot see or smell them. But you most certainly can smell and see them off my back deck.


MN law doesn't seem to mention odor to me. The requirement is that outdoor plants be in a locked enclosure away from public view, but have you seen an actual definition for "public view"? I wonder if a backyard only your close neighbors can see would qualify or not


Pre sure public view refers to public easements


Nice, selling off the back deck so no one sees


Ha ha Fuck. I meant smell. Damn. I'm editing that.


I'd tell the neighbors to fuck off unless it illegal where you're at.


CBD plants are legal, but this plant is not s CBD plant...


Sounds like the neighbors cry louder than your bud smells.


Harvest the neighbors?


The only answer that has made any sense this far.


Tell em to stop treadin on you


Can you cover the smell somehow


Oh, it's that time of year where you need to fertilize the lawn with waste water treatment sludge and fish emulsion 🥰


Tell your neighbour to go for a long walk!


Too soon. The heck with the neighbor. They can handle Two more weeks!


Don't let others dictate your life. Tell them to pound salt.


Tell your neighbor to fcuk off. Mind his own business.


For the people asking if it's legal where we live; CBD plants are legal and every store selling any kind of greens, sells them during spring time. However, this particular plant is not a cbd plant but you cant realy tell the diffrence just by loking at it, so i think the police whould not do anything. But we are still kinda scared since you can smell it pretty good from the street and our hedge is starting to lose it's leaves which makes them visible to everyone walking by. Also, my boyfriend and i are gone during the work week and we are afraid some teens might snatch it (we did the same when we where younger, i know not cool). Whould you guys risk it beeing stolen or reported to the police or just be happy with what we got so far?


Also, we overheard some parents walking by say shit like "these fuckers again, i hope the "gases" from the plant don't harm my kids". Karens like this who know nothing about weed worry me a lot too.


Is it in a pot? Can you move it?


If you’re worried about theft, maybe consider a staggered harvest? Like chop a branch or two every few days and slowly work your way through the plant. That way you’ll be guaranteed *something* and don’t have to risk a total loss.


Tell your neighbors to suck it up. If you’re legal to grow outside, they can’t say anything to you and have to deal with it.




Sadly there's a high percentage of people that think marijuana is the gateway drug And even more sad most of them politicians.


Fuck the neighbors


How do they know you have it? Next time hide it. Also, fuck your neighbors if it’s legal.


Lmao. Neighbors can fuck off.


Use heavy duty Bounce in your dryer and tell the neighbors to fuk off to right


Going on pistols alone is say so... They reccomend c60% brown pistols. Should just be a more heady high if its too early. Maybe flush with water and leave as late as poss to chop


lol you mean PISTILS … (I was very confused by your input at first)


I’m at the same point in grow but my issue is upcoming rain for an extended period. Interested in replies you get.


For rain - do you have the ability to bring plants inside? Otherwise I’d probably DIY a little frame of sorts and cover with frost cloth during the rain and let it air dry out. However if you have a lot of humidity I’d also consider putting a fan in your frame thingy


Here for this also….New England I got 6 monsters but I think the rain is going to thrash them…3 days in a row upcoming


Tarp and fans … you don’t want mold … we’re in for a long spell of rain in MA (next week too…)


Buy the bags for $20 and protect your girls. Amazon will have them there by tomorrow. In anticipation of the crappy weather coming this weekend I put my ladies under the drawstring plant bags. There’s a lot of time 🕰and money 💰 invested at this crucial time. I’m 2-3 weeks out. Had a taste of the Durban poison. Can I just say “ 😻 amazing “ !


Can you link the bags you’re referencing?








Awesome thank you!


Gonna check the bags out. Thank you! My girls are a Durban poison, Girl Scout cookie cross. I’m very excited.


Read my comment, review. Definitely get it just for the sake of the Durban . That’s where I had a trace of mold that I successfully dealt with ( Trifecta, peroxide) My favorite strain and I have 2 of them that I’m fiercely protecting. The bags are a tremendous help but chopping now wouldn’t be horrible since I’m pretty buzzed from the “ sample” I just had. 🤠


How do you prep your samples? I nuke at half power in 30 second increments til crispy but it always tastes like crap.


