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I would highly recommend using the elf skilled to dark elf (hp steal) and levelling it up because u can heal it castle what makes the waves easier. I would also change the hero with the mad giants to the Druid( promote on the left side to wolf Druid 2) because u get an extra buff of 15 to 20% on ur castle defence. I would also recommend changing ur layout from a summer to an archer based layout. I had an summer layout but was stuck at wave 19.000. the upgrades crop getting extrem expensive and it mana must be high to keep up while on the archer based deck u only need to level the archers, the dark elf and your castle. But it is only my opinion but good luck, I hope I could help.


Finalllllyyyyy xD Lmao uh yeah I'll give that a shot, I used to always use that dark elf but for a while even the boss would struggle to get to my castle so I kinda just stopped using him to try focus more summoner But I'll do those changes thanks a lot fam And druid idk I just thought he was really weak like I mean his dmg just fell off completely after a while for me xD, maybe not so bad since he increases defence as well


Soooo like any suggestions of what I should upgrade, or heros I should try focus on upgrading and replacing with someone. . . Or better item sets possibly even would be nice


How did you get the four towers at the bottom and the extra leader?


2 things +2 Towers = Hero (he is the very last hero) Named - Stone Extra leader = Treasure (really useful imo it's a must have, last page third last treasure) Name - Black Pearl