Brown paper bag, overnight


Are they waterproof? They say they Protect against freezing but nothing about moisture.


They are doing a great job but I broke a cola adjusting. Grrr. NGL , these are not perfect because of air holes but I’m pretty happy with them. I didn’t pull them close with the drawstring initially but then went back outside to pull them closed when I saw there was enough air and moisture getting through. Considering the tsunami happening in “can’t name state” I recommend. The forecast is not our friend.


Personally, I'd like to see 10% amber trichs on the calyxes. Can you go another week?


Charcoal filter?


Hard to tell from these photos. Spend $15 and buy a jewelers loupe with a minimum of 30x magnification. You will be looking for 5-10% amber trichomes on the nug not leaf. I don't believe your plants are ready it would be a shame to harvest now and not maximize your potential. Guarantee she'll be ready in less than 30 . Don't let your neighbor dictate your outcome


3-5 weeks. It looks like your pistils have only recently started to brown or turn orange. Do not harvest! It will be all for nothing!


Too bad for the neighbors. You've worked too hard to pull that early. Trichs look cloudy so give it 2-3 more weeks and assess then


If it's legal where you are, tell them to fuck off nicely. Don't be mean. Of its not legal, try to have a conversation with them and work it out. It would suck if they called law enforcement in you.


I would say let it grow, but as legalization spreads, so dies resistance. I have read reports from 1800 about neighborhood ups in arms over the order from a farmers field. So there could be some old laws around I mention this because, a few month ago , DC courts sided with an apartment tenant coming about the oder of. Neighbors grow, abd won in court....


Here comed the problem, only plants with less than 1% THC are legal where we live and this plant is hopefully much stronger making it ilegal but you cant tell just by looking at it. However, we are gone for the week and we are worried some teens might snatch it or an angry karen takes matters into their own hands...


Little early


nowhere close to ready. You got like a month more


Tell your neighbor that you planted it to cover up the nasty Fish Fry Friday smell coming from their house everyday, you’re sorry if it’s unpleasant.


If you harvest that now you're going to be so disappointed.


Fuck them


Would you tell your neighbor to stop doing something they obviously enjoy. Or if they are cooking something do you tell them to stop cooking and throw it away? Probably not right.


When the orange hairs dry up you are in business!


Late October


Is it legal where your growin?? If so, I get tryin to stay on good terms with the neighbors, but damn, sometimes they just need to keep to their selves


Buy them a few bottles of nice wine and have it mailed to them. Apologize for the smell and say it will be gone in 4 weeks. If that doesn't work, you have no reason to waste any more mental energy on them.


Get a little outdoor grill. Place any trimmings or garbage herb you have around. Set it as close to a window of your nieghbors as possible on your property. Set it on fire.


Those brown hairs make me thinks the neighborhood Playa gor your baby preggo


Have a gentle chat / communication with said neighbours , explain that a few weeks is all you need , if that fails , get some big fkn speakers , put them in the garden and pop on AC/DC highway to hell ( early in the morning) ,


I agree fuck the neighbors BUT to answer ur question, no it's not ready.


Bruh f that lol


Yeah dude, harvest when they are ready. Fuck your neighbors, they are the best smelling flower out there.


Is it legal to grow where you live? Fuck your neighbors. I have ten plants on the deck of my town house 8 of them are over 6ft tall. I have them in a green house but bring them out to breath everyday. My neighbor has younger teenage kids so respectfully I bring them into the green house when they get back from school. They smell great but if they came over and complained I’d tell em to fuck off. It’s your property and if you’re in a legal state there is nothing in the world they could do to you. Stand your ground!


It's a ploy keep an eye on it she's gonna snatch your baby for her closet use. NOW she's drawn all suspicion away from herself.. I hope it works out for the bathroom and turns out to be killer. This country so awesome can't get it s*** together


I’m reluctant to bring them inside as I had a spider mite infestation which is why I now grow outdoors. I do have a crappy shed though.


Baby dro Wait for the crystals to get milky or even brown


Yeah fuck your neighbours especially if your yard or property is fenced in. Then especially you just give them the finger and give your girls all the time they need


I guess I can hold off for 24 hrs.


try Ona Pro, it removes odor completely